Unprofessional - Chapter 3 - funkylittlelad - Shingeki no Kyojin (2024)

Chapter Text

Levi stands before his bedroom mirror a half-hour before he’s supposed to leave for the bar completely dumbfounded for two reasons: one, he’s not really sure what to wear and two, he has no idea how these things work.

“These things” of course refers to going out for drinks with your co-workers. It’s something he’s never done because, well, he’s never liked anyone he’s worked with before enough to want to get drinks or have dinner with them. Christ, he’s not even that friendly with anyone at work besides Erwin and Hange. He’s talked to Mike approximately once and only agreed to go out because he knew Erwin would be there. If he shows up at the bar and finds that the bastard isn’t there for whatever reason, he knows he’ll just drive his ass back home.

Furlan and Isabel had come over for dinner the Thursday evening after Hange invited him and couldn’t believe Levi had agreed.

“Are you sick or something?” Isabel had asked him.

“Yeah,” agreed Furlan. “You never say yes to that type of sh*t.”

“Well, I did this time,” Levi had replied.

Why? We’re lucky if you agree to have dinner with us,” Isabel went on. “And now you’re suddenly interested in going out for drinks with co-workers?”

Admittedly, Levi had declined Furlan and Isabel’s dinner proposals several times. But, they’ve been best friends for years and Levi knows neither of them took offense to it. Socializing for long periods of time- especially after work- just wasn’t his forté. Besides, they came over to his apartment at least a few times a month anyway. It wasn’t like he never saw them.

So, it was over dinner that Thursday night that he told the two of them about Erwin.

When he was done speaking, Isabel was the first to say, “I knew it.”

“Knew what?” asked Levi.

“That there had to be some other reason you’re going,” she explained. “No way you agreed to drinks only for drinks.”

She had always been a smart girl.

As she and Furlan left that night, she said, “You have to tell us how it goes with that guy. We want details, Levi.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Levi had replied as he shooed them out of his apartment.

So, not wanting to disappoint his friends and really hoping he could get some alone time with Smith, Levi found himself changing his outfit a total of three times before leaving for the bar.

The bar isn’t far from his apartment. It’s smack-dab in the center of downtown- a place that Levi doesn’t find himself visiting often. He doesn’t really like the busy parts of cities; he’s always preferred the quieter outskirts of all the places he’s lived. It’s nice to have a place that feels like his own away from all the hustle and bustle of city life.

Levi takes the fifteen-minute drive as slowly as he can and reminds himself that it’s too late to cancel. It’s not as if he really wants to bail, but he feels laughably out of his element. He thinks that the last time he went out drinking with anyone other than Furlan and Isabel must’ve been in college. Since graduating, he hasn’t felt the need to go out in order to have fun.

He can’t see inside the bar when he pulls into a space just outside its entrance because the windows are tinted. Stepping out of his car, he prays that the night goes smoothly.

“He’s coming,” says Mike.

Erwin, Hange, Mike, and Moblit have all been at the bar for nearly a half-hour by the time Levi is pulling in. Mike, who’s always been the most observant out of the four, was playing their lookout. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the window since they’d gotten there and only looked away once he saw Levi getting out of his car.

“That’s the guy?” asks Moblit. He’s seated by Hange and watches Levi head for the door.

“Not what you were expecting, huh?” Hange says, elbowing him lightly in the ribs. They also can’t seem to take their eyes off of Levi.

Moblit shakes his head. “I don’t know what I was expecting,” he replies. “He looks scary.”

“That’s just his face,” Hange assures him.

Erwin supposes that to those who don’t spend much time around the man, Levi does look a little harsh. Hell, he’s known the guy for nearly two months at that point and is still intimidated by him sometimes. But, he knows that deep down, Levi’s nice… at least, when he wants to be, that is.

“So… what’s the game plan here?” asks Hange. Levi has just opened the door to the bar and is stuck in the lobby waiting behind a crowd of people. He’s too short to spot Erwin’s table over the crowd- unless he fancies pushing his way through.

“Game plan?” Mike asks. “What the hell do you mean ‘game plan’?”

Moblit raises both brows. “We have a plan?”

No,” says Erwin. “We don’t. I told all of you that I wanted this to just be a normal night.” He glares at Hange. “No plans.”

“So, we’re playing it cool?” asks Moblit.

“And just how cool are we playing it?” Hange adds. Moblit nods after their question as if it was a good addition to his own.

Erwin- who’s a bit flabbergasted- stumbles over his words before speaking next. “We’re not playing anything,” he finally says. “Just… be normal, alright? This is supposed to be a night out with friends.”

A round of nods and muttered agreements make their way around the table. Hange opens their mouth to say something more but stops. Their eyes lock on to where Levi has pushed his way out of the lobby. In true Hange fashion, they begin waving him over to the table like a psycho. Erwin is just grateful they don’t call out his name or do anything mortifying.

“You made it!” Hange exclaims. They scoot closer to Moblit in the booth in order to make room for him.

“I made it,” Levi repeats under his breath.

Because Erwin and Mike are so tall, they share one side of the booth together. From where Levi sits on the other side by Hange, he has a perfect view of Erwin from across the table. Erwin’s quite grateful that Mike figured out that solution; he doesn’t know where he’d be without his friends.

It takes Levi a while to open up to them. He’s quiet throughout most of their beginning conversations- only ever speaking unless he’s spoken to. Everyone does their best to make him comfortable, and Erwin notices that he seems to genuinely appreciate the effort. He chuckles lightly at every joke and, very gradually, begins to break out of his shell.

The alcohol helps too, obviously.

Since they’re marrying Moblit- a man who can outdrink just about anyone in the world- Hange vows to stay sober for the night. They’re not the best driver normally, so getting behind the wheel even the slightest bit tipsy could spell disaster. Besides, there was no way in hell anyone was going to let Moblit drive home after the copious amounts of drinks he’s downed. Mike doesn’t drink much- just a beer or two over the course of the hours that they’re together- and is more than capable of driving the ten minutes back to his home.

Erwin and Levi, however, drink as much as they want.

Erwin drinks for a single reason: he’s within walking distance of his apartment. It’s quite literally just around the block and not even five minutes away. He didn’t even have to drive over to the bar. Levi drinks because he plans to stay at the bar as long as possible in hopes of getting Erwin alone- a plan that he doesn’t mind getting drunk for. He figures if things get too out of hand he can just always call Furlan or Isabel.

It takes a lot to get Levi drunk, Erwin and his friends soon discover. Erwin’s tipsy after his first few drinks and Levi- who’s drunk the same amount as him- barely seems fazed. In fact, the only thing that indicates he’s inebriated is the redness of his cheeks and nose. Other than the flush, he’s his normal self.

Hange- apparently wanting to play scientist- makes a suggestion. “Indulge me for a second, fellas,” they say. They sling an arm over Moblit and Levi’s shoulders on either side of them. There’s a devilish look in their eyes.

“Oh, no,” says Mike.

“Hange,” Erwin says, a warning more than anything else. When there’s alcohol involved, Hange’s ideas are almost always bad ones.

Come on,” they whine. “You don’t even know what I was gonna suggest!”

“Knowing you, it was probably a drinking contest,” Mike replies. He gives them a look that asks ‘am I wrong?’

Hange frowns. “Okay… so what if that was what I was gonna ask,” they say. “It could be fun! We’re in a bar for christ’s sake.” They point a finger between Erwin and Mike. “Don’t act like you aren’t interested in who would win.”

“It’d be me,” says Levi.

What?” Moblit’s floored at the man’s words. “No way in hell could you beat me.”

Hange rubs their hands together fiendishly and orders a round of beers for everyone but themselves. When they arrive, Hange announces the rules. “Whoever finishes theirs the quickest wins,” they say.

“That’s it?” asks Levi.

They nod. “That’s it.”

Mike and Erwin look anxiously at one another. “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Erwin asks as he turns back to Levi. “Moblit’s-”

“Ruthless,” Mike finishes.

Levi scoffs. “Oh, please.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ve got this.”

Hange pulls their phone out of their pocket and goes to their stopwatch. They set the device down on the table and wait until both Levi and Moblit have their glasses in hand. “Ready. Set,” they say. “Go!”

It’s over in ten seconds. Moblit, unsurprisingly, finishes first. He slams his glass down on the table maybe a tenth of a second before Levi does and throws his hands up in the air in victory. Still, he has to give credit where credit’s due; Levi held his own. In fact, nobody has ever been able to keep up with Moblit as well as him. Erwin smiles to himself, mostly because he was watching Levi’s throat bob with his every drink.

“Holy sh*t!” Hange yells. They grab Levi by the shoulders and shake him wildly before whipping back to Erwin and Mike. “Did you see how close that was?”

Mike leans over to glance at Hange’s phone on the table and sees that the clock is stopped at 10.2 seconds. He whistles and gestures to himself, Erwin, and Hange. “Certainly beat us three.”

Though Levi lost, Erwin’s oddly proud. He doesn’t know why, exactly, but he is. Levi doesn’t seem discouraged by his loss, either. If anything, the drinking contest is what brings him completely out of his shell. Not even a minute after it’s done he’s joking around with everyone at the table as though they’ve been friends for years.

Around eleven, Hange claps their hands on Moblit’s shoulders and announces they should go. The two of them crawl out of the booth and when Moblit stumbles, Hange mutters, “I should’ve cut you off an hour ago.”

A wave of goodbyes ripples throughout the table. The three still at the table wave all the way until Hange and Moblit reach the door. Erwin watches the two of them climb in their car and- though they can’t exactly see him- waves goodbye for a final time that night.

Mike stays for maybe another forty-five minutes to fully sober up. “And you two are sure you can make it home?” he asks once he’s out of the booth and pulling on his jacket. “Because I can drive you. It’s no big deal.”

“We’re fine,” Erwin assures him. Even if he’s more than tipsy at that point, he knows he can make it home just fine. He knows that Levi feels the same.

“Alright,” Mike replies. He pulls his car keys out of his pocket. “Just call if you need me.”

When he’s out of earshot, Levi mumbles, “Didn’t know he was such a mom.”

Erwin chuckles and nods in agreement.

Levi’s movements are languid and utterly relaxed, like a cat basking in the sunlight. His cheeks are completely flushed and he rests one in the palm of his hand. When he speaks, his voice is slower and softer than usual. “You know,” he says. He’s watching the ice in his drink slowly begin to melt and Erwin can’t take his eyes off of him. “I didn’t think I’d like you guys so much.”

Erwin’s too drunk to attempt to decipher what Levi’s saying, so he asks, “What d’you mean?”

“You’re all… teachers, you know,” he explains. “So, I thought that meant you’d be boring. But… you’re fun.” He glances slowly up at Erwin. “I had fun.”

Erwin can’t hide his smile. “I’m glad, Levi.”

“‘S funny how everyone left us alone, though,” Levi suddenly says. A smirk is beginning to pull at his lips. “What a coincidence,” he teases.

“How come?” Erwin asks, despite knowing that Levi’s one-hundred percent onto him. In any case, it’s not like he explicitly asked Hange, Mike, or Moblit to make sure he and Levi were the last ones at the bar; everyone just inferred it themselves that that was what Erwin wanted. It’s not like he’s a difficult man to read- he’s certainly much easier than Levi.

Erwin’s question seems to flip a switch inside Levi. He sits up with a renewed source of energy and leans on the table ever-so-slightly, his eyes on Erwin the entire time. “Oh, come on,” he says. His voice is velvety smooth. “Your friends just so happen to leave you alone with the guy whose brains you wanna screw out? I’m not buying it.”

“It’s the truth,” Erwin lies, fully aware of the fact that Levi knows he’s lying. If Levi wants to play this game, then he’s more than happy to indulge him.

Levi hums. “You’re funny,” he says. Below the table, one of his shoe-clad feet has begun to stroke Erwin’s calf. Erwin makes no move to stop him, mostly because he loves the attention.
He’s always been a bit of a whor* whenever alcohol is involved.

“Don’t act like you aren’t enjoying this,” Erwin tells him. He, too, leans on the table until his face is just mere inches from Levi’s.

Levi’s tongue darts out to wet his lips. His eyes rove up from Erwin’s chest to his face. “I didn’t think you’d ever make a move,” he says. “Thought that maybe you’d just think about f*cking me over your desk instead of actually ever doing it.”

Apparently, alcohol kills Levi’s filter altogether.

Erwin can’t even be embarrassed about the fact that his attraction to Levi is so obvious. Honestly, he doesn’t care about it one bit. He’s kind of impressed that Levi has managed to figure out his fantasies so well. “I’ve wanted to,” he admits. “You have no idea how often.”

“Tell me.”


The flush on Levi’s face somehow grows darker. The two of them are so close together that they’re practically breathing the same air. If either of them were to get any closer, their noses would brush. Neither makes a move to pull away.

Because he’s drunk, Erwin decides to take a risk. He figures his sober self can tell him what a bad idea this is in the morning. “My apartment’s not far,” he says. “It’s right around the block.” He knows that if Levi says no, he can just get drunker to forget the rejection.

“You’re suggesting…?” Levi trails off. It’s not an actual question, Erwin knows, he just wants to hear him say it.

“That I f*ck you so hard you forget your name.” He leans back in the booth. It’s not something he’d normally ever say- usually he’d be mortified by saying it. It’s cheesy and forward and really it’s a miracle he managed to say the words so smoothly. He thinks that in the morning he’ll be humiliated by the phrase. “Sound good?”

The shiver that runs up Levi’s spine is visible. “f*ck.” He laughs breathlessly. “f*ck, yeah, it does.”

They’re scrambling out of their booth, paying, and leaving the bar in just a couple of minutes.

The second they’re out of the building, Levi yanks Erwin into the alley next to the bar. He walks the two of them backward until his back collides with the brick and pulls Erwin by his shirt collar down to his level. The action surprises the other man and he nearly trips, splaying both hands on either side of Levi’s head in order to steady himself. God, it still surprises Levi just how tall the blonde bastard is compared to him. He looms over him- all blue eyes and a drunken smile- and Levi can’t help pulling him down into a kiss that can only be described as bruising. Erwin recovers quickly and rests his hands on Levi’s waist.

Considering that they’ve both been drinking, the kiss is surprisingly less messy than what Levi had been anticipating. Sure, it’s mostly teeth and tongue and they’re both panting into it, but it’s a kiss nonetheless. Levi stretches up on his tiptoes and digs his fingers in Erwin’s hair- tugging harshly on the golden strands. The action causes a sound to rumble deep in his chest and Levi barely processes that the noise is a laugh.

He pulls back. “What?”

“Nothing.” Erwin can’t seem to stop smiling. His lips are red from how roughly they’d been kissing. “You’re just not what I expected.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Levi’s reaching for the collar of his shirt once more. Now that he’s felt just how strong Erwin is- because f*ck he quite literally has him pinned against the wall- he doesn’t think he’ll ever be satisfied with just one kiss.

Erwin licks his lips before leaning down. “The opposite,” he says before kissing Levi.

Erwin kisses unlike anyone else Levi’s been with. He somehow knows exactly what Levi wants and when he wants it and it’s kind of driving him insane. His hands have slipped from Levi’s hips in order to reach around and grab his ass, an action that results in Levi being pulled even closer to the man. They’re so close, in fact, that their hips are nearly pressing together. Erwin slots a thigh between Levi’s legs and the friction causes him to let out a wavering moan against his lips. Levi clings to the other man by bunching his hands in his shirt and kisses him fervently.

Levi’s enjoying himself so much that he thinks maybe, just maybe, he’d be content with making out with Erwin in this alley for the rest of the night. He hasn’t done something so bold since college. Hell, he’s never felt lust like this since he was that age, either. He wants Erwin in a way he didn’t know was possible.

And that’s when he remembers his apartment is only a block away.

“f*ck,” he says frustratedly. On one hand, he wants Erwin to keep him pinned to this wall. On the other, he really, really wants to be in his bed. He plants his hands on Erwin’s chest in order to prevent him from kissing him again. “We-your-” he can’t exactly think clearly- “f*ck. You know what I’m trying to say.”

Erwin chuckles and manages to steal another kiss because it’s not like Levi actually wants him to stop kissing him. He just knows that if they don’t get out of this alley soon their night together is going to end before it can even really begin.

“Your apartment,” Levi finally manages to say.

Erwin seems to realize that they’re very much still in an alleyway and laughs. “My apartment,” he repeats (a little breathlessly, Levi notices). “Right.”

The maybe five-minute walk down the block is the longest walk of Levi’s life. Christ, he doesn’t feel like anything has ever taken so long. For a while, they walk side-by-side and their arms brush against each other. The touch of that alone- because Levi can’t wait to fully get his hands on Erwin- is enough to send him into overdrive. He very nearly considers saying “f*ck it” and pulling him into another alley just so he can touch him as soon as possible.

And then, they’re standing before a tall, skinny brick building. Erwin steps inside and murmurs “third floor” into Levi’s ear when he walks past him.

The elevator they step into is old and, very fortunately, empty. Hardly anyone uses it at this time of night. Erwin doesn’t even wait until the doors are fully closed before grabbing Levi and pushing him up against the wall. Levi tosses his head back once Erwin goes to plant kisses along his jaw- skull thumping into the metal of the elevator. He gasps out when Erwin’s teeth gently graze the sensitive skin. He’s scrambling at his clothes- popping every button and opening every zipper he can- when a ding rings out throughout the tiny space. The elevator comes to a stop.

Once in the hallway, Erwin begins scrambling with his keys. It’s only a short walk to his apartment, but Levi is grateful they don’t come across any other tenants. He thinks that if anyone were to see the state the two of them are in, they’d be scarred for life.

Erwin can’t seem to unlock his door fast enough. But finally, after hearing the satisfying click of the lock, he’s pulling Levi inside. Instead of Levi being pushed against the door, Erwin finds that he’s the one being pinned this time. Levi is on his tiptoes with his hands buried in Erwin’s hair, ruining it to the best of his ability. His hands fly to the buttons of his shirt he didn’t undo in the elevator and that stupid f*cking tie that he has no business looking so good in. Erwin’s the only man he knows who can pull them off so well and it’d piss him off if it also didn’t turn him on so goddamn much.

Because he’s drunk, undoing someone else’s shirt is a challenge. Levi pulls back from their kiss in order to finish undoing the final two buttons, brows drawn down and his lips pursed in concentration. “Shut the f*ck up,” he says when he hears Erwin chuckle at him. He pops the shirt open and doesn’t even give Erwin time to process it before he’s yanking him down for another kiss.

One of them moans against the other’s lips, but Levi can’t tell who it is. It’s probably him, he guesses. He’s always been loud in bed- a fact that’s only amplified with booze. When Erwin slips both hands under his ass and lifts, Levi gasps. His legs wrap around the man’s waist and he holds back a groan. Erwin holds him as if he’s nothing and god, it’s perfect.

They stumble through the apartment- Erwin carrying Levi for most of the journey until he trips on something and the man in his arms smacks the back of his head against the wall. “f*ck,” Levi hisses, a hand darting behind his head to cradle it.

“Sorry, sorry,” Erwin apologizes. He puts Levi down and leans him against the wall, hands cupping his face as he dips down to kiss him.

Levi doesn’t care, actually. He’s not that hurt and it’s kind of his fault Erwin tripped in the first place; he’d been the one who insisted that they kissed the entire walk to his bedroom. It was only a matter of time before something went wrong. “Don’t worry about it,” he murmurs against Erwin’s lips. He was going to wake up with a headache from all the alcohol tomorrow anyway.

Instead of carrying him, Erwin walks the two of them backward until he’s lightly kicking open the door to his bedroom and pushing Levi inside. He lands on his back against the mattress, chest heaving and lips swollen as he gazes up at Erwin looming over him.

His shirt is completely undone and just barely hanging over his shoulders. The tie that once looked presentable now hangs loosely against his neck and chest- a chest that Levi notices is sculpted and firm. His hair is a complete mess from Levi’s fingers; the blonde strands stick up at just about every angle and some fall just slightly over his eyes. The light from the streetlamps outside on the sidewalk flood in through the window in his room, casting a warm, golden glow against his skin.

He’s beautiful, Levi thinks. And then he thinks it’s not fair that someone gets to look as good as him.

And then he thinks he’s incredibly lucky that someone who looks like that is interested in him.

Any other thoughts he might have about the matter (which, he really doesn’t have many) are put out of his mind when Erwin settles over top of him on the bed- thighs slotted on either side of Levi’s hips. He goes for Levi’s shirt and Levi helps him out by sitting up slightly to pull it off. When it’s off, Erwin’s teeth and lips are latching onto any expanse of skin he can find. He trails opened-mouth kisses from Levi’s jaw, to his neck, to his chest. Levi gasps and sighs with every kiss, too enraptured in the feeling of them to know anything else.

They take off the rest of their clothes in a flurry of limbs and fabric. It takes them a while, considering they’re so uncoordinated, but they laugh through it. With anyone else, Levi knows, what they’re doing would be awkward. But it’s not because it’s Erwin he’s doing it with and that realization causes him to flush.

When they’re both naked, they resume their previous position on the mattress. Levi clings to Erwin- one hand back in his hair with the other pulling him down so they can kiss- and whines when he stops kissing him in order to shift and nibble his ear. And while the noise would usually embarrass Levi, he’s too drunk to care about it now. Besides, it only seems to spur Erwin onward; he resumes his harsh kisses just seconds later until Levi is breathless.

He uses one hand to hold himself above Levi while the other blindly reaches for his bedside table. Several things get knocked off of its surface and Erwin curses under his breath, turning to look at what exactly the hell he’s doing. Levi takes his lapse in focus and uses it to wrap both arms around his neck and pull himself up just slightly so he can adorn his neck and collarbone with the same purple and red bruises that are now covering Levi’s pale skin. It’s only fair, after all. He shouldn’t have to be the only one who looks like a complete wreck.

Erwin hums lowly at the feel of Levi’s lips against his skin- gasping lightly when he suddenly grazes a space below his jaw with his teeth. It’s the first real noise he’s made since they’ve started and Levi smirks triumphantly.

A bottle of something falls to the bed. Lube, Levi realizes. Erwin doesn’t even bother shutting the drawer to his nightstand and instead leaves it open in order to kiss Levi once more. He pulls back and gazes down at him, practically panting with his every breath. “You okay?” he asks him.

Levi nods frantically- mostly because he thinks if he’s not f*cked within the next five minutes he’ll die. “‘M good,” he replies.

“You’re sure?” Erwin asks. “We can stop if you-”

“Erwin,” says Levi. Their chests are pressed flush together and he can feel how painfully hard the both of them are. He plants a kiss to the tip of Erwin’s nose, then a soft peck to his lips. “I’m fine.”

Erwin smiles. “Good.”

Their current position is too intimate for Levi, and the way Erwin gazes down at him doesn’t help. It’s not as if he doesn’t like it, but it’s too personal for what this is: a drunken hookup with your coworker. “Turn me over,” he murmurs against Erwin’s lips.

Erwin doesn’t waste a second before complying. He grabs Levi’s hips and flips him effortlessly; his strength causes Levi to let out a soft moan against the sheets. Levi arches his back with his ass in the air and lets out a surprised groan against one of Erwin’s pillows when he begins to stretch him with his fingers. He hadn’t even heard him uncap the lube. The fabric of the pillowcase is gripped so tightly between his hands that his knuckles go white.

The size of Erwin’s fingers- because they’re much, much bigger than Levi’s- makes Levi think that this is one of the best things he’s ever felt in his life. It helps that Erwin knows exactly how to use them- he f*cks that sweet spot inside of Levi until he’s practically mewling against the mattress. From his spot behind Levi, Erwin uses his free hand to press down on his back and deepen his arch. The change in angle has Levi crying out, eyes practically rolling into the back of his head and he feels f*cking ridiculous that someone’s goddamn fingers can make him act like this.

He’s lying to himself, he knows, because in all actuality he loves it.

He rocks himself back on Erwin’s fingers shamelessly and whines as they f*ck him. The feeling is good- god, it’s so much better than good- but it’s not enough. Besides, hadn’t Erwin promised him something back in the bar? Like hell Levi’s going to come before he gets his co*ck.

Levi goes to speak when he’s promptly silenced by Erwin fitting a third finger inside of him. He feels himself stretch around the digit and the slight burn it sends up his spine is strangely euphoric. “f*ck!” he cries out.

The smirk on Erwin’s face is practically audible.

“f*ck, f*ck, please,” Levi babbles. He’s still rocking back on his fingers but he doesn’t even care.

Erwin hums. “Please, what?”

f*ck you,” Levi snaps. His moan is practically a scream when Erwin curls his fingers just so inside of him. He’s too far gone to be embarrassed about the words that come out of his mouth next. “Please. Please, f*ck me, oh my god, Erwin.”

Erwin slowly eases out his fingers and Levi whimpers with the loss of each one. He doesn’t mourn for long though when he hears the familiar crinkling of foil. Erwin puts on the condom so quickly- and with so much experience, Levi realizes belatedly- that Levi doesn’t even have a chance to glance back at him before the head of his co*ck is pressing against his ass.

If three of Erwin’s fingers make Levi feel the best he’s ever felt, then his co*ck is quite literally heaven on earth.

He genuinely thinks he blacks out for a second once Erwin enters him fully. He’s never felt so stretched- so full- in his entire life. A string of curses falls from his lips and he doesn’t even hear himself because he’s too focused on the feeling of Erwin inside of him. The only thing Levi can think at the moment is holy sh*t why hadn’t they done this sooner.

Because while he’d always assumed that sex with Erwin would be good, he never imagined it would be on this level. When he first met the guy, he hadn’t even known if he could f*ck. Now, though, now Levi feels like an idiot for ever thinking that.

When Erwin starts to move, he doesn’t take it slow. Instead, he grabs both of Levi’s hips so hard that his fingers threaten to leave bruises and pulls out before slamming all the way back in in one motion. The movement forces a harsh moan from Levi’s throat and every sound he makes only reminds him how good he feels. He doesn’t even feel bad for Erwin’s neighbors who can certainly hear him through the walls. Any future noise complaints are Erwin’s problem, not his.

Most men Levi slept with had been rough with him in order to dominate. They wanted him to know who was in charge and nothing else. That’s not at all how Erwin is. He’s rough with Levi because he can tell just how much Levi loves it. His intensity with Levi is all about wanting to make him feel good, and no one has ever done that before.

One of Erwin’s hands snakes its way up Levi’s back and tangles in his hair to press him facedown into the mattress and this time Levi’s eyes do roll into the back of his head. Erwin’s hands are so large that they practically engulf his entire f*cking head. He chokes out a whine that’s muffled by the sheets and loses himself in the bliss of Erwin f*cking him.

“God, look at you,” Erwin murmurs. His voice is a low growl that somehow makes Levi burn even hotter. He slams into him with every word and shows no signs of stopping.

He thinks that he would let Erwin do anything he wanted to him.

His co*ck is trapped beneath his belly and the sheets but he doesn’t care. He knows that he can come untouched because of Erwin’s co*ck. Every thrust sends Levi closer and closer to the edge until he’s a babbling mess who can’t think of anything else but Erwin, Erwin, Erwin. “Oh my f*cking god,” he moans.

The hand in Levi’s hair yanks hard and his entire torso is lifted up off the bed. His eyes snap open- he has no idea when they closed- and he lets out a gasp that turns into a stuttering moan. Erwin pulls Levi up until his back is flush with his chest and untangles his fingers from his hair. Levi is about to whine in protest when the palm that was once in his hair claps over his mouth. The groan he lets out is muffled against Erwin’s skin. “Quiet,” Erwin murmurs, though he doesn’t actually seem bothered by Levi’s noise at all. His voice is right by Levi’s ear and he shivers.

Levi is about to snap something in reply- a ‘make me’ or a ‘f*ck you’- but he’s properly silenced by a particularly brutal thrust. He’s being f*cked so hard and so well that he swears to god he feels tears pricking the backs of his eyes.

Erwin’s other hand remains firmly rooted to Levi’s hip in order to hold him up. He’s close, Levi can tell because his thrusts have gotten more erratic and he’s moaning under his breath. Every sound he makes is amplified in Levi’s ear and he thinks that he’d pay to hear his voice like this every day.

Levi moves his head just slightly until the flat of Erwin’s palm is pressed against his cheek and takes the tips of two of Erwin’s fingers between his lips. He hears Erwin gasp and smirks around the digits before sucking them further into his mouth. Erwin chuckles as he mutters, “You look so pretty like this.”

And f*ck, if that’s not the hottest thing he’s ever heard in his life. Nobody’s ever called him pretty before- he didn’t even know he wanted them to. He whimpers pathetically at the word and feels his cheeks burn with something more than embarrassment. It’s humiliating how a simple compliment sends him over the edge.

Levi comes moaning and nearly drooling around Erwin’s fingers with his co*ck completely untouched. He squeezes his eyes shut and there’s a flash of white, then a wave of pleasure so intense is washing over him he feels as though he could drown in it. Erwin lets him go, allowing him to fall completely boneless to the bed as he gasps and his chest heaves. He hears himself cursing but has no idea what he’s saying. For a second, he sees stars.

It’s only as Levi is coming back down to reality that he feels Erwin still inside of him. One of his hands has returned to Levi’s hair and his fingers tug on the strands, nails scraping against his scalp. Levi is so f*cked out that all he can do is whine. Erwin groans- the loudest and prettiest sound he’s made the entire night- and it’s almost enough to make Levi hard again.


He comes with one final tug to Levi’s hair and Levi rocks back against him through it. He leans down to kiss the back of Levi’s neck, his ear, and the parts of his jaw he can reach. Levi hums contently and blooms under the affection. They lay like that together for a while- Erwin’s bulk on top of Levi and his warmth surrounding him.

When Erwin pulls out and tosses away the condom, Levi moves his head to the side- one cheek still resting on the pillow- and mutters, “Not bad for a history teacher.”

He doesn’t say that Erwin f*cked him so hard he forgot his name for a while.

Erwin can’t say he remembers how the rest of the night went. He knows that Levi didn’t go home immediately. He remembers curling up with the smaller man in his arms, but he doesn’t remember falling asleep. He doesn’t know how when he looks at the clock it’s four hours from when he got home.

When he wakes just shy of five in the morning, Levi isn’t there.

Unprofessional - Chapter 3 - funkylittlelad - Shingeki no Kyojin (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.