The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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The Daily Iberiani

New Iberia, Louisiana

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WEEKLY IBEKIAN cIAL JOURNAL CITY Of NEW IBERIA LA OFFICIAL JOCRNAMBKR! A PARISH SCHOOL ROAKfl g- NEW IBERIA LOUISIANA TtUKSUAV NOVEMBER 93 NUMBER 19 jrjv NIKVAS A NOTES tf Philip Sarkies WARD TO BALANCE SIXTH EQUAL NEGRO ADMITS ENTERING MANY HOMES IN CITY JUDGE CRABITES SAYS SUGAR IS STRANGLED OF PARISH VOTES The above is an event tluil will hold the interest of everyone young and old boys and girls men and women The letters NIKVAS stand tor New fceria Ki-wanis Variety Amateur Show Xhe greeteft variety show of its kind tw be presented to the people of this community The event will take place at the New Iberia High School Gymnasium gn December 5 Tuesday at 8:00 In next week's paper we will give you a complete program dl tlto performance At present ten people art in charge of working the program up and about 200 performers will entertain yoa on Xuts-day December 5 Make it a date for that tvwnt mdl you will be glad you did Sis Ti' tieiiitis of flwria aie spnn-oid A hoys 4 Xlwria ifgh Tl public men feierously (heated 9500 for the i'iire ef sUiriie" a eliait spsteua for -eeding ef tie4 swijie poultr vrintfjie ef this system is furnish eipfl toys fhe iriculfun4 Chapter with puie hied swine apiece Su tine th e-f ftee boys mill gite aay tw ef his firtf litter fu after uein-fers of tie atc-pter Xley in furai will da likewbe-fhiei forming feifeit clwin system ef pwe ftued swiae A siiaiibit method will fe aied fw tte distribution af puiv hied poultrs tkr laminend fie itotarians for helping this new hut eell-sirganizeif agricultural cliaptaf wchiese eito ai efs impcaViit uiins At tli Insane gf I) to gify polios cers Horace Hazard was arrested in Abbeville end brought to New Iberia By TVhito ireleeeeif wtatltor ieterfrived i'A f'ew Iberia's Annual Sugarraie Festival it did mot damoen tie enfhtisi- this arrest police believe that they haw asm tM those present showed at the vr-tlto eiuus who has been terrorizing Newjenarks ef Judge Pierre Crabites former Iberia citizens for the past several weeks judge of the International at when number of robberies have fake i Ciaro Egypt when he fold of the unfair place i i ftie city ifrealntonf accorded Louisiana sujc ndr of near DtLeambre and must answer a on house and at- yt of the Jefferson vfanumber of strikers tft by other workmen ftE with dynamite is said to -TnJiased in Houma on Oc- "5dStr? dynamited and an at-SiSte a second house fail- Jti 01 dynwnrte lbat jJLlode that fave officers a clue Sheris pariiAi -il have approximately ieeii thousand cites Registrar 4 Vot-terK XwU-anfci Itolieues tlto 9518 ergistcini thus far the sewn city liif'ifKts tiae voting strength Jrjiiette teas 1211 and tlto balance at the feish 11)63 tegistrants Registrar ilrtciitiitiie that ed the X-500 voters that mow Hum half will te tiem tle sixth ward pw-ciivfs hi ti reiibti'iitvon fli targ-eit tuecieut iti tie- is Iheciiut No I of Ward whicli lias 859 regirants Prcttiuf it Ward I is Hie smalle 11 has auify 159 ivgitfrants ftegiitration as of Ik-toter 29 X-'l'lt by erards and precincts follows: Wd Piect Frecincd Main Voters planters bp Washintoi authorities While ft parade end oilier activities xcepf the crowning ad the Queens end the Royal Ball weie postponed until Sunday those who did come tis New Iberia Xhursday were more than repaid by the interesting end timely address ef Judge Crabites The parade boidponed until Sunday Hazard admitted having broken into many New Iberia homes and admits also to stick-up of Whitney Delcambne a the Community Cash Grocery He claims that he had as a confederate a negro from Opelousas Joseph Decuir City police will attempt to locate Lecuir within the next few days Stateineift signed by Hazard follows: TRIBUTE PAID MRS WHITWORTH AT JEANERETTE iu MYSTERY SHOW AT NEW BERIA HIGH NOV 28 Statement of Horace Hazard made in was witnessed by son fen thousand fed Si CrtonMestaywand Andrew criminal department of Sheriff A Landry extending over several inst the only case of dyna-lWfH not properly acoiuited for Jt Junius Gautreaux of Houma telling dynamite in that fcutresux was averted and a New Iberia He confessed kd purchased the dynamite for He dated that with Landry and ten was a third man whom he amoixe Cordon is said to be in 1- end it is expected that he a suited within a short time to is in the parish jail re-i wto statement of any kind to first wanted to speak to the presence of Landry Pow- people from Slew Iberia and adjoining er Nassim Sarkies Octave Ren- communities oudet Villermin and Eli da Ar- Judge Crabites address Allows: mentor in the office of District Attor- ncy on November 12 1939 fven if 1 au uw made up of men and women prominent- My name Horace Hazard amv identified With the sugar industry of from Lafayette and am 28 years old Louisiana I refuse to look at the situa-have been in pen served about 16 i tbn solely from the point of view of the months for bieaking I was in New Ibe-! producer I consider that both the con-ria 3 or 4 weeks ago but not last night and the general welfare have ii-1 come here once before and shot a teres ts which are so vital that to overrifle and got 4 months in jail them would be unfair to my hear- I went to that store and asked him 1 ers It is therefore from a triple stand-for a cigar and a package of cigarettes point that I shall approach my subject then I hold him up and asked him I am afraid that certain figures and where that money was I got about statistics may force themselves Into my All the citizens of Jeanerette Catholics and Protestants Jews and Gentiles are united to-day in the expression of their sorrow at the departure of Mrs Whitworth better known to all by the loving name of ami they want this farewell to be the tribute of their respect admiration love and gratitude to the grand woman whose life of unselfishness and cheerfulness has been a blessing and an inspiration to our community for fifty-four years I I I 3 I i 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 159 275 48K 253 503 318 482 387 859 744 473 523 670 458 517 625 497 714 375 198 liuiknt LcBlanc's Stunt Myles Salt Ofleto Peebles Hall Fudge Babin's Officto flatluilic (immunity ILilf Allierie Barr as Store A Babineaux's Stciif Jules Munceaux's Hall Rene Viu Store Purish Court House Fire House Delahoussaye Store Koseiiioiid LcBlanc's Convent Hall Otto Rouly's Slue Jus Boudreaux's Hall Old City Hall (Jeanerette) Aymar St Germain Garage Ed on Lcleux's Store Mcllhenny Co Office 9518 Total Court House News Miss Ray Stewart received the found- ation of her strong principles and noble $300 of RllO We spent it running around i dress I shall endeavor to reduce them ideals in the home of a sturdy Scotch a lot and for taxi fares My friend's io a minimum I however offer no name is Joseph Decuir He lives in Opelousas When we came out there were somebody on the outside It was a colored boy and I told him to get going and not to say anything It was the first time I saw him I got that gun in Eruth I soaked it to a man who got a gambling shop He is a colored man who works for a white man who has a saloon across the railroad track not very far from the picture show on the street i that goes to the refinery This colored fjl the domestic consumptive require-man works for the white man and rntrjls He is given a formula which al-Ihere is a colored woman cooking there jytj to each sugar producing area a and the white man runs the saloon for a certain percentage of the continental white people but there is a place for of the United States This form- Minister in Nova Scotia and she was providentially prepared for her life of cervce and unselfishness by special circ*mstances in her home She was the oldest child of a large family and in her early teens all the responsibilities of the home rested on her young shoulders on account of her mother's poor state of health She had to play mother to her young sisters and brothers Thus she learned and practiced the wonderful qualities of unselfishness cheerfulness and devotion which have made all the children of Jeaner-ette lore her and all the community ad-fire and respect her for two generations a has given the sheriffs office a district attorney iptd confession implicating i ad Gordon1 no Stafford and Gordon are all connected with labor organist fostering the strike at i bhnd Salt Mines curly this which extended over ev-s with activity of pickets at 4 Is persuade workers from uc-iseloyment at the mines Of file nines stated' that they ex-J IHtlt diffculty in having the I workmen replaced by other la- A trig indoor eircus Is ing brought ki New Iberia by the Ifew Iberia High school and will be presented at the High school gymnasium November 28 The troupe is headed by the Greut VirgiL premier international magician and illusionist and they will present a mammoth full evening show filled with baffling mystery and spectacular illusions In addition to the many magical effects and illusions the Great Virgil will present his mad-merry gang of spooks goblins and ghosts a feature that he is using throughout America to crowd the largest theatres and auditoriums Six dazzling sets of scenery dozens of beautiful costumes special lighting equipment and tons of equipment are used in the presentation of this gigantic mystery spectacle If you have not had the good fortune of seeing Iioudini Thurston Keller or Herman the Great Masters of yesterday don't feel disappointed as you now have the opportunity to see them all reincarnated in the appearance of the Great Virgil the supreme magic master of the present The Great Virgil has spent a life-time developing this extra-vaganza of mystery and among the many breath-taking acts to be seen here will be: The vanish of the real live African lion the beautiful Hindoo Princess asleep in Charles Guillot to Eugene Guillot a certain lot unimproved on North side of Weeks St Consideration $20000 Edwurd Dupuy to Perfice Viator a certain lot unimproved without corporate limits Consideration $1S5(HI Mary Boutle wife of Fred Thompson to Lincoln Boutle and Juzpli LcBlu a certain lot measuring 50 ft front on Lee St by a depth of 110 ft Consideration $6041 Anna Erictli to Aeklin Derouen a certain lot of ground unimproved on Lafayette St Consideration 18000 When she left Nova Scotia for the the colored people to drink restaurant United States to consecrate her life to missionary work in the slums and prisons of Boston and Memphis she carried with her the ideals of unselfishness and service that she had practiced in the in and a barrier shop for the colored He gave me $300 for the gun that BPent811 m'l Joseph Decuir lives in Opelousas but ula begins by dividing these sugar pro- during areas into domestic and foreign rrtiir "Foreign countries and the Philippine Ilhnds are classified as areas They Bre given 4441 of the market of the United States The remaining 5559 I don't know where I don't know what on in State MUSIC STUDY CLUB MEETS Ml? LC Nov Of Louisi-ifliN (arms KOOO have no cow labg and 37000 no garden he does When we plunned the hold-up we were in the colored bar room near the depot and we had two bottles of beer a piece can't tell you where tket store is I went there but I don't believe Icould go back He said 'Let's go in that That other feliow pulled his gun out too My gun was a 3S: a pearl handle a very shinny gun and it of the market of the United States is divided among (a) the domestic beet area the 'mainland' cane area (c) Hawaii cl Puerto Rico and e) the Virgin Islands What 1 have called the "mainland cane area includes Louisiana and Florida To these two states are allotted 1131 of the quota of 5559 of the United States sugar market that mid-air an execution on Mars the Fa- The regular meeting of the Music mous Hindoo Rope Mystery Hindoo Study Club was he'd at the home of Basket Miracle Chinese Opium Den I Mrs Milton Voorhies on Wednesday Mystery Chinatown After Dark Satan I November 15 at Coffee was Burns a Man the Dissolving of the nerved to the following: Mesdamcs 1 ligieultunl Conservation Pro-ihdgi farmers save their soil from win and erosion by assisting i phot legumes and seed pas-I wperphosphate and con-cmnd standard terraces is the same I soaked in Erath After we to jn round figures 6 of the to-got the money we went to sit up in an ttl American consumption K-fc ProPortion humble Nova Scotia home where she had played mother so The poor in the slums and the prisoners in the jails seeing this attractive young lady coming to them with a smile of sympathy a word of cheer and a basket of provisions would thank God for such a beautiful copy of Ilim who "went about doing No wonder young Ed Whitworth was captivated by the attractions of such a wonderful and unselfish nature and brought her as a bride in 1885 to Louisiana to be a blessing to the Whitworth home and to the town of Jeanerette She brought to the Whitworth home the spirit of gentleness unselfishness and cheerfulness that she had acquired in the little Nova Scotia home and practiced in her missionary work of service to others The old timers of Jeanerette are still talking of those happy days when the Whitworth home was the center of the social life of the town with scores of children playing games in the spacious yard and waiting for the deli-I Continued on Page Seven) I upon Louisiana The injustice done to big time houses I spent plenty money kww any grow all the food and bass consumption he wishes tie Agricultural Conservation tprilm of any soil deplet-allotted to his farm at Jeanerette at the Hoo Doo who lives Ith American producer the eucan him to look out for me I gave him $25 r- applicable Bodies of Two Human cBings and dozens of others Julie the psychic enigma will be a special feature with the Great Virgil show Julie is said by scientists and doctors to possess a mind 4000 years ahead of our times and will prove conclusively her ability to uctually read the minds of the audience The Great Virgil company recently gave 23 consecutive performances at the $500000000 Fox theatre in San Francisco California The same complete show will be seen here in New Iberia Marine 2 Admission 10c and 20c Night 8 Admission 20c and 40c Pharr deGravelles A A LcBlanc James True Lyn Askew II Miller Claude Crag mm Paul ha bus Francis Voorhies Ixive II Lyle Bradley Pedro Navarro Ben Louvicre Elizabeth Fullerton and Miss Aimee Morrell The following program whs given: Pityphoric Period ii Reading Francis Voorhies 1 Musical Progra Old English Canon "Summer is Cumen Sung ky Mcsdames True A A LcBlanc and Low Spring Sung by Mesdamcs A A LcBlanc Lyn Askew and Bradley Lovely Maiden di Sung by Mesdumes A A LcBlanc Lyn Askew and Bradley ntffi Irish potato areas have died in Louisiana for the the Agricultural Con-snd embrace the Anniion Lafourche Printe A fames and Terrebonne or $30 I spent some money here at Sis- Uiigures ter White and right across the street I 2 Pair I voit tom money in AM-vilte OM mnum'''" or at the nloon to 423000 tons per annum Joseph took half and that left me Louisiana could readily produce about $200 I didn count the money 1 gs)(i00 tons per annum or approximately am sure that the same man that we rob- 10 I of the United States consumption NOTICE I Ae recent establishment of subsidy American cot-Jhwk to the lowest level in 'wy have since increased I croplantl Per dJ1 vote December feting quotas wn -tK WORLD WAR VETERANS: IV tabid Mater-Pulcslinu-Piano So- All World War Veterans who have not Miss Aimcc Morrell rpplied for their Adjusted Service Cer- Bone Palestina Ave tificate have only until January 1940 to Two selections very Ijccu- rnake application Those failing to apply tifuliy done by the Choral Group will be forfeited to the United States i of the Music Study Chib Government and the veteran loses his i Musical illustrations and accompani-Adjusted Compensation known as Ilia mends and arrangements by Miss Aimee BONUS 'Morrell Director Mrs James True JOSEPH VALENTI IV The Cou Con -Daaqnn-Piano So-Assistant Parish Service Officer lo Mrs Elialjeth Fudcrton The business session brought the LIGGIO rocrim to a close The regular Decern- I tier 13 meeting will take place at lie homc of p- Bradley "This unjustifiable strangulation of the Louisiana sugar industry is not only destructive of the public and private wealth of Louisiana but it is detrimental to the interests of the American consumer and a menace to the food supply of the United States Secretary Wallace gave his blessing to this manifest injustice to producer consumer and the general welfare when he stated in a public address at Ruston Louisiana on July 33 1934 that: The Louisiana sugar industry a hot house and an inefficient burden on Die American consumer I am reliably informed that since Mr Wallace has been Secretary of Agriculture he has been invited to come to Louisiana and see the Louisiana sugar industry at work Men in whose good faith and competence I place implicit fidence assure me that these invitations have not only been accepted but have bed is the man I saw today in his store and he gave me a lunch today and a cigar and a package of cigarettes and promised me 2500 if I found the other two fellows "We didn't give Drunken Slim nothing When he highjacked he didn't give us anything so we didn't give him anything I don't know where he lives He is stouter than me and might be older I He hangs out in those little green houses 'where colored women live one of them is named Sis a woman from Crowley "I broke in some houses not so far from that store I took $1500 from there went in about 20 or 25 houses I had no flash light 1 would put the lights on I always had my hand on my gun and the other boys would strike matches Me and those other two boys would go in those houses We would go thru the doors and pull down the lacthes them other boys had some piece of iron to pull the latches I think I could point out nearly all the houses we went in lTliT0H ENLISTS IN NAVY H- F- McGee Jtaion 319 Custom i wVmcent Verret- WfewM jfrret' Loreauville enlistment in the 7 on November 15 MBS AXGEILK TORTOMASE At his residence on Bank Wednesday November 22 at 12:05 Joe Liggio age 76 years Funeral services were held from the Chapel of the Daulcrive Funeral Home on Thursday November 23 at 9:30 a mrf and the St Peter's Catholic church Avenue on been ignored The distinguished Secre-! interment in the local Catholic ceme-tary thus finds himself in the position of tery expressing an opinion upon a subject I bIcMm his wife he leaves to mourn his final ex- tamf erred to Se "A Sution Norfolk wceive eight hZ hin for sea iw wigncd to one of the to one about which he appears to disdain to his passing several nieces and nephews It is thus seek first hand information It is thus his only son having been called away "Joseph is a little lighter than me taller than me and might be 2 or 3 ears older than me When we robbed possible that his Olympian aloofness acme few years ago that man we went to Abbeville We rob- from anything approaching a practical Mr Liggio has been living in America houses a long time before I knowledge of the Louisiana sugar Indus- for many years having come here from After we robbed try may cause him to feel that Louisi- his native Italy when a young man He bed those several weeks Fleet SI WTl a 9) that his Died at her residence 730 Sou Wednesday November 22 Mrs Angclle Tortoinase riue Camondo age 77 years Funeral services were held late residence on Thursday 23 at 4:00 in with church services at St Peter's Catholic church Interment in the local Catholic cemetery Deceased is survived by three daughter Mrs Daley of this city Sister Mary Theodore of New Orleans and Mrs Josephine Buffa of Rockford 111 two sons Sam and John of tills city Mrs Tortomase was a native of Italy but has made her home here for the past fifty years having conducted a store since the death of her husband a few i years ago were witli the with Daulton reason the store we went to Abbeville the next ana sugar is grown in hot houses at all conducted a grocery store here and was LONG OTHERS TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY AT 3 PM night Right after we robbed that store events in its initial stages I therefore at the time of his death actively engag we went behind the railroad tool house refrain from placing unnecessary empha- in the business ti A I a4 JAV AA I the hot house' of sis upon phase Louisi- ana sugar I prefer to pass on to his Funeral arrangements were with the Daulerivc Funeral Home with Daultun Babineaux in charge Pi Nayy Verret High tV I frb32L8tati0" daily I ll Of Vdiintf mam 1 then went to sleep in that old house and lL)Pt the-20f hf ter statement tliat sugar is an in- was back here dbatae efficient industry and in doing so I de day and broke mto house the af- tQ thuhe and his ugar act of ternoon and when a man eeme ir 1 are the blihu are their got unaer the bed utmost to make the Louisiana sugar in- der the radio (2 bilta and 5 $1 bills) dustry 5nefficienL 1 took an overcoat from a rar parked explain what I mean All about 2 or 3 cars from that house hold that the most UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE ivauHfllf FUIWIRI UUm The Union Thanksgiving Service will I Babineaux in charge I Funeral arrangements Dauterive Funeral Home ELDRIDGE IIIN'E INITIATED INTO ALPHA CHI SIGMA uicn 31 who are wxi unmar- sagi1 write i-ompetcnt experts cf-( Continued on Page Two) CARD OF THANKS benefits be held at the Episcopal church this coining Thursday Thanksgiving day at 10 o'clock All the pastors and choirs of the city are requested to take part in the service The music will consist of Harvest Home National Hymns and solos by Mrs Pierre Danis and Mrs Bradley Mrs Louis Pfister will accompany All are most cordially invited to attend the service The sermon will be preached by the Rev Mr Staples pastor of the Methodist church Mr and Mrs A Champagne and Mr and Mrs Jennings of Breaux Bridge expressions of sympathy at the death of were guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon Ab-- feu on Sunday 1 beloved son and brother Richard I Leonard Barrow parish campaign manager of the Administration forces announced that Governor Long Senator Ellender Wade Martin and others would address the voters of Iberia in New Iberia Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Administration candidates will speak in St Martinville Sunday morning and in Franklin Sunday evening Mr Barrow stated that in addition to administration candidates and Senator Ellender and Mr Martin that there would be a number of local speakers The meeting will be held in front of the New Iberia City Hell New Orleans Nov Eldridge Hine of New Iberia La student in the college of arts and sciences at Tulane university was initiated this week into the Tulane chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma national professional chemistry fraternity Membership in the chapter is open to students who plan to make some phase of chemistry their life work W1 JJ Aimee tir broth- of Cor-t the home in New our Colgin Also do we wish to give thanks to those who brought the beautiful floral offerings MR AND MRS GEORGE COLGIN AND FAMILY Miss Virginia Kyle who attends Newcomb College arrived Wednesday to rpend tne Thanksgiving holiday with her parents Mr and Mrs Kyle.

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The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.