Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1


1 Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 By Maxine C. (Hubley) Pastirik I am an 8 th generation Hubley, born in Halifax Nova Scotia, daughter of Gordon and Marjorie (Nash) Hubley. Both Gordon and Marjorie grew up in the small communities of Black Point and Ingramport on the shores of St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia. My early years were spent in Halifax and Amherst Nova Scotia; however, from 1945 to 1981 I lived in Toronto, Ontario. The last twenty five years I have lived in Welland, in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario. Genealogy has been a long time interest since I listened to my grandmother, Minnie Hubley, daughter of Peter and Louisa (Heisler) Mason, talk about growing up on Tancook Island. I enjoyed my visits to Black Point where my father was born and grew up, as well as in Ingramport with my Nash grandparents who often talked about "the old days". It was not until I retired in 1996 that I had the time to take some computer courses, and was able to work on my Hubley Family History. I have used our local Library (ordering and viewing microfilms from the National Archives in Ottawa), the local LDS Family History Centre, and the Nova Scotia Provincial Archives but most helpful has been the many contacts I have made through Lunen-Links. In the course of my research, I have tried to take every opportunity to engage my own family and others in our Hubley History. I was especially pleased that my cousins assisted by sending family information and writing short biographies of their Hubley parents (all now deceased). In 1998, 2000 and 2003 I was able to produce printed "Black Point Hubley" Histories for my family. Since 2003, I have been engaged in looking beyond my family branch to the entire family line from Ulrich through his son George Bernhard on down, with considerable help from Robert Crowther, Robert Hegerich and Brenda Maruca, and of course the tremendous support of my husband John. From our research, it appears that Ulrich's son, George Bernhard grew up and remained very near the small community of Northwest. When his brother Johannes moved to St. Margaret's Bay, George purchased his brother's share of much of the land left to them by their father Ulrich, along with land which they had purchased jointly. I believe that he lived on this land his entire life, raising his family with his two wives. George was certainly instrumental in the early history of the Northwest Baptist Church, and it is most likely that he is buried in the church cemetery despite the absence of a stone. Unfortunately thus far no specific record of his death has been found, but from his Will we can narrow the time frame to between late 1850 and early 1851.

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Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (3)


Introduction to Chapter 4


1769 - 1850/1

By Maxine C. (Hubley) Pastirik

I am an 8th generation Hubley, born in Halifax Nova Scotia, daughter of Gordon and Marjorie (Nash) Hubley. Both Gordon and Marjorie grew up in the small communities of Black Point and Ingramport on the shores of St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia.

My early years were spent in Halifax and Amherst Nova Scotia; however, from 1945 to 1981 I lived in Toronto, Ontario. The last twenty five years I have lived in Welland, in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario.

Genealogy has been a long time interest since I listened to my grandmother, Minnie Hubley, daughter of Peter and Louisa (Heisler) Mason, talk about growing up on Tancook Island. I enjoyed my visits to Black Point where my father was born and grew up, as well as in Ingramport with my Nash grandparents who often talked about "the old days".

It was not until I retired in 1996 that I had the time to take some computer courses, and was able to work on my Hubley Family History. I have used our local Library (ordering and viewing microfilms from the National Archives in Ottawa), the local LDS Family History Centre, and the Nova Scotia Provincial Archives but most helpful has been the many contacts I have made through Lunen-Links.

In the course of my research, I have tried to take every opportunity to engage my own family and others in our Hubley History. I was especially pleased that my cousins assisted by sending family information and writing short biographies of their Hubley parents (all now deceased).

In 1998, 2000 and 2003 I was able to produce printed "Black Point Hubley" Histories for my family. Since 2003, I have been engaged in looking beyond my family branch to the entire family line from Ulrich through his son George Bernhard on down, with considerable help from Robert Crowther, Robert Hegerich and Brenda Maruca, and of course the tremendous support of my husband John.

From our research, it appears that Ulrich's son, George Bernhard grew up and remained very near the small community of Northwest. When his brother Johannes moved to St. Margaret's Bay, George purchased his brother's share of much of the land left to them by their father Ulrich, along with land which they had purchased jointly. I believe that he lived on this land his entire life, raising his family with his two wives.

George was certainly instrumental in the early history of the Northwest Baptist Church, and it is most likely that he is buried in the church cemetery despite the absence of a stone. Unfortunately thus far no specific record of his death has been found, but from his Will we can narrow the time frame to between late 1850 and early 1851.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (4)


Chapter 4

Descendants of George Bernhard Hubley

Statistics for Chapter 4:

Number of Individuals 578 Number of Marriages 186 Average Life Span 64 years, 2 months Earliest Birth Date About 1766 Catherine Louise Spiedel No. of Generations 4 Number of Different Surnames 134 Number of Families 90

Generation No. 1 1. GEORGE BERNHARD


1 HUBLY) was born February 20, 1769 in Lunenburg

Co, NS, CAN1, and died before January 11, 1851 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN2. He married (1) CATHERINE LOUISE SPEIDEL October 23, 1792 in Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church3, daughter of JOHN JACOB SPEIDEL and MAGDALENA EISENHAUER. She was born about 1766 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN3, and died before October 18, 1800 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. He married (2) CATHERINE SPEIDEL June 17, 1801 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN4, daughter of JOHN JACOB SPEIDEL and MAGDALENA EISENHAUER. She was born April 1772 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN5, and died after 1819 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN6. Notes for GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY: George was baptized on February 23, 1769 at St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg NS, CAN. He was what is called a "Uterine Half Brother" to Alexander and Anna Maria Lay (they shared the same mother). Land Acquisitions, Purchases etc. researched by Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik: Reference: LDS Films Lunenburg Deeds: #0555485 Books 2 and 3, #0555486 Books 4 and 5, #0555487, Book 6 and #0550913, Book 7 for more detail. George would have grown up in the Mahone Bay / Northwest area with his parents and siblings. In 1790 when he was just 21 years old and his brother John 20, they were (jointly) given 95 acres of land by their father with conditions which most likely entailed caring for their aging parents. Over the years between 1792 and 1798 George and his brother John jointly made several land purchases. George later purchased some of his Brother John's shares when John was planning to move to the St. Margaret's Bay area:

• February 22, 1792 George and John purchased the back 10 acres of Northwest Range A-18. This was later sold, and on May 18, 1818 George repurchased 9 acres of this land.

• On October 4, 1794, George and John purchased 133 1/3 acres of First Division B-5. This land was later sold to George.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (5)


• On September 3, 1796 George and John purchased 50 acres of First Division A-9 of which 25 acres were later sold to George and 25 acres to another man.

• On December 27, 1796 George and John purchased the back 10 acres of Northwest Range A-17

• On December 8, 1798 George and John purchased 18 acres each of Northwest Range A-17 and A-18 and on May 6, 1811 George purchased the 18 acres of A-17 and the 18 acres of A-18 were sold to another man.

• On September 30, 1797 George purchased the 95 acres of the land given to him and his brother John in his father's will.

• On March 16, 1811 George purchased 10 acres of a tract of land on the north end of a pond previously owned by his brother Jacob (this land was part of a tract of land between Northwest Range and Mahone Bay).

• At some point George purchased 15 acres of Northwest Range B-6 (front half) then sold it on November 29, 1814 and on April 10, 1820 he reacquired this land.

• On April 19, 1817 George sold 132 2/3 acres of First Division B-5 which he had acquired after joint ownership with his brother John (see above).

For a more complete record of the land transactions of the Hubley brothers and their father see Appendix III – HUBLEY-Land Transactions. It is reasonable to assume that George remained in the same area throughout his life which was most likely on the land left to him (and his brother John) in their father's will (between Northwest Range A and Mahone Bay B). George married Catherine Louise Speidel in 1792 when he was 23 years old. His wife was 26 years old. George's "Uterine Half Brother", Alexander Lay, and his wife Elizabeth were Godparents to George and Lucy's first child (Alexander) and George and Lucy were Godparents to Alexander and Elizabeth Lay's child (Catherine Elizabeth). The Godparents gave one of his or her names to their Godchild, a German custom at that time. (Terry Punch) The Poll Tax Rolls for Mahone Bay in 1792, 1793 (3 cattle and 3 sheep), 1794 (2 cattle and 3 sheep), and 1795 (3 cattle and 3 sheep) confirm that he lived in that area. He is always listed as a farmer. After the death of George's wife Catherine Louise who was buried on October 18, 1800, he was left with three children, sons Alexander age 7, and Jacob age 3 and an infant daughter, Mary Elizabeth, so it's not surprising that on June 17, 1801 he married again, Catherine, a younger sister of his first wife. At the time of this marriage, he was 32 and his new wife was 29 years old. It is believed that George and family lived within a mile or so of his brother Ferdinand who lived at Northwest Range. (Terry Punch) George and his brothers were actively involved in the establishment of the Northwest Baptist Church. Information on The Northwest Baptist Church was found in: "Transcription of Northwest Range Baptist Church Records", Bapt Coll (Y659.087C22 1809 to 1856) by Rev. Hazen C. Parent, 1999. Appendix IV - The Diary of Joseph Dimock contains extracts that tell first hand accounts of the Hubley Brothers involvement in establishing the Northwest United Baptist Church, the first Baptist Church in Lunenburg. Appendix V - Celebrating Our Faith and Our Christian Heritage in Praise and Thanksgiving, North West

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (6)


United Baptist Church, 1809 – 1994 contains a document prepared by the parishioners on the occasion of the 185th birthday of the founding of the Church. The following paragraphs contain verbatim extracts (in quotations) from the document included as Appendix V.

In his early years, George and his family were associated with the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Calvinist Church; however, he was one of a group of seven men and three women who were instrumental in establishing the Northwest Range Baptist Church on November 3rd, 1809. At that meeting, he and Joseph Falkenhime…"were chosen for deacons and were ordained". His brother Ferdinand…"was chosen Clerk". On January 28, 1813, George and his brother Ferdinand along with Nicholas Speidel purchased a ¼ acre of land in Northwest Range B-20 (a corner of B-20 next to B-19 on Northwest Range Street) for one (1) pound. This land was purchased from Philip Eisenhauer to be used solely as a burial ground. It was later sold to the Rev. Robert Davis and the Northwest Baptist Church on May 31, 1821 for two (2) pounds. By 1817 there was still no Meeting House, but "A meeting was held at North West Range on the Tenth day of September, One thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen (1819) to consult to Build a meeting House or place of worship - the church and society were most all present and unanimously agreed that there should be a House built for the Lord or a place of worship and money to be raised by subscription…".

Northwest United Baptist Church Signage Northwest United Baptist Church Front

Northwest United Baptist Church Side Partial View of Cemetery

Northwest United Baptist Church Inside Note Candelabra on Side of Front Windows

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (7)


George Hubley donated £22/0/0 and his Brother Ferdinand £6/0/0. The subscription money…"was paid into the hands of George Hubley and Paulus Langille who were elected as Trustees to collect and expend the aforementioned subscription in building a Meeting House, place of worship, or House of the Lord, called or known by the name of Baptist, and that the aforesaid House is to be used, occupied, and enjoyed, for the worship and service of God." On August 16, 1819, the Rev. Robert Davis became the Pastor of the Northwest Baptist Church. The church building was completed between 1818 and 1820. On August 12, 1820, a meeting was held in the church to nominate and elect Trustees for the Meeting House and the Burying Ground. The Parsonage was built in 1830. This "Northwest United Baptist Church" still stands today, much the same as it was in the 1800's. George continued to play an active role in the Northwest Baptist Church as seen in the minutes of various meetings held over the years (see Appendix 3 for more details). Over the years he saw his children married, raising their own families in Lunenburg Co and beyond. From his will we can see that he left many of his household articles to his daughter, Elizabeth Deal. From this, we can possibly conclude that either both his daughter Elizabeth and family lived with him or he with them prior to his death. The exact date of his death is not (yet) known, however it came between August 28, 1849 when he added a "Codicil" to his Will, and January 11, 1851 when his will was probated. The Codicil was written shortly after the death of his daughter, Magdalena Vieno. The location of his burial is not known, but was probably the Northwest Baptist Church Burial Grounds, given his dedication to the church. Will of George Bernhard Hubly of Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN (Index To Lunenburg Co

Probated Wills: Book #3, page 290; LDS Film: #0556203) Transcribed by Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, using capital letters and punctuation as found in the original

document: "In the name of God Amen I George B Hubly of the township of Lunenburg in the Co of Lunenburg in the Province of NS yeoman, considering the uncertainty of this Transitory life, and being of sound mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the Same, Do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, Imprimis I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a decent Christian like manner. And as for that worldly estate which it has pleased God to bless me, after paying my lawful debts and funeral expense I dispose thereof as follows. First I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Deal, my black stove, desk, clothing, book, and other articles as household furniture. Second I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren Sophia Langille, Benjamin Langille and Hannah Langille children of my daughter Sophia Langille each the sum of Ten pounds to be paid to them by my hereinafter named executors when they arrive the age of Twenty One years with interest from the time of my death or if married immediately after marriage. Should either of them die before they arrive at their at their lawful age or married, the brother sister or sister living shall receive the Legacy or Legacies bequeathed him or them-Third I give and bequeath unto my Two Sons in Law John Deal and John Eisenhauer each the sum of five pounds for their services in settling my estate. Fourth I give and bequeath unto my sons Alexander Hubly, Jacob Hubly and George Hubly, and to my daughters Elizabeth Deal,

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (8)


Magdalena Vieno, Catharine Eisenhauer and Lucy Dauphinea all the Residue and remaining part of my personal estate to be equally divided between them share and share alike. Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons in law John Deal and John Eisenhauer joint executors of this my last will and testament hereby Revoking all former wills by one heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the eighth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand and eight hundred and forty seven." Signed sealed and declared by ) him the Said George B Hubly to be his ) last will & testament, in presence of us ) George B. Hubly (SS) who have hereunto set our names as ) (signature same as writing of will) witnesses- ) Henry Ernst Mathew Feiner Codicil to the Will of George Bernhard Hubly of Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN "I George Bernard Hubly of the Township of Lunenburg, in the Co of Lunenburg in the Province of NS do the twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand and eight hundred and forty nine make and publish this Codicil to my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say, I give unto my sons Alexander Hubly, Jacob Hubly, and George Hubly, and unto my daughters Elizabeth Deal, Catharine Eisenhauer and Lucy Dauphinea All that Share I have bequeathed my daughter Magdalena Vieno, in my last will and testament and Lastly it is my desire that this my present Codicil be made a part of my last will and testament to all intent and purpose In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty nine." Signed Sealed published and declared ) by above named Bernhard ) Hubly , as a Codicil to be part of ) George B. Hubly (SS) his last will and testament in the presence ) (signature same as writing of will) of ) Henry Ernst Matthew Feiner Probation of the Will and Codicil of George Bernhard Hubly of Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS,

CAN Lunenburg 11th Jan'y (January) 1851 Personally appeared Henry Ernst one of the subscribing witnesses to the forgoing last will and testament with the Codicil included of George B Hubly, late of the Township and Co of Lunenburg yeoman deceased, and made both that he was present and saw the Testator sign seal and execute the said will & Codicil in his presence and in the presence of Mathew Feiner the other subscribing witness, and acknowledged the same to be his last will and testament. And that the said Testator was at the time of sound and disposing mind to the best of Deponents belief. And on the same day, Probate was granted to the executors therein named who were duly sworn into office. George T. Solomon Reg.

Burial: Possibly in the Northwest Baptist Church Cemetery, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (9)


Notes for CATHERINE LOUISE SPEIDEL: "Catherine Lucinda" or "Catherine Louisa", or simply "Lucy" as she was named in the records of the Northwest Baptist Church, was the first wife of George B. Hubley. She was the sixth of eight children of Jacob Speidel (born January 12, 1724 in Ofterdingen, Germany) and his wife Magdalena Eisenhauer (born in Wilhelmsfeld, Baden, Germany). Her parents married in Halifax NS CAN on June 23, 1752, before they moved to Lunenburg in 1753 with the "Foreign Protestants". Lucy and George had four children. Their last two children, Mary Elizabeth and Philip were twins, and it is believed that Philip died shortly after birth. Lucy herself died 10 days after the birth of the twins. Her death is entered in the records of the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church, however the exact location of her burial is not (yet) known. Burial: October 18, 1800, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia7 Notes for CATHERINE SPEIDEL: Catherine was the sister of George's first wife Lucy, and usually referred to simply as "Catherine". Catherine was the eighth and youngest child of Jacob and Magdalene (Eisenhauer) Speidel. She was baptized on April 17, 1772. George had three (3) children from his first marriage and Catherine and George had six (6) more children between the years of 1802 and 1819. Their firstborn (Magdalane) died shortly after birth. The births of their other five children are entered into the Northwest Baptist Church records. Thus far the exact date of her death or her burial location hasn't been found, but because she is not mentioned in her husband George's Will in 1847, it can be assumed that she had already died. Because the family was attending the new Northwest Baptist Church, and that the property was purchased in 1813, it is most likely that she was buried in the Burial Grounds there. Burial: Possibly Northwest Baptist Church Cemetery, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and CATHERINE SPEIDEL are: 2. i. ALEXANDER

3 HUBLEY, b. September 13, 1793, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. May 13, 1860, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

3. ii. JOHN JACOB HUBLEY, b. February 01, 1797, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. May 07, 1888, Halifax, NS, CAN. 4. iii. MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. October 08, 1800, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. NS. iv. PHILIP HUBLEY, b. October 08, 1800.

Notes for PHILIP HUBLEY: Philip, a twin of Mary, probably died as an infant as his name does not appear on later records.


3 HUBLEY, b. February 01, 1802, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN10; d. February 06, 1802, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN10.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (10)


Notes for MAGDALEN HUBLEY: Her death was recorded by the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church

vi. MAGDALENA HUBLEY, b. June 25, 1804, Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN11; d. August 17, 1849, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN12; m. (1) JOHANNES (JOHN) RAFUSE, April 13, 1826, Northwest Baptist Church, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN12; b. May 11, 1802, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN13; d. January 19, 1837, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN13,14; m. (2) WILLIAM VEINOT, after 1837, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN14; b. about 180415. Notes for MAGDALENA HUBLEY: Very little is known about Magdalena. She was baptized July 1, 1849 (Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records) She first married John Rafuse, and after his death in 1837, she apparently married (William) Veinot. The name "Vieno" appears in her father, George B. Hubley's will, written on June 8, 1847. On August 28, 1849, he revised his will by adding a "Codicil" which removes Magdalena from the will most likely because of her death, which is entered in the records of Northwest Baptist Church as follows: "Magdelane Vinow Consort to William Vinow Departed this life 17th August 1849". No record has yet been found regarding any children from either marriage. More about MAGDALENA HUBLEY: Baptism: July 01, 1804, Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Notes for JOHANNES (JOHN) RAFUSE: John was a son of Eberhardt Rafuse, (born December 6, 1767) and Catherine Maria Elizabeth Clattenberg (born about 1772), who were married on May 3, 1791 in Zion Lutheran Church, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co NS, CAN. John was baptized on June 17, 1802.

5. vii. CATHERINE HUBLEY, b. May 16, 1806, Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. about 1907, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

6. viii. SOPHIA HUBLEY, b. July 18, 1811, Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. February 28, 1846, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

7. ix. LUCY HUBLEY, b. August 24, 1813, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. July 06, 1888, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 8. x. GEORGE JACOB HUBLEY, b. November 06, 1819, Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. June 14, 1867,

Martin's River, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (11)


Generation No. 2 2. ALEXANDER



1 HUBLY) was born September 13,

1793 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN18, and died May 13, 1860 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS19. He married CHRISTIANA MARGARET EISENHAUER May 1819 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN20, daughter of GEORGE EISENHAUER and ANNA ZWICKER. She was born October 11, 1797 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN21, and died November 15, 1882 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN22. Notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY: Alexander grew up with his father, George and step-mother Catherine on their Mahone Bay / Northwest Range Land. Alexander and Christiana were married in May 1818 as recorded by Rev. Joseph Dimock. It is believed that shortly after his marriage to Christiana, they settled in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, on St. Margaret's Bay. Black Point Property: The acquisition of property in Black Point is as follows, and the property in question encompasses a portion of the actual point of land for which "Black Point" is named. From early records of Black Point, as researched by Lori Parker in her paper: "Black Point, Halifax Co, Community Project" 1984 (unpublished) I found the following: "Black Point received its name from its appearance. Fishermen out on St. Margaret's Bay stated that the point appeared very black in comparison to others. This was because of the large clump of black spruce on the point. Black Point was called such for many years before being officially named". The following comes from research carried out by Alfreda Withrow and Dion Phillips: "The original land grant was for 500 acres, and is dated October 19, 1786, and was part of a grant made to Alexander Stewart. On September 2, 1790, William Taylor, a merchant from Halifax, bought 500 acres from Alexander Stewart for 70 pounds. By 1805, Taylor decided to sell the same 500 acres to two farmers, John George Coulen Boutilier and James Coulen Boutilier for 150 pounds. They divided the land. George Coulen Boutilier who was the administrator of John George Boutilier's estate sold 210 acres to Christopher Dophiney in 1818 for 181 pounds." Terry Punch, CG researched the following: "Deeds, Book 44, page 122, registered 30 May 1818 is the sale of lands by Christopher Dophiney and his wife Sarah, St. Margaret's Bay to Alexander Hubley, yeoman, of Lunenburg, for 191 Pounds. The land was 210 acres, forming lots #2 and #4 on a plan (not in file) of lands formerly granted to Alexander Stewart. The actual transaction is dated 13 May 1818." Now some original documents indicate that the property was originally purchased by "Alexander Hubley Sr", who various researchers believe was Alexander Hubley (born in 1788), son of Jacob, who was this Alexander's first cousin. The history of the Alexander Hubley house in Black Point points to Alex. Hubley Sr., yeoman, as the owner from 1818 to 1845 and then Alex Hubley Jr. as owner from 1845 to 1868 when ownership passes to George and Isabella Hubley. (Alfreda Withrow did this research from the deeds of Myrtle Cleveland, Queensland).

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (12)


Certainly it is known that Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Sr. is buried in the Black Point Cemetery (in 1867), but we do not know if she and her husband Alexander Sr. actually lived in Black Point given that their children were born in Lunenburg Co. Consequently, it is presumed that Alexander Jr. and his family lived there all along. We do know that Christine, Alexander Jr.'s wife continued to live in the house after her husband's death in 1860 as her son George B. bought out all the heirs in 1868 and promised to take care of Christine until her death which he did. (Alfreda Withrow from the deeds of Myrtle Cleveland, Queensland) The Alexander Hubley house was built on the east side of the "Point", not far from the shore of St. Margaret's Bay. While the "house record of deeds" indicates that the house was built by Alexander in 1818, there is a possibility that it was actually built in 1795 by a previous owner of the land, and was "refurbished" by Alexander in preparation for his marriage. This may never be known for certain. The one and one half story house was of wood construction, with a stone foundation. It appears that birch bark was used in the walls and roof for insulation (found years later when the house was being wired for electricity). The house was constructed of trees that stood on his land and was held together with wooden pegs. Inside are hand-hewn beams and in one room there is a hole in the ceiling where the spindle of the spinning wheel was placed. ("One City Many Communities", by Alfreda Withrow). This house is still in use today (2006). Most likely Alexander lived there from the time of his marriage until his death, although he is not listed in the 1827 census for St. Margaret's Bay. He does however "appear to be" in the 1838 St. Margaret's Bay census along with eight other St. Margaret's Bay Hubley families. The entry is as follows:

Alex Hubley (farmer/fisherman) and wife (Christiana) 1 female under 6 2 males under 14 2 females under 14 2 males over 14 2 females over 14

Note: It is possible that he had another boy or man living with the family to help with the farming etc. Lacking specific evidence to the contrary, I believe that Alexander supported his family through farming and possibly fishing as well. At some point a low stone wall was built across the property, most likely to keep the livestock enclosed. It would have taken considerable work to clear some of the land for farming because of its rocky nature.

Earliest of the Black Point HUBLEY’s Possibly Alexander sitting (3rd generation) Ephraim standing (4th generation), and One of Ephraim’s sons (5th generation)

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (13)


Alexander died at Black Point on May 13, 1860 in his 67th year and is buried in the Black Point Cemetery with a flat, currently broken stone to mark the spot. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN23 Notes for CHRISTIANA MARGARET EISENHAUER: "Christiana" (spelling as entered in the Northwest Baptist Church Records), or "Christina" as is spelled by some researchers was a daughter of George Adam Eisenhauer (born in 1759 in Lunenburg NS, CAN) and Anna Mary Magdalena Zwicker (born May 30, 1775 in Lunenburg NS, CAN). Her paternal grandparents were Johann George Eisenhauer (born January 22, 1733 in Wilhelmsfeld, Palatine, Germany) and Anna Christina Margaretha Mosher (born in 1732 in Switzerland) who married on March 20, 1759, St. John's Anglican Church Lunenburg. Christiana's parents married on April 16, 1795 in the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church. She was one of nine children, and was married to Alexander Hubley (age 25) when she was 21 years old. Shortly after their marriage, they settled in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN on St. Margaret's Bay. She ensured that the names of most of their children (all except their last child, George) were entered into the records of the Northwest Baptist Church. After the death of her husband, Christiana continued to live in Black Point in the household with her son George B. and his wife Isabella (Hume) and their children. Alexander and Christiana's son Isaac and daughter Lucy also lived in the household. On June 4, 1860 Christiana petitioned the court that administration of Alexander's Estate be granted to James Hubley, her eldest son and to John James (a neighbor). Later that same year, on December 10th, George B., a minor, petitioned the court praying that James Hubley, his brother, be named his guardian. Christiana continued to live in Black Point for 22 years after her husband's death until she died in 1882 at age 83. Her son, George and his wife Isabella and their children along with her daughter Lucy lived in the household with her. On December 20, 1870 the heirs of Alexander are selling his property. These heirs include George B. and his wife Isabella. The land is sold to James Hubley, and the transactions recorded in Halifax on September 27, 1888.

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On November 7, 1882, Christiana's son Isaac died in the Halifax Poor Asylum fire; Christiana died just 8 days later. She is buried alongside her husband in the Black Point Cemetery. Her grave is marked with an upright stone. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN23 More about ALEXANDER HUBLEY and CHRISTIANA EISENHAUER: Brides Parents: May 1819, George Adam and Anna Mary Magdalena (Zwicker) Eisenhauer Marriage: May 1819, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN24 Minister: May 1819, Rev. Joseph Dimock, Baptist Minister Children of ALEXANDER HUBLEY and CHRISTIANA EISENHAUER are: 9. i. SARAH ELIZABETH

4 HUBLEY, b. March 28, 1820, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 15, 1907, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

10. ii. MARY SOPHIA HUBLEY, b. July 22, 1821, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 11. iii. JAMES HUBLEY, b. March 30, 1823, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 02, 1920, Black Point, Halifax

Co, NS. 12. iv. EPHRAIM HUBLEY, b. November 13, 1824, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 28, 1912, Black

Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. v. LUCY HUBLEY, b. December 02, 1826, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN25.

Notes for LUCY HUBLEY: Lucy lived with her family in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, until her mother's death. It then appears that she lived for a time in Hubbards. She was listed in the 1891 Census for Hubbards as living with George Wynaught (age 70) and his wife Sophia (age 69). Sophia was Lucy's sister (Mary Sophia). On that census she is listed as a 'live-in lodger who could not read or write and who was of unsound mind". She was not listed in the 1901 Census for Hubbards.

13. vi. MARIAH (MARIA OR MAMIE) HUBLEY, b. March 17, 1829, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vii. ISAAC HUBLEY, b. June 17, 1831, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN25; d. November 07, 1882, Halifax, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN26. Notes for ISAAC HUBLEY: Isaac lived with his family in Black Point, Halifax Co, for many years. It appears that at some point after 1871 he went to live in the Halifax Poor Asylum where he is found in the 1881 Halifax Census, listed as a 49 year old Baptist, born in NS. (FHL Halifax Census Film #1375804 NAC C-13168, Dist 9 Sub-Dist A Div 2 Page 4 Family 2, courtesy of Caren Secord) The following information was received from Dr. Allan E. Marble, Medical Historian, Dalhousie University:

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (15)


"The Halifax Poor Asylum housed the poor, orphans, the aged, unwed mothers, and the mentally insane who were considered incurable. In 1881 it was located on the north-east corner of South Street and Robie Street. It burned in November 1882 but was rebuilt on the same site and opened again in 1885." From the Halifax Chronicle Herald, Tuesday November 7, 1882, I found the following: On Monday November 6th just before midnight, smoke was detected in the hall outside of the Male Hospital Ward. Isaac was one of about 12 residents in that ward. Another resident awoke and after detecting the smoke, told the men that "those who were able had better prepare to go down stairs". That man managed to get out, but by midnight the fire was obvious from the outside and by 4am the entire building was consumed. Thirty one residents died that night, 23 women and 8 men. One of those men was Isaac Hubley.

viii. CATHERINE HUBLEY, b. September 15, 1834, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN27; m. JAMES WRIGHT, July 16, 1857, Nova Scotia Baptist28; b. 1833, Halifax Co, NS, CAN29.

14. ix. GEORGE B. HUBLEY, b. June 08, 1842, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. July 03, 1888, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.




1 HUBLY) was born February 01, 1797

in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN31,32,33, and died May 07, 1888 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN34. He married ANNA CATHERINE EISENHAUER December 07, 1819 in Baptist Church at Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co NS, CAN35,36, daughter of NICHOLAS EISENHAUER and MARY EMONEAU. She was born March 10, 1798 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN36, and died May 10, 184737. Notes for JOHN JACOB HUBLEY: The birth date of January 31, 1797 has been reported previously by T.M. Punch in a letter to Maxine Pastirik in January 1999, and in the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed church records, however the birth date of February 1st has been used here for Jacob as researched by Brenda Maruca. He was baptized February 3, 1797 (Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church). Jacob was a lumberman / carpenter / farmer / Baptist as recorded on Canadian Census Reports. Following his marriage in 1819, they lived in the area of Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, however they appeared to be moving around 1822, when Jacob sold land on October 1, 1822 for £400 to Thomas and William Floyd (Lunenburg Co deeds, FHL #0550914, V. #8, Deed 3202, page 129-130). It appears that the family relocated to Hammond's Plains. The listing of their children is taken from research done by Bob Hegerich. The following was researched by Robert Crowther:

• Notes taken by Earle Alexander Hubley from Canon E.A. Harris' Notes On Lunenburg Families: Jacob Hubley of George Bernhard of John Ulrich (no wife listed). Lived at Hammond's Plains. No wife listed. Children:

Benjamin (birth date not given) Isaac (birth date not given) Ambrose (birth date not given)

• Cannon Harris' notes are often very helpful, but generally require independent verification because errors, confusion, and omissions are fairly common.

• Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 19: Jacob was a Deacon of the Baptist Church at Seabright in 1833 and 1834.

• Willa Kaizer's notes on pages 18, 19 and 21, also imply that this John Jacob, who married Catherine

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Eisenhaur, was the Jacob who appears in the 1827 and 1838 census records of Saint Margaret's Bay. This is not clear, however, because in 1838 in the household of Jacob Hubley were:

2 males and 1 female under 6 (James, Ambrose and Sophia) 1 male and 1 female ages 6-14 Cyrus and Matilda) 2 males and 1 female over 14 (Isaac, Benjamin and Mary Anne) for a total of 8 children

• In the 1838 census there was a Jacob (a farmer) and his wife, 1 male and 2 females under age six, 3 males under age fourteen, and 3 males above age fourteen and 1 female over age fourteen for a total of 10 children.

In the 1871 and 1881 census reports Jacob appears as living with his son Ambrose and family. Baptism: February 03, 1797, Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Notes for ANNA CATHERINE EISENHAUER: Anna Catherine was the daughter of Nicholas Eisenhauer (born April 8, 1768 in Lunenburg) and Mary Margaret Magdalene Emoneau (born June 10, 1776). She was the third of possibly 16 children. An older brother, John, married her husband's sister Catherine. Marriage notes for JOHN HUBLEY and ANNA EISENHAUER: They were married by Rev. Robert Davis. Children of JOHN HUBLEY and ANNA EISENHAUER are: 15. i. ISAAC

4 HUBLEY, b. January 25, 1820, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. February 27, 1897, Boston, MA, USA. 16. ii. BENJAMIN HUBLEY, b. October 03, 1821, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. 1912. 17. iii. MARY ANNE (ANNIE) HUBLEY, b. 1822, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 05, 1868, Head

of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 18. iv. MATILDA HUBLEY, b. 1826, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 09, 1893, Halifax, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN. 19. v. CYRUS HUBLEY, b. 1828, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 22, 1892, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN. 20. vi. AMBROSE HUBLEY, b. about 1832, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. before November 21, 1884, St.

Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 21. vii. SOPHIA HUBLEY, b. 1834, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 22. viii. JAMES HUBLEY, b. 1835, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 19, 1901, Halifax, Halifax Co,





1 HUBLY) was born October 08,

1800 in Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN40, and died in NS, CAN. She married JOHANNES (DIEHL) DEAL November 25, 1819 in Zion Lutheran Church, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN41, son of JOHN DEAL and MARGARETHA LONES. He was born August 24, 1794 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN42, and died December 24, 1869 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN43. Notes for MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Mary, also known as "Elizabeth" was born a twin of Philip who appears to have died young. Mary was baptized October 8, 1800 (Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church records - as researched by Robert Hegerich). Elizabeth received her father's household furniture from his estate. No death date for Mary has yet been found, however since she is named in her husband's will (April 18, 1863) it appears that she outlived him.

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Baptism: October 18, 1800, Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Burial: NS Notes for JOHANNES (DIEHL) DEAL: John Deal is also listed as Johannes Diehl or John Tiel or John Teal. He was one of a set of twins, son of Johannes Deal (born October 1755) and either Margaretha Barbara Lohnes (born about 1757) or Margaretha Barbara Boehner (baptized December 22, 1761). NOTE: The former is in Genealogies of Trish Chalue and Gail Edwards and the latter in the Genealogy of Chris Young. John was baptized on August 28, 1794 at Zion Lutheran Church, Lunenburg NS, CAN. Burial: NS Children of MARY HUBLEY and JOHANNES DEAL are: i. JOHN

4 DEAL45.


23. iii. JOHANN ISAAC DEAL, b. January 19, 1822, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. October 10, 1881, Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN

iv. DAVID DEAL, b. April 15, 182545. Notes for DAVID DEAL: Baptized December 6, 1825, DRL

v. SILAS DEAL, b. February 05, 182745. vi. ZACHARIAH DEAL, b. July 09, 183045. vii. EDMOND DEAL, b. March 21, 183245. viii. ELI DEAL, b. January 07, 183645. 24. ix. BENJAMIN DEAL, b. October 29, 1837, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN




1 HUBLY) was born May 16, 1806 in

Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN46, and died about 1907 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN47. She married JOHN EISENHAUER April 13, 1826 in Northwest Baptist Church, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN48, son of NICHOLAS EISENHAUER and MARY EMONEAU. He was born February 18, 1802 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN49,50. Notes for CATHERINE HUBLEY: Catherine was baptized on June 15, 1806 as entered in the records of the Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg Baptism: June 15, 1806, Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Notes for JOHN EISENHAUER: John was the fifth child of Nicholas Eisenhauer (born April 8, 1768) and Mary Margaret Magdalene Emoneau (born June 10, 1778), and was baptized on March 8, 1802. His older sister, Anna Catherine, had earlier married his wife's brother John Jacob Hubley.

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4 EISENHAUER, b. September 01, 1826; d. November 03, 1909. 26. ii. STEPHEN EISENHAUER, b. February 10, 1830. iii. MAYNARD EISENHAUER, b. November 15, 183252,53; d. 190754; m. SOPHIA EISENHAUER

54; b. November 15, 183254; d. 190754. Notes for SOPHIA EISENHAUER: Her maiden name was also Eisenhauer.




1 HUBLY) was born July 18, 1811 in

Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN55, and died February 28, 1846 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN56. She married LEWIS LANGILLE December 20, 1838 in Northwest Baptist Church Lunenburg Co57, son of PAULUS LANGILLE and HANNAH DAUPHINEE. He was born September 24, 1813 in New Cornwell, NS, CAN58, and died May 21, 1886 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN58. Notes for SOPHIA HUBLEY: Sophia's birth was entered into the records of the Northwest Baptist Church, as was her wedding to Lewis Langille, conducted by Rev. Robert Davis. She and her sister Lucy were married on the same day, by Rev. Robert Davis. The birth dates of the four children of Sophia and Lewis were entered into the records of the Northwest Baptist Church. Unfortunately, less than a year after the birth of their fourth child (Abigail), Sophia died (at age 35) followed shortly thereafter by baby Abigail. The will of her father George Bernhard Hubley contains bequests to her children, not her, proof that she predeceased him. Some of the detailed information on the descendants of Sophia and her husband Lewis Langille was researched by Peter Lake and Suzanne Hatty. Burial: Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Notes for LEWIS LANGILLE: Lewis was a son of Paulus Leopold Langille (born May 16, 1785) and Hannah Judith Dauphinee (born May 24, 1789) who were married on February 26, 1811 in St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg NS, CAN. Lewis's great grandfather (Leopold Frederick Langille) was born in 1728 in Dampierre-les-Bois, Montbeliard, France, and arrived in Lunenburg with his wife (Marguerite Sandoz) in 1753. Lewis was baptized on October 16, 1813 as entered into the records of St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg NS, CAN. Lewis and Sophia were married just over eight years when Sophia died leaving Lewis with three young children to raise, baby Abigail having died shortly after her mother.

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Lewis married Rebecca Lucy Langille in October 1847 (Lunenburg Baptist Congregation Records) and they had five children,

James Absolom b. 1848 Gideon James b. 1850 Sarah Frances b. 1852 Lydia Ruth b. 1856 Lucy Rebecca b. 1864

Burial: Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Children of SOPHIA HUBLEY and LEWIS LANGILLE are: 27. i. SOPHIA

4 LANGILLE, b. September 09, 1839. 28. ii. BENJAMIN LANGILLE, b. December 27, 1841, New Cornwell, NS, CAN; d. October 21, 1919, Blockhouse,

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 29. iii. HANNAH LANGILLE, b. November 11, 1842; d. 1934. iv. ABIGAIL LANGILLE, b. August 17, 184560; d. April 25, 184760.




1 HUBLY) was born August 24, 1813 in

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN61, and died July 06, 1888 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN62. She married PAULUS DAUPHINEE December 20, 1838 in Northwest Baptist Church, Lunenburg Co63, son of JEAN DAUPHINEE and MARY EISENHAUER. He was born March 20, 1811 in Upper Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN64, and died about August 1889 in Upper Cornwall65. Notes for LUCY HUBLEY: Lucy was the youngest daughter of George and Catherine, married when she was 25 years old, and died at age 75 just over a year before her husband Paulus. The listing of their children is from the Northwest Baptist Church Records as transcribed by Rev. Hazen C. Parent 1999 sent to M. Pastirik by Rev. Roland McCormick via e-mail May 13, 2002. Burial: 1888, United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall66 Notes for PAULUS DAUPHINEE: Paulus or "Paul" was the son of Jean Pierre Dauphinee and Mary Elizabeth Eisenhauer and was baptized on May 30, 1811 at St. John's Anglican Lunenburg NS, CAN. He was the eighth of eleven children. His grandfather Jean Dauphinee was born in 1724 in Longeville, France, and settled in Lunenburg in 1753 with his wife Marie Elizabeth Banvard, born in 1732, also in France. In the Northwest Baptist Church records, the name is spelled "Dophenee". Paulus left a will written in Lunenburg Co, May 11, 1889 and proved October 12, 1889, so his death date is between these two dates, probably September or October 1889. In his will, he named his two surviving daughters, Sarah Dauphinee and Mary Hallimore as well as Albertha, wife of Millege Mackey, his niece Maud Deal and her husband Wellington Deal. Burial: 1889, United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall67

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4 DAUPHINEE, b. April 17, 183968; d. November 20, 184869. ii. SOPHIA LUESAH DAUPHINEE, b. March 21, 184370; d. March 15, 184771. iii. JOHN WILLIAM DAUPHINEE, b. February 28, 184772. 30. iv. MARY ANN MAGDALEN DAUPHINEE, b. March 21, 1848, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. January 31, 1935, New

Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. v. ELIZA JANE DAUPHINEE, b. July 11, 185172. vi. SARAH RACHEL DAUPHINEE, b. July 07, 185672.




1 HUBLY) was born November 06,

1819 in Northwest Range, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, CAN72, and died June 14, 1867 in Martin's River, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN73. He married SOPHIA ELIZABETH EISENHAUER January 14, 1843 in Northwest Baptist Church Lunenburg Co74, daughter of JOHN EISENHAUER and SOPHIA MORASH. She was born April 08, 1821 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN75, and died November 27, 1881 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN76. Notes for SOPHIA ELIZABETH EISENHAUER: Sophia was the daughter of John Nicholas Eisenhauer (born August 3, 1794 in Lunenburg Co) and Sophia Elizabeth Morash (born about 1795). Sophia evidently remarried at age 54 in October 10, 1875, after her husband George's death. She married John Eisenhauer, a widower, son of George Eisenhauer. Marriage notes for GEORGE HUBLEY and SOPHIA EISENHAUER: They were married by Rev. J. Dimock, by license. Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and SOPHIA EISENHAUER are: 31. i. GEORGE ALBERT4 HUBLEY, b. March 17, 1848, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, CAN; d. May 31, 1925, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN, CAN. 32. ii. JOHN WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. March 02, 1853, Martin's Brook, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, CAN; d. 1886,

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 33. iii. MARY CAROLINE HUBLEY, b. August 04, 1855, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

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Generation No. 3 9. SARAH ELIZABETH




1 HUBLY) was

born March 28, 1820 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN78, and died March 15, 1907 in Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN79. She married JOHN NICHOLAS BOUTILIER March 28, 1842 in St. Paul's Anglican Church (records), French Village80, son of JEAN BOUTILIER and MARIA DAUPHINEE. He was born September 24, 1815 in St. Margaret's Bay, NS, CAN81, and died December 17, 1890 in Boutilier's Point , NS, CAN81. Notes for SARAH ELIZABETH HUBLEY: The information on Sarah Elizabeth's line comes from Gwen Christie who traced this line because Sarah Elizabeth was Peter Christie's (Gwen's husband) great, great, great grandmother. Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point NS, CAN82 Notes for JOHN NICHOLAS BOUTILIER: Although his name was "John Nicholas", he was known as "Nicholas", or "Nicholas Culah" Nicholas and Sarah lived in Ingram River (today part of Boutilier's Point) where their children were born, and where he was a farmer. Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point NS, CAN82 Children of SARAH HUBLEY and JOHN BOUTILIER are: 34. i. MARY ANN (SOPHIA)

5 BOUTILIER, b. January 23, 1843, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 28, 1911, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

ii. MARIA ELLEN BOUTILIER84, b. May 04, 1845, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN85.

iii. JOHN WILLIAM BOUTILIER, b. April 24 1846, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. d. May 4, 1846. iv. SARAH ELINOR BOUTILIER, b. October 03, 1847, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN85. 35. v. MARY ANN ADELAIDE BOUTILIER, b. November 08, 1851, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vi. BENJAMIN DANIEL ISAIAH (ISAAC) BOUTILIER, b. September 28, 1854, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN85

d. 1941; m. LOUISA ANN MEISNER, December 23, 1876; b. about 1851, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS CAN d. 1930. Notes for BENJAMIN DANIEL ISAIAH (ISAAC) BOUTILIER: Benjamin and John William were twins. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about LOUISA ANN MEISNER: Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

36. vii. JOHN WILLIAM BOUTILIER, b. September 28, 1855, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 37. viii. JAMES ALEXANDER (SANDY) BOUTILIER, b. April 23, 1860, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. November

14, 1932, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ix. BARBARA ANNE (ANNIE) BOUTILIER, b. August 21, 1862, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN85.

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86 was born July 22, 1821 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN87. She married JOHN GEORGE WEINACHT88 November 23, 1848 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN89. He was born April 05, 1822 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN90, and died 1904 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN91. Notes for MARY SOPHIA HUBLEY: The information regarding Mary Sophia and her descendants was provided by Bob Hegerich. She was baptized on October 6, 1845 at St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village probably in preparation for her later marriage. (Researched by B.G. Hubley from the St. Paul's Anglican Church records, French Village (PANS, CAN Mfm 11368) She was confirmed on May 11, 1861 at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Hubbards at age 40. Notes for JOHN GEORGE WEINACHT: His surname appears to have many spellings: Weinacht, Winaught, Wynaught and Whynot. Children of MARY HUBLEY and JOHN WEINACHT are: 38. i. SIMON (WEINACHT)

5 WHYNOT, b. 1850, Hubbards Cove, NS, CAN. 39. ii. SOPHIA ELIZABETH WHYNOT, b. May 05, 1854, Hubbards Cove, NS, CAN. 40. iii. MARY ELLEN WHYNOT, b. November 20, 1856, Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. 1930, Halifax Co,






1 HUBLY) was born March

30, 1823 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN93, and died April 02, 1920 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN94. He married (1) ANGELINE WEINACHT November 21, 1848 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN95,96, daughter of JOHANN WEINACHT and SARAH SLAUENWHITE. She was born September 1828 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN97, and died March 17, 1856 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN98. He married (2) ANN GRAVES January 06, 1858 in Halifax99. She was born May 31, 1840 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN100, and died 1930101. Notes for JAMES HUBLEY: James lived in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN his entire life. In the 1871 census, James Hubley was listed as a Farmer, in the 1881census he was listed as a Farmer/Fisherman, and in the 1891census he was listed as a Farmer/Cooper with two employees. He was a Baptist throughout all of those years. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, N.S.

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Notes for ANGELINE WEINACHT: Angeline was the daughter of John David and Sarah Elizabeth (Slauenwhite) Weinacht. The following is from the Hubley Family File of James A. Hubley: Angeline is buried in St. Luke's Anglican Cemetery, Hubbards, NS, CAN. Her last name is spelled "Houbley" and her mother and father's last name is spelled "Wynock":

HOUBLEY Angeline d Mar 17, 1856 27y 6m wife of James dau of David & Sarah WYNOCK

On her parent's stones the name is spelled "Whynaught" Burial: St. Luke's Anglican Parish Cemetery, Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ANN GRAVES: Gail (Facini) Edwards reports that Ann ("Annie") was the daughter of William Graves and Catherine Fader. Ann was baptized on July 20, 1840, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, NS, CAN. From the Halifax Herald July 26, 1930 (Social Notes): "Black Point, Halifax Co,- Mrs Annie C. Hubley has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. Adlington, Bedford, after spending a week at the home of her son Hibbert Hubley" Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Marriage notes for JAMES HUBLEY and ANN GRAVES: From the "Christian Messenger (NS Baptist Newspaper) Marriage Index by Ross and Ruth Burgess; Issue of 27 Jan 1858 - Marriage of James Hubley and Ann Graves, both of Margaret's Bay, on January 6, at Halifax, by Reverend D. Freeman." (Courtesy of Robert Crowther). Marriage: January 06, 1858, Halifax104 Children of JAMES HUBLEY and ANGELINE WEINACHT are: 41. i. ZACHARIAS

5 HUBLEY, b. September 30, 1849, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1900, perhaps Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA.

42. ii. AGNES MAUD HUBLEY, b. 1851, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 43. iii. ELIJAH HUBLEY, b. March 1852, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1910, possibly Worcester, Worcester

Co., MA, USA. 44. iv. HIBBERT HUBLEY, b. June 28, 1853, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1932, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN. 45. v. ANNIE ELIZA HUBLEY, b. about 1855, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.


5 HUBLEY, b. about 1858, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN105; d. February 16, 1913, Nevada USA106.

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Notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY: Alexander Hubley may be buried either in Nevada, where he died, or at Black Point, Halifax Co, where his death is noted on his parent's tombstone. On this marker it states the date of his death and his age as 55. To the best of our knowledge, he was never married.

46. vii. LAURA MAY HUBLEY, b. May 19, 1861, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. viii. LYDIA ANN HUBLEY, b. July 11, 1863, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN107; d. September 23, 1863, Black

Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN108. More about LYDIA ANN HUBLEY: Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN109

ix. CHARLES MELBOURNE HUBLEY, b. November 23, 1865, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN110; d. July 06, 1866, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN110. Notes for CHARLES MELBOURNE HUBLEY: The cause of his death is listed as "diarrhea". More about CHARLES MELBOURNE HUBLEY: Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN111

47. x. HOWARD M. HUBLEY, b. February 03, 1869, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

xi. ELSIE M. HUBLEY, b. about 1879, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN112; m. STEPHEN A. ADLINGTON113, April

15, 1903, Colchester Co, NS, CAN114; b. about 1853, Scotland, UK115. Notes for ELSIE M. HUBLEY: The wedding record for Elsie indicates that she was 23 years old and living in Brookfield at the time of her marriage. Notes for STEPHEN A. ADLINGTON: He was listed as age 50 and living in Brookfield at the time of his marriage.





1 HUBLY) was born

November 13, 1824 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN117, and died January 28, 1912 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN118. He married (1) AMELIA (EMMA) WINAUGHT August 26, 1850 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN118,119, daughter of JOHANN WEINACHT and SARAH SLAUENWHITE. She was born 1831 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN120, and died October 05, 1873 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN120. He married (2) MARGARET V. BOCHMAN October 14, 1874 in Ingram River121,122. She was born 1836 in Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN123, and died June 04, 1923 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN124. Notes for EPHRAIM HUBLEY: All of his life Ephraim was a farmer/fisherman/hotelkeeper living in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS. CAN. In 1859, Ephraim built a large house on a hill overlooking St. Margaret's Bay, and became a hotelkeeper. This large house was called "Black Point House", and was a "way station" for travelers going (primarily) between Chester and Halifax. He had purchased the land for this from his father Alexander. Late in the 1890's, his son Amos returned to Black Point, with his wife, and he then took over the role of "hotelkeeper". Ephraim sold "Black Point House" to his son Amos in 1907. Ephraim was a devout Baptist and in 1892 he offered a piece of land for the Black Point Baptist Church. The Deed for this was researched by B.G. Hubley in July 2006 as follows:

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"Ephraim and Margaret Hubley sold a piece of property to Caleb Hubley, Hibbert Hubley and Amos Hubley, Trustees of The Black Point Meeting House for $1.00." The Deed was dated Oct. 8, 1898 and Proved on Oct. 11, 1898. Ephraim then built a second house for himself near the church where he lived with his second wife, Margaret until his death. Ephraim had been married to Emma for 23 years when she died in 1873, and was married to Margaret for 37 years when he died in 1912. After Ephraim's death, Margaret lived in the house for only a short while before she sold it. She died in 1923. Ephraim Hubley was a Farmer in 1871 and 1881, and a Farmer/Fisherman with two employees in 1891. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN125 Notes for AMELIA (EMMA) WINAUGHT: The following Halifax Co Death Record (Year 1874 #192) was researched by B.G. Hubley: "Amy Hubley, female, 40, Married, (born) St. Margaret's Bay, David and Elizabeth Winaught, October 5, 1873, Black Point, Consumption, (Informant) Ephraim Hubley, husband." Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN125 Notes for MARGARET V. BOCHMAN: Margaret V. Bochman was a spinster at the time of her marriage to Ephraim. She was the daughter of John and Mary Bochman (her father was a farmer from Chester). They were married (by Banns) at Ingram River by Rev. William Hall, Baptist Minister. The witnesses were James and Solomon Hubley, Ephraim's brother and son. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN128 Children of EPHRAIM HUBLEY and AMELIA WINAUGHT are: 48. i. CALEB F.

5 HUBLEY, b. November 24, 1851, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February 14, 1936, Halifax, NS, CAN.

49. ii. JOSEPH SOLOMON (SAUL) FOREMAN HUBLEY, b. December 26, 1852, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 02, 1940, Coyote, (Santa Clara), California, USA.

iii. REBECCA HUBLEY, b. August 15, 1854, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN130; d. July 24, 1856, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN130.

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Notes for REBECCA HUBLEY: Rebecca is buried with her parents in the Black Point, Halifax Co, cemetery, and is listed on their Tombstone as "Aged 2 yrs" Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN131

50. iv. AMOS NATHANIAL HUBLEY, b. April 20, 1856, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. August 17, 1947, Cole Harbour, NS, CAN.

51. v. MARY A. HUBLEY, b. October 27, 1857, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. 1949, Mersey Point, Queens Co, NS, CAN.

vi. RALPH R. HUBLEY, b. March 08, 1863, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN132 d. September 20, 1872, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN132. Notes for RALPH R. HUBLEY: (Note: same child but different name) Ralph is buried with his parents in the Black Point Cemetery. He is listed on their Tombstone "Ralph R. Aged 8 yrs." The following is the entry in the Halifax Co Death Record, Year 1874 #191, courtesy of B.G. Hubley: "Robert K. Hubley, Male, 9 Child (born) Black Point, Margaret's Bay, Ephraim and Amy Hubley, 20 Sept, 1872, Black Point, Scarlet Fever, (informant) Ephraim Hubley, father." Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN133

vii. THOMAS D. HUBLEY, b. November 09, 1868, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN134 d. January 03, 1874, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN134. Notes for THOMAS D. HUBLEY: Thomas is buried with his parents in the Black Point, Halifax Co, cemetery. He is listed on his parents Tombstone; "Thomas D. Aged 6 yrs." According to the Death Record he died of "inflammation of the lungs". The following Halifax Co Death Record (Year 1874 #193) was researched by B.G. Hubley: "Thomas D. Hubley, Male, 5, child, (born) Black Point, St. Margaret's Bay, (parents) Ephraim and Amy Hubley, 3 January 1874, Black Point, Inflammation lungs, (Informant) Ephraim Hubley, father." Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN135






HUBLY) was born March 17, 1829 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN136. She married EDWARD CONRAD137 January 27, 1851 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN138. He was born 1823 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN139. Notes for MARIAH (MARIA OR MAMIE) HUBLEY: Information on the family of Mariah and Edward comes from research by Robert Hegerich and Brenda Maruca. Children of MARIAH HUBLEY and EDWARD CONRAD are: i. JAMES E.

5 CONRAD, b. 1851, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141. ii. CAROLINE CONRAD, b. 1854, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141. iii. AMOS W. CONRAD, b. 1857, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141. iv. MATILDA E. CONRAD, b. 1861, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141. 52. v. ALEXANDER CONRAD, b. March 26, 1863, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 29, 1938, St.

Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vi. WELLESLEY CONRAD, b. 1864, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141. vii. ANNIE M. CONRAD, b. 1866, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141.

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1 HUBLY) was born

June 08, 1842 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN142, and died July 03, 1888 in Halifax, NS, CAN143. He married ISABELLA HUME December 15, 1869 in Halifax Baptist Church, Halifax, NS, CAN144, daughter of JAMES HUME and CLARA BOUTILIER. She was born March 19, 1849 in Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN145, and died October 1913146,147. Notes for GEORGE B. HUBLEY: George spent most of his life in Black Point, Halifax Co, living with his parents and later caring for his mother, sister, Lucy and brother Isaac. The following was researched by James A. Hubley: On December 15, 1869 a Marriage Licence Bond was obtained by George B. Hubley and Peter Colp for the marriage of George B. Hubley, Farmer, Bachelor of Margaret's Bay and Isabella Hume, Spinster, Chester. They were married on that day by Licence in Halifax "according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Baptist Church" by John E. Goucher. After he married they all continued in this same household until after his mother's death George B. and family left Black Point, relocating to Halifax by 1884 where he and his family lived at 11 Bauer Street, and he worked as a Porter for the ICR. (McAlpines Halifax City Directories 1884 & 1888 PANS Microfilm Reels #9706 & 9708) He died suddenly in his 47th year. OBITUARY: "The Nova Scotian" of July 7, 1888: GEORGE B. HUBLEY "Suddenly on the 3rd Inst. after a short but severe illness George B. Hubley, aged 46, leaving a wife and 4 children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and devoted father." He is buried in Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax. (Camphill Cemetery Records - NS Archives Reel #12046 Lot Location: Div UU Lot 63; Deed Date 19/7/1888) The Tombstone reads (Courtesy of James Hubley):

HUBLEY George B. Hubley 1842 - 1888 His Wife Isabel 1849 - 1913 Daughter Minnie M. 1871 - 1950 Peace Perfect Peace

Burial: Camphill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN148 Notes for ISABELLA HUME: Isabella was the daughter of James (farmer) and Clara Hume. After the death of her husband, George, she remarried, Allen Zwicker, a carpenter, on Nov. 14, 1895 and continued to live in Halifax. (Marriage Date Courtesy of Dave Tanner from NS Marriages)

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On August 7, 1909, the following appeared in The Halifax Chronicle Herald in the section "Notes From Black Point, Halifax Co," (Page 11): "Mrs. Allen Zwicker, Bauer Street, Halifax is occupying part of a cottage at the Point. She is accompanied by her three daughters, Misses Minnie and Georgie Hubley, of the staff of Mahon Bros. Ltd., and Mrs. George Scriven and baby." OBITUARY: (The Morning Chronicle, Wed. Oct 25, 1913, Courtesy of Dave Tanner): MRS. ALLEN ZWICKER "MRS. ALLEN ZWICKER - the funeral of Mrs. Allen Zwicker took place from her late residence, 197 Brunswick St., Monday afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. M.L. Gregg of the North Street Baptist Church conducted the service at the house and grave. Among the numerous floral offerings received were the following: Pillow, Family; White Roses, Little grand-daughter Doris; Palm, North Baptist Church; Wreath, Missionary Aid Society; Harp, Ladies Active Class; Cut Flowers, Ella, Addie and Rebecca Covey; Cut Flowers, Mrs. Layton and Annie; Basket of Flowers, Mrs. Chas. Beazley; Wreath, Mr. Elliot and Mr. Mahon; Sheaf of Wheat, staff of Mahon's Ltd; Cut Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hubley; Basket of Flowers, Mrs Fred Collings; Wreath, Mr and Mrs C.R. Hoben; Cut Flowers, Mr and Mrs Horton; Wreath, Mr and Mrs Martin." She was buried with her first husband, George B. Hubley in Camp Hill Cemetery Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN148 Marriage notes for GEORGE HUBLEY and ISABELLA HUME: Marriage Records: Province of NS No. 1423 Know all Men by these Presents, That We, George Benjamin Hubley of St. Margaret's Bay, Farmer; and Peter Colp of Margaret's Bay Blacksmith, in the Province of NS, are held and firmly bound to our Sovereign Lady VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, & C., in the sum of One Hundred Pounds, Lawful Money of Great Britain, to be paid to our said Lady the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors; for the true payment whereof we bind ourselves, and each of us by himself, for the whole and every part thereof, and the Heirs, Executors, and Administrators of us, and each of us, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals, dated the 15th day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty nine and in the Thirty third year of Her Majesty's Reign. WHEREAS there is a purpose of Contract of Marriage between the above named George Benjamin Hubley being a Bachelor and Isabella Hume of Chester being a Spinster And Whereas the said parties contracting being desirous that the intended Marriage between them should be solemnized without the Publication or Proclamation of the Banns of Matrimony, have caused application to be made to the Lieutenant-Governor of the said Province for a Licence, to be directed to the Reverend John E. Goucher the duly ordained and settled minister of the Baptist Congregation of Christians at Halifax in the Co of Halifax in this Province, to authorize him, the said Minister, to solemnize Marriage between the said parties contracting without Publication of Banns, and according to the Forms of the Church or Religious Persuasion aforesaid, to which he, the said Minister belongs. And Whereas for obtaining such License, it hath been to the said Lieutenant-Governor represented that no lawful impediment exists why the said parties contracting may not be lawfully married together: and that they are respectively of the full age of Twenty-one years; or otherwise, that both or either of them, being under that age, have obtained the consent of their parents or Parent, lawful Guardians or Guardian, respectively, to the said Marriage. Now, therefore, the condition of the above Obligation is such, that if

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there is not now, and at the time of the solemnization of the said Marriage there shall not be, or hereafter appear, any just cause or lawful impediment as aforesaid, or by reason of any pre-contract entered into heretofore, Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other cause whatsoever, but that the said parties contracting as aforesaid may be lawfully married together, and thereafter remain as Husband and Wife, according to the laws in that behalf provided; and if the same parties contracting are respectively of the full age aforesaid, or being either or both of them under the full age of Twenty-one years have obtained the consent of their Parent or Parents, lawful Guardian or Guardians, respectively, to such Marriage; and further, if the said Marriage shall be openly solemnized according to the Forms of the Church or Religious Persuasion to which such Minister belongs; and likewise, if the representation made for obtaining the Licence aforesaid be in all things true, and there be no fraud suggested or truth suppressed in respect thereof, then the above Obligation shall be void, but if otherwise, the same shall be and remain in full force and virtue. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, in presence of George B. Hubley Peter Colp S. Selden Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and ISABELLA HUME are: i. MINNIE M.

5 HUBLEY, b. May 31, 1871, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN150; d. 1950151. Notes for MINNIE M. HUBLEY: Minnie was listed in the 1891 census for Halifax with her widowed mother and three sisters. She was listed as age 18. (Canadian Archives Film: #T6314: Halifax City: Ward 5, E-3, Page 41, family #213). In the 1901 Halifax census she was again listed with her mother (remarried) and Sisters Hattie and Ginny. Her age was 29 and her birth date was listed as May 31, 1871. (Canadian Archives Film: #T6451: Halifax City: Ward 4, D-2, Page 3, Dwelling #29, Family #36) In the 1911 Halifax census, she is listed as "Winnie", still living with her mother and step father (Automated Genealogy Indexed 1911 Census: Halifax, Ward 4, Dist #63, page 6, line #16) Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN152

53. ii. LOTTIE GRACE HUBLEY, b. 1874, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 54. iii. HATTIE A. HUBLEY, b. October 02, 1876, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. GEORGINA (GINNY) HUBLEY, b. June 10, 1888, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN153.

Notes for GEORGINA (GINNY) HUBLEY: Ginny is listed in the 1891 census for Halifax with her widowed mother and three sisters (see Note for Minnie) where she is listed as 2 years old. In the 1901 census she was age 12 and her birth date indicates that she was born less than a month before her father's death. In the 1911 census she may be listed under H. Hubley with her mother and her Zwicker stepfather. The birth year given is 1885 and age 25. This is off just a few years.





1 HUBLY) was born January

25, 1820 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN154,155, and died February 27, 1897 in Boston, MA, USA156. He married MARY STORY157 about 1847158. She was born about 1822159,160, and died May 14, 1900 in Boston, MA, USA161,162. Notes for ISAAC HUBLEY: The information on Isaac and his family came from research done by Brenda Maruca, sent to Maxine Pastirik in February 2004 and June 2006:

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Isaac was initially listed as a Fisherman and Baptist. In notes from Brenda Maruca received in February 2004, she states that Isaac was "definitely in Ward 5, F-2, p.92, family 507, Halifax, 1881". The New England Vital Records on line (researched by Brenda Maruca) include the following death record for Isaac: "Boston, 27 February 1897, vol 474, p.87, #10: Isaac Hubley, married, age 78, cause of death Pneumonia, res. 39 Park, teamster, b. Lunenburg, NS of Jacob Hubley and Catherine Isenor, bp of parents: Lunenburg, NS." Children of ISAAC HUBLEY and MARY STORY are: 55. i. ROBERT

5 HUBLEY, b. About 1849, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 02, 1938, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

56. ii. ALBERT H. HUBLEY, b. November 23, 1850, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. November 30, 1928. 57. iii. AMBROSE HUBLEY, b. 1852; d. January 14, 1892. iv. FREEMAN HUBLEY, b. 1856164.

Notes for FREEMAN HUBLEY: From research of Brenda Maruca sent to M. Pastirik via e-mail May 21, 2006: "In the Boston 1890 city directory, Freeman and Isaac are at 39 Park."

58. v. LEANDER HUBLEY, b. December 1857, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vi. ISAAC HUBLEY, b. 1860164. vii. ELLEN HUBLEY, b. 1862164.





1 HUBLY) was born

October 03, 1821 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN165, and died 1912166. He married JANE (JENNIE) STORY December 04, 1846 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN167. She was born May 26, 1825 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN168,169, and died 1911170. Notes for BENJAMIN HUBLEY: In notes received from Brenda Maruca in February 2004, she states the following: "Benjamin Hubley b. in SMB, 1871; living in Halifax by 1881, Ward 5, F-2, p. 119, family 633...found on 1891 & 1901 census Halifax city". Benjamin was a Baptist, grocer/merchant with a "Feed Store" Burial: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Co, NS, CAN170 More about JANE (JENNIE) STORY: Burial: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Co, NS, CAN170 Marriage notes for BENJAMIN HUBLEY and JANE STORY: They were married by Rev. W. Hobbs

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5 HUBLEY, b. May 31, 1848, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 10, 1921. 60. ii. SILAS HUBLEY, b. October 1853, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 26, 1892, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 61. iii. EDWIN HUBLEY, b. December 18, 1858, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. ISABELLA A. HUBLEY, b. May 18, 1860, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN172,173,174; m. WILLIAM HENRY

TEAS, June 22, 1885, in Baptist Church (By Licence) Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN175,176; b. May 07, 1853177. Marriage notes for ISABELLA HUBLEY and WILLIAM TEAS: At the time of their marriage, William was age 32 and a widower (confectioner) while "Bella" (as her name was written in the marriage record) was 26 and a spinster.

62. v. THOMAS ALLAN HUBLEY, b. January 05, 1868, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.






was born 1822 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN179, and died January 05, 1868 in Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN179. She married CHARLES JOHN FREDERICK BOUTILIER December 30, 1841 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN180, son of JOHN BOUTILIER and CATHERINE MARRIET. He was born February 28, 1813 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN181, and died April 07, 1876 in Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN181. Notes for MARY ANNE (ANNIE) HUBLEY: Known by the name "Anne" - (In notes from Brenda Maruca: "Mother of ten") Burial: January 08, 1868182 Notes for CHARLES JOHN FREDERICK BOUTILIER: Charles was the son of John Frederick Boutilier and Catherine Elizabeth Marriette. Charles was a widower, age 30 at the time of their marriage. He was listed as a shoemaker in the 1871 Census of Black Point. He was also a fisherman, and lived at Mason's Point, North Shore, St. Margaret's Bay. He was a widower when he died of "consumption" tuberculosis, intestate (original Estate File #2598, Halifax Co, FHL 2320665) Children of MARY HUBLEY and CHARLES BOUTILIER are: 63. i. CATHERINE

5 BOUTILIER, b. August 20, 1842, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 64. ii. MATILDA BOUTILIER, b. July 30, 1843, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. 1924. iii. CHARLES BOUTILIER, b. 1844, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN184; m. ALICE

LUNDERKIN, April 16, 1873, Lynn, MA, USA185; b. about 1845, NS, CAN186. Notes for CHARLES BOUTILIER: The following is from research by Brenda Maruca: It should be noted that Charles is not confirmed as a son of Charles John Frederick Boutilier and Mary Ann Hubley, primarily because he wasn't in Charles J. F's estate papers. His residence was Lynn MA, USA where he was a shoemaker according to his marriage record (Massachusetts Vital Records, v. 253, #261)

iv. ISAAC BOUTILIER, b. about 1846, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN188; d. December 21, 1868188.

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Notes for ISAAC BOUTILIER: The following is from research of Brenda Maruca: Isaac of John Street died of "decline" at age 22 in Halifax (PANS RG #32, v. #37 as reported by H. Packham)

v. AMY BOUTILIER, b. about 1849, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN188; d. September 1868, Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN188. Notes for AMY BOUTILIER: The following is from research by Brenda Maruca: Amy or "Amie" died of consumption at age 19 (PANS RG #32, v. #36, #69, FHL # 1294783). She had been listed at age 10 in the SMB school records North Shore in 1859 (PANS RG #14, MFM #15668).

vi. CALVIN BOUTILIER, b. about 1851188; d. January 22, 1869, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN188. Notes for CALVIN BOUTILIER: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: Calvin died January 22, 1869, Halifax City, age 18 of "decline" as reported by H. Packham (PANS RG #32, v. 37, FHF MFM #1294783). Calvin appears in 1859 SMB school records with a sister and brother in 1859 (PANS RG #14, MFM, #15668).

vii. JONAS BOUTILIER, b. about 1853, Head Harbour, SMB, Halifax Co, NS, CAN189,190; d. October 31, 1876, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN190. Notes for JONAS BOUTILIER: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: He died in Halifax of Consumption at age 26 (PANS, RG 32, v. 43 #1, FHL mfm #1294786). From Halifax Co Deed Book #219, p. 150, #1142: "Jonah Boutilier owned land at SMB and Charles Graves, cordwainer and Catherine Graves, his wife; James Dauphinee and Matilda, his wife; William Coolen and Eunice, his wife and Lomima Boutilier all of SMB of one part to Arron Boutilier, yeoman (the only heirs surviving and siblings of the late Jonah Boutilier of SMB) sold their rights of his land (105 acres) to Arron for $550.00."

65. viii. AARON BOUTILIER, b. May 23, 1855, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 03, 1912, Vancouver, BC, CAN.

66. ix. EUNICE BOUTILIER, b. about. 1857, Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. x. LOMINA BOUTILIER, b. about 1864191.

Notes for LOMINA BOUTILIER: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Lomima appears in her father's estate papers."





1 HUBLY) was born 1826

in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN192, and died August 09, 1893 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN192. She married JAMES HUBLEY193 October 05, 1844 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS CAN194, son of JOHANNES HUBLEY and MARY ELIZABETH BOUTELIER. He was born March 02, 1812 in East Side St. Margaret's Bay NS, CAN195, and died January 07, 1879 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN196. Notes for MATILDA HUBLEY: Previously, Matilda was referred to as "Elizabeth" and "Eliza Matilda" by researchers who also indicated that she was the Matilda who married George Enos Corkum. More recent research, however, points to her name as being simply "Matilda" and her husband was in fact James Hubley, her second cousin. She was a Baptist and belonged to the North Baptist Church in Halifax. In notes and a copy of a Deed received from Brenda Maruca in February 2004 is proof that Matilda's husband was indeed James Hubley.

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The following Deed was researched by Brenda Maruca: This Deed was between the family of Jacob Hubley of Halifax Co and his wife Catherine's brothers and brothers-in-law (George Eisenhauer, John Eisenhauer, Paulus Eisenhauer, Jonus Eisenhauer, David Eisenhauer, Jacob Demon, James Demon, and Daniel Langille) of the Co and Township of Lunenburg. The four oldest children of Jacob and Catherine are listed in the Deed transacted on May 17, 1847 and Registered on November 10, 1856 in the Township of Lunenburg. They are listed along with their spouses (although no spouse is given for Isaac) and their father, Jacob. Matilda and husband James are listed in a Deed along with her brothers Isaac, and Benjamin with wife Jane and sister Mary Anne, "Ann" in Deed with husband Charles Boutilier "Butlier" in Deed, whereby they and their father Jacob are selling their claim to land. Jacob (Matilda's father) is selling his own personal entitlement while firmly protecting and not giving up the rights of his minor children (not named in Deed). None of the children would have any rights to the property unless their mother (Catherine Eisenhauer) was deceased by the time of the Deed (Jacob is a widower in the 1851 census) for the property comes through her and is from her father Nicholas who has recently died at Mahone Bay, intestate. Consequently Jacob and his four oldest children and their spouses are selling their "rights" to this land which lies in Lunenburg Co while they reside in Halifax Co. At the beginning of the Deed is stated: "James Hubley of the same place aforesaid yeoman and Matilda his wife..." The listing of the children of Matilda and James is from research carried out by James A. Hubley on Matilda born in 1826. Matilda was enumerated as a widow in 1881 census in Halifax, Ward 5, F-2, p. 88, Fam. 487. Her daughter Alice Maud was married to Frederick George Gibson on May 6, 1882. Witnesses were her sister Bessie and Edwin Hubley, son of Benjamin and Jane. In her Obituary: Five of her eight children survived her. Notes for JAMES HUBLEY: Information on James Hubley comes from research carried out by Robert Hegerich, and Brenda Maruca: Some records give his name as either James or Alexander. (RH) James, son of Johannes of Jacob of Ulrich was baptized St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Chester, Lunenburg Co, April 26, 1812. He was married twice. His first marriage was to Eleanor (Nellie) Boutilier (about 1831) from which there were two children Archibald and Isaac. His second marriage was to his second cousin Matilda Hubley in 1844. James was a storekeeper. He and Matilda and family moved to Halifax around 1869 where he died in 1879.

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Children of MATILDA HUBLEY and JAMES HUBLEY are: 67. i. CYRUS A.

5 HUBLEY, b. May 04, 1846, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 24, 1939, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

68. ii. DEBORAH HUBLEY, b. about 1848, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 07, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

iii. ANNIE HUBLEY, b. about 1850, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN197; d. May 17, 1874, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN198. Notes for ANNIE HUBLEY: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: The record of her death states that she was daughter of James and Matilda, age 24 at the time of her death. She died of Heart Disease (reported by C. Hubley: Halifax Co Death Records, PANS RG #32, v. #42, #20)

69. iv. LEAH HUBLEY, b. about 1851, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 11, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

70. v. ADA HUBLEY, b. March 16, 1853, Seabright, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 08, 1883, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

vi. SOPHIA HUBLEY, b. about 1857, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN199,200; m. JOHN WESLEY HECKMAN, March 30, 1881, Halifax Co, NS, CAN201; b. 1852, Halifax Co, NS, CAN202; d. May 1900, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN203.

71. vii. ALICE MAUD HUBLEY, b. November 1859, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 72. viii. ELIZABETH (BESSIE) HUBLEY, b. May 16, 1865, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.





1 HUBLY) was born 1828 in

St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN205, and died June 22, 1892 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN206. He married MARTHA A. MCDONALD June 28, 1856 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN207, daughter of ARCHIBALD MCDONALD and BETSEY BOUTILIER. She was born April 16, 1832 in French Village, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN208,209. Notes for CYRUS HUBLEY: In notes received from Brenda Maruca in February 2004: Cyrus was one of the first Hubley’s to move to Halifax, and appears in the 1864/1865 Hutchinson Directory as one of only two Hubley’s in the City Directory for those years. In the 1871 census Cyrus and family lived in Ward 5, F-3, page 96, Family 375. He was listed as a grocer. Cyrus and Martha sold land with Benjamin & Jane (see Halifax Co deed Book 246, p. 253, #360. The following is from research by James A. Hubley: When Cyrus died he was a Custom's House Officer or Customs Docker, and was listed as living at 18 John Street, Halifax. His cause of death was listed as "Phthisis" (Tuberculosis). Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN Notes for MARTHA A. MCDONALD: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: She was baptized on July 22, 1832 at Brunswick Street Methodist Church. She was left 22 acres of land at French Village in her father's will as well as other portions of his estate

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(Archibald McDonald, proved 24 March 1854, written 18 February 1854: Halifax Co Wills, Vol. 36, p 205-207) When Cyrus died his wife Martha received administration of his estate on August 4, 1892 (Halifax Co probate act #4296). "Cyrus's probate also named his nephew Cyrus Hubley (son of James and Matilda) as surety along with nephew-in-law William Davies. Wart issues were assigned to his son-in-law George S. Wright along with another nephew-in-law John W. Heckman. Cyrus was buried at Camp Hill as Martha purchased a cemetery plot there by deed soon after he died." (e-mail to M. Pastirik May 4, 2006) The following was researched by James A. Hubley: In the 1901 census, Martha Hubley is listed as a widow and as a mother-in-law to George Wright. His wife was Harriet, daughter of Cyrus and Martha. Marriage notes for CYRUS HUBLEY and MARTHA MCDONALD: The following was received from Brenda Maruca (e-mail) May 4, 2006: "Marriage by bond, Methodist Church, Halifax" Children of CYRUS HUBLEY and MARTHA MCDONALD are: 73. i. EMELINE

5 HUBLEY, b. June 08, 1857, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 74. ii. MARY ELEANOR HUBLEY, b. July 08, 1861, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 75. iii. HARRIET (HATTIE) HUBLEY, b. December 25, 1863, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.





1 HUBLY) was born

about 1832 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN211, and died before November 21, 1884 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN212,213. He married ALICE MATILDA BOUTILIER August 24, 1870 in Chester Rd. Baptist Church, Halifax Co, NS, CAN214,215,216, daughter of CYRUS BOUTILIER and SARAH MCDONALD. She was born 1849217, and died 1935217. Notes for AMBROSE HUBLEY: In notes from Brenda Maruca received in February 2004: "Ambrose his wife Alice and Jacob (his father) were enumerated in both Hammond Plains & French Village, SMB in 1871. Jacob was part of Ambrose household in 1881 and Jacob and Catherine were named Ambrose's parents in his marriage record. Ambrose signed the Bond when Sophia (his sister) married George Grono" From Robert Crowther: The birth of Ambrose Hubley occurred in 1832 per cemetery records, but in 1829-1830 per census records. Thus far his exact birth date is uncertain. Ambrose Hubley was a Wheelwright at Saint Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He owned Hubley's Mill and had an accident at his mill which caused his death three years later. His lung was punctured by a log at the lumber mill. He died at age 54. Burial: St. Andrews Anglican Church Cemetery, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

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Notes for ALICE MATILDA BOUTILIER: Boutilier information is from research by Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robie Hubley and Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor): Alice's father Cyrus Boutilier was born on Jan 15, 1815. Her mother was Sarah MacDonald, born on Nov 9, 1823. The children of Cyrus and Sarah Boutilier were Benjamin, Norman, Alice, Olive, Emma, Robert, Freeman, Homer and Albert. Cyrus died Oct. 1st 1897, and was interred in St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea, NS, CAN. [From old captioned photograph showing gravestone.] Sarah Ann (MacDonald) Boutilier died on Jan 4 1911 at the age of 87 years. (from old captioned photograph showing gravestone). From Robert Crowther: Alice remarried Joshua Umlah after the death of Ambrose, and had two sons, Bert and Neil. According to family tradition, as relayed by Hazel (Mont) Bobbit, when Alice remarried Joshua Umlah, he changed all of her property over to his name and then sold it to the Frasers. They moved to Goodwood, perhaps at that time. Burial: 1935, St. Andrews Anglican Church Cemetery, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for AMBROSE HUBLEY and ALICE BOUTILIER: Ambrose Hubley was a 40 year old wheelwright, living on the Saint Margaret's Bay Road, and Alice Boutilier was a 22 year old single lady, living on Chester Road when they were married on 24 August 1870 in the Chester Road Baptist Church. Children of AMBROSE HUBLEY and ALICE BOUTILIER are: 76. i. ELEANOR (HELENA) JANE

5 HUBLEY, b. July 06, 1871, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 02, 1947, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

ii. ANETTA (NETTIE) HUBLEY, b. February 1873, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN221; d. 1938, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN221; m. ISAAC YEADON, about 1899222; b. about 1873223. Notes for ANETTA (NETTIE) HUBLEY: Family research, in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, states "Nettie Hubley married Isaac Yeadon who at the time was a widower with children, these included: Katy and Bessie - married?" It also states "They (Enetta and Isaac) had children." Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea, NS224

77. iii. HERBERT ALLEN HUBLEY, b. August 25, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. 1927. iv. ARTHUR HUBLEY, b. 1876, Halifax Co, NS, CAN226; d. 1877, Halifax Co, NS, CAN226.

More about ARTHUR HUBLEY: Burial: 1877, St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea, NS, CAN226

78. v. ENESIMUS HUBLEY, b. about 1878, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 79. vi. AUSTEN ARCHIBALD HUBLEY, b. May 02, 1880, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN d. August 27, 1961,

near Los Angeles, CA, USA. vii. FOSTER HUBLEY, b. 1882, Halifax Co, NS, CAN227; d. 1883, Halifax Co, NS, CAN227.

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More about FOSTER HUBLEY: Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea, NS

viii. MYRTLE HUBLEY, b. 1884, Halifax Co, NS, CAN228; d. 1976, Halifax Co, NS, CAN228. Notes for MYRTLE HUBLEY: Information on Myrtle Hubley comes from Earl A. Hubley in correspondence with Robert Crowther: Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St. Andrew's Church) 1884-1976, spinster Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea, NS, CAN





1 HUBLY) was born 1834 in

St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN229. She married GEORGE GRONO December 01, 1863 in Halifax, Baptist230. He was born 1832 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN231. Notes for SOPHIA HUBLEY: In notes received from Brenda Maruca in February 2004: Her brother Ambrose signed the bond when Sophia married George Grono. In 1881 she and her family were found living in Halifax, Ward 5, E-1, page 31, Family #164. She was age 46. Notes for GEORGE GRONO: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca as per e-mail to Maxine Pastirik in February 2004: George was a widower when he married Sophia. He was listed as a farmer when they married but moved to Halifax after his marriage to Sophia where he worked as a Stonemason. Children of SOPHIA HUBLEY and GEORGE GRONO are: 80. i. HOWARD

5 GRONO, b. 1864; d. January 20, 1901, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA. ii. WILLIS GRONO, b. 1865233. iii. LYDIA GRONO, b. 1867233. iv. ADA GRONO, b. 1875233.





1 HUBLY) was born 1835 in

St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN234, and died March 19, 1901 in Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN235. He married SOPHIA BREMNER about January 08, 1859 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN236. She was born June 17, 1835 in Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, NS CAN237, and died June 27, 1902 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN238. Notes for JAMES HUBLEY: In notes received from Brenda Maruca in February 2004: James was listed as a fisherman and a laborer on Census reports. James moved to Halifax before 1871 where he and Sophia were enumerated with 4 children (the oldest Keziah (Kassie), having been born in SMB on her marriage record in 1880). James was living with his wife and youngest daughter Mary at the time of the 1891 Halifax Census where he was listed as a working in general labour; however, he had died by the time of the 1901 census when

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his wife Sophia was enumerated as a widow. Further information (May 4, 2006) from Brenda Maruca: "James died at Halifax on 19 March, 1901, b. SMB, age 69, of Chronic Nephritis, and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Halifax (Halifax city death record, line 59) Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN238 Notes for SOPHIA BREMNER: In the 1901 Census for Halifax, Sophia was listed as living with her son Norman (a clerk) and his wife Maria. She was 65 years old, of German descent and a Baptist. (Ward 5, E-M, Page 11, Line 30, Dwelling #80, Family #106, living at 105 Charles Street in 5 rooms) The following was received from Brenda Maruca May 4, 2006: "...Sophia died at Halifax 27 June 1902, age 67, a widow, b. Lunenburg of a cerebral hemorrage, at 105 Charles St., buried Fairview." Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN238 Marriage notes for JAMES HUBLEY and SOPHIA BREMNER: Halifax Co Marriages: Bond dated 8 Jan. 1859 (FHL # 1376197) as researched by Brenda Maruca (e-mail to Maxine Pastitik in February 2004), also researched by Robert Hegerich who added: "It is assumed that the marriage took place on the date of the Bond as was customary at that time." Children of JAMES HUBLEY and SOPHIA BREMNER are: 81. i. KEZIAH (KASSIE)

5 HUBLEY, b. 1858, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ii. ISAAC HUBLEY, b. 1861240. iii. NORMAN HUBLEY, b. August 15, 1862240; m. MARIA E. BOWSER, June 27, 1887, Musquodoboit Harbour,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN241; b. about 1861. Marriage notes for NORMAN HUBLEY and MARIA BOWSER: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley (Halifax Co. Marriage Registrations Year 1887 #218 PANS MFM 16534): "June 27, 1887 Musquodoboit Harbour, by Lic., Church of England, Norman Hubley, 25, B, son of James and Sophia, married Maria E. Bowser, 26, S."

iv. MARY E. HUBLEY, b. 1870242; m. WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, December 17, 1891, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN243; b. about 1867244. Marriage notes for MARY HUBLEY and WILLIAM MARSHALL: The following marriage record was researched by B.G. Hubley: "Dec 17, 1891 Halifax, By Lic., Presbyterian, William A. Marshall, 24, B, residing and born Halifax, son of William and Alice, married Mary E. Hubley, 21, S, residing and born Halifax, daughter of James and Sophia."






HUBLY) was born January 19, 1822 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN246,247, and died October 10, 1881 in Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN248. He married SOPHIA HENRIETTA HARRIET LANGILLE March 14, 1850 in St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg, NS, CAN249, daughter of JOHN LANGILLE and CATHERINE SCHMIDT. She was born July 29, 1829 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN249, and died April 06, 1915 in Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN249.

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More about JOHANN ISAAC DEAL: Burial: Lower Kingsburg Der Strandfriedhof Cemetery Notes for SOPHIA HENRIETTA HARRIET LANGILLE: Sophia was baptized on September 13, 1831 St. John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg NS, CAN Burial: Lower Kingsburg Der Strandfriedhof Cemetery Children of JOHANN DEAL and SOPHIA LANGILLE are: i. NOBLE

5 DEAL, b. about 1851250. ii. ISAAC DEAL, b. about 1853250. 82. iii. CHARLES ALVIN (ALBERT) DEAL, b. July 02, 1855, Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. January 14, 1939,

Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. iv. HENRY DEAL, b. about 1857250. v. JAMES DEAL, b. about 1859250. vi. OBEDIAH DEAL, b. December 23, 1862250. vii. EDMOND DEAL, b. about 1863250. viii. HARRIET DEAL, b. August 14, 1866250. ix. CAROLINE DEAL, b. about 1867250. x. DANIEL DEAL, b. October 1870250.






was born October 29, 1837 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN251. He married (1) MARY ANN MAGDALEN DAUPHINEE March 03, 1870 in New Germany, NS, CAN252, daughter of PAULUS DAUPHINEE and LUCY HUBLEY. She was born March 21, 1848 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN253,254, and died January 31, 1935 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN255,256. He married (2) JULIA ANN TRIMBLE 1889 in Halifax, NS, CAN256. She was born August 18, 1844 in NS, CAN256, and died after 1918256. Notes for BENJAMIN DEAL: The following was sent to Maxine Pastirik (e-Mail March 3, 2006) by Janet Matthews: "Benjamin was employed as a Farmer 1871 in Lunenburg, NS, CAN. He was employed as a Farmer 1896 in Halifax, NS, CAN. He was employed as a Farmer 1901 in Lawrencetown, Halifax, NS, CAN. After the birth of Wellington his wife left him for John Hallamore, and he was by all accounts distraught, and Hallamore researchers surmised he had died or gone mad. However, although he has not been found in the 1881 census, by 1889 he was in Halifax, where he married a widow, Julia Ann Trimble." Notes for MARY ANN MAGDALEN DAUPHINEE: The following was sent to Maxine Pastirik (E-Mail March 3, 2006) by Janet Matthews: "After the birth of her son Wellington, she left her husband Benjamin to live with John Hallamore. Although they were a respected couple with several children, a Hallamore researcher has found no record of a marriage between them." John Hallamore and Mary Rosanna Hebb had married on 31 Jan 1874. John's wife died 26 May 1876, and it was after her death that Mary joined him. From the following Obituary it can be noted that Mary and John had three daughters and two sons.

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OBITUARY: Bridgewater Bulletin - Wednesday, February 13, 1935 MRS MARY HALLAMORE There passed away at New Cornwall on Thursday morning, Jan 31, after several weeks, one of our oldest and most esteemed residents, Mrs Mary Hallamore, widow of the late J. E. Hallamore, in the 86th year of her age. She will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Surviving are four daughters, Maude (Mrs Harry Joudrey), with whom she resided in the old home, and who tenderly cared for her during her illness; Elsie(Mrs W. Penney) of Caledonia; Myrtle (Mrs (Dr.)Rose), Philadelphia, Pa.; Della (Mrs O.F. Lehrkind), San Francisco, Cal. Two sons, Glen of Berlin, N.H. and Earl, at home. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon. Services were conducted by Rev. B.G. Smith of Barss' Corner. Burial: February 01, 1935, United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall, NS, CAN256,257 Marriage notes for BENJAMIN DEAL and MARY DAUPHINEE: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca (E-Mail to Maxine Pastirik, March 8, 2006): "Lunenburg Co Marriage Bonds #20, married 3 March 1870, New Germany, by lic: Benjamin Deal, age 28, bachelor, farmer, res. Lunenburg, born Mahone Bay of John and Elizabeth, farming to Mary M. Dauphinee, 21, spinster residing New Cornwall of Paulus and Louisa Dauphinee, farming by Rev. William E. Hall, Baptist (William E. Barss of New Germany signed bond). Source: FHL mfm #2297124; Lunenburg Co Marriage Bonds, #20 in1870." Notes for JULIA ANN TRIMBLE: From research by Janet Matthews: In some records she is referred to as "Julian". In the IGI 1881 Census, she and her first husband were living with a number of children, and later, in 1901, a Trimble daughter was living with Julia and Benjamin. One of her Trimble sons emigrated to the USA and his WW I Draft Registration in 1918 lists his "next of kin" as Mrs. Julian Deal of Halifax, NS. Children of BENJAMIN DEAL and MARY DAUPHINEE are: i. ELIZABETH

5 DEAL, b. 1869259. 83. ii. MAUD DEAL, b. December 17, 1873 d. April 30, 1968, New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 84. iii. WELLINGTON LAMBERT DEAL, b. July 13, 1875, Lunenburg, NS, CAN d. November 30, 1921, Greenland,

Rockingham Co, NH, USA.






was born September 01, 1826260,261, and died November 03, 1909262. He married SARAH EISENHAUER262. She was born about 1839262, and died 1900262. Notes for RUBEN EISENHAUER: Information on this family comes from research done by Suzanne Hatty.

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Notes for SARAH EISENHAUER: Her maiden name was "Eisenhauer". Children of RUBEN EISENHAUER and SARAH EISENHAUER are: i. MERIAH

5 EISENHAUER, b. 1853262. ii. JOHN EISENHAUER, b. 1854262. iii. SARAH EISENHAUER, b. 1855262. iv. ALBERT (JAMES) EISENHAUER, b. 1857262; d. December 27, 1917262. v. WILLIAM EISENHAUER, b. 1861262. vi. RUBEN EISENHAUER

262, b. 1863.






was born February 10, 1830262,263. He married CATHERINE WESTHAVER. She was born October 30, 1835264. Notes for STEPHEN EISENHAUER: Information on this family line comes from research done by Suzanne Hatty. Children of STEPHEN EISENHAUER and CATHERINE WESTHAVER are: i. JOHN

5 EISENHAUER, b. 1859264. 85. ii. ALVIN (STEPHEN) EISENHAUER, b. 1863, d. 1918, Denver, CO, USA. iii. GEORGINA EISENHAUER, b. 1866264. iv. ARAMENA EISENHAUER, b. 1868264. v. ABIGAIL EISENHAUER, b. 1871264.





1 HUBLY) was born

September 09, 1839265,266. She married ZEBEDIAH FEINDEL July 14, 1866266,267, son of JOHN FEINDEL and MARY WEAGLE. He was born about 1842267. Notes for ZEBEDIAH FEINDEL: Zebediah was a farmer. Children of SOPHIA LANGILLE and ZEBEDIAH FEINDEL are: i. EDNA

5 FEINDEL, b. about 1868269; m. J. GRANT269.

86. ii. HANNAH MARIAN FEINDEL, b. August 21, 1869. iii. SOPHIA FEINDEL, b. about 1873269; m. WILLIAM SMITH






1 HUBLY) was

born December 27, 1841 in New Cornwell, NS, CAN270, and died October 21, 1919 in Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN271,272. He married SARAH ANN HUBLEY May 14, 1864 in Blockhouse273, daughter of JOHN HUBLEY and ELIZABETH MADER. She was born January 18, 1842 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN274.

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Notes for BENJAMIN LANGILLE: Benjamin was a Wheelwright/Carpenter. Children of BENJAMIN LANGILLE and SARAH HUBLEY are: 87. i. SPURGEON ELIEL

5 LANGILLE, b. January 16, 1867, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. December 24, 1947, Bass River, Cumberland Co., NS, CAN.

ii. HANNAH ELIZABETH LANGILLE, b. July 12, 1868275. iii. HARRIS HARDING LANGILLE, b. December 07, 1870276; d. May 08, 1871276. iv. HARRIS HARDING LANGILLE, b. February 17, 1872276; d. March 10, 1872276.

Notes for HARRIS HARDING LANGILLE: Harris Harding was a twin of Harding Harris.

v. HARDING HARRIS LANGILLE, b. February 17, 1872276; d. May 07, 1928276. Notes for HARDING HARRIS LANGILLE: Harding was a twin of Harris who was born on the same day but died on March 10, 1872. Harding never married.





1 HUBLY) was born

November 11, 1842277, and died 1934277. She married J. WILLIAM CALDWELL. He was born 1844277, and died May 13, 1930277. More about HANNAH LANGILLE: Burial: Barss Corner Baptist Cemetery, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Children of HANNAH LANGILLE and J. CALDWELL are: i. SAMUEL


ii. LAURA CALDWELL, b. 1866277. iii. LANLEY E. CALDWELL, b. 1869277. iv. WILLIAM S. CALDWELL, b. 1876277.






HUBLY) was born March 21, 1848 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN278,279, and died January 31, 1935 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN280,281. She married (1) BENJAMIN DEAL March 03, 1870 in New Germany, NS, CAN282, son of JOHANNES DEAL and MARY HUBLEY. He was born October 29, 1837 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN283. She married (2) JOHN EDWIN HALLAMORE about 1881 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. He was born October 05, 1847 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN284,285. Notes for MARY ANN MAGDALEN DAUPHINEE: The following was sent to Maxine Pastirik (E-Mail March 3, 2006) by Janet Matthews: "After the birth of her son Wellington, she left her husband Benjamin to live with John Hallamore. Although they were a respected couple with several children, a Hallamore researcher has found no record of a marriage between them." John Hallamore and Mary Rosanna Hebb had married on 31 Jan 1874. John's wife died 26 May 1876, and it was after her death that Mary joined him. From the following Obituary it can be noted that Mary and John had three daughters and two sons.

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OBITUARY: Bridgewater Bulletin - Wednesday, February 13, 1935 MRS MARY HALLAMORE There passed away at New Cornwall on Thursday morning, Jan 31, after several weeks, one of our oldest and most esteemed residents, Mrs Mary Hallamore, widow of the late J. E. Hallamore, in the 86th year of her age. She will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Surviving are four daughters, Maude (Mrs Harry Joudrey), with whom she resided in the old home, and who tenderly cared for her during her illness; Elsie(Mrs W. Penney) of Caledonia; Myrtle (Mrs (Dr.)Rose), Philadelphia, Pa.; Della (Mrs O.F. Lehrkind), San Francisco, Cal. Two sons, Glen of Berlin, N.H. and Earl, at home. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon. Services were conducted by Rev. B.G. Smith of Barss' Corner. Burial: February 01, 1935, United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall, NS, CAN286,287 Notes for BENJAMIN DEAL: The following was sent to Maxine Pastirik (e-Mail March 3, 2006) by Janet Matthews: "Benjamin was employed as a Farmer 1871 in Lunenburg, NS, CAN. He was employed as a Farmer 1896 in Halifax, NS, CAN. He was employed as a Farmer 1901 in Lawrencetown, Halifax, NS, CAN. After the birth of Wellington his wife left him for John Hallamore, and he was by all accounts distraught, and Hallamore researchers surmised he had died or gone mad. However, although he has not been found in the 1881 census, by 1889 he was in Halifax, where he married a widow, Julia Ann Trimble." Marriage notes for MARY DAUPHINEE and BENJAMIN DEAL: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca (E-Mail to Maxine Pastirik, March 8, 2006): "Lunenburg Co Marriage Bonds #20, married 3 March 1870, New Germany, by lic: Benjamin Deal, age 28, bachelor, farmer, res. Lunenburg, born Mahone Bay of John and Elizabeth, farming to Mary M. Dauphinee, 21, spinster residing New Cornwall of Paulus and Louisa Dauphinee, farming by Rev. William E. Hall, Baptist (William E. Barss of New Germany signed bond). Source: FHL mfm #2297124; Lunenburg Co Marriage Bonds, #20 in1870." Notes for JOHN EDWIN HALLAMORE: John E HALLIMORE married to Mary Rosana HEBB [Lunenburg Co.]: Marriage 31 Jan 1874 New Cornwall John 26 Bachelor, Farmer, New Cornwall, s/o George & Elizabeth Mary 16, Spinster, Mahone Bay, d/o Martin & Sophia Children of Mary Dauphinee and first husband Benjamin Deal are listed under #24 Benjamin Deal. Children of MARY DAUPHINEE and JOHN HALLAMORE are: i. IDELLA

5 HALLAMORE289, b. May 04, 1880290.

88. ii. ELSIE W. HALLAMORE, b. August 18, 1882. 89. iii. MYRTLE HALLAMORE, b. August 02, 1885, New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. iv. GLEN G. HALLAMORE

291, b. April 04, 1887292. v. EARLE JOHN HALLAMORE

293, b. October 1890294.

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was born March 17, 1848 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN295, and died May 31, 1925 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN296. He married ADELAIDE DAUPHINEE February 01, 1873 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN297, daughter of JOHN DAUPHINEE and SARAH SLAUENWHITE. She was born March 24, 1847 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN298,299, and died April 09, 1926 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN300. Notes for GEORGE ALBERT HUBLEY: George Albert aka "Albert" was a farmer at Martin's Brook, Lunenburg Township in 1871, but by 1901 he and wife and daughter Ethel were living in Halifax. Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN301 More about ADELAIDE DAUPHINEE: Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN301 Marriage notes for GEORGE HUBLEY and ADELAIDE DAUPHINEE: At the time of their marriage, Albert was living at Martin's Brook and Adelaide was living at Northwest. They were married in the Northwest Lutheran Church. Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and ADELAIDE DAUPHINEE are: i. ALBERTA S.

5 HUBLEY, b. 1873, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN303,304; d. January 13, 1897, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN305,306. Notes for ALBERTA S. HUBLEY: The following information was received from B.G. Hubley (e-mail Dec 1, 2005): Alberta S. Hubley, female, 24 years, single, Baptist, Lunenburg NS, died January 13, 1897, Phthesis Pulmonalis (Tuberculosis) Burial: St. John's Cemetery, Halifax, NS307

ii. ETHEL HUBLEY, b. November 25, 1877, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN308; d. January 17, 1928, Halifax Co, NS, CAN309. More about ETHEL HUBLEY: Burial: St. John's Cemetery, Halifax, NS310





1 HUBLY) was

born March 02, 1853 in Martin's Brook, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN311, and died 1886 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN312. He married ADELAIDE KNICKLE April 25, 1874 in Garden Lots, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN313, daughter of CASPER KNICKLE and HANNAH WATERS. She was born August 25, 1853 in Garden Lots, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN314, and died 1942 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN315. More about JOHN WILLIAM HUBLEY: Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg, NS, CAN316 Notes for ADELAIDE KNICKLE: Adelaide is listed on the 1901 census as the "head of the family" under the surname "Hubbley". It gives

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her birth date as 23 Aug. 1857. (Researched by James A. Hubley) Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg, NS, CAN316 Marriage notes for JOHN HUBLEY and ADELAIDE KNICKLE: The following comes from Willa Kaiser (courtesy of Robert Crowther): "(John William Hubley) married) 25 April, Garden Lots, by Rev. Wm. Duff, Presb., Adelaide Knickle, of Casper and Hannah Walters, Enoch Eisenhauer posted Marriage Bond of £100, and he witness(ed) with Christine Knickle, sister of the bride, 1853-1942 Lun(enburg) Hillcrest cem(etery)." Children of JOHN HUBLEY and ADELAIDE KNICKLE are: i. WILLIAM ("WILLIE")

5 HUBLEY, b. December 23, 1875, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN318 d. 1931, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN319. Notes for WILLIAM ("WILLIE") HUBLEY: Willie's birth date is listed as 23 Dec 1877 on the 1901 Census and he is listed under the surname "Hubbley'. (Researched by James A. Hubley) The following comes from research by Willa Kaiser (courtesy of Robert Crowther): "William Hubley was lost at sea in 1931 when the schooner sank in a storm in the Caribbean." Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg, NS, CAN

ii. CHARLES ALVIN HUBLEY, b. 1880, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN320. 90. iii. JOHN ROGER HUBLEY, b. May 08, 1884, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN d. February 03, 1966, Halifax , Halifax Co,

NS, CAN. iv. NORAH B. HUBLEY, b. 1886, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN321; d. 1888, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN321.

Notes for NORAH B. HUBLEY: From Willa Kaiser Notes courtesy of Robert Crowther: "Nora B. Hubley, 1886-1888 twin" Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg, NS, CAN






was born August 04, 1855 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN322. She married HIBBERT VEINOT October 30, 1875 in Presbyterian Church Bridgewater NS, CAN323, son of JOHN VEINOT and MARY WHEELOCK. He was born 1838 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN324. Child of MARY HUBLEY and HIBBERT VEINOT is:

i. ELI JEREMIAH5 VEINOT, b. September 19, 1889326.

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Generation No. 4 34. MARY ANN (SOPHIA)





1 HUBLY) was born January 23, 1843 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN327,328, and died January 28, 1911 in Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN329. She married JOHN MARTIN BOUTILIER December 30, 1861 in Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN330. He was born November 04, 1840 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN331. Children of MARY BOUTILIER and JOHN BOUTILIER are: i. DEBORAH AMELIA

6 BOUTILIER, b. December 20, 1860, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN333; d. 1935, Halifax Co, NS, CAN334; m. JOHN OBET (JACK) SMITH, December 28, 1880, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN335; b. September 06, 1860, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN336. More about DEBORAH AMELIA BOUTILIER: Burial: St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. JANE BOUTILIER, b. 1862, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN338; d. November 22, 1897, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN339; m. JAMES WILLIAM BOUTILIER, June 05, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN340; b. August 27, 1856, North Shore, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN341. More about JANE BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN342

iii. ABEL HOWARD BOUTILIER, b. October 11, 1866, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. iv. GEORGINA BOUTILIER, b. 1868, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. v. BESSIE BOUTILIER, b. June 1870, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. vi. MARIA BOUTILIER, b. 1872, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. vii. NEIL BOUTILIER, b. December 21, 1877, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. viii. EPHRAIM BOUTILIER, b. 1879, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. ix. ISRAEL BOUTILIER, b. before 1881, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. x. WILBERT BOUTILIER, b. before 1881, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. xi. NELSON BOUTILIER, b. before 1881, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. xii. ELLEN BOUTILIER, b. February 09, 1882, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344. xiii. LYDIA BOUTILIER, b. February 24, 1885, Boutilier's Point, NS, CAN344; d. 1979, Halifax Co, NS, CAN345; m.

VINCENT JAMES CAVICCHI, 1904, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN346; b. September 07, 1876, Crevalcore, Italy347. More about LYDIA BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN348 More about VINCENT JAMES CAVICCHI: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN348






1 HUBLY) was born November 08, 1851 in Ingram River, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN350. She married ESROM GARRISON May 13, 1871 in St. Margaret's Bay, NS, CAN351, son of HENRY GARRISON and SUSAN DAUPHINEE. He was born September 04, 1843 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN351. Notes for MARY ANN ADELAIDE BOUTILIER: The listing of the children of Mary Ann and Esrom Garrison is from the Family File of Suzanne Hatty (Oct 17, 2005).

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6 GARRISON, b. November 26, 1875351. ii. MELINDA MAY GARRISON, b. November 20, 1877351. iii. IDA JANE GARRISON, b. December 03, 1879351. iv. EFFIE NELLIE GARRISON, b. November 11, 1883351 d. 1961351; m. JAMES WILLIAM DAUPHINEE; b. June 18,

1872351; d. 1931351.






1 HUBLY) was born September 28, 1855 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN352,353. He married SUSANNA L. LANGILLE. She was born 1855 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN354. Children of JOHN BOUTILIER and SUSANNA LANGILLE are: i. HARRIS

6 BOUTILIER, b. April 29, 1882, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN354; d. before 1975, Halifax Co, NS, CAN355; m. FANNY EVELYN BOUTILIER; b. June 04, 1900356,357; d. August 14, 1975, Eastern Passage, Halifax Co, NS, CAN358. More about FANNY EVELYN BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. ELSIE BOUTILIER, b. October 10, 1884359. iii. CALVIN BOUTILIER, b. September 04, 1890359. iv. JESSIE GENEVA BOUTILIER, b. March 07, 1895, Halifax Co, NS, CAN359; d. November 26, 1958, Boutilier's

Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN360; m. FREEMAN CLYDE BOUTILIER, October 17, 1917, Halifax, NS, CAN360; b. May 29, 1888, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN361. More about JESSIE GENEVA BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN362






1 HUBLY) was born April 23, 1860 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN364,365, and died November 14, 1932 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS CAN366. He married ADA BOUTILIER March 25, 1884 in Halifax, NS, CAN366,367, daughter of GEORGE BOUTILIER and ANGELINE BOUTILIER. She was born May 01, 1865 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN368,369, and died May 02, 1941 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN370,371. More about JAMES ALEXANDER (SANDY) BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN372 More about ADA BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN372 Children of JAMES BOUTILIER and ADA BOUTILIER are: i. HATTIE




iv. PERCY ALMON BOUTILIER, b. February 02, 1886376. v. ERVIN ELWOOD BOUTILIER, b. March 17, 1888, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN376; d. 1945, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN376; m. MAISIE JEAN BOUTILIER; b. June 25, 1899, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN376. vi. FREDA MINERVA BOUTILIER, b. August 23, 1890376. vii. NELLIE TREMAINE BOUTILIER, b. August 23, 1890, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN376; d. June 20,

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1959, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN376; m. WILLARD ALBERTUS CHRISTIE, June 26, 1912, Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax, NS, CAN376; b. August 14, 1893, , NS376; d. November 13, 1965, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN376. More about NELLIE TREMAINE BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN377 More about WILLARD ALBERTUS CHRISTIE: Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN377

viii. STUART MELBOURNE BOUTILIER, b. June 15, 1894, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN378; d. 1979, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN379; m. (1) ANNIE K. HAMILTON, before 1929, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1896380; m. (2) STELLA TERESA CORNELIUS, September 30, 1935, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN381. More about STUART MELBOURNE BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ix. BERNICE PEARL BOUTILIER, b. February 05, 1896382. x. CHARLES WARREN BOUTILIER, b. December 05, 1898, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN382; d. August

04, 1956, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN383; m. MARJORIE ELLEN BOUTILIER; b. January 03, 1906, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN384. More aAbout CHARLES WARREN BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN385

xi. FANNY EVELYN BOUTILIER, b. June 04, 1900386,387; d. August 14, 1975, Eastern Passage, Halifax Co, NS, CAN388; m. HARRIS BOUTILIER; b. April 29, 1882, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN389; d. before 1975, Halifax Co, NS, CAN390. More about FANNY EVELYN BOUTILIER: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

xii. DOUGLAS MALCOLM BOUTILIER, b. March 06, 1905391.






1 HUBLY) was born 1850 in Hubbards Cove, NS, CAN392. He married AGNES

MAUD HUBLEY October 29, 1872 in Halifax,393,394 daughter of JAMES HUBLEY and ANGELINE WEINACHT. She was born 1851 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN395,396. Notes for SIMON (WEINACHT) WHYNOT: His surname appears to have many spellings: Weinacht, Winaught, Wynaught and Whynot. Simon, son of Mary Sophia (Hubley) Whynot married his first cousin, Agnes Maud Hubley, daughter of James Hubley. Mary Sophia and James were siblings. Marriage notes for SIMON WHYNOT and AGNES HUBLEY: Married by Licence, Halifax, lic, Baptist by John E. Goucher #478 in 1872, FHL mfm #1310587 (courtesy of Brenda Maruca) Witnesses were Caleb Hubley (the bride's first cousin) and Lydia Lantz (courtesy of B.G, Hubley. Children of SIMON WHYNOT and AGNES HUBLEY are: i. BURTON

6 WHYNOT, b. 1873, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN399. ii. SUSAN WHYNOT, b. 1874, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN399. iii. EVA BLANCHE WHYNOT, b. October 06, 1876, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN400; d. February 18, 1953,

Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN401; m. JOHN GEORGE BRIGLEY, September 11, 1900, Hubbard's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN b. April 10, 1869, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

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More about EVA BLANCHE WHYNOT: Burial: St. John the Baptist Anglican Cemetery, Queensland, NS, CAN

iv. STANLEY WHYNOT, b. 1878, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN402.






1 HUBLY) was born May 05, 1854 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN403,404.

She married (1) ROBERT HARNISH January 01, 1877 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN405. He was born December 20, 1850 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN406, and died May 14, 1877 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN407. She married (2) JOHN PETER STANNAGE DAUPHINEE, JR. November 02, 1882 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN408. He was born February 09, 1854 in Indian Point, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN409. Children of SOPHIA WHYNOT and JOHN DAUPHINEE are: i. FREDA

6 DAUPHINEE, b. December 25, 1884, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN411. ii. GEORGE PETER DAUPHINEE, b. June 26, 1886, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN411. iii. STEWART DAUPHINEE, b. March 06, 1889, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN411. iv. FLORENCE DAUPHINEE, b. January 01, 1896, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN411.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born November 20, 1856 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN412,413, and

died 1930 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN414. She married EPHRAIM HARNISH April 14, 1874 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN415. He was born September 22, 1848 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN416. More about MARY ELLEN WHYNOT: Burial: St. John the Baptist Anglican Cemetery, Queensland, NS, CAN Child of MARY WHYNOT and EPHRAIM HARNISH is: i. FLORENCE MAY

6 HARNISH, b. July 16, 1875, Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN418.







was born September 30, 1849 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN419,420, and died after 1900 in perhaps Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA421. He married ALICE MAUD BUDDING June 28, 1879 in Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA422, daughter of BENJAMIN BUDDING and LUCY FESSENDEN. She was born March 18, 1860 in Milford, Worcester Co., MA, USA423, and died after 1900 in perhaps Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA424. Notes for ZACHARIAS HUBLEY: Zacharias was baptized on June 16, 1850 (St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village) as researched by B.G. Hubley from PANS Mfm 11368. The following comes from Robert Crowther: Zacharias Hubley was a Baptist, and Teacher in the Charles Covey household at Haggett's (Hackett's) Cove in 1871.

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Zacharias A. Hubley emigrated from NS arriving Boston, Massachusetts on 20 Jan 1870, and was naturalized at age 33 on 28 Oct 1882 at Worcester, Worcester Co, MA, USA where he had resided for at least seven years. He appears to be son of James Hubley and first wife (Angeline Hubley) because birth date and place, as recorded in detail in Massachusetts, USA agree closely with 1871 census, age 21 and place (Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN). The following was researched by Robert Hegerich: There is an account of Zacharias making a number of insurance claims for a hand injury (loss of a finger) in a gun accident in an article from the Lowell MA "Sun" Dec 12, 1893. Apparently he had hoped to claim money from some twenty accident insurance companies however because there were questions regarding how the accident occurred, and because he did not loose his hand, he received money from only three companies; the rest refused. Children of ZACHARIAS HUBLEY and ALICE BUDDING are: i. MAUD B.

6 HUBLEY, b. February 12, 1881, Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA426; d. Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA. Notes for MAUD B. HUBLEY: Her last known residence was Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA.

ii. GORDON A. HUBLEY, b. June 17, 1888, Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA427. Notes for GORDON A. HUBLEY: His last known residence was Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA.







was born 1851 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN428,429. She married SIMON (WEINACHT) WHYNOT October 29, 1872 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN430,431, son of JOHN GEORGE WEINACHT and MARY SOPHIA HUBLEY. He was born 1850 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN432. Notes for SIMON (WEINACHT) WHYNOT: His surname appears to have many spellings: Weinacht, Winaught, Wynaught and Whynot. Simon, son of Mary Sophia (Hubley) Whynot married his first cousin, Agnes Maud Hubley, daughter of James Hubley. Mary Sophia and James were siblings. Marriage notes for AGNES HUBLEY and SIMON WHYNOT: Married by Licence, Halifax, lic, Baptist by John E. Goucher #478 in 1872, FHL mfm #1310587 (courtesy of Brenda Maruca). Witnesses were Caleb Hubley (the bride's first cousin) and Lydia Lantz (courtesy of B.G, Hubley. Children are listed above under (38) Simon (Weinacht) Whynot.

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1 HUBLY) was

born March 1852 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN435,436, and died 1910 in possibly Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA437. He married ANNIE M. WALLING July 20, 1880 in Douglas, Worcester Co, MA, USA437, daughter of MOSES WALLING and MARY. She was born March 1859 in Pascoag, Providence Co, RI, USA.438, and died in possibly in Worcester, Worcester Co, MA, USA. Notes for ELIJAH HUBLEY: The following comes from Robert Crowther: Elijah Hubley appears to be the same person as Eligh Hubley who married Annie M. (Hubley) of Rhode Island, USA. This conclusion is based on the similarity of name, birth date and birth place as they appear in the census records of NS in 1871 and of Massachusetts in 1900. Children of ELIJAH HUBLEY and ANNIE WALLING are: i. LOUIS M.

6 HUBLEY, b. May 1881, New York, NY, USA440,441; d. possibly in Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA; m. BESSIE E. HUBLEY; b. 1895, MA, USA442. Notes for BESSIE E. HUBLEY: Bessie's maiden name is not yet known.

ii. EDNA M. HUBLEY, b. April 1887, New York, NY, USA443; d. possibly Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA.






1 HUBLY) was

born June 28, 1853 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN444, and died 1932 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN445. He married ADA E. HUBLEY. She was born January 17, 1863446, and died 1930 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN447. Notes for HIBBERT HUBLEY: Hibbert was a farmer/fisherman in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN all of his life. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN448

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (52)


Notes for ADA E. HUBLEY: Her maiden name is not yet known. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN448 Children of HIBBERT HUBLEY and ADA HUBLEY are: i. EDITH MAE

6 HUBLEY, b. February 28, 1889, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN449; d. January 26, 1967, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN449; m. KENNETH VEINOTTE; b. April 06, 1885, Union Square, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN450; d. 1949, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN451. Notes for EDITH MAE HUBLEY: From the Hubley family files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik: Edith was a life long resident of Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN and was the "Postmistress" for many years. She was killed on the highway near her home in Black Point, Halifax Co, by a "hit and run" driver. OBITUARY: (Newspaper and date unknown) MRS. EDITH MAE VEINOTTE Mrs. Edith Mae Veinotte, 78, a life-long resident of Black Point, was tragically killed when struck by a car on the evening of January 26 as she returned home from visiting a neighbour. She was the former Edith Hubley and her husband, Kenneth B. Veinotte, predeceased her 17 years ago. She leaves an aged Aunt and a Nephew. Each fall she made a visit to the New Germany area to spend a week with her husband's relatives, including Mr. Bennett Veinotte, Mrs. Josie Veinotte, Mrs. Myrtle Hubley, and their families. The deceased was a faithful member of the Black Point Baptist Church of which she was at the time of her death, and for many years previous to that time, the organist, clerk, and janitor. Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon January 28, from the Black Point Church, with Rev. Murray Shaw officiating, assisted by Rev. Corbett. The soloist sang "There's No Good-Bye in Heaven" and the choir was in attendance. The floral tributes were beautiful and bore silent tribute to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for KENNETH VEINOTTE: The information on Kenneth Veinott comes from Rosemary Rafuse (e-mail August 2003 and Dave Tanner) Kenneth's family was from the Cornwall area. He descended from Leopold Veinot, a farmer, who came to NS from Montbeliard, France on the Ship "Betty" in 1752 and who was one of the founding settlers of Lunenburg NS in 1753. When he and Edith were married, they settled in Black Point where he remained the rest of his life. Kenneth was a "handyman", delivered mail to Black Point, and also worked for Schwartz for many years. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co , NS, CAN

ii. HAROLD HUBLEY, b. December 20, 1896452; d. January 31, 1916, Europe452. Notes for HAROLD HUBLEY: From the National Archives of Canada web site: "Soldiers of The First World War" and Hubley family files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik: Harold was an adopted son. He was a Private in the Canadian Army Medical Corps during WW I, and died overseas. He was unmarried, and is buried in the Black Point, Halifax Co, Cemetery. He is commemorated on Page 106 of the First World War Book of Remembrance in the Memorial Chamber, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON, CAN. Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN453

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (53)








was born about 1855 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN454. She married BENJAMIN EDWARD BOUTILIER455 May 03, 1876 in Baptist Church St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN456, son of JAMES HENRY BOUTILIER and CAROLINE HARNISH. He was born August 03, 1845 in Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN457. Notes for BENJAMIN EDWARD BOUTILIER: Information on Benjamin came from research by Joseph Whitby and Robert Hegerich. Benjamin was baptized on August 31, 1845 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. In the 1871 Census, Benjamin is a lumberman, living with Isaac and Angeline Boutilier next door to his parents. Children of ANNIE HUBLEY and BENJAMIN BOUTILIER are: i. NORMAN

6 BOUTILIER, b. about 1877459. ii. FOSTER BOUTILIER, b. about 1879459. iii. BLOSSOM BOUTILIER, b. about 1883460.







was born May 19, 1861 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN461. She married DAVID M. JOHNSON September 18, 1881 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN462, son of JAMES JOHNSON and MARGARET. He was born March 27, 1851 in Tatamagoouche, Colchester Co NS, CAN.463. Notes for DAVID M. JOHNSON: David was a physician, living in Sydney NS, CAN at the time of his marriage. Marriage notes for LAURA HUBLEY and DAVID JOHNSON: The marriage was performed by A.W. Barss, Baptist. (#337 in 1881 FHL, mfm #1310704, courtesy of Brenda Maruca). Children of LAURA HUBLEY and DAVID JOHNSON are: i. HELENA

6 JOHNSON, b. August 18, 1882, Tatamagoughe, Colchester Co, NS, CAN465. ii. JAMES M. G. JOHNSON, b. July 10, 1884, Tatamagoughe, Colchester Co, NS, CAN 465. iii. ARTHUR JOHNSON, b. November 14, 1888, Tatamagoughe, Colchester Co, NS, CAN 465. iv. ANNIE JOHNSON, b. February 21, 1894, Tatamagoughe, Colchester Co, NS, CAN 465.







was born February 03, 1869 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN466, and died in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN467. He married ELLA A. PHILLIPS August 30, 1893 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN468, daughter of WILLIAM PHILLIPS and ANNIE PHILLIPS. She was born February 03, 1870 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN469.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (54)


Notes for HOWARD M. HUBLEY: Howard appears in the Black Point census in 1871, 1881, and 1891, always in the household of James and wife Annie. He was a farmer in 1891 and was the Enumerator of the census done in April of that year. By the time of the 1901 census he was gone. Marriage notes for HOWARD HUBLEY and ELLA PHILLIPS: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from the Halifax Co Marriage Register: "Aug 30, 1893 Halifax, By Lic., Methodist, 24,B, residing Hfx, Born Black Point, s/o James and Annie married Ella A. Phillips, 22, S, residing Halifax, born Black Point, d/o William and Annie." Child of HOWARD HUBLEY and ELLA PHILLIPS is: i. HENRY M.

6 HUBLEY, b. April 14, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN471.

48. CALEB F.






was born November 24, 1851 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN472, and died February 14, 1936 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN473,474. He married SOPHIA SCHWARTZ January 04, 1887 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN475. She was born March 26, 1856 in Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN475, and died 1944476. Notes for CALEB F. HUBLEY: Caleb worked as a teacher in the Public Schools, and later served on the staff of H.M. Customs for many years, retiring from there about 10 years before his death. Caleb lived in both Halifax and in Black Point, however on his retirement he returned to live in his Black Point home. He was ill for several months before his death and was cared for in his son Clifford's home, where he died. His funeral was held in his Black Point home and both he and his wife are buried in the Black Point cemetery. OBITUARY: (Halifax Evening Mail February 14, 1936 - Courtesy of Frank Hubley): CALEB F. HUBLEY

EX-CUSTOMS OFFICIAL DIES IN HALIFAX "After an illness extending over several months, Caleb F. Hubley, a prominent and greatly respected resident of Black Point, passed away at the home of his son, Clifford E. Hubley, 6 Connaught Avenue, Halifax early this morning. The deceased who was 84 years of age, is well remembered as a teacher in the Public Schools, later serving on the staff of H.M. Customs for many years, from which position he retired some ten years ago, removing to his old homestead at Black Point.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (55)


Funeral on Sunday

He leaves a widow, who before her marriage was Sophie A. Schwartz of Hubbards, also two sons, Clifford, of Rainnie and Company, and Carl of H.M. Customs staff; also five grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. Mary Baker of Liverpool, and two brothers, Amos of Black Point, and Saul residing in California, also survive. The remains will be taken from his son's home and forwarded to Black Point, Sunday morning for internment in the Baptist cemetery. The funeral will take place at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon from his residence. The Rev. W.D. Wilson, of Halifax, will conduct the service." Burial: February 16, 1936, Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN477 More about SOPHIA SCHWARTZ: Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN478 Marriage notes for CALEB HUBLEY and SOPHIA SCHWARTZ: They were married by Rev. J.W. Manning Children of CALEB HUBLEY and SOPHIA SCHWARTZ are: i. CLIFFORD EPHRAIM

6 HUBLEY, b. November 14, 1887, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN479; d. April 30, 1968, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN480; m. MAY GRACE MYERS, July 21, 1911, Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN481,482; b. December 23, 1889483,484; d. May 30, 1952. Notes for CLIFFORD EPHRAIM HUBLEY: OBITUARY: (The Halifax Chronicle Herald May 2, 1968 (Courtesy of James Hubley): CLIFFORD E. HUBLEY C.E. Hubley Dies At 80 "Clifford E. Hubley, 1750 Connaught Avenue, 80, died Tuesday at the Halifax Infirmary. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Caleb F. and Sophia (Schwartz) Hubley. He was predeceased by his wife May Grace in 1952. Mr. Hubley was president of the Halifax insurance firm of Rainnie and Company Limited, retiring in 1959. He started his insurance career with Alfred J. Bell of Halifax in 1905. In 1911, he became associated with J.G. Rainnie; and was later appointed secretary and vice-president of Rainnie and Keator Limited. When the latter firm became Rainnie and Company Limited in 1926, Mr. Hubley remained as secretary and vice-president, and was appointed president in 1953. Throughout his career he served as a member and chairman of various committees of the NS Board of Insurance Underwriters. Surviving are two sons, Reginald and Clifford of Halifax; two daughters, Doris (Mrs. Wilfred Snair) Black Point, Halifax Co, Olive (Mrs. D.T. Matheson), Halifax; and five grandchildren. The body is at Cruikshanks Funeral Home, Robie Street. The funeral service will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the funeral home with Rev. Carl Holm officiating. Internment will be in Fairview Cemetery." More about CLIFFORD EPHRAIM HUBLEY: Burial: May 03, 1968, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN485 More about MAY GRACE MYERS: Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN486 Marriage notes for CLIFFORD HUBLEY and MAY MYERS: Married by Rev. J. F.L. Foster in Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. CARL FRANKLYN HUBLEY, b. July 21, 1898, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN489; d. June 18, 1947, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN490; m. INA EVELYN MACLAUGHLIN, June 16, 1934, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN491; b. November 16, 1907, Elmsdale, Hants Co, NS, CAN492; d. January 10, 1988492.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (56)


Notes for CARL FRANKLYN HUBLEY: OBITUARY: (Newspaper Unknown June 18, 1947 Courtesy of Frank Hubley) CARL F. HUBLEY "The death occurred early yesterday of Carl Franklyn Hubley, after a lingering illness. He resided at 60 Charles Street. He was the son of the late Caleb and Sophie Hubley, Black Point, Halifax Co,. He had been on the staff of H.M. Customs, Halifax for the past 18 years. He is survived by his widow Ina; two sons, Frank and Cecil, at home; and a brother, Clifford, Halifax. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon, with the service at Cruikshank's Funeral Home at two o'clock. Internment will be in the Black Point, Halifax Co, Cemetery." More about CARL FRANKLYN HUBLEY: Burial: Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN493,494 More about INA EVELYN MACLAUGHLIN: Burial: Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN494 Marriage notes for CARL HUBLEY and INA MACLAUGHLIN: MARRIAGE NOTICE: (Halifax Evening Mail June 18, 1934 Courtesy of Frank Hubley):

HUBLEY - McLAUGHLIN "A WEDDING of much interest in the province was solemnized on Saturday night when Carl F., son of Caleb F. Hubley, of Black Point, Halifax Co, and Miss Ina E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McLaughlin, of Elmsdale, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.D. Wilson and the bride was attired for the occasion in a traveling suit of blue. The happy couple will spend their honeymoon on a motor journey in this province. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hubley are widely known and very popular, the former an employee of the Customs Department in Halifax, and the latter a member of the staff of H.H. Marshall, Limited. Both were recipients of many presentations from friends prior to the wedding."

iii. REGINALD BRUCE HUBLEY, b. July 21, 1898, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN496; d. August 16, 1898, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN496. Notes for REGINALD BRUCE HUBLEY: Carl Franklyn and Reginald Bruce were twins. Reginald Bruce died in infancy, and is noted on his parents Tombstone in the Black Point, Halifax Co, Cemetery. Burial: Black Point, Halifax Co, Halifax Co, NS, CAN497






1 HUBLY) was born December 26, 1852 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN498,499, and died June 02, 1940 in Coyote, (Santa Clara), CA, USA499,500. He married LYDIA PERKINS February 25, 1884 in New Westminister District, BC, CAN501,502, daughter of WILLIAM PERKINS and ROSE. She was born May 10, 1859 in Australia503, and died February 10, 1947 in Santa Clara, CA, USA503,504.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (57)



HUBLEY: The information on this family line comes from the Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik; Paul Hubley, California, November 1980; Mrs. Albert Hubley, California, July 1996; Frank and Marie Hubley, NS, November 2003; Jinny Collins, Oregon, 2004, mother-in-law of Lynette (Hubley) Lievens who is a great granddaughter of Saul; and research by Robert Hegerich Solomon or "Saul" as his family called him left NS some time after 1871 when he was included in the Black Point, Halifax Co, Census (at age 18), and before the 1881 Census. Evidently he first went to British Columbia, CAN because on February 24, 1884 he was Baptized Roman Catholic (British Columbia Archives, online: St. Mary’s Indian Residential School, Mission City, St. Anns Convent Chapel). He and Lydia Burton Perkins were married the next day, February 25, 1884. They later settled in California where they raised a family of four children. The following was researched by Robert Hegerich: In the June 1900 census of San Francisco, California, he is listed as a Draftsman who immigrated to the USA in 1874. His wife Lydia is listed as born in Australia, and immigrating to the USA in 1883. Their four children are also listed with birth dates given as: William b. March 1885, Rosa b. July 1888, Philbert b. May 1889 and Eva b. Nov. 1895 (these dates differ slightly from other family records). All children were born in California, USA. Solomon and his family are found in the 1920 census of Antioch, Contra Costa Co where he was listed as a "Cabinet Maker in a Planing Mill". "Sullivan is 68, his wife Lydia is 57, Filbert F., is 28, and his wife Modena, 28. There is also an "adopted son", George B., age 2 and 1/2 living with them." Note: (by M. Pastirik): At this time it is uncertain if it was Solomon and Lydia or his son Philbert and wife Modena who may have adopted George B. Hubley who would have been born around 1917, and there has been no authenticated papers regarding this adoption found. In the 1930 California Census: Burnett, Santa Clara Co, he is listed as a 78 year old "architect" working in the "building industry", born in Canada, and Lydia is 67, born in Australia. Living with him is his grandson Louis A. Hogan, age 20, a Hotel Clerk, and his wife Reba L. He died in California in 1940 at age 87. According to Black Point Hubley family records, he never returned to NS even for a visit, but occasionally kept in touch with his brother Amos over the years. Notes for LYDIA PERKINS: Lydia's father was born in England and her mother in Ireland, while it appears that she was born in Australia. She later married in British Columbia Canada, and finally settled in California USA where she raised her family. She was a Catholic.

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More about JOSEPH HUBLEY and LYDIA PERKINS: Marriage: February 25, 1884, New Westminister District, BC, CAN505,506 Children of JOSEPH HUBLEY and LYDIA PERKINS are: i. WILLIAM FOREMAN

6 HUBLEY, b. March 13, 1885, Coyote, CA, USA507; d. December 25, 1957, Santa Clara, CA, USA507; m. NETTIE M. HAINES; b. November 18, 1887, Missouri, USA507; d. November 27, 1969, Santa Clara, CA, USA507. Notes for WILLIAM FOREMAN HUBLEY: His SSN was #552 01 5541. Notes for NETTIE M. HAINES: Nettie's SSN was #564057542 and her mother's maiden name was Lee.

ii. ROSE HUBLEY, b. July 1888, Coyote, CA, USA508; m. LOUIS HOGAN, 1908, CA, USA509. More about LOUIS HOGAN and ROSE HUBLEY: Marriage: 1908, California509

iii. PHILBERT FLOYD HUBLEY, b. April 05, 1889, CA, USA510,511; d. February 21, 1965, Livermore, Alameda Co, CA, USA512; m. MODENA ELENA HORNER, 1909513; b. December 25, 1891, Overton Co, TN, USA514; d. November 10, 1977, Redding, Shasta Co, CA, USA515. Notes for PHILBERT FLOYD HUBLEY: His name is also spelled "Filbert" in some records. Philbert and family resided in San Leandro California. His SSN was 558015187. More about PHILBERT FLOYD HUBLEY: Burial: Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Francisco, CA, USA

iv. EVA HUBLEY, b. October 06, 1901517; d. August 07, 1941, San Joaquin, CA, USA517; m. GEORGE SHORE.







HUBLY) was born April 20, 1856 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN518, and died August 17, 1947 in Cole Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN518. He married CHRISTIANA (CHRISTIE) SLAUGHENWHITE December 05, 1876 in the Baptist Church519, daughter of GEORGE SLAUGHENWHITE and SARAH YOUNG. She was born August 01, 1856 in Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN520, and died October 18, 1914 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN520. Notes for AMOS NATHANIAL HUBLEY: The information on this family line comes from the Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik and other Hubley Family Members, especially Shelagh (Hubley) Parker and Leon Hubley. In addition, Canadian Census films for 1871/1881/1891/1901 were used as were various newspaper reports as documented. Amos lived his early years in Black Point, Halifax Co, receiving an education and helping with the farming activities. In the 1871 census he was still living in Black Point, however at some point in his late "teens" he obtained a teaching position in Lunenburg Co, and taught school on Tancook Island where he met his wife Christie. They were married when they were both 20 years old. After the birth of their son, they continued to live on Tancook Island. In

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1881, they were living with Christie's parents and Amos's occupation was listed as a Farmer/Fisherman; his father-in-law, George Slauenwhite was listed as a Mariner (possibly Captain). They were part of a large household with their 3 year old son. Their religion was Baptist. They were still on Tancook Island for the 1891 census in the first household listed. Christie's father had passed away by then and it appears that they were living on their own. Amos was listed as a Farmer and he had one employee, Ramond Baker, who was also a Farmer and a "lodger" in their home. Amos, along with his brother-in-law, Edmund Slauenwhite purchased land on Tancook Island on January 24, 1889 from George and Sophia Young. (Land Registry vol #43, page 106 as reported by Chris Young in his book "Andreas Jung and his Young descendents") It is probable that they remained on Tancook Island until the late 1890's, possibly around or after 1896. At that time Amos and Christie moved to Black Point to settle. It appears likely that Amos returned to Black Point in order to take over the operation of his father Ephraim's "Black Point House" because by the end of the century that is what he and Christie were doing. By this time Black Point House was primarily a resort to which paying "guests" came from as far away as California and British Columbia. The house had a large glass "summer house" overlooking the beautiful St. Margaret's Bay where guests could sit, chat and enjoy the beauty of Black Point. Often the same people returned again and again. Amos purchased Black Point House from his father Ephraim in 1907. Amos's son Tommy married on Tancook Island and moved to Black Point with his wife Minnie and two children in 1897. In addition to running Black Point House, Amos farmed and fished and provided a Livery Service to surrounding communities. He also had the contract to convey the mail from the Ingramport Railway Station to the Black Point Post Office for many years; however, this job was carried out by his son, grandsons and later his gt grandson, Leon. Amos was a handsome, distinguished gentleman with a full crop of hair (white in later years). He was a staunch Conservative, and served as a County Councillor for the Black Point area for several years. Following the death of Christie, Amos started renting out sections of the house, and then divided the large house in half and one half was rented to others, including, at some point a man by the name of Frank Williams. Amos continued to live in the other half with the kitchen and a bedroom. He also rented rooms in his half. These rents provided a source of income. He also helped his son Tommy with the gardening and fishing activities necessary to support his son's growing family. He was always known as "Pa" to his family and was a somewhat strict disciplinarian with his grandsons as they were growing up; he was "short-fused" with quite a temper, yet very kind to his family. He and his pipe were almost inseparable. Old pictures often show him dressed in a suit or in "plus-fours". Amos was an active churchgoer and sang with a good bass voice (he and his son Tommy would sing together, - Tommy with a tenor voice). Now and again, he would enjoy "a little nip", sometimes becoming a bit "tipsy"! In August 1929, the family barn situated at the curve of the road directly in front of Tommy's house, burned to the ground. The following was remembered by Amos's grandson Leon: "The family was awakened around 1 A.M. by what seemed like big raindrops on the flat tarpaper roof...looking out, the barn was in flames. It could not be saved and was completely destroyed along with one or two horses and the farm equipment and hay. It was a disaster for the Hubley family." The suspicion (never proved) was that a disgruntled tenant, Frank Williams, who had been evicted for non-payment of rent, had started the fire as he had evidently threatened to "get even".

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HALIFAX EVENING MAIL Friday August 29, 1930

Page 1

"BAD FIRE AT Black Point, Halifax Co," "Barn of Amos Hubley Burned With Crop, Farm Machinery and a Horse:"

"In the early hours of yesterday morning between 12:30 and 1 o'clock, fire broke out in the barn of Amos N. Hubley, Black Point, St. Margaret's Bay Road. The fire completely destroyed the contents of the building, which consisted of the entire crop, farm machinery and implements and one horse. In an adjoining building the spring's catch of mackerel valued at $200 was lost. How the fire originated is unknown. Damage was done to the extent of $1,500. The buildings were not covered by any insurance."

In the late 1930's and early 1940's, Amos spent a considerable amount of time helping his sick son Tommy who had Parkinson's disease, often sitting long hours at his bedside. The Depression of the 1930's, illness of his son and increasing old age led to very hard times for him. After the death of his son in 1944, Amos's health declined and he moved in with his grandson Kenneth and his young family in the Ingramport Railway Station where Kenneth was the Station Master. He remained with them for a year or so until illness necessitated care in a Nursing Home. He died at the age of 91 at Cole Harbour, having outlived his son by 3 years. Both he and Christie are buried in the Black Point cemetery.

Black Point Looking Northeast

Black Point Looking Southwest

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OBITUARY: (Newspaper unknown) AMOS N. HUBLEY "One of oldest and most widely known citizens of the South Shore passed away quietly in his sleep on the evening of Saturday, August 16, 1947. He was 92 years of age and lived at Black Point, Halifax Co, the greater part of his life. He was a member of the Black Point Baptist Church for over 70 years and served on the board of management of the church in various capacities most of that time. He operated the old and well known "Black Point House" for travelers and summer vacationists from 1900 until death claimed his wife, Christine, in 1914 following a cancer operation. Since then he has lived quietly enjoying the fruits of his early successes in life. He never remarried and in recent years has been making his home with relatives in different parts of the province. The late Mr. Hubley had the contract to convey His Majesty's mails from Ingramport Station twice daily to the Black Point, Halifax Co, Post Office since the Southwestern Railway was built in 1902 until his death. In politics he was a staunch Conservative and always took an active interest in party work. He was Municipal Councillor of Boutilier's Point, Ingramport, Hubbards District for more than 20 years, retiring there from at the age of 75. Mr. Hubley was a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, Hubbards Branch from 1920 until his death, a period of over 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. Hubley had only one child, a son Thomas R., also a former resident of Black Point, Halifax Co, who passed away in June 1944. From the union of his marriage to Minnie May Mason, daughter of the late Peter B. Mason and Louisa Heisler of Halifax, there were eleven grandchildren. A daughter, Myra, died in infancy but those remaining are Otto R. of Chester, Merton L. of Toronto, Ralph D. of Black Point, Halifax Co,, Kenneth A. of Ingramport, Victor B. of Halifax, Gordon H. of Toronto, Iva P. (Mrs. Charles B. Ault) of Halifax, Mrs. Violet M. of Halifax, Olive B. of Jeddore and Mildred Ruth of Toronto. Funeral of the late Mr. Hubley was conducted by the Rev. Fred Gordon, Pastor of the St. Margaret's Bay Baptist Churches with service at Black Point, Halifax Co, Baptist Church at 3p.m. Tuesday, August 19, with internment in the family plot at the Black Point Cemetery." Burial: August 19, 1947, Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN520 Notes for CHRISTIANA (CHRISTIE) SLAUGHENWHITE: Christiana or "Christie" as she was called by her family was born on Tancook Island. Her mother died when she was just 8 years old, and her brother 18 years old. Her father remarried and she lived in the household with her father, brother and step-mother along with two step-brothers. Christie met and married Amos Hubley on Tancook Island. When she and Amos moved to Black Point, Christie worked hard, cooking and cleaning for their paying

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"guests". In Black Point she was well liked and respected as a kind, gentle, good Christian woman. She died at age 58 following surgery for cancer of the stomach. The following articles appeared in the Newspaper (name and date unknown);

Mrs. Amos Hubley "Christiana Hubley, wife of Councillor Amos Hubley, of Black Point, Halifax Co, passed peacefully away in the Halifax Infirmary at half past seven Sunday evening, after having been operated on for cancer of the stomach. She leaves a sorrowing husband and one son, as well as a large circle of friends, who will deeply mourn their loss. She was a faithful and affectionate wife and mother and beloved by all who knew her. She will be missed, not only in her home, but also in the community, as she was widely known for her generosity and sympathy. Mr. Hubley will have the sympathy of a large number of friends in his bereavement. Funeral at Black Point Wednesday at two p.m." "Hubley, - At Black Point, Halifax Co, Cemetery, St. Margaret's Bay, N.S., October 21st, was laid to rest, Christina Hubley, aged fifty-seven, the beloved wife of Amos Hubley, Black Point House. Our Sister Hubley was well known and beloved by all. She was an earnest worker of Black Point church, and took a deep interest in all things relating to the kingdom of God, and will be missed by a large circle of friends. She was a dear saint of God and He mercifully delivered her out of the pain and suffering which followed in the trail of cancer. The burial service was conducted by the pastor, C.A. Swift. There was a large gathering at the house. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family. 'He giveth His beloved sleep'." Burial: October 21, 1914, Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN520 Child of AMOS HUBLEY and CHRISTIANA SLAUGHENWHITE is: i. THOMAS RALPH DELONG

6 HUBLEY, b. April 21, 1877, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN522; d. June 01, 1944, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN522; m. MINNIE MAY MASON, October 18, 1894, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN in the Baptist Church, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN523; b. June 04, 1877, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN524; d. February 14, 1968, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.524. Notes for THOMAS RALPH DELONG HUBLEY: Thomas was born on Tancook Island in his maternal grandparents's (George and Matilda Slauenwhite) home. He lived his early years there, attending school and assisting in the farming and fishing activities as he grew up. At the time of his marriage to Minnie Mason, he was 17 years old. After their marriage, they lived with his parents, Amos and Christie Hubley on Tancook Island for a few years. They moved to Black Point, Halifax Co, in 1897, not long after his parents had moved there, most likely living with them in the large "Black Point House" until 1903 when Amos purchased a house next door for them: During construction of the railway, a cook and sleeping house for the workers was built. It was purchased in 1903 by Amos Hubley and deeded to his son Thomas in 1908. This house became the home to Tommy and Minnie and their large family Thomas was a generous, loving and kind man with an easygoing, pleasant manner. He was a devout Baptist and loved to sing the old hymns. He was superintendent of the Black Point Baptist Church Sunday School for many years, until 1935 or so. Thomas worked very hard at farming and fishing. His "farm" was never large or really productive because of its hilly, rocky

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nature but it yielded good crops of potatoes, cabbages, and turnips, some of which were sold in the surrounding communities or taken to Halifax for sale in his brother-in-law, Dewitt Mason's store, along with their extra eggs. They made a lot of sauerkraut and stored it in the "root cellar" under the house for use over the winter. He also fished, pickling a considerable amount of mackerel each summer. As his sons grew up, they took over the fishing (both mackerel and lobsters). They had a few apple trees, and would also pick berries in the summer. Livestock included one or two horses, one or two cows, usually a pig over the summer, and chickens. At one time they also had sheep. All of the children, as they grew, had "farm chores" which included feeding the animals, milking the cows, gathering eggs, working in the field, - planting, care and harvesting the crops as well as "haying". In the winter, they would cut ice from a nearby lake and pack it in sawdust in an "ice house" for summer use. The main "monitory income" for Thomas came from his job which was to pick up the mail from the Ingramport Railway Station in the mornings and evenings, using a horse and buggy. This included picking up the mail bag at Veinott's (his second cousin) post office, taking it to the train where the outgoing mail bag was hung on an arm for pickup from the train as it went by. He would return to Black Point with the incoming mail bag, thrown from the train. Often his sons would do this for him and by the mid 1930's, his grandson Leon, who lived with the family along with his mother, started doing this job by horse and buggy or his bicycle. This brought in a family income of $30.00 a month in the early 1930's. Probably the greatest family disaster was the loss of their barn by fire in August 1929. They lost their horses, wagons, and various pieces of farm equipment. Gradually the children left home, his sons Otto and Merton served in the Canadian Army during WW I, Otto serving "overseas". All of the boys sought "summer jobs" while they were still going to school and looked for "full time" work by the time they were 16 or 17 years old. The 1930's brought the Great Depression and were a very difficult time for the whole family, including Amos who was always very close to his only son and grandchildren. To survive, they sold off pieces of their land, bit-by-bit. Compounding the problem was the fact that by the mid 1930's, Thomas had developed Parkinson's disease and had become somewhat of a hypochondriac. He was increasingly unable to garden or to carry out the postal delivery, relying more and more on his sons and grandson and his father Amos. Eventually they had to give up the postal delivery. By the early 1940's Thomas was spending increasing amounts of time in bed; his father helped where he could. Much of the family income, including Amos's pension money was spent on medicine and doctor's bills. In late May, 1944, Thomas became very ill, probably complications of his Parkinson's disease and Pneumonia, and was taken to hospital in Halifax. He was there for only 2 days when he died on June 1, 1944 in his 68th year. He was buried in the Black Point Cemetery.

Black Point HUBLEY Family of Thomas (6th g.) and Minnie May Hubley Photo taken circa 1928 Front from left: Minnie May, Gordon, Thomas, Violet, Otto, Iva Back from left: Kenneth, Ralph, Olive, Victor, Merton, Ruth

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OBITUARY: (Source Unknown) THOMAS R. HUBLEY "Thomas R. Hubley, well known resident of Black Point, Halifax Co, died Wednesday morning in the Victoria General Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Hubley, 67 years of age, was born in Tancook Island and made his home in Black Point for 47 years. He is survived by his wife Minnie May, his father, Amos Hubley, Black Point, four daughters, Iva (Mrs. Charles Ault), Miss Olive Hubley, both of Halifax, Mrs. Violet Hubley, Black Point, and Ruth C.W.A.C., Sydney, C.B., six sons, Otto, Kenneth, Ralph, of Black Point, Victor of Halifax, Gordon, Amherst, and Merton in Toronto. A number of grandchildren also survive. Thomas Hubley was a devoted member of the Black Point Baptist Church and was superintendent of the Sunday School for a number of years. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. G.S. Vincent assisted by Rev. F. Gordon. The remains are resting at the Cruikshanks Funeral Home on Robie Street. The funeral will take place from the Black Point Baptist Church at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The remains will rest at the funeral home, Robie Street, until Saturday. Internment will take place in Black Point Cemetery." Burial: June 04, 1944, Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN524 Notes for MINNIE MAY MASON: Minnie was born on Tancook, and spent most of her early years there with the exception of a few years around 1889-1891 which the family spent in Halifax. She married Thomas Hubley on Tancook Island in 1894 when she was only 17 years old. Her first two children were born on Tancook Island before the family moved to Black Point, Halifax Co, in 1897, where her husband's family had lived for 80 years or so. There her remaining nine children were born. Minnie was a devout Baptist as was her husband and attended the Baptist Church at Black Point. She was the homemaker, cooking and sewing and tending her "kitchen" garden as well as her flower garden which she loved. With so many children, she spent most of her time in the kitchen, cooking, knitting and washing as well as cleaning and tending to her new babies and often sick children. She nursed her family through a smallpox epidemic, not losing any of her children or her husband to this illness. Minnie was the disciplinarian of the family, using a leather strap which hung on the back of her rocking chair when necessary. She was also "in charge" of the family finances probably because she inherited monies from her parents and grandparents. Some information re her inheritance was given to me by Roger Mason from the family wills, and is as follows: Peter Mason (Minnie's father) left everything In Trust and his wife Louisa, daughter Minnie and son Dewitt were to share the income until the death of Louisa at which time the remaining assets were to be split between Minnie and Dewitt. Peter Mason's Will reflected money left to him by his father, and Louisa's Will would have represented what was left from her inheritance from her (Heisler) parents. For example, when Louisa died in 1944, she had "Personal Property" valued at $2,000 and "Real Property" valued at $3,500. At that time, Minnie received the household furniture and effects, and her brother Dewitt received two houses (157 and 159 Agricola Street) less $500 to Minnie. A study of the Probates of both Peter and Louisa's Wills will reveal more specific details. For many years, she nursed her husband through his Parkinson's disease, and after his death, she divided her time between her Black Point home and her residence at 65 Charles Street. She spent winters in Halifax and summers in Black Point, moving into a smaller house built for her by her son Kenneth next to her family home. She carried out her household chores well into her 80's and spent many hours sitting in her rocking chair reading her bible. She was able to read without glasses in these years; she felt that she had received "second sight". Minnie enjoyed family visits, and loved to show her old family pictures. She cooked for herself every day. In her later years, she stayed in Halifax year-round and was able to enjoy her 90th birthday, although her memory had deteriorated and she no longer recognized everyone. Her daughter Violet lived with her in the downstairs flat of her house; the upstairs flat was rented out. Her daughter Iva also lived in Halifax, and helped to care for her, visiting almost daily, and bringing in prepared meals, doing laundry and shopping etc. Early in 1968, she had a couple of falls, the last one on January 26th. Following these she had no broken bones or paralysis but was "quite sore" and had difficulty swallowing, coughing a lot. The doctor indicated that she had possibly had a slight stroke or had dizzy spells because of heart disease. Her health deteriorated and she spent

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increasing time in bed, and died at her Charles Street, Halifax home on February 14, 1968 in her 91st year. She was buried beside her husband in the Black Point, Halifax Co, Cemetery. OBITUARY: (Source Unknown) MRS. MINNIE MAY HUBLEY "Mrs. Minnie May Hubley, 91, widow of Thomas R.D. Hubley, formerly of Black Point, died at her home, 6021 Charles Street, Halifax, Wednesday. She was born on Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, daughter of the late Peter and Louisa Mason. Surviving are four sons, Otto Ralph, Armdale; Kenneth Arthur, Black Point; Victor Bernard, Halifax; and Gordon Hazen, Toronto; three daughters, Iva Pearl (Mrs. Charles B. Ault), Halifax; Violet May (Mrs. George Hubley), Halifax; Ruth Mildred, Toronto; 13 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. The body is at the Halifax Funeral Home, Quinpool Road, where service will be held at 2p.m. Saturday, with internment in the family plot at Black Point, Halifax Co, at 3:30 p.m. Rev. A.R.W. Murray, Central Baptist Church, Halifax, will officiate." Burial: February 17, 1968, Black Point Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN524

51. MARY A.





1 HUBLY) was

born October 27, 1857 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN526, and died 1949 in Mersey Point, Queens Co, NS, CAN527. She married WILLIAM BAKER April 25, 1885 in Chester Baptist Church, Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN528, son of RICHARD JAMES BAKER and MARY CROSS. He was born December 1858 in Big Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN529,530 and died 1932 in Mersey Point, Queens Co, NS, CAN531,532. Notes for MARY A. HUBLEY: Information on Mary (Hubley) Baker and family comes from Hubley family files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, with special help from Muriel Davidson who personally knew Mary and her family in Liverpool NS, CAN. Burial: United East Cemetery (United Church), Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN533 Notes for WILLIAM BAKER: William's mother, Mary Ann Matilda (Cross) Baker, became the second wife of George Slaughenwhite, father of Amos Hubley's wife Christiana Slaughenwhite. Burial: United East Cemetery (United Church), Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN533 Children of MARY HUBLEY and WILLIAM BAKER are: i. FOREMAN

6 BAKER, b. March 1889, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN535,536; d. January 23, 1942, Liverpool, Queen’s Co, NS, CAN536.

Mary Baker with Brother Caleb Hubley (right)

Mary’s son (left)

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Notes for FOREMAN BAKER: Foreman was a "gentle soul" who, requiring care, always resided with his parents. He died in the Liverpool Hospital, having never married. Burial: United East Cemetery (United Church), Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN537

ii. EMMERSON BAKER, b. July 1891, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN538,539. iii. MYRNA JEAN BAKER, b. March 1897, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN539; d. April 06, 1970,

Liverpool NS, CAN540,541; m. EVERETTE WINSLOW CONRAD; b. February 17, 1892, Eagle Head, Queens Co, NS, CAN542; d. 1960, Queens Co, NS, CAN543. More about MYRNA JEAN BAKER: Burial: Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, Liverpool, NS, CAN543 More about EVERETTE WINSLOW CONRAD: Burial: Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, Liverpool, NS, CAN543






1 HUBLY) was born March 26, 1863 in Black Point, Halifax Co , NS, CAN and

died December 29, 1938 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN545. He married LOTTIE CONRAD. More about ALEXANDER CONRAD: Burial: St. James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN545 Notes for LOTTIE CONRAD: Her maiden name is not yet known. Children of ALEXANDER CONRAD and LOTTIE CONRAD are: i. CELIA

6 CONRAD, b. July 29, 1881, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN546. ii. OWEN CONRAD, b. June 18, 1889, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. iii. ALANA CONRAD, b. June 30, 1891, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. iv. CELIA CONRAD, b. July 1893, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. v. HAZEL CONRAD, b. September 02, 1894, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN546. vi. ELAINE CONRAD, b. January 1897, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. vii. CARROLL CONRAD, b. June 26, 1898, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. viii. RAYMOND CONRAD, b. February 26, 1899, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. ix. LLOYD CONRAD, b. April 1903, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. x. LESTER CONRAD, b. May 1905, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546. xi. HENRY CONRAD, b. June 1908, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 546.







HUBLY) was born 1874 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN547. She married (1) SAMUEL L. FADER November 19, 1895 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN548, son of MARTIN FADER and MARTHA MASON. He was born May 03, 1874 in East Dover, Halifax Co, NS, CAN549,550 and died September 12, 1905 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN550. She married (2) WILLIAM D. COOLEN January 10, 1907 in Shad Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN551. He was born October 13, 1875 in Shad Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN552. Notes for LOTTIE GRACE HUBLEY: Lottie appears in the 1891 Census for Halifax city with her sisters and mother (see Note for Minnie

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Hubley), where she is listed as 17 years old. Lottie was married to Samuel Fader in 1895, and he died in 1905. In 1907, she married William Coolen. The name on that marriage record is "Mary Grace Hubley". Marriage record (Researched by Robert Hegerich): "Shad Bay - On the tenth day of January, I united in marriage William D. Coolen son of the late William E. Cooolen and Jane of Shad Bay; and Mary Grace Hubley daughter of George B. Hubley and Isabella Hume of Shad Bay." Witnesses: Richard T. Coolen M. Coolen Minister: P.N. Dion More about SAMUEL L. FADER: Burial: September 14, 1905, Bayside Cemetery, East Dover, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

553 Marriage notes for LOTTIE HUBLEY and SAMUEL FADER: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from the Halifax Co Marriage Records: "Nov 19, 1895 Halifax, by Lic., Baptist, Samuel L. Fader, 21, B, s/o Martin and Martha, married Lottie G. Hubley, 21, S d/o George and Isabella." Child of LOTTIE HUBLEY and WILLIAM COOLEN is: i. OLIVE

6 COOLEN, b. about December 1908556.







was born October 02, 1876 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN557. She married GEORGE MORTON

SCRIVEN 1907558. He was born August 1871559. Notes for HATTIE A. HUBLEY: Hattie appears in the 1891 census in Halifax with her three sisters (see Note on Minnie) where she is listed as 14 years old. In the 1901 census for Halifax, she was again listed with her (remarried) mother and sisters, Minnie and Ginny. Her birth date is given and her age listed as 12. Child of HATTIE HUBLEY and GEORGE SCRIVEN is: i. DORIS

6 SCRIVEN, b. July 1908561.






1 HUBLY) was

born about 1849 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN562, and died January 02, 1938 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN563. He married BARBARA VICTORIA DOREY October 27, 1870 in Halifax Presbyterian Church564, daughter of GEORGE DOREY and ELIZABETH FREDERICKS. She was born April 04, 1853 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN565.

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Notes for ROBERT HUBLEY: Robert Hubley was a gardener/coachman born in Saint Margaret's Bay, but living in Halifax when he was married on 27 Oct 1870 at age 21. By the 1881 census the family was living in Halifax, and by the time of the 1901 Census, he was listed as a "Ship Laborer" His parent's names were Isaac and Mary, according his marriage record; this fact clearly identifies him as a son of Isaac of John Jacob of George Bernhard. The first listing of the children of Robert and Barbara comes from the 1881 NS Census for Halifax City: Ward 5, FHL Film #1375804 NAC C-13168 Dist 9, Sub Dist F, Div 2, Page 68, Family 376 where they were listed under the last name of "Habeley" The second listing of their children and their birth dates is taken from the 1901 Census Record, Halifax City, Ward 5, Div 1, Page 9, Dwelling 62, Fam 93. Robert Hegerich, who researched this, notes: "Although the years in the DOB for this family are legible, the day and month data are very difficult to read and are a 'best guess' interpretation of faded squiggles." (E-mail to M. Pastirik May 4, 2006) Marriage notes for ROBERT HUBLEY and BARBARA DOREY: They were married by Licence - Presbyterian, Rev. John Forrest – with A. Hubley & E. Hubley as witnesses. Children of ROBERT HUBLEY and BARBARA DOREY are: i. ANNIE

6 HUBLEY, b. October 20, 1872, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN567; m. JOHN MERLIN, March 21, 1894, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN568; b. September 10, 1865, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN569. Notes for JOHN MERLIN: He is listed under the name John Merlin on his marriage record despite the name given for his father as John Keslin. Marriage notes for ANNIE HUBLEY and JOHN MERLIN: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from Halifax Co Records: "March 21, 1894, By Lic., Methodist, John Merlin, 21,B, residing and born Halifax, s/o John Keslin and Nancy, married Annie Hubley, 21,S, residing and born Halifax, d/of Robert and Barbara."

ii. MARY HUBLEY, b. about 1875, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN571; m. JOHN BARON, May 15, 1894, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN572. Marriage notes for MARY HUBLEY and JOHN BARON: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from Halifax Co Marriage records: "May 15, 1894 Halifax, By Lic., John Baron (Baston?), 25, B, residing Halifax, born Ireland, s/o George and Jane, married Mary Hubley, 19, S, residing and born Halifax, d/o Robert and Barbara."

iii. MARGARET HUBLEY, b. July 1876, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN573,574; m. GEORGE S. OAKES, June 26, 1901, Boston, MA, USA575; b. May 24, 1874, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN576. Marriage notes for MARGARET HUBLEY and GEORGE OAKES: The following was researched by Robert Hegerich: "George S. Oakes was residing in Halifax at the time of his marriage and is listed as a "checker". Maggie E. Hubley was listed as a "domestic". The marriage was performed by Albert E. George, Clergyman, 530 Broadway (1901, Vol 515, page 158, #2829)

iv. CARREY HUBLEY, b. about 1879, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN578. v. GEORGE HUBLEY, b. November 18, 1880, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN579. vi. JOSEPH HUBLEY, b. August 04, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN579; d. June 21, 1902.

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Notes for JOSEPH HUBLEY: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley: City of Halifax Medical Examiner Report dated July 16, 1902: "Joseph Hubley about 18 yrs, 6 mths; terribly decomposed from the action of the water and fish. The deceased man was sailing on Bedford Basin on June 21st, 1902 in company with John Young and Frank Mader. Whilst in the process of changing places, the boat upset precipitating the three into the water."

vii. HUBERT HUBLEY, b. September 12, 1885, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN579. viii. CLIFFORD T. HUBLEY, b. December 20, 1886, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN579; m. HAZEL J. MUMFORD,

December 19, 1911, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN580; b. September 16, 1888581. Notes for CLIFFORD T. HUBLEY: This Clifford Hubley is believed to be the Clifford who married Hazel Mumford in the general vicinity of Halifax and had nine children born from about 1912 to 1932, including Elizabeth born 1920 and Bruce Clarence born 1924. Thus, that family is shown as his, in anticipation of corroborating evidence. Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 30: Clifford Hubley, lived Kinsac, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, married Hazel Mumford.

ix. MILDRED HUBLEY, b. January 04, 1888, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN583. x. ROBERT HUBLEY, b. July 1892, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN583. xi. GRACE MURIEL HUBLEY, b. March 17, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN583; d. August 20, 1970, Halifax ,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN584; m. GEORGE W. VEINOTTE, about 1915; b. 1885584; d. July 27, 1939, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN584. Notes for GRACE MURIEL HUBLEY: Gracie, daughter of Robert Hubley and Barbara, is believed to be the Grace Hubley who married George W. Veinotte and had seven children born from about 1915 to 1939, including Jack Douglas Veinotte born 1927. Thus, that family is shown as hers, in anticipation of corroborating evidence. Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS More about GEORGE W. VEINOTTE: Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS






1 HUBLY) was

born November 23, 1850 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN584, and died November 30, 1928585. He married SOPHIA ELIZABETH KEDDY January 11, 1877586,587, daughter of DANIEL KEDDY and SOPHIA HAMM. She was born April 10, 1844 in Halifax Co, NS588, and died November 12, 1928589. Notes for ALBERT H. HUBLEY: The following is from research done by James A. Hubley and sent to M. Pastirik by e-mail May 4, 2006: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 1 December 1928 ALBERT HUBLEY DIES AT HOME HERE There passed yesterday morning at his home, 79 Willow Street, under very sad circ*mstances, Albert Hubley, aged 78 years. It was only on the twelfth day of this month that Mrs. Hubley died, and their daughter, who was on a visit to them, had just left on her return to California, after attendance at the funeral of her mother. A telegram acquainted her with the later distressing news and she will return to the city for the funeral of her father, the time for which will be determined by the time of her arrival. Much sympathy is expressed for the members of the family in a double bereavement of a very grievous kind. Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN

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Notes for SOPHIA ELIZABETH KEDDY: Sophia was first married to James Strum, and had, we believe, two children when she married Albert H. Hubley. The following was researched by James A. Hubley: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 13 November 1928 MRS. ALBERT HUBLEY DIES AT HOME HERE There passed away, suddenly, early Monday morning, Sophia Elizabeth, wife of Albert Hubley, at 79 Willow Street. Mrs. Hubley had attained the age of 84 years, and was a well-known and highly respected member of the community. She and her husband were one of the first to build a home in what was then known as "Woodill's Field, there being only one other house in there. She leaves besides her husband, two sons and four daughters - Maynard Strum, Mader's Cove, Capt. A. P. Strum, New Orleans, Mrs. John Herman and Mrs. Edna Smith, San Francisco, Mrs. John Ross and Mrs. S.T. Craig of this city. Funeral will be held on Wednesday, at 2:30 to Camp Hill Cemetery. According to Robert Crowther: Ancestral file: Born 26 April 1845 at Lunenburg Co. Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN Marriage notes for ALBERT HUBLEY and SOPHIA KEDDY: Sophia was the widow of James Strum when they married. Marriage Note researched by Brenda Maruca: 1877, volume #215, #8: "11 January 1877, Halifax, Lic., Albert H. Hubley, b, express man, res: Halifax, b. SMB of Isaac and Mary, labourer to Sophia Strump, age 31, widow, res: Mahone Bay, b. Mahone Bay of Daniel and Sophia Strump, laborer, witnesses Charles Jacobs, Kesiah Hubley, clergy: Allan Simpson, Pres. Witnesses: Cassie Hubley b. SMB, daughter of James Hubley, b. SMB and his wife Sophia Brimner, b. Mahone Bay." Note (from Brenda Maruca): "Cassie later married the other witness Charles Jacobs" Note: There are apparently errors in the above, as Sophia's parents were actually Daniel and Sophia Keddy, and her first husband was James Strum (not Strump). Children of ALBERT HUBLEY and SOPHIA KEDDY are: i. JANET MAY

6 HUBLEY, b. March 18, 1877, NS CAN592; d. March 26, 1949592; m. JOHN ROSS, about 1895592; b. about 1873, NS CAN592.

ii. MARY EDNA HUBLEY, b. March 23, 1879, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN592; d. April 14, 1969592; m. WILLIAM HARRIS SMITH, November 28, 1896, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN592,593; b.about 1875594. Marriage notes for MARY HUBLEY and WILLIAM SMITH: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from the Halifax Co Marriage Records: "Baptist, William Harris Smith, 21, B, s/o William and Sophia married Edna Hubley, 19, s, d/o Albert and Sophia."

iii. MABEL BLANCHE HUBLEY, b. September 28, 1886, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN596; d. February 08, 1957, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN596; m. STEPHEN THOMAS CRAIG, June 08, 1904, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN596,597; b. December 25, 1874, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN598; d. March 26, 1938, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about STEPHEN THOMAS CRAIG: Burial: March 28, 1938598

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Marriage notes for MABEL HUBLEY and STEPHEN CRAIG: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley: "June 8, 1904 Halifax, By Lic., Methodist, Stephen Thomas Craig, 27, B, residing and born Halifax, son of George and Mary, married Mabel Blanche Hubley, 18, S, residing and born Halifax, d/o Albert and Sophia."







600 was born 1852601, and died January 14, 1892602,603. He married (1) CATHERINE CAMERON604 1879 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN605. He married (2) MARGARET 1888 in Boston, MA, USA605. She was born in Cape Breton Island, NS, CAN. More about AMBROSE HUBLEY and CATHERINE CAMERON: Marriage: 1879, Halifax Co, NS, CAN605 Child of AMBROSE HUBLEY and CATHERINE CAMERON is: i. JOHN ALEXANDER

6 HUBLEY, b. about 1881606; m. TERESA MCMANUS, January 08, 1905, Somerville, MA, USA607; b. about 1886608. Notes for JOHN ALEXANDER HUBLEY: The following was sent by Brenda Maruca (e-mail to M. Pastirik May 21, 2006); "John Alexander is in the 1900 census, Boston household of his uncle Freeman (son of Isaac and Mary). John's father is seemingly Ambrose…the Boston 1890 city directory shows Ambrose at 5 Lawrence; Freeman and Isaac at 39 Park; Isaac's son Leander A. appears at 23 Miller." Marriage notes for JOHN HUBLEY and TERESA MCMANUS: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca from the NEHG on line database (e-mail to M. Pastirik May 21, 2006: "Somerville marriage, 8 January 1905, vol 555, p. 669, #16: John Alexander Hubley, 24, res: 46A Pleasant St. Charlestown, foreman's helper, Halifax, NS of Ambrose Hubley and Catherine Cameron to Teresa McManus 19, res: 105 Beacon Street, Somerville, at home, b. Somerville, Mass of John McManus and Ellen O'Leary by Albert c. Mullin, priest, 264 Washington St., Somerville."






1 HUBLY) was

born December 1857 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN610. He married JANET A. LAVERS August 09, 1882 in Boston, MA, USA610, daughter of CHARLES LAVERS and CATHERINE LAVERS. She was born October 1862 in Newport, NS, CAN610. Notes for LEANDER HUBLEY: The family appears on the Boston, Suffolk, Ward 4, ED #1201, sheet 3B census with their three children. (Courtesy of Brenda Maruca) Marriage notes for LEANDER HUBLEY and JANET LAVERS: On the marriage record, Leander is listed as a "teamster" they both resided in Boston. Children of LEANDER HUBLEY and JANET LAVERS are: i. ALBERT EDWARD

6 HUBLEY, b. June 14, 1883611. ii. FRANCIS WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. May 23, 1888611. iii. ETTA ISABEL HUBLEY, b. October 27, 1889611. iv. FLORENCE ELLA HUBLEY, b. 1900611.

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HUBLY) was born May 31, 1848 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN612, and died June 10, 1921613. She married WILLIAM HENRY ISNOR March 22, 1876 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN614, son of JAMES ISNOR and ELIZABETH FRASER. He was born October 28, 1845 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN615, and died 1928616. Notes for MARY ANNIE HUBLEY: DEATH NOTICE: The Morning Chronicle June 10, 1921 (PANS MFM 5627) Researched by B.G. Hubley "Isnor - the death took place at her late residence, 27 Harris St. early this morning, of Annie M., beloved wife of W.H. Isnor, aged 74. Funeral notice later." Notes for WILLIAM HENRY ISNOR: They were married in Halifax however later lived in Glen Margaret, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN but by the 1881 Census they were living in Dartmouth where Henry worked in "Livery Stables". Their religion was listed as Methodist (researched by Robert Hegerich). William Henry listed his ancestry as "Scottish". Marriage notes for MARY HUBLEY and WILLIAM ISNOR: They were married on 22 March 1876 in the Baptist Church at Halifax: "Halifax, March 22, 1876, By License, Baptist, William Isnor 30, widower, married Annie Hubley, daughter of Benjamin and Jane, witness Isabel A. Hubley" (Halifax co. Marriage Records #69, year 1876, PANS MFM 16533" as researched by B. G. Hubley. Children of MARY HUBLEY and WILLIAM ISNOR are: i. JESSY

6 ISNOR, b. about 1873. ii. FLORENCE ISNOR, b. May 27, 1874618. iii. ANNETTA MABEL ISNOR, b. February 01, 1877619,620; d. 1952621; m. CHARLES E. PURVIS JOHNSTON, about

1898621; b. about 1877622. iv. WATSON ISNOR, b. September 04, 1879624. v. PHOEBE ISNOR, b. July 08, 1880624. vi. RALPH ISNOR, b. January 24, 1882624. vii. GORDON ISNOR, b. May 10, 1884624. viii. ROY ISNOR, b. November 26, 1886624. ix. MARTHA ISNOR, b. July 1889625.






1 HUBLY) was

born October 1853 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN626,627, and died September 26, 1892 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN628. He married EMMA DAUPHINEE April 27, 1881 in Martin's Brook, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN629. She was born 1856 in Martin's Brook, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN630. Notes for SILAS HUBLEY: Although his marriage record indicates that he was born in Martin's Brook, I believe this to be incorrect given that his family (parents and siblings) was consistently in the French Village area of St. Margaret's Bay in the various 1800 census reports.

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The following is in his Halifax Death Record: (Courtesy of B.G. Hubley) "Hubley, Silas, male, 39 years, married, German, St. Margaret's Bay (origin), Baptist, Merchant, Sept 26, 1892 Phylitisis (Tuberculosis) 23 Harris St. W B Slayter, Camp Hill." In notes from Brenda Maruca (e-mail May 2006 to M. Pastirik): "Silas died with a good deal of real estate in Halifax (listed in Halifax Chronicle)" Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN631 Notes for EMMA DAUPHINEE: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "After the death of her husband, Silas, Emma and her brother-in-law Thomas Allan Hubley received the administration of the estate #4316 (Probate Acts, Halifax Co dated 29 June 1894). Emma also received guardianship of their three daughters all under 14 years of age." Marriage notes for SILAS HUBLEY and EMMA DAUPHINEE: The following is from Robert Crowther: "Silas Hubley and Emma Dauphinee were both residing at Martin's Brook when they were married on 27 April 1881 at the Martin's Brook Baptist Church." Children of SILAS HUBLEY and EMMA DAUPHINEE are: i. JENNIE MAY

6 HUBLEY, b. June 24, 1883633. ii. EVA MARIA HUBLEY, b. June 16, 1886633. iii. ADELAIDE GRACE HUBLEY, b. July 03, 1887633.






1 HUBLY) was

born December 18, 1858 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN634. He married (1) MARGARET E. TEAS October 21, 1886 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN635. She was born 1863 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS. CAN635, and died May 26, 1887636. He married (2) LAURELLA LECK August 14, 1889637. She was born March 12, 1870 in NS CAN638. Marriage notes for EDWIN HUBLEY and MARGARET TEAS: Edwin Hubley and Margaret E. Teas married in the Baptist Church, Halifax, NS, CAN. Marriage notes for EDWIN HUBLEY and LAURELLA LECK: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca and sent to M.Pastirik (e-mail May 2006): "Edwin married Laurilla Leck, age 20, spinster, res. Wittemberg, b. Taylorsville of Henry and Ann, farmer, Lic., Baptist on August 14, 1889 at Wittemberg (marriage #107, Colchester Co, NS, CAN) Children of EDWIN HUBLEY and LAURELLA LECK are: i. STUART F.

6 HUBLEY, b. May 24, 1891, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN641. ii. RUSSEL HUBLEY, b. January 05, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN641. iii. MARJORIE HUBLEY, b. September 25, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN641.

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HUBLY) was born January 05, 1868 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN642,643. He married ISABEL SPRY January 14, 1891 in Baptist Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN644,645. She was born March 04, 1868 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN646,647. Notes for THOMAS ALLAN HUBLEY: Thomas was living in Toronto, Ontario during the 1901 Census. Notes for ISABEL SPRY: Isabel was listed as "Bella" in the 1901 Census. Marriage notes for THOMAS HUBLEY and ISABEL SPRY: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley from the halifax Co marriage Register: "Jan 14, 1891 Halifax, By Lic., Baptist, Thomas A. Hubley, 23,B, residing 35 John St., born Fr Village, s/o Benjamin and Jane, married Isabel Spry, 22, S, Res 49 Lockman St., born Halifax, d/o Thomas and Elizabeth." Children of THOMAS HUBLEY and ISABEL SPRY are: i. GLADYS

6 HUBLEY, b. December 29, 1892650. ii. THOMAS M. HUBLEY, b. March 25, 1897650.






1 HUBLY) was born August 20, 1842 in Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN651. She married CHARLES HENRY GRAVES December 19, 1860 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN652, son of WILLIAM GRAVES and CATHERINE GRAVES. He was born September 15, 1838 in Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN653. Notes for CATHERINE BOUTILIER: She was usually known as Catherine. She and husband are both named in her father's estate papers Notes for CHARLES HENRY GRAVES: By 1881 the family was living in Halifax where he was a cordwainer and cab driver according to Halifax census reports. Marriage notes for CATHERINE BOUTILIER and CHARLES GRAVES: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Marriage Bond, FHL #1376197 SMB, Baptist by Rev. H. Porter." Children of CATHERINE BOUTILIER and CHARLES GRAVES are: i. THEODORE

6 GRAVES, b. August 24, 1862, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655. ii. MINNIE GRAVES, b. 1864, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655. iii. WILLIAM GRAVES, b. 1867, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655.

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iv. NORMAN GRAVES, b. April 12, 1869, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655. v. EARNEST C. GRAVES, b. August 21, 1881, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655.






1 HUBLY) was born July 30, 1843 in Mason's Point, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN656, and died 1924657. She married JAMES DAUPHINEE December 08, 1872 in Head Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN658, son of FRANCIS DAUPHINEE and ANN DAUPHINEE. He was born January 06, 1841659, and died 1930660. More about MATILDA BOUTILIER: Burial: Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN660 More about JAMES DAUPHINEE: Burial: Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS660 Children of MATILDA BOUTILIER and JAMES DAUPHINEE are: i. WALTER

6 DAUPHINEE, b. November 03, 1875661. ii. MARK F. DAUPHINEE, b. July 20, 1877661. iii. MINNIE DAUPHINEE, b. February 14, 1881661. iv. LILLA DAUPHINEE, b. August 02, 1889661.






1 HUBLY) was born May 23, 1855 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN662,663,

and died September 03, 1912 in Vancouver, BC, CAN664. He married MARY ISABEL CORNELIUS May 04, 1878 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN665, daughter of DANIEL CORNELIUS and MARY ANN BOUTILIER. She was born June 28, 1850 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN666. Notes for AARON BOUTILIER: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Aaron bought the property of his brother Jonas on his death". Marriage notes for AARON BOUTILIER and MARY CORNELIUS: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Marriage in Ingram River, by Lic., Baptist." Children of AARON BOUTILIER and MARY CORNELIUS are: i. EDNA THERESSA

6 BOUTILIER, b. October 06, 1879668. ii. LILLIE BOUTILIER, b. December 09, 1880668.

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1 HUBLY) was born about 1857 in Ingram River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN668. She

married JAMES WILLIAM COOLEN March 13, 1875 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS CAN668,669,669, son of JOSEPH COOLEN and CHARLOTTE COOLEN. He was born April 09, 1845 in Fox Point, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN669. Notes for EUNICE BOUTILIER: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Eunice appears in her father's Estate Papers." Children of EUNICE BOUTILIER and JAMES COOLEN are: i. HUBERT

6 COOLEN, b. August 05, 1875, Mill Cove, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN672. ii. AYRLON COOLEN, b. January 19, 1877, Mill Cove, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN672.

67. CYRUS A.






was born May 04, 1846 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN673,674,675, and died March 24, 1939 in Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN676. He married CATHERINE A. FISCHER March 04, 1875 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN677,678,679. She was born September 26, 1848 in Aspen Fisher Mills, Guysborough Co., NS, CAN679, and died 1937680. Notes for CYRUS A. HUBLEY: Informtion on the family of Cyrus Hubley is from research carried out by James Hubley and Robert Hegerich. Notes for Cyrus A. Hubley: OBITUARY: The Halifax Chronicle, Halifax, N.S., Saturday, March 25, 1939 CYRUS A. HUBLEY Widely Known Resident of City Passes Cyrus A. Hubley, One of City's Pioneer Merchants Passes Away At Age of 92 One of Halifax's pioneer merchants, Cyrus A. Hubley, 34 Pepperall Street, died at 6:30 o'clock last evening following a two week illness of pneumonia. He would have been 93 years of age on May 4. Fifty years ago, under the name of Hubley and Fisher, he operated a general outfitters store for fishermen on Upper Water Street, ten years later, he went into the clothing business on Argyle street, from which he retired 10 years ago. One of the charter members of the old Tabernacle Baptist church on Brunswick Street which was lost in the Explosion and became part of Central Baptist Church on Robie street, comprising the Tabernacle and North Baptist church. Mr. Hubley's main interest was in church work. He was a deacon for 50 years and at the time of his death had been an honorary deacon for 10 years. He was born in Seabright, Halifax Co, the son of James and Matilda Hubley. Surviving him are four sons, and one daughter - Bruce W., San Francisco; Ira D., Toronto; John W., Halifax; Clarence W., Halifax, who is Assistant Manager of the Metropolitean Life Insurance Company, and Mrs. T. L. Covey of Halifax. Also surviving are 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. His wife predeceased him 18 months ago, at the age of 89. On March 4, 1935, they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Funeral will be held on Monday, from the Central Baptist church, at 2 o'clock, and Rev. M. O. Briston will officate.

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6 HUBLEY, b. May 23, 1876, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN684; d. February 14, 1965, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, ON, CAN685; m. EMILY HAVILL

686; b. November 20, 1876, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN687; d. about 1959, Toronto, ON, CAN688. Notes for IRA D. HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 16 Feb. 1965 IRA D. HUBLEY WAS HALIFAX MUSICIAN BEFORE 1920 Ira D. Hubley, a Halifax musician before leaving for Toronto in 1920, died in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. He was in his 89th year. He was organist in several Halifax churches, was music director of several operas presented by the Knights of Columbus in the area, and for a time taught music at Mount St. Vincent. He was organist and choir director at Parkdale Baptist Cjurch, Toronto, for 25 years, retiring in August 1964, due to failing health. Son of the late Cryus and Catherine Hubley, he is survived by a brother, Clarence W. of Timberlea. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews in Halifax, Montreal and Toronto. His wife the former Emily Havill of Halifax died six years ago. The funeral will be held in Toronto.

ii. ELSIE SEABRIGHT HUBLEY, b. April 07, 1878, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN689; m. THOMAS LORIMER COVEY, October 10, 1900, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN690,691; b. February 15, 1876, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN692. Marriage notes for ELSIE HUBLEY and THOMAS COVEY: Marriage Record researched by B.G. Hubley: "Oct 10, 1900 Halifax by License, Baptist: Thomas Lorimer Covey 24, B, residing Halifax, born Halifax son of Elias and Elizabeth to Elsie Seabright Hubley 22, S, residing Halifax, born Halifax. Witness Ira Hubley (brother of Elsie)."

iii. JOHN WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. May 29, 1880695. iv. CLARENCE WYCLIFFE HUBLEY, b. May 23, 1884, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN695; d. January 07, 1970,

Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN696; m. EDNA L. FRASER, 1914, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN697; b. April 26, 1890, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN698,699; d. April 01, 1965, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN700. Notes for CLARENCE WYCLIFFE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 8 Jan. 1970 CLARENCE WYCLIFFE HUBLEY CLARENCE WYCLIFFE HUBLEY 88, of Timberlea, died yesterday in Timberlea. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Cyrus and Catherine (Fisher) Hubley. He was assistant regional manager of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company before his retirement in 1949. He is survived by two daughters, Shirley (Mrs. James Allison), Timberlea; Mrs. Joyce Weaver, Windsor; eight grandchildren, and one great grandchild. His wife Edna, and one son Murray, died in 1965. The body is at the Halifax Funeral Home, Quinpool Road, where funeral service will be held Friday at 3:15 p.m. with burial in Camp Hill cemetery, Halifax. Burial: January 09, 1970, Camphill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN700 Notes for EDNA L. FRASER: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald 3 April 1965 MRS. CLARENCE W. HUBLEY Mrs. Edna L. Hubley, 74, wife of Clarence W. Hubley, Timberlea, died suddenly at home Thursday night. She was born in Halifax, daughter of the late John D. and Margaret Fraser. She was a life member of the Pythian Sisters and a member of Timberlea United Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; two daughters Joyce, Timberlea and Shirley (Mrs. James Allison), Mt. Uniacke; a son Murray, Timberlea; two brothers, Russel H., Weymounth; Clyde, Minneapolis; a sister, Mildred (Mrs. Harold Blackadar), Weymouth; and seven grandchildren. The funeral service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Halifax Funeral Home, Quinpool Road, with Rev. Murray Shaw officiating. Interment will be in Camp Hill Cemetery.

v. BRUCE W. HUBLEY, b. March 12, 1887, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN702; d. November 05, 1963, San Francisco, CA, USA.703. Notes for BRUCE W. HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 7 Nov. 1963 BRUCE W. HUBLEY Bruce W. Hubley died Tuesday in San Francisco at the age of 76. Born and educated in Halifax, he was the

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youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hubley. He was a Public Accountant by profession and was an active member of the Knights of Pythias Order for 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Marie, and two brothers, Ira D., Toronto, and Clarence W., Timberia. Funeral services and interment will be in San Francisco. More about BRUCE W. HUBLEY: Burial: San Francisco, CA, USA.







was born about 1848 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN704, and died June 07, 1883 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN705. She married THOMAS A. COVEY December 30, 1873 in Baptist, Halifax, NS, CAN706, son of CHARLES COVEY and MARY. He was born August 31, 1844 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN707, and died November 01, 1911 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for DEBORAH HUBLEY: Halifax Chronicle, Friday 8 June 1883: "Died 7 June 1883 in the 35th year of her life." (researched by Brenda Maruca) Marriage notes for DEBORAH HUBLEY and THOMAS COVEY: The following was researched by B.G. Hubley. "They were both residents of Halifax at the time of their marriage. They were married by Licence - Baptist - with Annie Hubley as witness. " Children of DEBORAH HUBLEY and THOMAS COVEY are: i. STANLEY

6 COVEY, b. 1876, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN709. ii. BEATRICE MAY COVEY, b. July 16, 1878, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN709,710; d. May 05, 1952, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN711; m. LEO GODFREY ESTHER, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS712; b. February 02, 1868, Halifax Co, NS, CAN713; d. September 11, 1945, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN714. More About BEATRICE MAY COVEY: Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN More about LEO GODFREY ESTHER: Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN

69. LEAH





1 HUBLY) was

born about 1851 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN714, and died August 11, 1895 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN715. She married WILLIAM DAVIES 1874716. He was born February 27, 1851 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN717. Notes for LEAH HUBLEY: The following was researched by Robert Hegerich: "In 1881, William and Leah have a son Percy b. 1876. Also living with them are Annie Hubley age 22 (probably Leah's sister, Alice Maud), and Lemina Boutilier, age 16 (daughter of Mary Ann Hubley (Leah's sister) and Charles John Frederick Boutilier. "

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Notes for WILLIAM DAVIES: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "William Davis had first been married to a cousin of Emeline's named Leah (Hubley) who was a daughter of James and Matilda Hubley." Children of LEAH HUBLEY and WILLIAM DAVIES are: i. PERCY

6 DAVIES719, b. 1876720.

ii. EMILY DAVIES721, b. July 31, 1882721.

iii. CLAYTON DAVIES721, b. July 26, 1890721.

iv. HAROLD DAVIES721, b. March 20, 1893.

70. ADA





1 HUBLY) was

born March 16, 1853 in Seabright, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN722,723, and died October 08, 1883 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN724. She married REUBEN JACOB BAKER October 26, 1871 in Baptist Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN725, son of JOHN JACOB BAKER and SOPHIA MASON. He was born about 1848 in Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN726, and died August 14, 1890726. Notes for ADA HUBLEY: Ada was a resident of Halifax at the time of her marriage. The following was researched by Roger Mason: There is a fairly large sketch of Ada Hubley hanging on the wall of the South Shore Genealogical Society in Lunenburg. On the back is written: "Ada Hubley Baker born March 16, 1858 St. Margaret's Bay; died October 8, 1883 buried in the Hubley plot, Camp Hill Cemetery". However, since she was married in 1871 and her age at that time was listed as 18, it is more likely that she was born around 1853/4. It's possible that the date on the back of the Sketch (see above) was really 1853 (not 1858). The Tancook Baptist church records Ada's death as the 8th but her grandson Gilbert told Roger Mason that she died on the 9th of October 1883 when she was just 29 years old. Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN Notes for REUBEN JACOB BAKER: He was a resident of Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN at the time of his marriage to Ada Hubley. Reuben was the son of John Jacob Baker and Sophia Mason. The following was researched by Roger Mason: "He married a second time after his wife's death. His second wife Ada Hyson is buried in the Tancook Island cemetery along with a daughter. There was at least one other child by Hyson, - Edmund who was in World War I and died in California in the 1920's" Burial: Tancook Island Cemetery, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN726

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Marriage notes for ADA HUBLEY and REUBEN BAKER: They were married by Licence - Baptist- with Cyrus Hubley (Ada's brother) as witness. Ada's age at the time of her marriage was listed as 18. Children of ADA HUBLEY and REUBEN BAKER are: i. ASA CAY

6 BAKER, b. July 20, 1873, Big Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN728. Notes for ASA CAY BAKER: The following is from researcher Roger Mason: "Asa moved to Gloucester where he was a captain of fishing vessels. He married and had one son and several daughters."

ii. LOTTIE BAKER, b. 1874, Big Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN728; m. OSCAR KINSALAS; b. 1876, Russia728. Notes for LOTTIE BAKER: The following is from researcher Roger Mason: "Lottie was the oldest girl. She married a Russian by the name of Kinsalas and lived in Lyn Massachusetts and later Springfield. There were children."

iii. GORDON HARRINGTON BAKER, b. March 20, 1878, Tancook Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN729. Notes for GORDON HARRINGTON BAKER: The following is from researcher Roger Mason: "Gordon was born on Tancook 20 March 1878. This could mean that some or all the siblings were born on Tancook Island."

iv. MABEL BAKER, b. 1879. Notes for MABEL BAKER: The following is from researcher Roger Mason: "Mabel married Walter Williams, an engineer on the Boston and Albany railroad. There were no children."







HUBLY) was born November 1859 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN730,731. She married FREDERICK GEORGE GIBSON732 May 06, 1882 in Baptist Church Fall River, Halifax Co, NS, CAN732,733. He was born November 1859 in England. Notes for ALICE MAUD HUBLEY: Information on this family is from research carried out by James A. Hubley. Children of ALICE HUBLEY and FREDERICK GIBSON are: i. ETHEL TIDDEMAN

6 GIBSON, b. April 24, 1883, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA736; m. GILBERT F. MAYO, September 22, 1906, Orleans, Barnstable Co, MA, USA737; b. July 06, 1886, Orleans, Barnstable Co, MA, USA737.

ii. MURIEL TEELE GIBSON, b. July 1886, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA738. iii. ANNIE ANASTASIA GIBSON, b. July 06, 1889, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA 739. iv. ROSCOE PERKINS GIBSON, b. August 06, 1892, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA 739.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born May 16, 1865 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN740. She married

WILLIAM A. CHAPLIN September 10, 1884 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA741, son of QUICK CHAPLIN and HARRIET. He was born April 1863 in Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia Co, VT, USA741.

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Notes for WILLIAM A. CHAPLIN: As reported by Brenda Maruca: "I couldn't make out the last name". Marriage notes for ELIZABETH HUBLEY and WILLIAM CHAPLIN: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "The marriage record was recorded in the Halifax Chronicle, Friday Sept 19, 1884" Children of ELIZABETH HUBLEY and WILLIAM CHAPLIN are: i. GILBERT H.

6 CHAPLIN, b. December 25, 1890, MA, USA742; d. February 1964, Monroe Co, FL, USA743. ii. JAMES HUBLEY CHAPLIN, b. February 19, 1892, MA, USA744; d. November 18, 1989, USA744.






1 HUBLY) was

born June 08, 1857 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN744. She married WILLIAM DAVIES April 14, 1897 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN745. He was born February 27, 1851 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN746. Notes for WILLIAM DAVIES: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "William Davis had first been married to a cousin of Emeline's named Leah (Hubley) who was a daughter of James and Matilda Hubley." Marriage notes for EMELINE HUBLEY and WILLIAM DAVIES: The following was sent by B.G. Hubley (e-mail June 12, 2006): "April 14, 1897 by Lic., Baptist William Davies 46 W Merchant, Res. Halifax, born England s/o William and Ann, farming, married Emeline Hubley, 39, S, Res Halifax, born SMB d/o Cyrus and Martha HM Customs." Child of EMELINE HUBLEY and WILLIAM DAVIES is: i. ANNIE

6 DAVIES, b. March 18, 1898, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN748.







HUBLY) was born July 08, 1861 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN748. She married HECTOR CROUCHER MCLEAN September 30, 1885 in St. Marks, CE, Halifax, NS, CAN749. He was born about 1858 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN750, and died April 17, 1889751. Notes for MARY ELEANOR HUBLEY: The following was researched by James A. Hubley: "In the 1901 Census Mary Hubley is listed as a widow living with her sister Harriet." Notes for HECTOR CROUCHER MCLEAN: He was a blacksmith.

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Burial: St. Luke's Anglican Church Cemetery, Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for MARY HUBLEY and HECTOR MCLEAN: The following was researched by Brenda Maruca: "Mary Eleanor Hubley, b. 8 July 1861 (1901 Census) of Cyrus and Martha married Hector Croucher McLean, blacksmith b. Hubbards, about 1858 of Neil C. and Rachel McLean at St. Marks, CE, Halifax on 30 September 1885." Child of MARY HUBLEY and HECTOR MCLEAN is: i. ANNIE HILDA

6 MCLEAN, b. 1887, Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN753; d. November 24, 1890, St. Luke's Anglican Church Cemetery, Hubbards, NS, CAN754.







HUBLY) was born December 25, 1863 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN755. She married GEORGE S. WRIGHT August 21, 1893 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN756. He was born August 13, 1865 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN757. Children of HARRIET HUBLEY and GEORGE WRIGHT are: i. HILDA

6 WRIGHT, b. August 10, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN759; m. GORDON DALEY759.

ii. CUTHBERT PITTMAN WRIGHT, b. December 10, 1896759. Notes for CUTHBERT PITTMAN WRIGHT: He was killed during WW I.

iii. AILEEN AGNES WRIGHT, b. April 11, 1898759; d. October 05, 1999, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN759. Notes for AILEEN AGNES WRIGHT: The following was received from Robert Hegerich (e-mail to M. Pastirik June 14, 2006): OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald/The Mail Star Published 10/07/1999: AILEEN AGNES WRIGHT WRIGHT, Aileen Agnes - 101, passed away peacefully at home on October 5, 1999. Born in Halifax in 1898, she was a daughter of the late George Smith Wright and Harriet (Hubley) Wright. For many years she served as executive secretary; first at the law firm of Daley Black & Moreira and then at The Halifax Herald Limited. She took great pride in being The Herald's oldest pensioner. She was an associate member of the First Baptist Church in Halifax and an enthusiastic participant in the Ladies Auxiliary. She was predeceased by brothers, Bert (killed in the First World War), and St. Clair "Jack", (Moncton, N.B.); sisters, Hilda (Mrs. Gordon Daley) and Mrs. Dorothy Clare; and by a nephew, Lawrence F. Daley. She is survived by nephews, George Wright, Salisbury, N.B. and John Wright, Cornwall, Ont.; nieces, Helen (Mrs. Gordon Bethune), Halifax; Jacqueline (Mrs. John Connelly), Kentville and Mrs. Gail Elliott, Kitchener, Ont. and by grandnephews, Dr. Graeme Bethune and Dr. Drew Bethune, both of Halifax; Steven Elliott, Ronald Elliott and Michael Wright, all of Ontario; grandnieces, Diane (Mrs. Wesley Campbell) and Helen Daley, both of Halifax; Karen Elliott and Susan Klein, both of Ontario. There are also several great-grandnieces and nephews and a great-great-grandnephew. Her life will be celebrated at a funeral service in First Baptist Church, Oxford St., Halifax, at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 8. There will be no visitation. Interment at a later date. Family flowers only. Donations may be made to the Northwood Foundation or First Baptist Church, both of Halifax.

iv. SINCLAIR (JACK) WRIGHT, b. May 1906760; d. before 1999, Moncton, NB, CAN761. v. DOROTHY WRIGHT, b. June 1907761.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born July 06, 1871 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN762, and died October

02, 1947 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN762,763. She married JOHN R. MONT October 06, 1897 in Northwest Arm, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN764. He was born August 21, 1872 in Halifax, Halifax Co,

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NS, CAN764,765, and died October 23, 1954 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN766. Notes for ELEANOR (HELENA) JANE HUBLEY: From Robert Hegerich e-mail June 12, 2006: "The date of death could be the burial date." Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN Notes for JOHN R. MONT: From Robert Hegerich e-mail June 12, 2006 "The date of death could be the burial date." Burial: St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS, CAN Marriage notes for ELEANOR HUBLEY and JOHN MONT: The following was sent by B.G. Hubley (e-mail June 12, 2006): Halifax Co Marriage 1897 Page 140 #381: "Oct 6, 1897 North West Arm Halifax Co, by Licence, Presbyterian, John R. Mont 25 B Mechanic Res NW Arm, son of James and Marion to Helena Hubley 26 S Res. Halifax, B St. Margaret's Bay, daughter of Ambrose and Alice Hubley." Children of ELEANOR HUBLEY and JOHN MONT are: i. ROY HARTLEY

6 MONT, b. July 01, 1898, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN768; d. about November 24, 1984, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN769.

ii. HERBERT ALLEN MONT, b. July 1901, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN770; d. About May 20, 1980, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN771; m. MARION N. METER; b. 1910, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN772; d. March 09, 1988, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN772. More about HERBERT ALLEN MONT: Burial: May 30, 1980, St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Halifax, NS772

iii. MABEL MONT, b. February 1904, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN773; d. before 1994, CAN774. iv. HAZEL IRENE MONT, b. October 1910, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN775; d. April 19, 1994, Halifax, Halifax


More about HAZEL IRENE MONT: Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. DAISY MONT, b. 1914, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN778; d. October 06, 1915, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN779.







HUBLY) was born August 25, 1874 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN780, and died 1927781. He married ELIZABETH ANNE BISHOP December 28, 1904782, daughter of RICHARD BISHOP and THERESA UMLAH. She was born about 1880783. Notes for HERBERT ALLEN HUBLEY: The following was researched by Robert Hegerich: "In the 1901 census Herbert Allen (spelt Hubly in the census) was living with his mother Alice (spelt Allice in the census) and step father Joshua Umlah"

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6 HUBLEY, b. March 31, 1906, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN784; d. December 21, 1979, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, NS, CAN784; m. MARGARET HELENA LAMPHIER, June 15, 1929784; b. June 15, 1906784; d. January 23, 1998, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN784. Notes for RICHARD EARL HUBLEY: Richard and Margaret Hubley celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary 15 June 1979. Reception was held at the home of Eric and Lillian Lamphier on 6 Jul 1979. OBITUARY: Halifax Chronicle Herald 22 Dec 1979 (researched by James A. Hubley) RICHARD EARL HUBLEY Richard Earl Hubley, 73 of 2528 Sherwood Street, Halifax, died Friday in the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Herbert and Elizabeth (Bishop) Hubley. He was retired from the NS Institute of Technology. He was a member of the Atlantic Lodge AF and AM, Halifax. Surviving are his wife, the former Margaret Lamphier, one son, Earle, Ottawa; one brother, Douglas, Dartmouth and two grandchildren. Notes for MARGARET HELENA LAMPHIER: OBITUARY: about 24 January, 1998 MARGARET H. HUBLEY HUBLEY, Margaret H. - Halifax, died January 23, 1998, in Northwood Centre. Born June 15, 1906, in Halifax, she was the eldest daughter of the late Alexander and Ethel (Brinkman) Lamphier. She was the widow of Richard E. Hubley, who predeceased her in 1979. She is survived by her son, Earle, Ottawa; granddaughters, Marian (Mrs. Dave Stephens) and Brenda; great-grandchildren, Madison Jane Stephens and Benedict Alexander Dryden Stephens; brother, Eric and wife Lillian, Halifax; sister, Jean (Mrs. John Foster), Berwick, Kings Co. She was a longtime member of St. James Anglican Church, Armdale. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and served as the first worthy matron of Armcrest Chapter. She had been a resident of Northwood Manor, Halifax, since 1992. Cremation has taken place under the direction of J.A. Snow Funeral Home, Halifax. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 28, in St. James Anglican Church, Armdale, Rev. John Smith officiating. Burial at a later date. Memorial donations may be made to a charity or choice.

ii. DOUGLAS EDGAR HUBLEY, b. October 28, 1908, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN785; d. July 01, 1983, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN786; m. MARY FRANCIS WILLS

787, about February 1929788; b. about 1909789; d. May 30, 1966, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN790. Notes for DOUGLAS EDGAR HUBLEY: The information on Douglas and family comes from Joan Parks-Hubley Feb 12, 2007 as per data contributed by the Hubley family and from Bruce Hubley via telecom with James A. Hubley February 28, 1966 and from the Obituaries of Douglas and his wife Mary Frances. OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 3 July 1983 DOUGLAS E. HUBLEY Douglas E. Hubley, 74, Dartmouth, died Friday in Dartmouth General Hospital. Born in Halifax, he was the son of the late Hubert and Bessie (Bishop) Hubley. He is survived by five sons, Bruce, Cyril and Patrick, all of Halifax; Frank, Dartmouth; Gordon, Emsdale; five daughters. Sally (Mrs. David Jacobs), Helen (Mrs. James McKay) and Margaret (Mrs. Tom Baker), all of Halifax; Mary (Mrs. John Brind'Amour), Hubert, Que.; Beatrice (Mrs. Murray DeLong), Dartmouth; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife the former Mary Wills, and one brother Richard Hubley. The body will be donated to Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Burial: 1983, Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MARY FRANCIS WILLS: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 31 May 1966 MARY FRANCES WILLS Mrs. Mary Frances Hubley, wife of Douglas Hubley, 38 Dentuh Street Spryfield, died Monday. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wills. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Alice Jacobs, Mrs. Margaret Baker, Mary and Beatrice all of Spryfield; Mrs. Helen MacKay, Armdale; five sons, Bruce, Cyril and Gordon, all of Spryfield; Frank, Herring Cove; Patrick, in the Canadian Navy; three brothers, Richard, in Pennsylvania; Frank, Armdale; Henry, MacNab's Island; four sisters, Mrs. F. Ricthie, in Ontario; Mrs. W.

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Nicholson, MacNab's Island; Mrs. S. Gordon, Halifax; Mrs. L. Falle, Dartmouth; and 17 grandchildren. The body is at Snow's Funeral Home. The funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 pm from St. Paul's United Church, Spryfield, Rev. F.B. Burrill officiating. Burial: 1 June 1966, Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.







was born about 1878 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN792. He married (1) MAY DIXON about 1899793. She was born about 1878793, and died about 1910794. He married (2) LOIS BOYD after 1910. She was born about 1879, and died December 09, 1969 in St. Rita Hospital, Sydney, Cape Breton Co, NS, CAN795. Notes for ENESIMUS HUBLEY: Enesimas or Enesimus is an uncommon name, so the spelling could be wrong. I could not find the meaning for the name under these spellings. (James A. Hubley) Eneaimas was known as "Uncle Ness" to his relatives. Source: Bruce Hubley telcom with James A. Hubley, 28 Feb. 2005. Most of the information on this line comes from Joan Parks who sent to Robert Crowther the Family research of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley in October 1999. Notes for MAY DIXON: The following is from Robert Crowther: "Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted October 1999 by Joan Parks May Dixon died at age 32." Notes for LOIS BOYD: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 11 Dec. 1969 (courtesy of James A. Hubley) LOIS HUBLEY MRS. LOIS HUBLEY 90, of Sydney, died Tuesday in St. Rita Hospital, Sydney. She was the widow of Enesimus Hubley. Her parents were the late John Alexander and Almeda Boyd. One stepson is dead. The body is at the Fillmore Funeral Home, Sydney, where funeral service will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m., with Rev. Neil Price officiating. Burial will be in Hardwood Hill cemetery. Burial: Hardwood Hill Cemetery, Sydney, Cape Breton Co, NS Children of ENESIMUS HUBLEY and MAY DIXON are: i. ROSS D.

6 HUBLEY, b. about 1900797; d. August 11, 1969, Sydney, Cape Breton Co, NS; m. MARGARET BROWN, about 1921. Notes for ROSS D. HUBLEY: From Robert Crowther: Information on the birth date, siblings, wife etc is from: "Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (Macdonald) Hubley, transmitted in October 1999 by Joan Parks: Ross married and had children, three (of his brothers and sisters) died before they were 20." OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 12 Aug. 1969 (courtesy of James A. Hubley ROSS D. HUBLEY

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ROSS D. HUBLEY, 63, of Sydney, died yesterday in Sydney. He was the son of the late Enesimus and Mary Hubley. He is survived by his wife Margaret (Brown), at home, one son, Raymond, Sydney; three daughters, Ruby (Mrs. William (MacLeod), Burlington, Ontario; Lynda (Mrs. Gordon Draper), Don MIlls, Ontario; Joan (Mrs. Lynn Mersereau), Antigonish; and his stepmother, Mrs. Lois Hubley, Sydney. The body is at the R. H. Fillmore Funeral Home, Sydney, where the funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Hardwood Hill Cemetery, Sydney. More about ROSS HUBLEY and MARGARET BROWN: Marriage: about 1921

ii. DEAN HUBLEY, b. about 1903797. iii. MARGARET HUBLEY, b. about 1906797. iv. RUBY HUBLEY, b. about 1909797.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born May 02, 1880 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN798, and died August

27, 1961 in or near Los Angeles, CA, USA798,799. He married (1) EDITH MARY ESTHER JONES June 27, 1906800, daughter of INIGO JONES and ELIZABETH. She was born February 12, 1882 in Trent Vale, England, UK800, and died December 06, 1972 in Holyoke, Hampton Co, MA, USA800. He married (2) EDITH BLACK ADAMS May 25, 1920. Notes for AUSTEN ARCHIBALD HUBLEY: The following notes are primarily from research carried out by Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley: In 1906, Austin Hubley, mason, boards at 298 Chebucto Road, north side, corner of Phillip Street, perhaps where son Bert Hubley Sr. was born in 1907. (McAlpine's Halifax City Directory, 1906, Vol. XXXVI). In 1910, Hubley, Austen, mason, boards at 106 Allen Street [between Windsor and Oxford streets.] (McAlpine's Halifax City Directory, Vol. XLII). In 1911, Hubley, Austin, mason, is living at 104 Allen Street. ((McAlpine's Halifax City Directory, Vol. XLIII). By 1920, Austen and Edith were divorced. (see marriage notes) Austin married for a second time (Edith Black Adams) in 1920 and they moved to California in 1921 where he evidently found good work as evidenced in the following Postcards: June 19, 1945 - Austen Hubley - "Dear Bert got here safe and sound working every day. Mostly stucco work wages $13.30 its beautiful here,". PC from 1308-15th Street - Santa Monica, California, to Mr. Bert Hubley (Sr) @ 331, postmarked Santa Monica June 19 10 AM 1945 Calif. September 8, 1945 - "Hello Bert: This is S.M. and do we like it here. We are all fine. Dad is doing well-plenty of work wages good. Jean is still working in S.M. Plenty of gas and do we get around. People are nice here every where you go. Regards to all from us all E.W.H." [How does she get "E.W.H." when her maiden name was Edith Black Adams?] PC of "A general view of Santa Monica, California" to Mr. B. Hubley Sr. @ 331, postmarked Santa Monica Sep 8 4:30 PM 1945 Calif. OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 29 Aug. 1961. (Researched by James A. Hubley) AUSTIN A. HUBLEY Austin A. Hubley formerly of Halifax, died at Long Beach, Calf. at the age of 81. He moved to

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California in 1921. He was a member of the HF and AM Masonic Lodge. He is survived daughter Ruth, Mrs. Harvey Wilcox, South Lowell, Mass., sons Bert, Waltham, Mass., Ernest, Halifax and George of Spryfield. Sister Miss Myrtle Hubley, Halifax and step-brothers Neil Umlah of Halifax and Bert Umlah, Goodwood The funeral service and burial will be held in California. Burial: California, USA800 Notes for EDITH MARY ESTHER JONES: Edith's father, Inigo Jones was born in 1851. He was thought to be a direct descendant of Inigo Jones, the Elizabethan architect, 1573-1652. He died 1938 in Holyoke, MA, and was interred in the South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley Falls, MA, USA. Edith's mother was Elizabeth (Jones), born in 1852. She died in 1924 in Holyoke, MA, and was interred in the South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley Falls, MA, USA. Inigo and Elizabeth moved to Holyoke from Halifax when they became elderly because many of their children, particularly Vera Jones, had moved there beginning about 1912 to take advantage of work opportunities in Northampton and Holyoke. [It says that Edith was born "2/12/1892" in the Poetical Book. But her marriage certificate to Austin, 6/27/06, says she was 24 years old. So the tentative conclusion is that she was born 2/12/1882.] On August 22, 2000, Robie Hubley found and photographed the graves of great-grandfather Inigo Jones and great-grandmother Elizabeth Jones, and grandmother Edith M. Jones Hubley, in the South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley Falls, MA, USA. The graves are near the south-east corner of the cemetery, across the cemetery drive from a maintenance shack, sixth row of headstones in, near the center of the row, next to Vera and Bernard Boutilier. Burial: 1972, South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley Falls, MA, USA800 Marriage notes for AUSTEN HUBLEY and EDITH JONES: Marriage Announcement: "On June 27, 1906, Austin Archibald Hubley, age 26, married Edith M.E. Jones, age 24, of Trent Vale, England. Reverend E.M. Saunders, Baptist. Witnesses: Ambrose and Alice Hubley, millwright; Blanchard Boutilier, Inigo and Elizabeth Jones" Divorce Proceedings: March 24, 1919 - Cites from the Petition of Edith Jones. (Testimony in the divorce case of Edith Jones and Austin Hubley) They lived together "about ten years at the end of which time on account of the improper conduct of the said Austin A. Hubley, the Petitioner withdrew from cohabitation...." "That your petitioner is informed and verily believes that in the month of March, 1919, at Halifax, the said Austin A. Hubley has committed adultery with a woman whose name is unknown to her [i.e. Edith Jones]." "The petitioner therefore humbly prays that this Honorable Court may be pleased to decree the marriage of the said Petitioner with Austin A. Hubley to be dissolved...." Edith Jones is living with parents; mother A. Elizabeth Jones, on Jubilee Road. Three years since Edith "had anything to do" with Austin. "He did not treat me right." Mabel Greizer, age 19, swore she did "have connection with him... between eighteen months and two years ago. He said he was a single man. It was in Halifax. He told me afterwards that he was married, but not at first."

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"Q. Where did this happen? "A. We were out the road." (Austin Hubley and Edith Jones divorce, NS Provincial Archives, Series D, Vol. 19, C-96, 1919. See 9//20.) September 1920 - "Judgement is given in this case annulling the marriage" of Edith Jones and Austin Hubley. Halifax. (See 3/24/1919) Children of AUSTEN HUBLEY and EDITH JONES are: i. BERT AUSTEN

6 HUBLEY, b. April 02, 1907, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. March 02, 1982, Waltham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA800; m. HAZEL DOROTHY MOSHER, February 21, 1930800; b. April 15, 1906, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. August 03, 1996, Waltham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA800. Notes for BERT AUSTEN HUBLEY: The following was researched by Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley: Note his name is spelled 'Austen' rather than 'Austin' as shown on his Social Security card #020-20-6672. Bert died of brain cancer in the Waltham Hospital, Waltham, MA, USA. More about BERT AUSTEN HUBLEY: Burial: Gethsemane Cemetery in West Roxbury, Suffolk Co, MA, USA Notes for HAZEL DOROTHY MOSHER: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 9 August 1996 courtesy of James A. Hubley HAZEL D. HUBLEY HUBLEY, (Mosher), Hazel D. - 90, Waltham, Mass., died August 3, 1996, in Leland Home, Waltham. The daughter of Enos and Edith Mosher, she emigrated in 1925 from Halifax to enter nursing school in Union Avenue Hospital, Framingham, Mass. After graduation, she was the operating room nurse for Dr. Cole's Hospital, Hilbrook, Mass. In 1955 she was recognized as a 50 year member of First Congregational Church, Waltham. During those years, she taught Sunday school and sang in the church choir until 1994. She was a member of the church's Women's Association. She sang with Waltham Community Chorus for many years. The Waltham Cedarwood Association honored her with life membership for her years of service. She enjoyed her family, music, flowers and birds. Surviving are sons, Bert J., Robie, Warren; daughter, Beth Thomson, all of Massachusetts; seven grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; sister, Inez Taylor, Clearwater, Fla.; brother, Robie Mosher, Dartmouth; many nieces and nephews. The body has donated to science as requested. Cremation to take place Memorial service will be held at a later date in First Congregational Church, Waltham. In lieu of flowers, donations to Leland Home memorial fund, 21 Newton St., Waltham, or Health Care Dimensions (Hospice), 245 South St., Waltham. Marriage notes for BERT HUBLEY and HAZEL MOSHER: The following comes from personal family information and research done by Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley. Marriage Announcement: 2/21/30 - Hazel Mosher and Bert Hubley married in Elsie and Pat Flinn's house in Hyde Park, MA. Account in booklet The Marriage Service. "This certifies that Bert Austin Hubley [The minister, Earl B. VanZandt, resolutely spells Bert's middle name 'Austin', including the dot over the 'i'.] of Waltham, Mass. and Hazel Dorothy Mosher of Hyde Park, Mass. were by me united in the bonds of marriage at Hyde Park, Mass on the 21st day of February in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and thirty conformably to the ordinance of God and the Laws of the State. Earl B. VanZandt, Hyde Park Presbyterian Church. Witnesses: Elsie M. F. Flinn, Harry N? Lakin. [Followed by the text of the marriage service] CONGRATULATIONS: Marjorie MacDonald, Parker Flinn, Gerald Whitehouse, Pearl Whitehouse, Ruth Hubley, Edith W. Hubley, A. A. Hubley, Nan Alexander, Wm Alexander, Harry N. Lakin, Norman N? fa*ge, Jean Hubley. [Appears to be a list of those attending by the appearance of the different signatures] [Family Archives Photography Collection, #25.2]

ii. RUTH ALICE HUBLEY, b. March 20, 1910, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. August 15, 1972800; m. (1) WARREN ISAAC MACRAE

800, August 05, 1940, Waltham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA800; m. (2) HARRY EARLE WILCOX, June 03, 1946, Nashua, Hillsborough Co, NH, USA800; b. about 1912, Trescott, ME, USA. Notes for RUTH ALICE HUBLEY: All of the information on Ruth, her two husbands and her children comes from the research of Beth (Hubley)

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Thomson and Robbie Hubley. Ruth died in August of 1972 of breast cancer. Marriage notes for RUTH HUBLEY and WARREN MACRAE: WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT: 8/5/40 - Ruth Hubley 155 Ash Street, Waltham, and Warren MacRae 72 Myrtle Street, Waltham, married in Waltham by clergyman C.O. Morong. (Poetical Book and Certificate of Marriage) Marriage notes for RUTH HUBLEY and HARRY WILCOX:

WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT: 6/3/46 - Ruth Alice (Hubley) MacRae married Harry Earle Wilcox, Nashua, NH. Married by Denton J. Neily, "Minister of the Gospel." Harry's age, 34; occupation, auto mechanic; birthplace, Trescott, ME; second marriage, previously divorced, Harry the son of James Wilcox, deceased at age 79, a carpenter of Trescott, ME, and Olive Owen of Trescott, MA, age 29, deceased, of Trescott, ME. Ruth age, 36; hairdresser, daughter of Austen of Santa Monica, CA, age 58, living, a mason contractor; and Edith Johnson (sic, actually Edith Jones), address unknown (actually Holyoke, MA), age 56, living, of Halifax, NS. (From Certificate of a Record of Marriage)

iii. ERNEST GEORGE HUBLEY, b. April 15, 1911, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. October 24, 1983, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800.

iv. GEORGE WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. November 25, 1913, North Sidney, Cape Breton Co, NS, CAN800; d. February 18, 1998, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; m. EDNA PAULINE STARRETT, August 19, 1941800; b. 1916, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. February 16, 1998, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800. Notes for GEORGE WILLIAM HUBLEY: The following was researched by Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley: George and Pauline died two days apart. It is told by Velma Hubley, Halifax that George asked, on Feb. 18, "Is it true that Pauline is dead?" She told him that it was true, and shortly thereafter he died. OBITUARY: Thursday 23 April 1998: GEORGE WILLIAM HUBLEY HUBLEY, George William - 84, 447 Herring Cove Rd., Halifax, passed away February 18, 1998, in Glades Lodge. Born in North Sydney, he was a son of the late Austin and Edith (Jones) Hubley. He was a veteran of the Second World War, serving with the Canadian Army, and was a member of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 152, Spryfield. He was a member of Heather Masonic Lodge, Framboise. He is survived by three brothers, John MacDonald, Marion Bridge; Donald John MacDonald, New York; Nelson (Judy) MacDonald, Stoney Creek, Ont.; sisters, Eunice Lively, Donald MacDonald, Sydney; Annie Shaw, Framboise; one granddaughter. He was predeceased by his wife, Edna Pauline (Starrett); his foster parents, Dan Alex and Sadie MacDonald; one son, Bert; one daughter, Caroline; two brothers, Ernest, Bert; sister, Ruth. Cremation has taken place under the direction of J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Halifax. A Royal Canadian Legion service and joint memorial service for George and his wife, Edna, will be held Saturday, April 25, at 11 a.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Old Sambro Road, Halifax, Rev. Calvin Ginn officiating. Burial will follow in Fairview Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of choice. Burial: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for EDNA PAULINE STARRETT: OBITUARY: Daily News, Halifax Feb 18, 1998: (From research of Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley): EDNA PAULINE HUBLEY HUBLEY, Edna Pauline - 82, 447 Herring Cove Rd., Halifax, died February 16, 1998, in Glades Lodge. Born in Halifax, she was a daughter of the late Elwin Frederick and Inez (Benjamin) Starrett. Surviving are her husband, George William; sisters, Audrey Bevin, Dartmouth; Betty Malco, West Gore; brother, Basil; a granddaughter. She was predeceased by son, Bert; daughter, Caroline; brother, Murray; sisters, Regina, Helen Boyd. Cremation has taken place under the direction of J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Halifax. Funeral and committal at a later date. Donations to any charity.

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OBITUARY: Thursday 23 April 1998: (from research of Robert Crowther); EDNA PAULINE HUBLEY HUBLEY, Edna Pauline - 82, 447 Herring Cove Rd., Halifax, passed away February 16, 1998, in Glades Lodge. Born in Halifax, she was a daughter of the late Elwin Frederick and Inez (Benjamin) Starrett. She is survived by sisters, Audrey Bevin, Dartmouth; Betty Malco, West Gore; brother, Basil; granddaughter, Karen, Monastery, Guysborough Co. Her husband, George William Hubley, died February 18, 1998. She was predeceased by son, Bert; daughter, Caroline; brother, Murray; sisters, Regina, Helen Boyd. Cremation has taken place under the direction of J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Halifax. A joint memorial service for Edna and her husband, George, will be held Saturday, April 25, at 11 a.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Old Sambro Road, Halifax, Rev. Calvin Ginn officiating. Burial will follow in Fairview Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of choice. Burial: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Fairview, Halifax Co, NS, CAN







HUBLY) was born 1864801, and died January 20, 1901 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA801. He married MAUD ESTELLA TRASK December 27, 1899 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA801. She was born 1879 in Augusta, Kennebec Co, ME, USA801. More about HOWARD GRONO: Burial: Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA801 Child of HOWARD GRONO and MAUD TRASK is: i. ARLINE ESTELLA

6 GRONO, b. November 03, 1900801.






HUBLY) was born 1858 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN802. She married CHARLES JACOBS 1880. He was born 1857 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN803. Notes for CHARLES JACOBS: He was a "Carriage Painter". Child of KEZIAH HUBLEY and CHARLES JACOBS is: i. GEORGE

6 JACOBS, b. 1880, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN803.






1 HUBLY) was born July 02, 1855 in Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS,

CAN804, and died January 14, 1939 in Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN804. He married ELIZABETH RITCEY December 24, 1888 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN804. She was born March 14, 1862 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN804, and died November 24, 1944 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN804. More about CHARLES ALVIN (ALBERT) DEAL: Burial: Kingsburg Lakeview Cemetery

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More about ELIZABETH RITCEY: Burial: Kingsburg Lakeview Cemetery Children of CHARLES DEAL and ELIZABETH RITCEY are: i. FRED

6 DEAL804.

ii. MARY BLANCHE DEAL, b. November 05, 1891, Lower Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN804; d. October 11, 1952, Lunenburg NS, CAN m. LEO PARKS CORKUM, January 25, 1913, Church of Christ, Lower Kingsburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN b. June 25, 1889, East LaHave, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. March 18, 1971, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MARY BLANCHE DEAL: Information on this family comes from the research of Peter Lake. Burial: 1952, Lunenburg Hillside Cemetery More about LEO PARKS CORKUM: Burial: 1971, Lunenburg Hillside Cemetery

83. MAUD






HUBLY) was born December 17, 1873805, and died April 30, 1968 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN805. She married JAMES HENRY "HARRY" JODREY805 1895 in Lunenburg, NS, CAN805, son of DEMAS JODREY and MARGARET VEINOT. He was born July 06, 1871 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN805, and died May 08, 1938 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN805. Notes for MAUD DEAL: The following was sent to Maxine Pastirik from Janet Matthews (e-Mail March 3, 2006): "Maud was employed as a Clerk in Store 1901 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co. She went with her mother when she left her husband for John Hallimore." Burial: United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall805 Notes for JAMES HENRY "HARRY" JODREY: The following information was provided by Janet Matthews (e-Mail March 3, 2006): "Harry was employed as a Lumber Servant 1901 in New Cornwall, and as a Laborer, Lumber Woods, 1911 in New Cornwall. In 1901 he and his family were living with his wife's parents in New Cornwall. In 1902 he sailed on the Prince George from Yarmouth to Boston as a tourist." Burial: United Baptist Cemetery, Middle New Cornwall805 Children of MAUD DEAL and JAMES JODREY are: i. CLAUDE

6 JODREY, b. February 22, 1896806. ii. MORLEY JODREY, b. May 18, 1897806.






1 HUBLY) was born July 13, 1875 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN807, and

died November 30, 1921 in Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807. He married MAUD MCINTIRE October 17, 1906 in Reading, Middlesex Co, MA, USA807, daughter of CHARLES MCINTIRE and

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REBECCA NELSON. She was born October 17, 1876 in Camp Oliver, GA, USA807, and died November 23, 1918 in Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807. Notes for WELLINGTON LAMBERT DEAL: The following is from research by Janet Matthews (e-Mail March 3, 20060 to Maxine Pastirik): "His mother left his father when he was an infant, and he was raised by his maternal grandparents, Paul and Lucy Dauphinee, in Lunenburg. He immigrated to Massachusetts, where he married Maud McIntire in Reading. Shortly after their first born child died at 1 day old, they moved to Greenland, New Hampshire. Information here comes from his WW I Draft Registration Card (online): Mass. V.S. 1906 V563-652 At time of his marriage in 1906, he was a "lather" in Reading Mass. USA and later, after WW I in 1918 he was living in Greenland, Rockingham Co., New Hampshire USA and working at Morley Button Manufacturing Co., in Portsmouth New Hampshire as a "general helper". Wellington resided 1881 in Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, Nova Scotia. He immigrated 1902/1904. He resided 1909 -1918 in Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH. He was employed as a Farm Laborer 1910 in Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH. He was employed as a Farmer 1915 in Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH He was employed as a Helper in Button Factory 1918 - 1920 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH. He resided 1920 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH. In 1920 he was residing in a boarding house run by Mary Moran in Portsmouth. He was enumerated in the census as William Deale. After the tragically early death of his wife, he put his 3 young daughters into the care of 2 families in Greenland. After his death, his 3 daughters, the eldest still only 12, were placed by their guardian, a McIntire uncle, in the Chase Children's Home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Children of WELLINGTON DEAL and MAUD MCINTIRE are: i. KENNETH LAMBERT

6 DEAL, b. March 09, 1908, Reading, Middlesex Co, MA, USA807; d. March 10, 1908, Reading, Middlesex Co, MA, USA807.

ii. MIRIAM ELTA DEAL, b. September 05, 1909, Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807; d. January 1967, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH807; m. ALBERT DEHNE, April 12, 1947, Kittery, York Co, ME, USA807; b. June 22, 1894, New York, New York Co, NY, USA807; d. May 1986, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807. Notes for MIRIAM ELTA DEAL: From research by Janet Matthews: Miriam was a student nurse living at Portsmouth Hospital, New Hampshire in 1930. She was employed as a nurse 1930-1967, Burial: Kittery, York Co, ME, USA Notes for ALBERT DEHNE: From research by Janet Matthews: Albert served in the military New York National Guard before 1918. He was employed as a Performer with Traveling Company 1918, and as a Library Porter in Manhattan, New York, New York Co, NY in 1920. Burial: Riverside Cemetery, Newcastle, NH807

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iii. MARY HELEN DEAL, b. April 11, 1912, Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807; d. May 26, 1996, Seattle, King Co, WA, USA807; m. MERTON ELLIOTT WATTS, September 01, 1933, Kittery, York Co, ME, USA807; b. April 02, 1907, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807; d. April 1976, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH807. Notes for MARY HELEN DEAL: This information is from her daughter, Janet Matthews: Mary graduated Keene Normal School May 1932 in Keene, Cheshire, NH. She was employed as a Teacher Sep 1932 - Jun 1933 in Rindge, NH. Her mother died when she was 6 and her father placed her in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ireland in Greenland. Her father died when she was 9, and her guardian placed her in the Chase Children's Home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where she remained until she graduated from high school. After graduating from Keene Normal School, she taught in a one-room school house in Rindge, New Hampshire. There she had 29 pupils of all ages and worked for an annual salary of $850.00. She left after 1 year to get married. There was actually a clause in her contract that forced her to leave if she married (this was during the Depression), but she was given an excellent reference. After her husband's death, she remained in Kittery for a number of years, but ill health forced her to spend her final years near one of her children on Bainbridge Island, Washington. After her death, she was cremated, and her ashes flown from Washington to Kittery to be interred with her husband on 24 Jun 1996 in Kittery, York, ME. Burial: Kittery, York, ME Notes for MERTON ELLIOTT WATTS: From research by Janet Matthews: Merton graduated Robert W. Traip Academy 1924 in Kittery, York, ME. He was employed as a Ship's Joiner in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. He was employed as a Naval Architect in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard His family moved from Exeter to Kittery, Maine, when he was an infant, and he remained there for the rest of his life. He was a volunteer fireman in Kittery for over 40 years. Burial: Kittery, York, ME807

iv. DOROTHY WINIFRED DEAL, b. April 19, 1915, Greenland, Rockingham Co, NH, USA807; d. March 12, 1990, Kittery, York Co, ME807; m. HARRY OLIVER REMICK, November 11, 1942, Kittery, York Co, ME, USA807; b. August 18, 1899, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA807; d. May 10, 1969, Kittery, York Co, ME807. Notes for DOROTHY WINIFRED DEAL: From research by Janet Matthews; In 1930 she was residing in the Chase Children's Home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Notes for HARRY OLIVER REMICK: From research by Janet Matthews: Harry was employed as a Helper in Supply Department, Shipyard, Kittery, ME 1918 in Lynn, Essex, MA. He was employed as a Carpenter, Shipyard 1920 in Lynn, Essex, MA. He was employed as a Salesman, Gas Station 1930 in Lynn, Essex, MA.






1 HUBLY) was born 1863808, and died 1918 in Denver, Denver Co, CO, USA808.

He married ELLEN WESTHAVER808 1895 in Denver, Denver Co, CO, USA808. She was born March 11, 1864808, and died June 16, 1950 in Rye, Westchester Co, NY, USA808. Child of ALVIN EISENHAUER and ELLEN WESTHAVER is: i. NOVE

6 EISENHAUER, b. January 06, 1901808; d. March 29, 1976, South Korthright, Delaware Co, NY, USA808; m. RALPH ROSE, October 06, 1951808.

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1 HUBLY) was born August 21, 1869808. She married WILLIAM REUBEN

KEDDY March 04, 1887809, son of DANIEL KEDDY and SOPHIA HAMM. He was born September 21, 1869810. Notes for WILLIAM REUBEN KEDDY: Two birthdates are given for William, - Sept. 21, 1869 by researcher Suzanne Hatty. and 1862 by researcher Peter Lake. Unfortunately no "source documents" were cited for either. Children of HANNAH FEINDEL and WILLIAM KEDDY are: i. GEORGE EDWARD

6 KEDDY812.

ii. SOPHIA FAITH KEDDY, b. April 09, 1886812; m. DENNIS CHURCH VEINOT; b. January 01, 1882813; d. April 1969813.

iii. NORA MARIE KEDDY, b. July 13, 1888814. iv. MABEL BLANCHE KEDDY, b. July 27, 1889814. v. NEWTON LEANDER KEDDY, b. August 29, 1892814; d. May 14, 1922814. vi. MARY MILDRED KEDDY, b. March 23, 1895814. vii. WILLIAM ARNOLD KEDDY, b. March 25, 1899814. viii. JENNIE VIOLA KEDDY, b. 1906814.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born January 16, 1867 in Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN815,816, and died

December 24, 1947 in Bass River, Cumberland Co., NS, CAN817. He married EMMA SEREHTA BECK September 24, 1890818, daughter of EPHRAIM BECK and MARY WEINACHT. She was born April 27, 1869 in Lower Cornwell, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN819, and died May 23, 1921820. Children of SPURGEON LANGILLE and EMMA BECK are: i. FLORENCE RUTH

6 LANGILLE, b. January 24, 1891, Lower Cornwell, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN822; d. March 13, 1977823; m. HARVEY HOWARD BROWN, August 31, 1910824; b. April 12, 1887825; d. December 26, 1965825.

ii. MARY ANN ELIZABETH LANGILLE, b. September 10, 1892, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN827; d. October 03, 1962, Truro, Colchester Co, NS, CAN828; m. (1) SPOUSE UNKNOWN; m. (2) JOHN LOGAN MACKAY, before 1917, NS829; b. November 25, 1889829.

iii. ROBERT ARCHIBALD LANGILLE, b. February 11, 1895, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN830; d. November 20, 1958, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN830; m. DORA MARINDA WAMBOLDT, August 20, 1921830; b. May 23, 1903, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN831; d. October 30, 1978832.

iv. PERCY HAROLD LANGILLE, b. December 18, 1897, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN834; d. July 23, 1965835; m. (1) FAYE FULTON

836; m. (2) HATTY JACK, Before 1965. v. HARRIS SPURGEON LANGILLE, b. February 07, 1902, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN836. vi. ORAN ELIEL LANGILLE, b. March 15, 1903, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN837; d. June 15, 1994,

Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN838; m. ALICE CECELIA MADER, December 23, 1932839,840; b. December 05, 1914, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN840; d. December 02, 1996, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN840. Notes for ORAN ELIEL LANGILLE: Information on the family of Oran Langille comes from research done by Peter Lake. Oran worked in Forestry. Burial: Epworth United Cemetery, New Germany, Lunenburg Co, NS. CAN840 More about ALICE CECELIA MADER: Burial: Epworth United Cemetery, New Germany, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN840

vii. WILLIAM LEROY LANGILLE, b. November 02, 1904, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN843; d. before 1999, CAN844; m. (1) BERTHA PARKER

845; m. (2) MAE, August 1947; b. September 13, 1912.

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viii. MINNIE MAY LANGILLE, b. June 03, 1907, Springfield, Annapolis Co, NS, CAN846; d. April 04, 1999, Truro, Colchester Co, NS, CAN847; m. (1) JOHN LAWSON MOORE

848; b. October 19, 1909849; d. before April 04, 1999849; m. (2) FREEMAN TAYLOR

849, April 17, 1927. More about MINNIE MAY LANGILLE: Burial: Economy Cemetery, Economy, NS, CAN

ix. LAWRENCE LORNE LANGILLE, b. August 24, 1911, Springfield, Annapolis Co, NS, CAN850; d. 1989, CAN851; m. SUSANNA VIRGINIA MURRAY, November 30, 1935, Bass River, Colchester Co, NS, CAN852; b. October 05, 1914, NS, CAN853. Notes for LAWRENCE LORNE LANGILLE: The family of Lawrence Langille was researched by Peter Lake.

88. ELSIE W.






855 was born August 18, 1882856. She married WILLIAM J. PENNEY August 15, 1906 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN857. He was born August 1878858. Child of ELSIE HALLAMORE and WILLIAM PENNEY is: i. DONALD B.

6 PENNEY, b. October 1908860.







861 was born August 02, 1885 in New Cornwall, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN862. She married C. ATWOOD ROSE 1914 in PA, USA. He was born 1883 in CAN. Child of MYRTLE HALLAMORE and C. ROSE is: i. C. GLENWOOD

6 ROSE, b. 1916, PA, USA.






ULRICH1 HUBLY) was born May 08, 1884 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN863, and died February 03, 1966 in

Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN864,865. He married EDITH ADA YOUNG March 29, 1904865, daughter of GEORGE YOUNG and VICTORIA VAUGHAN. She was born February 05, 1885 in Kentville, King's Co, NS, CAN865, and died October 28, 1953 in Steam Mill Village, Kings Co, NS865. Notes for JOHN ROGER HUBLEY: Roger is listed on the 1901 census under the surname Hubbley. His birth date is given as 8 May 1884. (James A. Hubley) From Robert Crowther Research: "Roger and his sister Nora were recorded as twins even though his birth is recorded as 1884 and hers as 1886. Thus perhaps he was actually born in 1886, and an older namesake brother was born in 1884 who died soon after". From Willa Kaiser (courtesy of Robert Crowther): "John Roger Hubley was a carpenter in the Carriage Factory with D.A. Railway in Kentville, NS".

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OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 4 Feb. 1966 (researched by James A. Hubley) JOHN ROGER HUBLEY KENTVILLE - John Roger Hubley, 80, a resident here for many years, died yesterday morning at the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, where he was a patient for the past six weeks. Born in Lunenburg, he was the son of the late John and Adelaide (Kenickle) Hubley. A railway employee, he retired in 1943. Mr. Hubley was a member of the Kentville United Baptist Church and of the Humphrey Club. His wife the former Edith Young of Kentville, died in 1963. Surviving are one son, George W. of Halifax; three daughters, Gladys (Mrs. W.D. Mason); Frieda (Mrs. Reginald R. Redden), Muriel (Mrs. A.A. Giffin), all of Kentville; seven grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. His body is at the W.C. Hiltz and Son funeral home. The Kentville United Baptist Church funeral service is Saturday at 2 p,m. with the minister, Rev. G.N. Hamilton officiating, assisted by the Rev. K.G. Sullivan of the United Church of Saint Stephen and Saint Paul. Interment will be in Elm Grove Cemetery. Burial: Elm Grove Cemetery, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN More about EDITH ADA YOUNG: Burial: Elm Grove Cemetery, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN865 Children of JOHN HUBLEY and EDITH YOUNG are: i. GLADYS MAY

6 HUBLEY, b. May 06, 1905866; d. January 02, 1988867; m. WILLIAM DELANCEY MASON, July 03, 1929867; b. 1897867; d. May 06, 1972, Steam Mill Village, Kings Co, NS, CAN867. More About GLADYS MAY HUBLEY: Burial: Elm Grove Cemetery, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN Notes for WILLIAM DELANCEY MASON: From Willa Kaiser courtesy of Robert Crowther: "William Mason was a Physician in Kings Co."

ii. FRIEDA BELL HUBLEY, b. August 26, 1907868; m. REGINALD ROBERT REDDEN, June 01, 1927; b. 1903868; d. July 04, 1969868. Notes for REGINALD ROBERT REDDEN: From Robert Crowther research: He was a railwayman and lived in Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN.

iii. MURIEL HUBLEY, b. November 04, 1909, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN, CAN868; d. May 25, 1990, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN868; m. AUDLEY ATWOOD GIFFIN, March 18, 1937, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN868; b. April 13, 1906, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN868; d. April 30, 1995, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN868. More about MURIEL HUBLEY: Burial: Steam Mill Village, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN868 Notes for AUDLEY ATWOOD GIFFIN: From Willa Kaiser Notes courtesy of Robert Crowther: "Audley Giffin was a Physician at Kentville, Kings Co." More about AUDLEY ATWOOD GIFFIN: Burial: Steam Mill Village, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN868

iv. GEORGE WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. January 19, 1912868; d. March 17, 1971868; m. (1) MABEL VAUGHAN, April 14, 1934868; b. about 1912868; m. (2) IVY M., about 1940868; b. 1917868; d. after 1971868. Marriage notes for GEORGE HUBLEY and MABEL VAUGHAN: They were divorced before 1940.


Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik

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Endnotes 1 St John's Anglican Church Records, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia 2 Probate of Will, Index to Lunenburg County Probated Wills: Book 33, page 290; LDS Film #0556203 3 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records: 4 St Paul's Anglican Church Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA 5 James A Hubley Research 6 Date of death unknown - last known child was born 6 Nov 1819 and not mentioned in Will of George B Hubly dated

June 08, 1847 7 TM Punch Research 8 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records: 9 St Paul's Anglican Church Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA 10 Robert Crowther Research 11 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records: 12 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 13 Robert Crowther Research 14 Robert Hegerich Research 15 Robert Crowther Research 16 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 17 Robert Hegerich Research 18 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records 19 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 20 Diary of Joseph Dimock:, Alexander and Christany Eisenhauer, both of Lunenburg, married May 1819 - Earle

Alexander Hubley citing Canon EA Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; Alexander Hubley (s/George Bernhard and Louisa Spidell) married catherine (sic, Christany) Eisenhaur, date not given

21 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records 22 Black Point, Halifax County, Cemetery 23 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 24 Diary of Joseph Dimock:, Alexander and Christany Eisenhauer, both of Lunenburg, married May 1819 - Earle

Alexander Hubley citing Canon EA Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; Alexander Hubley (s/George Bernhard and Louisa Spidell) married Catherine (sic, Christany) Eisenhaur, date not given

25 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 26 Halifax Chronicle Herald 27 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 28 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 29 Robert Hegerich Research 30 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 31 1871 Census of Nova Scotia: 32 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 33 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 34 Vital Statistics From New Brunswick Newspapers by DF Johnson, Vol. #69, #2806 35 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 36 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 37 GANS Publication (Allen Everett Marble), #20 (1999) Vol. #2, page 194 38 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 39 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 40 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records 41 Zion Lutheran Church Records, Lunenburg NS 42 Robert Hegerich Research 43 James A Hubley Research 44 Zion Lutheran Church Records, Lunenburg NS 45 James A Hubley Research 46 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records 47 Suzanne Hatty Research 48 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 49 Suzanne Hatty Research 50 Lunenburg Dutch Reformed Church Records: 51 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 52 Suzanne Hatty Research

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53 Robert Crowther Research: World Family Tree #0875 54 Suzanne Hatty Research 55 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 56 Willa Kaizer's Notes 57 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 58 Willa Kaizer's Notes 59 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 60 Peter Lake Research 61 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 62 Middle New Cornwall United Baptist Cemetery 63 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 64 Robert Hegerich Research 65 James A Hubley Research 66 Middle New Cornwall United Baptist Cemetery 67 James A Hubley Research 68 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 69 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 70 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 71 Cemetery Inscription 72 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 73 Lunenburg County Death Records 1864-1877 74 Dimock Diary 75 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 76 Priscilla Blake Haines 77 Dimock Diary 78 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 79 80 St Paul's Anglican Church records French Village, Nova Scotia CANADA 81 Descendants of Jean George & Sarah (Grange) Bouteillier by Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor 82 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 83 St Paul's Anglican Church records French Village, Nova Scotia CANADA 84 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 85 Gwen Christie Research 86 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register-, FHL Films #1294782 through #1294787 87 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 88 Halifax County Deed Book, #268, p 437 #1287, FHL MFM #0465775 as cited by Brenda Maruca: Sale of land in

Black Point in which Sophia Winaught (daughter of Alexander) and husband George are named 89 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 90 Robert Hegerich Research 91 Brenda Maruca Research 92 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 93 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 94 Black Point, Halifax County, Cemetery 95 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon EA Harris's Notes on Lunenburg Families 96 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, CANADA 97 St Luke's Anglican Church Tombstone Record, Hubbards, Nova Scotia 98 St Luke's Anglican Parish Cemetery, Hubbards 99 Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1763-1864 (April 1994) 100 Gail Facini Edwards Research courtesy of Robert Hegerich 101 Black Point, Halifax County, Cemetery 102 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon EA Harris's Notes on Lunenburg Families 103 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, CANADA 104 Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1763-1864 (April 1994) 105 1871 Census of Nova Scotia: age 12 at Black Point, Halifax County, 106 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 107 Black Point, Halifax County, Cemetery 108 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription (above) 109 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 110 Black Point, Halifax County, Cemetery 111 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 112 Birthdate estimated from age given on Marriage Record 113 Brenda Maruca Research, E-Mail Feb 8, 2005

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114 Pans Online Site (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 115 Brenda Maruca Research 116 Pans Online Site (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 117 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 118 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 119 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 120 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 121 Halifax Marriage Records 122 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 123 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription: 124 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription (above) and Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 125 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 126 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 127 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 128 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 129 Halifax Marriage Records 130 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 131 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 132 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 133 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 134 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 135 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 136 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 137 Brenda Maruca and Bob Hegerich, Information provided in December 2005 (e-mail) 138 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 139 Robert Hegerich Research 140 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Nova Scotia, CANADA 141 Robert Hegerich Research 142 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 143 The Nova Scotian Newspaper, July 7, 1888 Page 7 144 Nova Scotia Marriage Licence Bond 145 1901 Canadian Census 146 Halifax Chronicle Herald 147 Camphill Cemetery 148 Camp Hill Cemetery Tombstone Inscription 149 Nova Scotia Marriage Licence Bond 150 1901 Canadian Census 151 Camphill Cemetery 152 Camp Hill Cemetery Tombstone Inscription 153 1901 Canadian Census 154 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 155 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 156 New England Historic Genealogical Society - Vital Records On-Line - Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 157 Brenda Maruca Research, Maiden name sent to M Pastirik by Brenda Maruca via e-mail May 21, 2006 158 1861 Census of Nova Scotia 159 Robert Crowther Research 160 Robert Hegerich Research 161 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 162 Brenda Maruca Research 163 1861 Census of Nova Scotia 164 Robert Hegerich Research 165 1901 Canadian Census 166 James A Hubley Research 167 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 168 1861 and 1871 Census of Nova Scotia 169 1901 Canadian Census 170 James A Hubley Research 171 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 172 1861 and 1871 Census of Nova Scotia 173 Halifax County Marriage Index 174 1901 Canadian Census 175 Halifax County Marriage Index

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176 Brenda Maruca Research 177 Halifax County Marriage Index 178 Brenda Maruca Research 179 Nova Scotia Deaths Civil Register - Halifax County 180 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, CANADA 181 Brenda Maruca Research 182 Halifax County Death Record 183 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, CANADA 184 Brenda Maruca Research 185 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 186 Brenda Maruca Research 187 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 188 Brenda Maruca Research 189 1871 Census of Nova Scotia: 190 Brenda Maruca Research 191 Robert Hegerich Research 192 New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 193 Indenture, Indenture made the 15th day of May in the year of Our Lord 1847 Lunenburg County Deed Book, volume

15, p 562-563, Deed #1010 (FHL MFM #0550918) This provides proof of the identity of Jacob's daughter Matilda's husband

194 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 195 Parish Register St Stephen's Anglican Church, Chester, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 196 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 197 James A Hubley Research 198 Presbyterian Witness 199 Brenda Maruca Research 200 Robert Hegerich Research 201 Brenda Maruca Research 202 Robert Hegerich Research 203 Halifax Death Record 204 Brenda Maruca Research 205 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 206 Halifax Chronicle Herald 207 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 208 Robert Hegerich Research 209 Brenda Maruca Research 210 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) 211 Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St Andrews Anglican) 212 Probate of Will 213 Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St Andrews Anglican) 214 Halifax County Marriage Index 215 Earl A Hubley 216 Joan M Parks-Hubley 217 Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St Andrews Anglican) 218 Halifax County Marriage Index 219 Earl A Hubley 220 Joan M Parks-Hubley 221 Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St Andrews Anglican) 222 Earl A Hubley 223 Robert Crowther Research 224 James A Hubley Research 225 Earl A Hubley 226 Robert Crowther Research 227 Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St Andrews Anglican) 228 Earl A Hubley 229 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 230 Halifax County Marriage Index 231 Robert Hegerich Research 232 Halifax County Marriage Index 233 Robert Hegerich Research 234 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 235 Brenda Maruca Research

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236 Brenda Maruca and Bob Hegerich 237 1901 Canadian Census 238 Brenda Maruca Research 239 Brenda Maruca and Bob Hegerich 240 Robert Hegerich Research 241 Halifax County Marriage Register 242 Robert Hegerich Research 243 Halifax County Marriage Register 244 See Marriage Record 245 Halifax County Marriage Register 246 Robert Crowther Research 247 James A Hubley Research 248 Robert Crowther Research 249 Peter Lake Research 250 Suzanne Hatty Research 251 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 252 Brenda Maruca Research 253 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 254 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 255 Middle New Cornwall United Baptist Cemetery 256 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 257 Tombstone Inscription 258 Brenda Maruca Research 259 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 260 Suzanne Hatty Research 261 Robert Crowther Research: World Family Tree #0875 262 Suzanne Hatty Research 263 Robert Crowther Research: World Family Tree #0875 264 Suzanne Hatty Research 265 Peter Lake Research 266 Suzanne Hatty Research 267 Peter Lake Research 268 Suzanne Hatty Research 269 Peter Lake Research 270 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 271 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 272 Peter Lake Research 273 Lunenburg County Births 274 Robert Hegerich Research 275 Lunenburg County Births 276 Robert Hegerich Research 277 Peter Lake Research 278 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 279 Northwest Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 280 Middle New Cornwall United Baptist Cemetery 281 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 282 Brenda Maruca Research 283 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 284 Robert Hegerich Research 285 Zion Lutheran Church Records, Lunenburg NS 286 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 287 Tombstone Inscription 288 Brenda Maruca Research 289 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 290 Robert Hegerich Research 291 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 292 Robert Hegerich Research 293 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 294 Robert Hegerich Research 295 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 296 St John's Anglican Church Records, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia 297 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909

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298 Ancestral File: 299 1901 Canadian Census 300 Ancestral File: 301 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 302 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 303 Robert Crowther Research 304 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 305 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 306 Robert Crowther Research 307 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 308 1901 Canadian Census 309 James A Hubley Research 310 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 311 Baptist Church Records, Lunenburg County 312 Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg Nova Scotia 313 Nova Scotia Marriage License Register - Lunenburg County 314 Robert Hegerich Research 315 Willa Kaizer's Notes 316 Hillcrest Cemetery, Lunenburg Nova Scotia 317 Nova Scotia Marriage License Register - Lunenburg County 318 Robert Hegerich Research 319 Willa Kaizer's Notes 320 Robert Hegerich Research 321 Willa Kaiser Notes courtesy of Robert Crowther 322 Gail Facini Edwards Research courtesy of Robert Hegerich 323 Lunenburg County Marriages 1875, Page 116, #160 324 Robert Hegerich Research 325 Lunenburg County Marriages 1875, Page 116, #160 326 Robert Hegerich Research 327 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 328 Gwen Christie Research 329 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 330 Brenda Maruca Research 331 Gwen Christie Research 332 Brenda Maruca Research 333 Gwen Christie Research 334 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 335 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 336 Robert Hegerich Research 337 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register- 338 Gwen Christie Research 339 Joe Whitby Research 340 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 341 Robert Hegerich Research 342 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 343 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 344 Gwen Christie Research 345 Cemetery Inscription, St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Halifax County, Nova Scotia 346 Halifax County Marriage Index 347 Robert Hegerich Research 348 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 349 Halifax County Marriage Index 350 Gwen Christie Research 351 Suzanne Hatty Research 352 Gwen Christie Research 353 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 354 Robert Hegerich Research 355 Obituary 356 Gwen Christie Research 357 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 358 Obituary 359 Robert Hegerich Research

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360 Joe Whitby Research 361 Robert Hegerich Research 362 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 363 Joe Whitby Research 364 Gwen Christie Research 365 1901 Canadian Census 366 Gwen Christie Research 367 Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor Research: "Descendants of Jean George & Sarah (Grange) Bouteillier" July 2003 368 Gwen Christie Research 369 Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor Research: "Descendants of Jean George & Sarah (Grange) Bouteillier" July 2003 370 Gwen Christie Research 371 Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor Research: "Descendants of Jean George & Sarah (Grange) Bouteillier" July 2003 372 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 373 Gwen Christie Research 374 Elizabeth (Cardoza) Taylor Research: "Descendants of Jean George & Sarah (Grange) Bouteillier" July 2003 375 Robert Hegerich Research 376 Gwen Christie Research 377 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 378 Gwen Christie Research 379 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 380 Robert Crowther Research 381 Parish Register: St James Anglican Church, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia 382 Gwen Christie Research 383 Halifax Mail Star 384 Robert Hegerich Research 385 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 386 Gwen Christie Research 387 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 388 Obituary 389 Robert Hegerich Research 390 Obituary 391 Gwen Christie Research 392 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 393 Marriage Register #478 in 1872, FHL MFM #1310587 394 Halifax Marriage Records 395 Robert Hegerich Research 396 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 397 Marriage Register #478 in 1872, FHL MFM #1310587 398 Halifax Marriage Records 399 Robert Hegerich Research 400 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 401 Halifax Funeral Home: Index to Ledger and Funeral Records (Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia) 402 Robert Hegerich Research 403 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 404 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 405 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 406 Robert Hegerich Research 407 Nova Scotia Deaths Civil Register - Halifax County 408 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 409 Robert Hegerich Research 410 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 411 Robert Hegerich Research 412 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 413 1901 Canadian Census 414 St John the Baptist Anglican Cemetery, Queensland, Nova Scotia 415 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 416 Robert Hegerich Research 417 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 418 Robert Hegerich Research 419 Naturalization at Worcester, Worcester Co, MA: 28 Oct 1882; born 30 Sept 1849 Black Point, Halifax County, 1900

Census of MA, Worcester, Worcester Co, MA, age 50, born Aug 1849 at Canada, English 420 1871 Census of Nova Scotia:

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421 Robert Crowther Research 422 Ancestral File: Married 28 June 1879 at Worcester, Worcester Co, MA USA 423 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Worcester Co: age 40, born Mar 1860 Mass Ancestral File: born 18 Mar 1860 at

Milford 424 Robert Crowther Research 425 Ancestral File: Married 28 June 1879 at Worcester, Worcester Co, MA USA 426 1900 census of Massachusetts: age 19, born Feb 1881 at MA Ancestral File: born 12 Feb 1881 at Worcester, Worcester

co, MA 427 1900 census of Massachusetts, Worcester Co: age 11, born June 1888 at MA Ancestral File: born 17 June 1888 at

Worcester, Worcester Co, MA 428 Robert Hegerich Research 429 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 430 Marriage Register #478 in 1872, FHL MFM #1310587 431 Halifax Marriage Records 432 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 433 Marriage Register #478 in 1872, FHL MFM #1310587 434 Halifax Marriage Records 435 1900 census of Massachusetts, Worcester Co, age 48, born Mar 1852 at Canada, English 436 1871 Census of Nova Scotia: 437 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 438 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Worcester, Worcester Co 439 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 440 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Worcester, Worcester Co 441 1920 US Federal Population Census 442 Robert Hegerich Research 443 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Worcester, Worcester Co: 444 1901 Canadian Census 445 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 446 1901 Canadian Census 447 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription (above) 448 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 449 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 450 David Tanner Research 451 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 452 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik 453 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 454 1871 Census, Page 23, Dwelling #66, family #78 455 Halifax County Marriage Register, 1876 Page 155, #254 456 Halifax County Marriage Register 457 Boutilier Family Research 458 Halifax County Marriage Register 459 Robert Hegerich Research 460 Joe Whitby Research 461 1901 Canadian Census 462 #337 in 1881, FHL MFM #1310704 (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 463 Robert Hegerich Research 464 #337 in 1881, FHL MFM #1310704 (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 465 Robert Hegerich Research 466 1871 and 1881 and 1891 Census of Nova Scotia: 467 From the Files of James Hubley 468 Halifax County Marriage Register 469 Robert Hegerich Research 470 Halifax County Marriage Register 471 Robert Hegerich Research 472 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 473 Hubley Family Files of Clifford E Hubley 474 Halifax Evening Mail 475 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 476 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription: "HUBLEY, Caleb F His Wife Sophie A 1856 - 1944" 477 Halifax Evening Mail 478 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 479 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley

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480 Halifax Chronicle Herald 481 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 482 #337 in 1881, FHL MFM #1310704 (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 483 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 484 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 485 Obituary 486 Fairview Cemetery Tombstone Inscription: 487 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 488 #337 in 1881, FHL MFM #1310704 (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 489 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 490 Hubley Family Files of Frank Hubley 491 Halifax Evening Mail June 18, 1934: 492 Hubley Family Files of Frank Hubley 493 Obituary 494 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 495 Halifax Evening Mail June 18, 1934: 496 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 497 Black Point, Halifax County, Tombstone Inscription 498 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 499 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 500 Robert Hegerich Research 501 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 502 British Columbia Archives Online 503 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 504 Robert Hegerich Research 505 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 506 British Columbia Archives Online 507 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 508 1900 US Federal Population Census as researched by Robert Hegerich 509 1910 US Federal Population Census 510 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 511 1900 US Federal Population Census as researched by Robert Hegerich 512 CA USA Death Index as researched by Robert Hegerich 513 Jinny Collins (Oregon USA) Research E-Mails to Maxine Pastirik (March to August 2004) 514 1920 US Federal Population Census 515 US Veterans Cemetery Records 516 Jinny Collins (Oregon USA) Research E-Mails to Maxine Pastirik (March to August 2004) 517 For References See "Notes" Section for Solomon Hubley 518 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 519 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 520 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 521 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 522 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 523 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 524 Hubley Family Files of Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik, Leon Hubley and Shelagh (Hubley) Parker 525 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 526 Hubley Family Files of Caleb Hubley and Clifford Ephraim Hubley 527 George Newbury Research 528 Lunenburg County Marriages 1885-1886 529 1861 - 1891 Combined Census of Lunenburg County 530 Muriel M Davidson Research 531 George Newbury Research 532 Muriel M Davidson Research 533 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 534 Lunenburg County Marriages 1885-1886 535 George Newbury Research 536 Muriel M Davidson Research 537 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 538 Muriel M Davidson Research 539 Robert Hegerich Research 540 Muriel M Davidson Research 541 Cemetery Inscription: Trinity Anglican (New) Cemetery, Liverpool, Nova Scotia by Tim McDonald

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542 #337 in 1881, FHL MFM #1310704 (Brenda Maruca Feb 8, 2005) 543 Cemetery Inscription: Trinity Anglican (New) Cemetery, Liverpool, Nova Scotia by Tim McDonald 544 Robert Hegerich Research 545 St James Anglican Cemetery, Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia, Tombstone Inscription 546 Robert Hegerich Research 547 1891 Canadian Census 548 Halifax County Marriage Register 549 Estimated 550 Tombstone Inscription 551 Parish Register: 552 Robert Hegerich Research 553 Halifax City Deaths 554 Halifax County Marriage Register 555 Parish Register: 556 Robert Hegerich Research 557 1901 Canadian Census 558 Halifax Marriage Records 559 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 560 Halifax Marriage Records 561 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 562 Halifax Marriage Records 563 Robert Hegerich Research 564 Halifax Marriage Records 565 St Paul's Anglican Church Records French Village, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, CANADA 566 Halifax Marriage Records 567 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 568 Halifax County Marriage Register 569 Robert Hegerich Research 570 Halifax County Marriage Register 571 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 572 Halifax County Marriage Register 573 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 574 Robert Hegerich Research 575 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 576 Robert Hegerich Research 577 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 578 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 579 1901 Census of Nova Scotia, Halifax City, Ward 9, Div 1, Family #93 580 BG Hubley Research 581 Robert Hegerich Research 582 BG Hubley Research 583 1901 Census of Nova Scotia, Halifax City, Ward 9, Div 1, Family #93 584 Robert Hegerich Research 585 Halifax Chronicle Herald 586 Brenda Maruca Research 587 BG Hubley Research 588 Don Shankle's Lunenburg Genealogies & Databases 589 Halifax Chronicle Herald 590 Brenda Maruca Research 591 BG Hubley Research 592 Ancestral File: 593 Halifax County Marriage Register 594 Ancestral File: 595 Halifax County Marriage Register 596 Ancestral File: 597 Halifax County Marriage Register 598 Ancestral File: 599 Halifax County Marriage Register 600 Robert Hegerich Research 601 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 602 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 603 Brenda Maruca Research

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604 New England Historic Genealogical Society Vital Records On-Line, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910, courtesy of Brenda Maruca

605 Robert Hegerich Research 606 New England Historic Genealogical Society Vital Records On-Line, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 607 Brenda Maruca Research 608 New England Historic Genealogical Society Vital Records On-Line, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 609 Brenda Maruca Research 610 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 611 Robert Hegerich Research 612 1901 Canadian Census 613 BG Hubley Research 614 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 615 1901 Canadian Census 616 Willa Kaizer's Notes 617 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 618 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 619 Willa Kaizer's Notes 620 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 621 Willa Kaizer's Notes 622 Robert Crowther Research 623 Willa Kaizer's Notes 624 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 625 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 626 1861 and 1871 Census of Nova Scotia 627 James A Hubley Research 628 Halifax Death Record 629 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 630 Robert Crowther Research 631 BG Hubley Research 632 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 633 Robert Hegerich Research 634 1901 Canadian Census 635 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 636 Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers by DF Johnson 637 Presbyterian Witness 638 1901 Canadian Census 639 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 640 Presbyterian Witness 641 1901 Canadian Census 642 1871 Census of Nova Scotia: 643 1901 Canadian Census: James A Hubley 644 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 645 Halifax County Marriage Register 646 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 647 1901 Canadian Census 648 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 649 Halifax County Marriage Register 650 1901 Canadian Census 651 1901 Census, Halifax City (Nova Scotia) as researched by Brenda Maruca 652 Marriage Bond 653 Brenda Maruca Research 654 Marriage Bond 655 Robert Hegerich Research 656 Brenda Maruca Research 657 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 658 Brenda Maruca Research 659 1901 Canadian Census 660 Brenda Maruca Research 661 Robert Hegerich Research 662 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 663 1901 Canadian Census 664 British Columbia Vital Records Index, BC Vital Records Index, Archives of British Columbia

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665 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register- 666 Robert Hegerich Research 667 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register- 668 Robert Hegerich Research 669 Brenda Maruca Research 670 Robert Hegerich Research 671 Brenda Maruca Research 672 Robert Hegerich Research 673 Halifax Chronicle Herald 674 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 675 1901 Canadian Census 676 Halifax Chronicle Herald 677 Halifax Death Record 678 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 679 Robert Hegerich Research 680 Halifax Chronicle Herald 681 Halifax Death Record 682 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 683 Robert Hegerich Research 684 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 685 Halifax Chronicle Herald 686 Halifax Chronicle Herald, Obituary for Ira D Hubley: Feb 16, 1965 names his wife 687 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 688 James A Hubley Research 689 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 690 Halifax Marriage Records 691 Halifax County Marriage Index 692 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 693 Halifax Marriage Records 694 Halifax County Marriage Index 695 1901 Canadian Census 696 Halifax Chronicle Herald 697 Halifax County Marriage Index 698 Halifax Chronicle Herald 699 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 700 Halifax Chronicle Herald 701 Halifax County Marriage Index 702 1901 Canadian Census 703 Halifax Chronicle Herald 704 Robert Hegerich Research 705 Brenda Maruca Research 706 Halifax Marriage Records 707 Robert Hegerich Research 708 Halifax Marriage Records 709 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 710 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich, Halifax City: Ward 5, Division 2, Family #80 711 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 712 Robert Hegerich Research 713 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 714 Robert Hegerich Research 715 Halifax City Deaths 716 Halifax County Marriage Register 717 Robert Hegerich Research 718 Halifax County Marriage Register 719 Robert Hegerich Research 720 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 721 Robert Hegerich Research 722 Roger Mason Research 723 Robert Hegerich Research 724 Roger Mason Research 725 Halifax Marriage Records 726 Roger Mason Research

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727 Halifax Marriage Records 728 Robert Hegerich Research 729 Roger Mason Research 730 Brenda Maruca Research 731 Robert Hegerich Research 732 James A Hubley Research 733 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register 734 James A Hubley Research 735 Nova Scotia Marriages Civil Register- 736 James A Hubley Research 737 Robert Hegerich Research 738 1900 Census of Massachusetts: 739 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 740 James A Hubley Research 741 Massachusetts USA Vital Records 742 Robert Hegerich Research 743 US Social Security Death Index 744 Robert Hegerich Research 745 BG Hubley Research 746 Robert Hegerich Research 747 BG Hubley Research 748 Robert Hegerich Research 749 Halifax County Marriage Register 750 Calculated from age on Marriage Date 751 Robert Hegerich Research 75 Halifax County Marriage Register 753 Robert Hegerich Research 754 St Luke's Anglican Parish Cemetery, Hubbards 755 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 756 Halifax County Marriage Register 757 Robert Hegerich Research 758 Halifax County Marriage Register 759 Robert Hegerich Research 760 1911 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 761 Robert Hegerich Research 762 Joan M Parks-Hubley 763 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 764 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 765 1901 Canadian Census 766 Cemetery Records, St Joseph's Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia 767 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 768 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 769 Robert Hegerich Research 770 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 771 Index 1961-1992/Vitals 1992-1999/Index, Halifax Chronicle-Herald Library, "Electronic" as researched by Robert

Hegerich 772 Robert Hegerich Research 773 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 774 Halifax Chronicle Herald 775 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 776 Halifax Chronicle Herald 777 Robert Hegerich Research 778 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 779 St John's Anglican Cemetery Records, Halifax, Nova Scotia 780 1901 Canadian Census 781 Robert Crowther Research 782 Earl A Hubley 783 Robert Crowther Research 784 Earl A Hubley 785 Trinity Anglican Church Records Register 786 Halifax Chronicle Herald 787 Bruce Hubley, via telecon with James A Hubley February 28, 2005

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788 Joan M Parks-Hubley 789 Bruce Hubley 790 Halifax Chronicle Herald 791 Joan M Parks-Hubley 792 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 793 Earl A Hubley 794 Joan M Parks-Hubley 795 Halifax Chronicle Herald 796 Earl A Hubley 797 Joan M Parks-Hubley 798 Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley Research 799 Halifax Chronicle Herald 800 Beth (Hubley) Thomson and Robbie Hubley Research 801 Robert Hegerich Research 802 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 803 Robert Hegerich Research 804 Peter Lake Research 805 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 806 Robert Hegerich Research 807 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 808 Suzanne Hatty Research 809 Peter Lake Research 810 Suzanne Hatty Research 811 Peter Lake Research 812 Suzanne Hatty Research 813 Peter Lake Research 814 Suzanne Hatty Research 815 1901 Canadian Census 816 Lunenburg County Births 817 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 818 Peter Lake Research 819 Robert Hegerich Research 820 Obituary 821 Peter Lake Research 822 1901 Canadian Census 823 Halifax Chronicle Herald 824 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 825 Peter Lake Research 826 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 827 1901 Canadian Census 828 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 829 Robert Hegerich Research 830 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 831 Robert Hegerich Research 832 Peter Lake Research 833 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 834 1901 Canadian Census 835 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 836 Robert Hegerich Research 837 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 838 Halifax Chronicle Herald 839 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 840 Peter Lake Research 841 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 842 Peter Lake Research 843 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 844 Halifax Chronicle Herald 845 Peter Lake Research 846 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 847 Halifax Chronicle Herald 848 Robert Hegerich Research 849 Peter Lake Research

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850 Robert Hegerich Research 851 Halifax Chronicle Herald 852 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 853 Peter Lake Research 854 A History and Genealogy of the South Shore Langilles of Nova Scotia 855 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 856 Robert Hegerich Research 857 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 858 Robert Hegerich Research 859 Lunenburg County Marriages 1864-1909 860 Robert Hegerich Research 861 Janet Matthews Research (Essex, England) 862 1901 Canadian Census Nova Scotia as researched by Robert Hegerich 863 Robert Hegerich Research 864 James A Hubley Research 865 Willa Kaizer's Notes 866 Cemetery Inscription: United East Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia by Muriel Davidson 867 Willa Kaizer's Notes 868 Willa Kaiser Notes courtesy of Robert Crowther

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Index of Individuals

A Adams -

Edith Black: 84

Adlington - Stephen A.: 22

B Baker -

Asa Cay: 78 Emmerson: 64 Foreman: 63 Gordon Harrington: 78 John Jacob: 77 Lottie: 78 Mabel: 78 Myrna Jean: 64 Reuben Jacob: 77 Richard James: 63 William: 63

Baron - John: 66

Beck - Emma Serehta: 92 Ephraim: 92

Bishop - Elizabeth Anne: 81 Richard: 81

Bobbitt - Benjamin: 81

Bochman - Margaret V.: 22

Boutelier - Mary Elizabeth: 30

Boutilier - Aaron: 73 Abel Howard: 44 Ada: 45 Alice Matilda: 33 Amy: 30 Angeline: 45 Barbara Anne (Annie): 19 Benjamin Daniel Isaiah (Isaac): 19 Benjamin Edward: 51

Bernice Pearl: 46 Bessie: 44 Betsey: 32 Blossom: 51 Calvin: 30 Calvin: 45 Catherine: 29 Charles: 29 Charles John Frederick: 29 Charles Warren: 46 Clara: 25 Cyrus Culah: 33 Deborah Amelia: 44 Douglas Malcolm: 46 Edna Theressa: 73 Ellen: 44 Elsie: 45 Ephraim: 44 Ervin Elwood: 45 Eunice: 30 Fanny Evelyn: 46 Foster: 51 Freda Minerva: 45 Freeman Clyde: 45 George Isaac: 45 Georgina: 44 Harris: 45 Hattie: 45 Isaac: 29 Israel: 44 James Alexander (Sandy): 19 James Henry: 51 James William: 44 Jane: 44 Jean Jacques: 19 Jessie Geneva: 45 John Frederick: 29 John Martin: 44 John Nicholas: 19 John William: 16 Jonas: 30 Lillie: 73 Lomina: 30 Lydia: 44 Maisie Jean: 45 Maria: 44 Maria Ellen: 19

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Marjorie Ellen: 46 Mary Ann: 73 Mary Ann (Sophia): 19 Mary Ann Adelaide: 19 Matilda: 29 Neil: 44 Nellie Tremaine: 45 Nelson: 44 Norman: 51 Percy Almon: 45 Reynolds: 45 Sadie: 45 Sarah Elinor: 19 Stuart Melbourne: 46 Wilbert: 44

Bowser - Maria E.: 36

Boyd - Lois: 83

Bremner - Sophia: 35

Brigley - John George: 46

Brown - Harvey Howard: 92 Margaret: 83

Budding - Alice Maud: 47 Benjamin: 47

C Caldwell -

J. William: 40 Lanley E.: 40 Laura: 40 Samuel: 40 William S.: 40

Cameron - Catherine: 69

Cavicchi - Vincent James: 44

Chaplin - Gilbert H.: 79 James Hubley: 79 Quick: 78 William A.: 78

Christie -

Willard Albertus: 46

Conrad - Alana: 64 Alexander: 24 Amos W.: 24 Annie M.: 24 Caroline: 24 Carroll: 64 Celia: 64 Edward: 24 Elaine: 64 Everette Winslow: 64 Hazel: 64 Henry: 64 James E.: 24 Lester: 64 Lloyd: 64 Lottie: 64 Matilda E.: 24 Owen: 64 Raymond: 64 Wellesley: 24

Coolen - Ayrlon: 74 Charlotte: 74 Hubert: 74 James William: 74 Joseph: 74 Olive: 65 William D.: 64

Corkum - Leo Parks: 88

Cornelius - Daniel: 73 Mary Isabel: 73 Stella Teresa: 46

Covey - Beatrice May: 76 Charles: 76 Stanley: 76 Thomas A.: 76 Thomas Lorimer: 75

Craig - Stephen Thomas: 68

Cross - Mary Ann Matilda: 63


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Daley - Gordon: 80

Dauphinee - Adelaide: 42 Ann: 73 Catherine Elizabeth: 18 Eliza Jane: 18 Emma: 70 Florence: 47 Francis: 73 Freda: 47 George Peter: 47 Hannah: 16 James: 73 James William: 45 Jean Pierre: 17 John: 42 John Peter Stannage , Jr.: 47 John William: 18 Lilla: 73 Maria Elizabeth: 19 Mark F.: 73 Mary Ann Magdalen: 18 Minnie: 73 Paulus: 17 Sarah Rachel: 18 Sophia Luesah: 18 Stewart: 47 Susan Elizabeth: 44 Walter: 73

Davies - Annie: 79 Clayton: 77 Emily: 77 Harold: 77 Percy: 77 William: 76

Deal - Benjamin: 15 Caroline: 37 Charles Alvin (Albert): 37 Daniel: 37 David: 15 Dorothy Winifred: 91 Edmond: 15 Edmond: 37 Eli: 15 Elizabeth: 15 Elizabeth: 38 Fred: 89

Harriet: 37 Henry: 37 Isaac: 37 James: 37 Johann Isaac: 15 Johannes (Diehl): 14 John: 14 Kenneth Lambert: 90 Mary Blanche: 89 Mary Helen: 91 Maud: 38 Miriam Elta: 90 Noble: 37 Obediah: 37 Silas: 15 Wellington Lambert: 38 Zachariah: 15

Dehne - Albert: 90

Dixon - May: 83

Dorey - Barbara Victoria: 65 George Henry: 65

E Eisenhauer -

Abigail: 39 Albert (James): 39 Alvin (Stephen): 39 Anna Catherine: 13 Aramena: 39 Christiana Margaret: 9 George Adam: 9 Georgina: 39 John: 39 John: 39 John Nicholas: 18 Magdalena: 2 Mary Elizabeth: 17 Maynard: 16 Meriah: 39 Nicholas: 13 Nove: 91 Ruben: 16 Ruben: 39 Sarah: 38 Sarah: 39 Sophia: 16

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Sophia Elizabeth: 18 Stephen: 16 William: 39

Elizabeth - Unnamed: 84

Emoneau - Mary Margaret Magdalene: 13

Esther - Leo Godfrey: 76

F Fader -

Martin Charles Henry: 64 Samuel L.: 64

Feindel - Edna: 39 Hannah Marian: 39 John: 39 Sophia: 39 Zebediah: 39

Fessenden - Lucy: 47

Fischer - Catherine A.: 74

Fraser - Edna L.: 75 Elizabeth: 70

Fredericks - Elizabeth: 65

Fulton - Faye: 92

G Garrison -

Effie Nellie: 45 Emily Elizabeth: 45 Esrom: 44 Henry: 44 Ida Jane: 45 Melinda May: 45

Gibson - Annie Anastasia: 78 Ethel Tiddeman: 78 Frederick George: 78 Muriel Teele: 78 Roscoe Perkins: 78

Giffin - Audley Atwood: 94

Grant - J.: 39

Graves - Ann: 20 Catherine: 72 Charles Henry: 72 Earnest C.: 73 Minnie: 72 Norman: 73 Theodore: 72 William: 72 William: 72

Grono - Ada: 35 Arline Estella: 88 George: 35 Howard: 88 Lydia: 35 Willis: 35

H Haines -

Nettie M.: 56

Hallamore - Earle John: 41 Elsie W.: 41 Glen G.: 41 Idella: 41 John Edwin: 37 Myrtle: 41

Hamilton - Annie K.: 46

Hamm - Sophia: 92 Sophia: 67

Harnish - Caroline: 51 Ephraim: 47 Florence May: 47 Robert: 47

Harriet - Unnamed: 78

Havill - Emily: 75

Heckman -

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John Wesley: 32

Hogan - Louis: 56

Horner - Modena Elena: 56

Hubley - Ada: 32 Ada E.: 49 Adelaide Grace: 71 Agnes Maud: 21 Albert Edward: 69 Albert H.: 28 Alberta S.: 42 Alexander: 7 Alexander: 21 Alice Maud: 32 Ambrose: 14 Ambrose: 28 Amos Nathanial: 24 Anetta (Nettie): 34 Annie: 32 Annie: 66 Annie Eliza: 21 Arthur: 34 Austen Archibald: 34 Benjamin: 14 Bert Austen: 86 Bessie E.: 49 Bruce W.: 75 Caleb F.: 23 Carl Franklyn: 53 Carrey: 66 Catherine: 15 Catherine: 13 Charles Alvin: 43 Charles Melbourne: 22 Clarence Wycliffe: 75 Clifford Ephraim: 53 Clifford T.: 67 Cyrus: 14 Cyrus A.: 32 Dean: 84 Deborah: 32 Douglas Edgar: 82 Edith Mae: 50 Edna M.: 49 Edwin: 29 Eleanor (Helena) Jane: 34 Elijah: 21 Elizabeth (Bessie): 32

Ellen: 28 Elsie M.: 22 Elsie Seabright: 75 Emeline: 33 Enesimus: 34 Ephraim: 12 Ernest George: 87 Ethel: 42 Etta Isabel: 69 Eva: 56 Eva Maria: 71 Florence Ella: 69 Foster: 34 Francis William: 69 Freeman: 28 Frieda Bell: 94 George: 66 George Albert: 18 George B.: 13 George Bernhard: 2 George Jacob 8 George William: 94 George William: 87 Georgina (Ginny): 27 Gladys: 72 Gladys May: 94 Gordon A.: 48 Grace Muriel: 67 Harold: 50 Harriet (Hattie): 33 Hattie A.: 27 Henry M.: 52 Herbert Allen: 34 Hibbert: 21 Howard M.: 22 Hubert: 67 Ira D.: 75 Isaac: 14 Isaac: 12 Isaac: 28 Isaac: 36 Isabella A.: 29 James: 30 James: 12 James: 14 Janet May: 68 Jennie May: 71 Johannes (John): 30 John: 39 John Alexander: 69 John Jacob: 7

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John Roger: 43 John William: 18 John William: 75 Joseph: 66 Joseph Solomon (Saul) Foreman: 23 Keziah (Kassie): 36 Laura May: 22 Leah: 32 Leander: 28 Lottie Grace: 27 Louis M.: 49 Lucy: 8 Lucy: 12 Lydia Ann: 22 Mabel Blanche: 68 Magdalena: 7 Margaret: 66 Margaret: 84 Mariah (Maria or Mamie): 12 Marjorie: 71 Mary: 66 Mary A.: 24 Mary Anne (Annie): 14 Mary Annie: 29 Mary Caroline: 18 Mary E.: 36 Mary Edna: 68 Mary Eleanor: 33 Mary Elizabeth: 7 Mary Sophia: 12 Matilda: 14 Maud B.: 48 Mildred: 67 Minnie M.: 27 Muriel: 94 Myrtle: 35 Norah B.: 43 Norman: 36 Philbert Floyd: 56 Philip: 7 Ralph R.: 24 Rebecca: 23 Reginald Bruce: 54 Richard Earl: 82 Robert: 28 Robert: 67 Rose: 56 Ross D.: 83 Ruby: 84 Russel: 86 Ruth Alice 86

Sarah Ann: 39 Sarah Elizabeth: 12 Silas: 29 Sophia: 8 Sophia: 14 Sophia: 32 Stuart F.: 71 Thomas Allan: 29 Thomas D.: 24 Thomas M.: 72 Thomas Ralph Delong: 60 William ("Willie"): 43 William Foreman: 56 Zacharias: 21

Hume - Isabella: 25 James: 25

I Isnor -

Annetta Mabel: 70 Florence: 70 Gordon: 70 James: 70 Jessy: 70 Martha: 70 Phoebe: 70 Ralph: 70 Roy: 70 Watson: 70 William Henry: 70

J Jack -

Hatty: 92

Jacobs - Charles: 88 George: 88

Jodrey - Claude: 89 Demas: 89 James Henry "Harry": 89 Morley: 89

Johnson - Annie: 51 Arthur: 51 David M.: 51 Helena: 51

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James: 51 James M. G.: 51

Johnston - Charles E. Purvis: 65

Jones - Edith Mary Esther: 84 Inigo: 84

K Keddy -

Daniel: 92 Daniel: 67 George Edward: 92 Jennie Viola: 92 Mabel Blanche: 92 Mary Mildred: 92 Newton Leander: 92 Nora Marie: 92 Sophia Elizabeth: 67 Sophia Faith: 92 William Arnold: 92 William Reuben: 92

Kinsalas - Oscar: 78

Knickle - Adelaide: 42 Casper: 42

L Lamphier -

Margaret Helena: 82

Langille - Abigail: 17 Benjamin: 17 Florence Ruth: 92 Hannah: 17 Hannah Elizabeth: 40 Harding Harris: 40 Harris Harding: 40 Harris Harding: 40 Harris Spurgeon: 92 John: 36 Lawrence Lorne: 93 Lewis: 16 Mary Ann Elizabeth: 92 Minnie May: 93 Oran Eliel: 92 Paulus: 16

Percy Harold: 92 Robert Archibald: 92 Sophia: 17 Sophia Henrietta Harriet: 36 Spurgeon Eliel: 40 Susanna L.: 45 William Leroy: 92

Lavers - Catherine: 69 Charles C.: 69 Janet A.: 69

Leck - Laurella: 71

Lones - Margaretha: 14

Lunderkin - Alice: 29

M Mackay -

John Logan: 92

MacLaughlin - Ina Evelyn: 53

MacRae - Warren Isaac: 86

Mader - Alice Cecelia: 92 Elizabeth: 39

Marriet - Catherine: 29

Marshall - William A.: 36

Mason - Martha Sophia: 64 Minnie May: 60 Sophia: 77 William Delancey: 94

Mayo - Gilbert F.: 78

McDonald - Archibald: 32 Martha A.: 32 Sarah Ann: 33

McIntire - Charles Henry: 89 Maud: 89

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McLean - Annie Hilda: 80 Hector Croucher: 79

McManus - Teresa: 69

Meisner - Louisa Ann: 19

Merlin - John: 66

Meter - Marion N.: 81

Mont - Daisy: 81 Hazel Irene: 81 Herbert Allen: 81 John R.: 80 Mabel: 81 Roy Hartley: 81

Moore - John Lawson: 93

Morash - Sophia Elizabeth: 18

Mosher - Hazel Dorothy: 85

Mumford - Hazel J.: 67

Murray - Susanna Virginia: 93

Myers - May Grace: 53

N Nelson -

Rebecca Helen: 90

O Oakes -

George S.: 66

P Parker -

Bertha: 92

Penney - Donald B.: 93 William J.: 93

Perkins - Lydia: 54 William: 54

Phillips - Annie: 51 Ella A.: 51 William: 51

R Rafuse -

Johannes (John): 7

Redden - Reginald Robert: 94

Remick - Harry Oliver: 91

Ritcey - Elizabeth: 88

Rose - Unnamed: 54 C. Atwood: 93 C. Glenwood: 93 Ralph: 91

Ross - John: 68

S Schmidt -

Catherine (Smith): 36

Schwartz - Sophia: 52

Scriven - Doris: 65 George Morton: 65

Shore - George: 56

Slauenwhite - Sarah: 42 Sarah Elizabeth: 20

Slaughenwhite - Christiana (Christie): 56 George M.: 56

Smith - John Obet (Jack): 44 William: 39 William Harris: 68

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Speidel - Catherine: 2 Catherine Louise: 2 John Jacob: 2

Spry - Isabel: 72

Starrett - Edna Pauline: 87

Story - Jane (Jennie): 28 Mary: 27

T Taylor -

Freeman: 93

Teas - Margaret E.: 71 William Henry: 29

Trask - Maud Estella: 88

Trimble - Julia Ann: 37

U Umlah -

Theresa: 81

V Vaughan -

Mabel: 94 Victoria Rebecca: 93

Veinot - Dennis Church: 92 Eli Jeremiah: 43 Hibbert: 43 John Joseph: 43 Margaret Louise: 89 William: 7

Veinotte - George W.: 67 Kenneth: 50

W Walling -

Annie M.: 49 Moses: 49

Wamboldt - Dora Marinda: 92

Waters - Hannah Elizabeth: 42

Watts - Merton Elliott: 90

Weagle - Mary: 39

Weinacht - Angeline: 20 Johann David: 20 John George: 20 Mary: 92

Westhaver - Catherine: 39 Ellen: 91

Wheelock - Mary Eveline: 43

Whynot - Burton: 46 Eva Blanche: 46 Mary Ellen: 20 Simon (Weinacht): 20 Sophia Elizabeth: 20 Stanley: 47 Susan: 46

Wilcox - Harry Earle: 86

Wills - Mary Francis: 82

Winaught - Amelia (Emma): 22

Wright - Aileen Agnes: 80 Cuthbert Pittman: 80 Dorothy: 80 George S.: 80 Hilda: 80 James: 13 Sinclair (Jack): 80

Y Yeadon -

Isaac: 34

Young - Edith Ada: 93

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George Aaron: 93 Sarah Sophia: 56

Z Zwicker -

Allen 25 Anna Mary Magdalena: 9

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Introduction to Chapter 5

Descendants of JOHANNES HUBLEY

1770 - 1848

By Barry G. Hubley

By all accounts Johannes was a very successful businessman. At the time of his death he had a sawmill business, and owned several acres of land both wooded and cleared for farming. He was active in his Baptist Church, as were his children. Born in Lunenburg Co, he lived there until 1810 - 1811, by which time he had sold several parcels of land in the area, some of which were to his brother George Bernard. Johannes is found in the St. Margaret’s Bay area in 1810, when he made his first purchase of land. Presumably he moved there because land was becoming scarce in the Lunenburg area. Over the years he generally became known as John Hubley, Senior. Over the years he is not know to have travel very far from his St. Margaret’s Bay home. Several of his children did move on. A few of his sons made attempts to carve out a livelihood on the Eastern Shore of N.S. although only son (Ferdinand) stayed any

length of time. Son John Jacob moved around between New Hampshire and Nova Scotia, eventually becoming a U.S. citizen. Over the years, descendents of the next 4 generations of Johannes had emigrated to California, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and England. And of course there are still many gaps still to be uncovered. That is the thrill and challenge of researching the pieces of the Family History puzzle. I always regarded myself as an Eastern Shore Hubley, with no linkage to the South Shore Hubleys. I knew of 7 or 8 Hubleys I was related to. I find it fascinating to be able to work my way back though 7 generations and suddenly realize all N.S. Hubleys go back to Lunenburg Co. All this proves there is one big difference between working on the puzzle of family history and working on other puzzles… you never, ever have all the pieces. Many people helped me with my research. I would be remiss not to identify the helpful staff at the NS Public Archives, Bob Hegerich and Brenda Maruca, as well as the three co-authors of this document. Thank you all!! I hope you enjoy reading through the Johannes Hubley family history.

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Chapter 5

Descendants of Johannes Hubley

Statistics for Chapter 5:

Number of Individuals 2045 Number of Marriages 704 Average Life Span 61 years, 0 months Earliest Birth Date November 04, 1770 Johannes HUBLEY Number of Generation 4 Number of Different Surnames 489 Number of Families 182

Generation No. 1 1. JOHANNES

1 HUBLEY was born November 04, 1770 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN1, and

died November 17, 1848 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN2. He married ANNA MARY CATHERINE KALER May 11, 1797 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN3. She was born April 16, 1774 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN4, and died September 06, 1871 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN5. Notes for JOHANNES HUBLEY: Johannes Hubley was dismissed from the Northwest Baptist Church at Lunenburg on 24 June 1823. His wife, Anna M. was also dismissed on the same date. Johannes and his brothers had been very active in the founding of this church in 1809. Their dismissal happened a number of years after relocating to St Margaret’s Bay, in an area called Hubley Settlement, later known as Seabright. His family (7 males and 2 females excluding those children who were married or deceased) agrees perfectly with the entry in the 1827 census of St Margaret’s Bay, which also contained 7 males and 2 females, and indicated that he was a Farmer and a Baptist. The Will of Johannes Hubley is recorded at Halifax County, Volume 6, Page 53 with the last codicil written January 18, 1847. His children and wife Mary, nephew John Hubley, son-in- law John Collishaw and also grandchildren belonging to deceased daughter Catherine McDonald are named along with an instruction to son William to provide special care for his brother John. Those mentioned in the Will are readily identifiable as: Nephew John could only be the son of Jacob. Son-in-law John Collishaw married Anna Elizabeth. Daughter Mary Catherine married Allan Ramsey MacDonald. Son William may have been the husband of Eleanor Cornelius. Son John did not marry. Deed records at the NS Public Archives reflect the purchase of property by John Huble and his wife

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Mary. John's purchase was recorded "6th day of June 1811." The selling parties involved in the transaction were James Boutilier, John James Boutilier, John Peter Boutilier and his wife Elizabeth. This property appears to border on the property his nephew John (son of Jacob Huble) bought in 1810, although this is not for certain. How much land was ultimately purchased is not clear but it did include "all the Houses, Saw Mill, Grist Mill Buildings and ... water and water courses..."The purchase was in consideration of "the sum of Four Hundred and Ninety Pounds Halifax Currency." The Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) issue of 24 November 1848 reports: Death (no date) of John Hubley, Senior, 78 years - Leaves widow, 12 children, 100 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren. Burial: November 1848, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN6 Christening: December 06, 1770, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Notes taken by Earle Alexander Hubley from Canon E.A. Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families: John Hubley of John Ulrich, b. 1770, m. Ann Kaler 1797 Children: John Jacob b. 1798 Ann Elizabeth b. 1799 John b. 1800 George Bernhard b. 1802 Mary Catherine b. 1803 Ferdinand b. 1804 Elizabeth Barbara b. 1806, m. Thomas Carmichael 1826 John Philip b. 1809 Mary Elizabeth b. 1807 Cannon Harris' notes are often very helpful, but generally require independent verification because errors, confusion, and omissions are fairly common. The Northwest Baptist Church records indicate that John and Mary's family (at the time the recording was made) was comprised of: Frederick b. Jun 07, 1812 Alexander b. Jun 10, 1814 Benjamin b. Aug 21, 1817 William b. May 26, 1818 Ann Mary b. Sep 05, 1810(?) Notes for ANNA MARY CATHERINE KALER: In various land transactions (Deeds) and census she is recorded as Mary. In the 1871 census Mary is living with her son William and his family in French Village.

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Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN6 Children of JOHANNES HUBLEY and ANNA KALER are: 2. i. JOHN JACOB

2 HUBLEY, b. March 28, 1798, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. December 22, 1880, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

3. ii. ANNA ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. May 13, 1799, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

iii. JOHN HUBLEY, b. September 06, 1800, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN7; d. February 12, 1868, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for JOHN HUBLEY: A request in his father's Will provided for special care by son William for his brother John Hubley. Halifax County Death Records: John Hubley, male, age 68, bachelor, b. Lunenburg, father: John Hubley, farmer, mother: Mary Hubley, d. 12 February 1868, St Margaret’s Bay, reported by: William Hubley.

4. iv. GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY, b. January 03, 1802, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. January 25, 1892, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

5. v. MARY CATHERINE HUBLEY, b. August 19, 1803, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. January 19, 1838, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

6. vi. FERDINAND HUBLEY, b. October 07, 1804, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. March 1892, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

7. vii. ELIZABETH BARBARA HUBLEY, b. February 04, 1806, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. March 18, 1881, Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN.

viii. MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. December 11, 1807, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN8; d. December 21, 1807, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN.

ix. JOHN PHILIP HUBLEY, b. December 10, 1808, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN9. Notes for JOHN PHILIP HUBLEY: John Phillip's birth location is in dispute. Several researchers, citing St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church records indicate Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, while others indicate Seabright, Halifax Co N.S. CAN. Christening: January 12, 1809, St Andrew's Presbyterian, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN

8. x. ANN MARY HUBLEY, b. September 05, 1810. 9. xi. FREDERICK HUBLEY, b. June 07, 1812, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 18, 1879, French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 10. xii. ALEXANDER HUBLEY, b. June 10, 1814, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 22, 1861, French Village,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 11. xiii. BENJAMIN M. HUBLEY, b. August 21, 1817, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. November 10, 1901, Halifax, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN. 12. xiv. WILLIAM M. HUBLEY, b. May 26, 1818, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 27, 1901.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (126)


Generation No. 2 2. JOHN JACOB



10 was born March 28, 1798 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN11, and died December 22, 1880 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA12. He married (1) ANN CAROLINE (HUBLEY) about 1819. She was born about 1798, and died between 1820 and 1824. He married (2) MARY SUSANNA ELIZABETH WHYNOUGHT about 1825 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN13. She was born June 13, 1801 in St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died August 17, 1882 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for JOHN JACOB HUBLEY: Johannes Hubley had several sons move to the Eastern Shore of NS throughout the years. Evidence has been found in Baptismal records that support the fact that John Jacob was one of the sons who moved there. In the 1827 census of Musquodoboit, Halifax Co, NS, CAN there is a John Hubley listed with 2 males and 4 females in the family. In the 1838 census there are 3 Hubley families listed in the Tangier, Popes Harbour & Owl's Head census - Jacob, Ferdinand and Benjamin. These three are believed to be sons of Johannes. In this census Jacob's family was comprised of 3 males under 6, 1 female under 6, 1 male under 14, 3 females under14, and 1 female over 14. Total in family 10 In the time of the above census it was very common for members of related families to live together. It is not known for certain whether it is this tradition that causes the differences between John Jacob's identified family and the census or if there were other children who have not been researched. John Jacob Hubley emigrated from Nova Scotia, arriving New Castle, New Hampshire on 2 Sep 1851and settled at New Castle, declared his intention to obtain US citizenship at Portsmouth on 2 Apr 1859, then age 60, and was naturalized on 3 Mar 1863 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Brenda Maruca writes that based on her research: "In his father's will, the codicil, written January 18, 1847, is executed as though Jacob has removed from the Bay and Jacob has asked his father to give his inherited portion to his brother George; brother George is to pay Jacob £100 for the land and the buildings on it. Jacob may possibly have lived back and forth between St Margaret’s Bay and Spry Bay in the early years of his marriage. While his children's records indicate they were born at Spry Bay, Popes Harbour and Tangier, a deed executed by him in 1836 indicates that he and his wife are of St Margaret’s Bay." Notes for ANN CAROLINE (HUBLEY): Ann Caroline is believed to have been the first wife of Jacob Hubley, and that she must have died prior to his marriage to Mary Whynought, some time before about 1825. The primary basis for this belief is that this Jacob, son of Johannes Hubley, was the only available Jacob not known to be otherwise married at the time that son Joshua was born. Notes for MARY SUSANNA ELIZABETH WHYNOUGHT: Brenda Maruca has found: Elizabeth Hubley, wife of Jacob Hubley is called the daughter of George Whynacht in a deed executed in Halifax County, written April 2, 1836.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (127)


Burial: New Castle Cemetery, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Cause of Death: Paralysis Child of JOHN HUBLEY and ANN (HUBLEY) is: i. JOSHUA

3 HUBLEY, b. December 31, 1819, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN14. Notes for JOSHUA HUBLEY: There were several Jacobs who might have been the father of Joshua. But, on careful inspection of the records, none of the others was actually possible, because each was married, but not to Caroline at the time of Joshua's birth. Thus, it is believed that Jacob, son of Johannes Hubley, married Ann Caroline early on, and that she must have died soon after Joshua was born.

Children of JOHN HUBLEY and MARY WHYNOUGHT are: 13. ii. MARY ANN

3 HUBLEY, b. May 21, 1827, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 22, 1888, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

iii. ANGELINE MARGARET HUBLEY15,16, b. October 05, 1828, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN16; d. January

22, 1916, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA16; m. ZACHEUS J.V. RANDALL, November 23, 1850, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; b. February 13, 1823, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. January 09, 1901, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for ANGELINE MARGARET HUBLEY: The Tangier Parish Fonds (PANS MFM 11922x) reads: 1846 at Pope's Harbour, Angeline Margaret, daughter of Jacob and ---------- Hubley, born----------, Baptized 12 April 1846 per R. Jamieson (Adult) Brenda Maruca Reports: "Angeline was the first of her immediate family to be found in New Castle, Rockingham Co, New Hampshire. She appeared there on the 1850 census, as a 22 year old, in the household of her future mother-in-law Dorothy Randall." Burial: January 1916, New Castle Cemetery, Rockingham Co, NH, USA

iv. ADELAIDE BARBARA HUBLEY16, b. November 02, 1829, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN16; d. July 03,

1918, Concord, Merrimack Co, NH, USA16; m. (1) GEORGE AUSTIN WHITE16; b. November 1835, New Castle,

Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. before July 03, 1918; m. (2) RICHARD THOMPSON, before 1860. Notes for ADELAIDE BARBARA HUBLEY: Brenda Maruca reports that her research indicates: "Adelaide's true birth year has been difficult to determine. Her death record clearly reports that she died 3 July 1918 at the age of 92 years, 8 months, one day. No information was given as to who reported her death and her husband and siblings had previously deceased her. US census reports (in majority) place her birth about 1829-1830 (making her the third child of the known family) although she had not been found until the 1860 US census in which she appeared next door to her immediate family as the widow Thompson age 30; in 1870, 38 years; in 1880, 51 years; in 1900, 72 years; in 1910, 82 years in 1920. When the problem was looked at by the age differences amongst the siblings and their own birth dates, then again she appears to have been born about 1829. Her father is named in her second marriage record and her parents are recorded on her death information. Little was known about her first marriage (no first name for her husband and no found marriage record) until information was retrieved in two different ways. Firstly, the only Thompson buried in the New Castle cemetery was a single entry for a Richard Thompson, age 24 years. Secondly, she had, in the 1860 census and within her household in 1870 census, a boy by the name of Selden Wells, age 6 in 1860 and 16 in 1870. Selden went on to live, marry and die in New Castle and when he was investigated as a close associate of the family, it was found on his marriage and death records that he was born in Kennebunkport, Maine (just over the state line from the island of New Castle and Portsmouth), the son of another Selden Wells and a Hulda "Thompson". The 1850 census of Kennebunkport, Maine showed the family of a certain Richard Thompson and wife Abigail, to include in their household children named Hulda, age 18 and Richard, age 13, birth year, 1837. The latter would have been 24 about 1860/1, at the time of Adelaide's documented widowhood. This particular Richard Thompson, amongst many, does not appear again in any US census giving some substance to the fact that he was most certainly Adelaide's first husband and that for some reason, her sister-in-law's child was raised in Adelaide's household."

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (128)


Burial: July 1918, NH, USA

14. v. ALEXANDER HUBLEY, b. February 19, 1832, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. November 29, 1902, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

15. vi. JACOB B. HUBLEY, b. July 21, 1836, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 08, 1893, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

vii. GEORGE BENJAMIN HUBLEY, b. August 11, 1838, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. November 11, 1901, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for GEORGE BENJAMIN HUBLEY: Brenda Maruca found the following information: New Castle town record: "Voted to set the town field to the highest bidder in lots 40 ft. square, when it was struck off to persons as follows: [entry #]15. Benj---n Hubley $.20 for one year". "Portsmouth Herald, Nov 11, 1901... George B. Hubley. The death of George B. Hubley, unmarried, of New castle occurred very suddenly today. His age was sixty years. He was in apparently good health on Sunday and Death resulted from heart failure." Burial: November 13, 1901, Tarlton Cemetery, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Immigration: September 1851, to United States

viii. SUSAN ELIZABETH HUBLEY16, b. June 15, 1839, Halifax Co, NS, CAN16; d. October 25, 1916, Portsmouth,

Rockingham Co, NH, USA16; m. (1) MR. CRENNER, between 1860 - 1880; m. (2) EDWARD F. SMALL16,

October 26, 1886, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; b. October 15, 1848, Danzig, Prussia; d. March 07, 1916, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

16. ix. JOHN S. HUBLEY, b. January 1842, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. x. HANNAH ELLEN HUBLEY, b. September 1846, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 22, 1892, New

Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; m. JOTHAM EMERY; b. April 09, 1840, Biddleford, York Co, ME, USA; d. October 20, 1916, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.



1) was born May 13, 1799 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg

Co, NS, CAN17, and died in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married JOHN COLLISHAW18 about 182019. He was born about 1797 in Stoke Bardolph, England20, and died December 09, 1879 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ANNA ELIZABETH HUBLEY: In the 1881 census a Lizzy Colishaw is living with an Allen McDonald, his wife and several young Colishaw children. Lizzy was 82 years of age in this census. It is quite possible that this was Anna Elizabeth, although conclusive evidence is not available at this time. Christening: May 28, 1799, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Notes for JOHN COLLISHAW: Research note by James Wright, taken from internet address [emailprotected] from a letter entitled, Story told by Grannie Ekins on the evening of January 30th, 1942 in Winnipeg: "John Collishaw born approximately 1795, at the age of seventeen was attending a theological college in England when seized by a press gang and placed on board one of His Majesty's warships as a common seaman. John was placed in the hold of the ship along with others, and spoke with infinite pity of the existing conditions and the extent of illiteracy and degradation common among seamen at that time. "…Arriving Halifax in 1812, John carried out a premeditated plan to abandon ship, and made his way on foot through thick forest to a settlement known as French Village, approximately 35 miles from Halifax. Here he was befriended by a family named Hubley. Afterward he married one of the Hubley daughters. "…During his lifetime John Collishaw acted as doctor, teacher, and preacher to the people of the community, and became associated with Dr. Dimmock of Windsor, a Baptist Minister. Dr. Dimmock

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (129)


proved to be a great friend and wanted John to be ordained, but his wife was unsympathetic. They were the original family of Collishaw in Nova Scotia; left a large family of whom we remember: Abigail, Martha, Mary, Amelia, Elijah, John and Benjamin. It wasn't until quite a number of years later that John felt at ease to communicate with his family in England, and later learned that his mother had borne another son, and believing her first son dead, called him John." Children of ANNA HUBLEY and JOHN COLLISHAW are: i. MARY REBECCA

3 COLLISHAW, b. about 182321; d. August 27, 1843. ii. MARTHA COLLISHAW, b. December 29, 182421; m. JOHN FRED BOUTILIER, June 24, 1849. iii. THOMAS COLLISHAW, b. 1829, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 11, 1896, St Margaret’s

Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. ANN COVEY, January 01, 1853; b. 1829; d. July 30, 1890, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about ANN COVEY: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

iv. ABIGAIL COLLISHAW, b. about 183021; d. young. 17. v. WILLIAM ELIJAH COLLISHAW, b. April 11, 1833, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 16,

1870, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 18. vi. JOHN COLLISHAW, b. April 21, 1835; d. September 18, 1908, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 19. vii. JANE COLLISHAW, b. March 01, 1837; d. before 1901. 20. viii. BENJAMIN COLLISHAW, b. about 1840, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1888.



1) was born January 03, 1802 in Lunenburg,

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN22, and died January 25, 1892 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN23. He married ELLEN ANN BOUTILIER about 182724. She was born 1810 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN25, and died after 189126. Notes for GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY: Information about George Bernard is hard to find. It appears he was a strong Baptist. The data that is listed for his family has been gleaned from many different sources, census records, marriage records and death records. In some cases the data is not totally conclusive as pertaining to George or his family members, but given the circ*mstances of location, timing and other applicable data it appears to be a logical hypothesis at this time. In the 1891 census George (age 91) and Ellen (age 78) are shown living with his daughter Ellen and her husband John Boutilier. George died in 1892 but a record of Ellen's death has not been found; however, she can not be found in the 1901 census. George and his family appear in the French Village censuses from 1838 through 1871. However the early years do not identify the Family members by name. Acadian Recorder (newspaper) Tuesday Jan 26, 1892: Hubley - At French Village, St Margaret's Bay, Jan 25, George Hubley, age 91 years, 4 months. Funeral tomorrow, Wednesday Christening: January 19, 1802, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (130)


Notes for ELLEN ANN BOUTILIER: Halifax Co Deeds Year 1860, v 126 # 378 PANS MFM 17942: The wording of this deed provides reasonable evidence that John Frederick Boutilier transfers land to 3 of his daughters "Ellen Hubley, wife of George Hubley, Susan Westhaver, wife of Joseph Westhaver, and Margaret McDonald, wife of Allan McDonald." Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and ELLEN BOUTILIER are: i. ANNA

3 HUBLEY, b. 182927; d. July 30, 189028; m. THOMAS COLLISHAW, about 185029; b. 1829; d. March 11, 1896, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN30. Notes for ANNA HUBLEY: The parents of Anna Hubley are not known and can only be guessed as of this writing. However, she may be one of the daughters of George Bernard Hubley and Ellen who appear in the 1838 census in the 6-14 year age group. This age is also consistent with her death record, and with her estimated marriage date. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN31 More about THOMAS COLLISHAW: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN31

21. ii. MARIA HUBLEY, b. 1831; d. March 18, 1876, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN iii. MS. HUBLEY, b. about 1832, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN32. 22. iv. MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. November 21, 1836, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 14,

1928, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. 23. v. ELLEN HUBLEY, b. March 03, 1838, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 24. vi. THOMAS P. HUBLEY, b. 1839, probably French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1891, possibly Berwick,

Kings Co, NS, CAN. 25. vii. BENJAMIN HUBLEY, b. 1841, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 31, 1867, St Margaret’s Bay,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 26. viii. AMELIA HUBLEY, b. February 17, 1842, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ix. NANCY HUBLEY, b. 1848, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN33; d. April 23, 1871, St Margaret’s Bay,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN34. Notes for NANCY HUBLEY: NS Archives, Halifax Co Death Records: Nancy Hubley, female, 23, Spinster, (Born) Saint Margaret's Bay,( Parents) George and Ellen Hubley, 23 April, 1871, (residing) Saint Margaret's Bay, (cause) Consumption, (informant) George Hubley.

x. GEORGE HUBLEY, b. 1850, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN35.



1) was born August 19, 1803 in Lunenburg,

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN36, and died January 19, 1838 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN37,38. She married ALLAN RAMSEY MACDONALD February 09, 1823 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN39. He was born October 09, 1794 in either Scotland or Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN40, and died October 23, 1879 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN41. Notes for MARY CATHERINE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Christian Messenger (Baptist Newspaper), Feb 16, 1838: Died 19 Jan 1838 at Saint Margaret's Bay, Catherine, 35, wife of Allan McDonald and Daughter of John Hubley, Sr., left husband, 9 children. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN42 Christening: September 11, 1803, St Andrew's Presbyterian, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN More about ALLAN RAMSEY MACDONALD: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN43

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Children of MARY HUBLEY and ALLAN MACDONALD are: 27. i. NORMAN

3 MACDONALD, b. December 22, 1823; d. August 31, 1898, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 28. ii. SARAH A. MACDONALD, b. 1825; d. October 21, 1897, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. CAROLINE MACDONALD, b. about 1827; d. March 26, 189244; m. MR. CROUCHER, about 184844; b. about

1827. iv. LYDIA MACDONALD, b. about 182944. 29. v. JAMES MACDONALD, b. about 1831; d. about June 29, 1913, Central Economy, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. vi. ALLAN RAMSEY MACDONALD, b. about 183345; d. November 30, 1898, San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA,

USA46. Notes for ALLAN RAMSEY MACDONALD: Allen Ramsey MacDonald, Jr., son of the older Allan McDonald and Mary Catherine Hubley is probably the Allan McDonald who lived in the same general neighborhood with other married children of Johannas Hubley in 1851.

30. vii. MARY CATHERINE MACDONALD, b. between 1835 and 1845; d. July 01, 1893, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

viii. EIGHTH CHILD MACDONALD, b. about 183647. ix. NINTH CHILD MACDONALD, b. about 183747.



1) was born October 07, 1804 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co,

NS, CAN48, and died March 1892 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN49. He married HANNAH ELIZABETH BOUTILIER April 13, 1828 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN50. She was born January 20, 1806 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN51, and died May 1888 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN52. Notes for FERDINAND HUBLEY: The 1881 census show Ferdinand and his wife Hannah living with their daughter Emma Charlotte Boutilier in Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Ferdinand is shown as 76 years and Hannah as 74 years. Ferdinand continued to live in Sheet Harbour as reflected in the 1891 census. Burial: March 17, 1892, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN52 Christening: November 20, 1804, Dutch Reform Church Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN More about HANNAH ELIZABETH BOUTILIER: Burial: June 01, 1888, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN52 Christening: April 19, 1804 Children of FERDINAND HUBLEY and HANNAH BOUTILIER are: 31. i. JOHN

3 HUBLEY, b. 1828, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 32. ii. SARAH HUBLEY, b. 1830, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 30, 1914, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN. 33. iii. MARGARET HUBLEY, b. March 19, 1833. 34. iv. CHARLES HUBLEY, b. August 25, 1834, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 27, 1912, Dartmouth,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (132)


35. v. WILLIAM H. HUBLEY, b. 1835, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 07, 1891, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

36. vi. JAMES HUBLEY, b. August 23, 1837, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 01, 1918, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

37. vii. PETER HUBLEY, b. November 07, 1839, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 19, 1912. 38. viii. MARY JANE HUBLEY, b. November 17, 1840. ix. AMOS HUBLEY, b. 1841, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN53.

Notes for AMOS HUBLEY: This Amos Hubley has been reported to have the same wives and some of the same children as did Amos Henry Hubley son of Frederick. However marriage records clearly indicate that Amos Henry s/of Frederick was the husband for these 2 wives. Due to lack of supporting evidence, the current thinking is that Ferdinand DID NOT have a son, Amos.

x. DAVID HUBLEY, b. 1843, possibly Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 19, 1857, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for DAVID HUBLEY: DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 23 May 1857 Vol X No. 20 P. 7 8: Hubley, David, Died Tues. last by drowning at Pope's Harbour, aged 13 years, son of Ferdinand Hubley; also a man named Newcombe of Ship Harbour.

39. xi. EMMA CHARLOTTE HUBLEY, b. April 08, 1845, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 20, 1890.



1) was born February 04, 1806 in Lunenburg,

Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN54, and died March 18, 1881 in Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN55. She married THOMSON CARMICHAEL 1826 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN56. He was born 1796 in Banff Co, Scotland57 and died 1861 in New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN57. Notes for ELIZABETH BARBARA HUBLEY: Elizabeth Barbara Hubley is remembered as having a beautiful singing voice. In the 1881 census she was living with daughter Mary Jane and family. Baptism: April 05, 1806 Burial: Locust Hill Baptist Cemetery, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN Notes for THOMSON CARMICHAEL: Family tradition, per Willette Pye Wood of Reading, MA, USA indicates that Thomson Carmichael was a teacher, and rather poor, with a very large family. Children of ELIZABETH HUBLEY and THOMSON CARMICHAEL are: i. HENRY EDWARD

3 CARMICHAEL, b. about 1827, NS, CAN58. ii. JOHN GEORGE CARMICHAEL, b. about 1829, NS, CAN58. 40. iii. FREDERICK HUBLEY CARMICHAEL, b. May 19, 1830, New Glascow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN; d. 1911, Springhill,

Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. iv. WILLIAM CARMICHAEL, b. 1833, NS, CAN59; d. October 12, 1852, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN60. 41. v. ALEXANDER FRANCIS CARMICHAEL, b. July 02, 1835, NS, CAN; d. March 02, 1927, Fort Bragg, Mendocino

Co, CA, USA. vi. DAVID CARMICHAEL, b. 1837, NS, CAN61. vii. CHARLES CARMICHAEL, b. 1839, NS, CAN62; d. September 01, 1846, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN62. 42. viii. JAMES THOMSON CARMICHAEL, b. 1840, NS, CAN; d. June 1907, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. 43. ix. ISOBEL CARMICHAEL, b. about 1843; d. Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA. 44. x. HANNAH CARMICHAEL, b. 1845, New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN; d. September 29, 1937, Somerville,

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Middlesex Co, MA, USA. 45. xi. MARY JANE CARMICHAEL, b. 1847, NS, CAN; d. 1894, Jordan Falls, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. xii. ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL, b. 1848, NS, CAN63; d. CAN63. xiii. BARBARA CARMICHAEL, b. 1849, NS, CAN64. 46. xiv. HENRY GORDON CARMICHAEL, b. 1850, New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN; d. April 19, 1910, Everett,

Suffolk Co, MA, USA. xv. ANDREW CARMICHAEL, b. 1852, NS, CAN65.



1) was born September 05, 181066. She married JOHN COVEY

July 19, 183367. He was born about 1812. Children of ANN HUBLEY and JOHN COVEY are: 47. i. BENJAMIN

3 COVEY, b. about 1834; d. June 30, 1905. ii. SAMUEL COVEY

68, b. 184868; d. August 12, 1919; m. ANNA; b. about 1848; d. February 26, 1915. iii. NORMAN COVEY

68, b. 1852, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN68; d. ; m. PRISCILLA RICHARDSON; b. October 22, 1854; d. April 26, 1937.



1) was born June 07, 1812 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN69, and died August 18, 1879 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN70. He married SOPHIA RITCEY (HENRITCY) January 02, 1838 in St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN71. She was born November 03, 1816 in Lahave , Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN72, and died December 20, 1902 in probably French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN73,74. Notes for FREDERICK HUBLEY: Frederick Hubley was a Weaver and Vocal Teacher. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for SOPHIA RITCEY (HENRITCY): Sophia is living with her son Anthony and his family in French Village, in the 1901 census. She was 84 at the time. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of FREDERICK HUBLEY and SOPHIA (HENRITCY) are: 48. i. ALVIN

3 HUBLEY, b. November 17, 1838, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 49. ii. AMOS HENRY HUBLEY, b. June 15, 1840, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. about 1905,

Eldon, PEI, CAN. 50. iii. FREDERICK FRANCIS HUBLEY, b. June 08, 1842, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May

12, 1915, possibly Leominster, Worcester Co, MA, USA. 51. iv. EUNICE ANN HUBLEY, b. May 23, 1844, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 52. v. ELISHA STEVEN HUBLEY, b. February 02, 1846, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. Eldon,

PEI, CAN. 53. vi. NATHAN LEVI HUBLEY, b. March 02, 1848, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 06,

1934, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 54. vii. JESSE JUDSON HUBLEY, b. February 11, 1850, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April

12, 1903. 55. viii. ANTHONY W. HUBLEY, b. February 02, 1854, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1941. ix. ARMANELLA HUBLEY, b. July 1856, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN75; d. September 21,

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1887. More about ARMANELLA HUBLEY: Burial: Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN76

x. ANNA SOPHIA HUBLEY, b. before September 25, 1857, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 25, 1857. More about ANNA SOPHIA HUBLEY: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN77

56. xi. NORMAN A. HUBLEY, b. June 29, 1859, St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1934.



1) was born June 10, 1814 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN78, and died April 22, 1861 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN79,80. He married (1) JANE CATHERINE COMINGO about 1834 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN81. She was born August 22, 1813 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN82, and died August 10, 1854 in Fourteen Mile House, Hubley, Halifax Co, NS, CAN83. He married (2) JANE ANSELL September 27, 1855 in 12 Mile House, St Margaret's Bay Rd, Halifax Co, NS, CAN84,85. She was born about 1814 in London, England, and died December 03, 1861 in 14 Mile House, Halifax Co, NS, CAN86. Notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY: Alexander Hubley was a Teacher. OBITUARY: Lois Jenkins citing Halifax Morning Chronicle, Thursday April 25, 1861, page 2 column 7: On Monday evening last at his residence on the St Margaret’s Bay Road, Mr. Alexander Hubley, aged 47, leaving a wife and 11 children to regret the loss of a kind father and indulgent parent. Funeral will take place this day, Thursday at 11 am from his late abode. Submitted by Anna M. MacDonald Note that this obituary confirms his second marriage (to Jane Ansell) because his first wife and mother of the 11 children (Jane Catherine Comingo) died earlier on 10 Aug 1854. Qualitative support of the facts concerning the life of Alexander and Jane Catherine was found by Brian Beazley at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia on MG 100, Vol. 166, No. 6(b), Reel #15203: This document contained a letter dated 19 August 1930 from Wesley Hubley to H. Piers, as follows: "…Alex Hubley married Jane Comingo in 1844 (sic, about 1834?). He was born 1809 (sic, 1814?) at Seabright, he died 1861. She died in 1845 (sic, 1854?). He built a home at 14 Mile House to help travelers because he and Jane found a man frozen to death one day while they were out. The house later became a hotel and visitors came such as Duke of Kent (father of Queen Victoria) and Prince of Wales, King Edward VII. Alexander was born in Seabright, a house which is now owned (1930) by Oliver Hubley, councilor of our district. Since then E. B. Hubley has been proprietor of the 14 Mile House." Note that although this letter confirms the life and locale of Alexander, the dates appear to be in error. This is especially surprising because Wellesly Hubley was a son of Edwin Byron Hubley and hence a grandson of Alexander, who should have been privy to accurate family information. If the birth date of 1809 were actually correct, location would be Lunenburg instead of Seabright. The name "Comingo" has also been reported as "Corning," but "Comingo" was a prominent name in that area and "Corning" has not been noted among any early vital records. Perhaps the confusion is merely a problem in deciphering the original handwritten script. Dates are subject to question because their children were born during 1837 to 1854 to a mother said to have married in 1844 and died in 1845, while her death is recorded as 12 August 1854.

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Another letter is cited by James C. Hubly a great, great grandson of Alexander. Edwin Hubley wrote the letter in 1918. He was the son of Alexander to Charles Chester Hubley, son of Worden (grandson of Alexander, and grandfather of James). The original letter is now too fragile to handle. But James recalls that it said: "Alexander's grandfather came to Lunenburg at the time of the English and French wars 'with a lot of immigrants' - was scalped and lived for some time. The wife was in bed with two babies at the time, one of which was the father of Alexander - When [Johannes] grew up they moved to St Margaret’s Bay where Alex was born 1816+." This account indicates that Alexander's grandfather (Ulrich) was scalped by Indians. No other account of such an event has yet been located (the only such survival of scalping found so far was Peter Hubley, 1821-1911, son of Johannes of Jacob). It also seems to misplace the location of Alexander's birth. But it does agree qualitatively with related information. Other information recalled by James is: (1) Alexander died 22 April 1861 aged 45 of heart disease from inflammatory rheumatism; (2) some notes allude to his birth in 1809; (3) Alexander and Jane were married about 1834; (4) Jane was born 1818 and died 10 August 1854 aged 36, in childbirth with daughter Jane who married Robert Hubley. According to Dutch Reformed Church records, Jane was born in 1813, a date which might easily be misread as 1818. Again, some of the dates appear to be imperfect. But, the differences in dates are not sufficient to alter the identities of Alexander or Jane. Maxine Pastirik citing the book "As The Last Leaf Fell" by Barbara Peart, indicating that: "Alexander moved from Seabright to land which he had been granted about a half mile north of Five Island Lake on the Bay Road and built "Fourteen Mile House" near where the old French Village Road Forked with the St Margaret's Bay Road (1841-1842). This served as a refuge and resting place for travelers on their way from Halifax. Later this area was called Hubley's Settlement and today simply Hubley. " DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 27 April 1861 Vol. XIV No.17 P. 67: Hubley, Alex, Died, Monday last, at St Margaret's Bay Road, aged 47 years, leaving wife, 11 children. Burial: April 25, 1861, St Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN87 Notes for JANE CATHERINE COMINGO: The marriage record of Jane's son Alexander indicates that his mother's name was M. J. Brown. But this is clearly wrong because numerous sources state that she was Jane Comingo. The error may represent confusion due to the frequent appearance of the name Bruin (which is equivalent to the English name Brown) in the Comingo family in early Nova Scotia records. Another, somewhat similar explanation is in a record of christening of "Jane B. Comego Hubley" on 29 May 1931at the Northwest Baptist Church, Lunenburg (Willa Kaizer's notes, pages 9 and 24). This suggests that her full name may have been M. Jane Bruin Catherine Comingo (her father's name was Joseph Bruin Comingo). After that adult christening, she was discharged from the church on 29 May 1837, just a few months before the birth of her first child at French Village. Maxine Patirik's research indicates Jane was baptized September 10, 1813, DRL and baptized in the Baptist faith on May 29, 1831 Northwest Baptist Church, Lunenburg County. She is believed to have

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died giving birth to Jane Catherine, their last child. Burial: August 12, 185487 Notes for JANE ANSELL: DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness (newspaper), Sat. 4 Jan 1862 Vol I V No.1 P.3: Hubley, Jane Died Tues 30 inst. at Fourteen Mile House, St Margaret's Bay Rd., in 51st Year. Relict of Alex Hubley, n/c London England Burial: January 02, 186287 Children of ALEXANDER HUBLEY and JANE COMINGO are: 57. i. WORDEN ALBERT BECKWITH

3 HUBLEY, b. October 02, 1837, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 12, 1910, New Winsor, IL, USA.

58. ii. EDWIN BYRON HUBLEY, b. May 14, 1839, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 23, 1931, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

iii. ANN ELIZA HUBLEY, b. May 13, 1841, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN88; m. WILLIAM ALBERT GREZER, May 16, 1867, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN89; b. 1842, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ANN ELIZA HUBLEY: NS Public Archives MFM # 16532 Year 1867 #320: William Albert Geizer married Eliza Hubley, by License in the Baptist Church. Witness A. Hubley

iv. MARY JANE HUBLEY, b. September 26, 1842, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN90; m. GEORGE BENJAMIN COLP, January 13, 1866, St Margaret's Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN91; b. March 23, 1837, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN92. Notes for GEORGE BENJAMIN COLP: George Colp was a Lumberman at Black Point in Halifax County.

v. ALICE MAUD HUBLEY, b. July 03, 1844, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN93. 59. vi. ALEXANDER MELBOURNE HUBLEY, b. February 18, 1846, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. about

1940. 60. vii. ELISABETH REYNOLDS HUBLEY, b. November 29, 1847, Hubley's Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 61. viii. JOHN JOSEPH HUBLEY, b. July 29, 1849, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1900, possibly Lynn,

Essex Co, MA, USA. 62. ix. ISABELLA BONA HUBLEY, b. November 19, 1851, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. x. LIZETTE WALFOGLE HUBLEY, b. April 16, 1853, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN94. 63. xi. JANE CATHERINE HUBLEY, b. August 10, 1854, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 08, 1892,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN.



1) was born August 21, 1817 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN95,

and died November 10, 1901 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) SARAH GERRET December 06, 1838 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN96. She was born about 1820 in probably Ship Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN97, and died about 1849 in probably French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (2) SARAH HENRITCI April 13, 1850 in Brunswick St Methodist Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN98. She was born April 1819, and died January 08, 1897. Notes for BENJAMIN M. HUBLEY: Benjamin moved around NS. He had been living with his parents in St Margaret's Bay, however in the 1938 census he is living in the Tangier, Popes Harbour area. He is believed to have met his wife and married in that area of Nova Scotia as well. When he left the area is unknown but he does appear back in St Margaret's Bay in the 1851 census. He moved into Halifax City later in life.

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The 1838 census has Benjamin and Sarah living in Tangier N.S. with 1 child under 14. They were married Dec 6, 1838 so in all likelihood the Census was taken before they were married. Who the child was is unknown; however, Sarah was a widow and it is possible that child was from the previous marriage. A similar issue arises in the 1851 census where they are reported to have 4 males under 10, 1 female under 10, and 1 female 10 to 20. The 2 females and 3 of the males under 10 can be traced directly to Benjamin. Benjamin Hubley was a Mason according to the Halifax County marriage record for daughter Amanda (Minnie) in 1868. In the 1901 Census Benjamin is living in Halifax City with his daughter-in-law, Mary (widow of Henry Edward), Mary's daughter Laura, and his (Benjamin's) grandson Clarence Roast (son of Amanda). Halifax City Death Records Nov 1901 Page 247, line 23: Hubley, Benjamin M., Male, 85 years, widower, Dutch, St Margaret's Bay (origin), Baptist, Mason (employment), Nov 10th (date of death), Cardiac Failure of old age, McCully St (last residence), CampHill (Burial) Due to his sudden death the Halifax City Medical Examiner reviewed the facts of his death to determine the cause. He states, "I have examined & ________? the body-- found no marks of violence upon it. The deceased was out to church on Sunday night. The deceased was talking with a friend in a room, when he suddenly lurched forward and fell...from the information found I am of the opinion that death was due to Cardiac Failure of old age." Benjamin left a will recorded in the probate records as # 5534 and is dated 18 Nov. 1901. (See NS Archives MFM# 19363). His will provides a list of his children and in the case of daughters provides their married names. After allowing for his expenses, he directs "that one hundred dollars be paid to my son Andrew Allen Hubley in consideration of his having Erected a monument to the memory of my deceased wife and myself."…He directs any balance then be divided into nine equal parts and paid to his children. In the case of his deceased daughter Amanda Melvina Roast, he directs her share be divided among her children. The will does not mention Isaac Baxter, however he died in 1868 and left no children. There is still reasonable evidence (marriage records) to believe Isaac Baxter was a son of Benjamin. He signed the will "Benjamin M. Hubley, the Elder". The will was dated fifth day of December, 1900. The census data for 1861 and 1871 matches up well with the will. Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for SARAH GERRET: The NS Archives marriage record indicates Sarah was a widow when she married Benjamin. Some researchers indicate her maiden name was Prest. Notes for SARAH HENRITCI: Sarah had been married to a Gaetz prior to her marriage to Benjamin Hubley

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3 HUBLEY, b. November 21, 1839; d. after 1915. ii. ISAAC BAXTER HUBLEY, b. 1841, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN99; d. December 19, 1870, Halifax , Halifax

Co, NS, CAN100; m. JOANNA MCKENZIE, June 25, 1868, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN101; b. 1847102. Notes for ISAAC BAXTER HUBLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1868 # 376: Isaac Baxter Hubley, 25, Bachelor, son of Benjamin and Sarah married Joanne McKenzie, 21 spinster, 25 June, 1868, by license, Baptist Church, Halifax. DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 24 Dec 1870 Vol XXIII No. 52 pp 413,416 Hubley, Isaac Baxter died 19th, at his residence in 29 yr, leaving a wife. Given he died in 1870, leaving no children, Isaac is the only child not mentioned in Benjamin's will. However, given his early death and the fact he left no children, that is explainable. Isaac Baxter Hubley was almost certainly a son of Benjamin (son of Johannes Hubley and Anna Kaler) and Sarah for several reasons: (1) his parents were named in his marriage record, (2) his birth in 1841 agrees with age ranges for one of their sons appearing in the 1851 census (age 0-10) and in the 1861 census (age 15-20) at French Village, and (3) he was born and lived in the right general locale. The only possible cause for uncertainty is that there were two other married couples with the same names as his parents, and of similar age when he was born. But no logical case can be made for these other namesake couples as his parents, because they didn't live in the right locale and no record has been found that they had any son of the right age.

65. iii. JOHN KENNETH HUBLEY, b. October 02, 1843, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 01, 1914, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

66. iv. AMANDA MELVINA HUBLEY, b. 1845, Probably French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 10, 1892, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

67. v. HENRY EDWARD HUBLEY, b. about 1849, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 24, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.


3 HUBLEY, b. May 29, 1852; d. January 27, 1915, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 69. vii. ANNA LUCINDA HUBLEY, b. April 10, 1853, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1915. 70. viii. ANDREW ALLEN HUBLEY, b. July 27, 1854; d. after 1915. 71. ix. MAYNARD HEBRON HUBLEY, b. April 05, 1857, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 25, 1908. x. ROSANNA ARASET HUBLEY, b. about 1860; d. after 1915103; m. CHARLES TRISCOTT

104, February 01, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. about 1859. Notes for ROSANNA ARASET HUBLEY: In the 1881 census Rosanna appears as Rosie age 21 (no marital status identified) living with Benjamin and Sarah in ward 5 Halifax.



1) was born May 26, 1818 in French Village, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN105, and died July 27, 1901. He married ELEANOR CORNELIUS November 17, 1842 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN106. She was born June 04, 1823 in St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN107, and died February 04, 1905. Notes for WILLIAM M. HUBLEY: William and his family are living in French Village in every census taken for Nova Scotia. In the 1901 census, William is 82 years, Ellen is 80 and they have an adopted daughter Mable Hall living with them. She was born May 14 1882 and was 18 years of age. It is not known if she was any relation to William and Ellen. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN108

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More about ELEANOR CORNELIUS: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN109 Children of WILLIAM HUBLEY and ELEANOR CORNELIUS are: 72. i. ANNIE DRUCILLA

3 HUBLEY, b. July 24, 1843. ii. MARY HUBLEY, b. 1846, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN110. 73. iii. EMMA HUBLEY, b. 1848, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1911. 74. iv. BARBARA A. HUBLEY, b. August 17, 1851, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1943, Halifax, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN. 75. v. ELLEN (ELLA) HUBLEY, b. 1853, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vi. ELIZABETH H. HUBLEY, b. 1855, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN111; d. June 20, 1866, St Margaret's

Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ELIZABETH H. HUBLEY: Halifax Co Death Record Elizabeth H. Hubley, Female, 11, Youth, Born French Village, Parents William M. Hubley, 20 June, 1866, St Margaret's Bay, (Informant) William M. Hubley

vii. HENRIETTA ( ETTA) HUBLEY, b. 1857, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN112; m. MR. MCLAUGHLIN. 76. viii. WORDEN A. HUBLEY, b. January 1859, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February 18, 1902,

Framingham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA. 77. ix. LYDIA HUBLEY, b. August 12, 1860, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. after 1911. 78. x. WILLIAM M. HUBLEY, b. February 12, 1862, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1929. xi. EUNICE ANN HUBLEY, b. August 13, 1864, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN113. xii. HOWARD HUBLEY, b. 1869, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN114; m. LAURA ETTA STRACHAN, January

17, 1910, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; b. about 1874. Marriage notes for HOWARD HUBLEY and LAURA STRACHAN: Information as provided by Brenda Maruca: Groom: Howard Hubley, 38, res: Nova Scotia, shoe maker, born NS, his second marriage, son of William and Ellen Hubley, both deceased. Bride: Laura Etta Strachan, 36, Res: Portsmouth NH, Born Strafford NH, her first marriage, daughter of William Strachan, deceased, and Sarah A. 76, Beverly, MA, USA. Married by the Justice of the peace, Jan 17, 1910

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Generation No. 3 13. MARY ANN




115 was born May 21, 1827 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died May 22, 1888 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She married JOHN RICKER October 09, 1852 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He was born July 1828 in Lebanon, Maine, USA, and died April 17, 1890 in at sea on the vessel "Isle of Shoals". Notes for MARY ANN HUBLEY: Bob Hegerich and Brenda Maruca have researched and shared much of the information shown for Mary Ann and her family. Burial: New Castle Cemetery, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Cause of Death: Organic Heart Disease Children of MARY HUBLEY and JOHN RICKER are: 79. i. SAMUEL H.

4 RICKER, b. November 1854, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. 1918, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

80. ii. LEONA JOHNSON RICKER, b. August 08, 1866, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. May 29, 1945, Newton, Middlesex Co, MA, USA.




1) was born February 19, 1832 in Tangier,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN116, and died November 29, 1902 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA117. He married (1) ELEANOR ABRIEL about 1850118. She was born 1832 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN119, and died before 1881120. He married (2) BRIDGET A. COSTLEY January 17, 1887 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She was born about 1847. Notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY: Alexander Hubley emigrated from Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN to Portsmouth, NH, USA arriving 1 May 1847, declared intention of citizenship at Portsmouth on 7 Apr 1854, and was naturalized on 31 Oct 1888 at Portsmouth. That record also indicates 41 year residency at New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Additionally, he appears with family at Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN in 1861, 1871 (Halifax East) and 1881. In the 1871 he is listed as Hobly, along with his wife Ellen and 6 children. Ellen's origin is shown as Irish while other family members are shown as German. In 1881 his eldest son Thomas is age 25 and born in the USA, where Alexander's earlier residency is thus confirmed. However, five younger children were born in Nova Scotia in the decade 1861 to 1871, thus also demonstrating his extensive dual residency in Nova Scotia and the United States before his naturalization in 1888. Further evidence of his mobility is the marriage record of his eldest daughter, Lucy, who was born at New Italy, NS, CAN in 1850. Brenda Maruca's research indicates Alexander died at Cottage Hospital, having been a patient there for three weeks. Burial: December 01, 1902, Calvary Cemetery, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA

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Cause of Death: Disease of the Heart Immigration: May 01, 1847, To Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Naturalization: October 31, 1888, At Supreme Court, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA More about ELEANOR ABRIEL: Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Marriage notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY and ELEANOR ABRIEL: No marriage record has ever been found in Nova Scotia or New Hampshire. However it is most likely that the marriage took place in New Hampshire. Notes for BRIDGET A. COSTLEY: Brenda Maruca writes: Bridget's maiden name has not yet surfaced although her first marriage to a John Peter Costley, a shoemaker, seemingly took place in Nova Scotia where they had, at least, two children: Margaret and James. Bridget was of French descent per the 1881 census in which she appeared in the widower Alexander Hubley's household with her son James. Alexander and Bridget were not found in the 1900 US census. She does appear in the Portsmouth 1903 city directory following Alexander's death but does not show up in later years. The following article found in the "Portsmouth Herald" on May 13, 1898 may be a clue as to why Alexander has not been found in 1900: / Reported Arrival in San Francisco: Mrs Alexander Hubley, wife of one of the crew of the Klondike Schooner Concord received a letter Thursday from her husband which was postmarked San Francisco, May 5th. The letter did not refer to the vessel having arrived there but the letter was dated Straits of Magellan. He said "we have had a good passage down but since we got here we got along slow, for the wind has been dead a head". According to a letter received from John B. Hart, the staunch little schooner arrived in San Francisco on May 4th. The glad tidings reached this city in a rather roundabout way. John B. Hart of Milton, manager of the party, wrote of his safe arrival and [that] of the party immediately on his arrival in San Francisco, the schooner left Newton's Wharf at the south end of this city on December 12th thus making her 143 days on the trip. Children of ALEXANDER HUBLEY and ELEANOR ABRIEL are: i. LUCY

4 HUBLEY, b. 1851, New Italy, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN121; m. JOSHUA MINICH, June 03, 1871, Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN122; b. 1847, New Italy, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN123. Notes for LUCY HUBLEY: Lucy Hubley's marriage record shows that she was born to Alexander Hubley and Ellen at New Italy. But she isn't recorded (age 10) in the 1861 census for his family at Black Point, nor is she shown in the 1871 census with her family, even though her marriage in June 1871 was probably after the census was taken. Apparently, she may have been left with some other family at New Italy, because Alexander has been found to have been exceptionally mobile. This possibility is supported by evidence of his moves, which include: (1) born at Saint Margaret's Bay in 1832, (2) in New Hampshire in 1847, (3) fathering Lucy in New Italy in 1850, (4) in New Hampshire in 1854 and 1855 where son Thomas Edmund was born, (5) at Black Point in 1861, (6) at Tangier in 1864, (7) at Pope's Harbour in 1871 & 1881, and (7) back in New Hampshire in 1888.

81. ii. THOMAS EDMUND HUBLEY, b. 1855, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. iii. ANNA ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. October 1858, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN124; d. between April 1860

and April 1861, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. ALEXANDER HUBLEY, b. August 1861, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN125; d. November 24, 1881, at sea-

drowned126. Notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY: DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 4 Mar 1882 Vol. XXXV No 9, p69:

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Hubley, Alexander, a seaman of Tangier aged 20 years, Drowned 24 Nov when he was knocked overboard "Star of England" between Cardiff & Rio Janeiro

v. WILLIAM H. HUBLEY, b. May 20, 1864, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN127; d. possibly in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for WILLIAM H. HUBLEY: In 1900 it appears that the same William Hubley (age 35, born Dec 1864) was enumerated as a boarder at 3B Charles Street, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA and then with his family at 162 Forest Avenue, Brockton, Plymouth Co, MA, USA. Apparently he either moved between the respective enumeration dates, or his wife spoke for him in Massachusetts. However, this census information is confused by naturalization records for those two locales, as follows: William Hubley, residence 162 Forest Avenue, Brockton, Plymouth Co, MA, USA occupation Carpenter Age 40, born 28 Mar 1864 (unclear, perhaps 1866) at Conquerall Bank, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN Emigrated from Nova Scotia and arrived Boston 15 Sep 1889 Declared intention to become a citizen of the United States on 24 Dec 1895 at Brockton Naturalized 13 Nov 1905 at Brockton William H. Hubley, residence Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA for 4 years Born 20 May 1864 at Tangier, Nova Scotia Emigrated from Nova Scotia and arrived in New York 16 June 1881, age 17 Naturalized 29 Oct 1898 at Portsmouth Note that each is most certainly the William Hubley at his respective locale for the 1900 census, even though neither was actually born in December of 1864. William Hubley who was born to Alexander of Pope's Harbour appears to be the same person as William H. Hubley who immigrated to Portsmouth, NH, USA and was born at Tangier, Nova Scotia. Pope's Harbour and Tangier are neighboring towns. Thus personal data from Nova Scotia and New Hampshire have been merged.

vi. JOSEPH HUBLEY, b. February 1866, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN128. 82. vii. CELIA ANN HUBLEY, b. July 1867, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. viii. JOHN HUBLEY, b. August 1869, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN129. 83. ix. ELLEN MARGARET HUBLEY, b. between September 18, 1871 - 1872, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d.

March 27, 1909, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

15. JACOB B.




130 was born July 21, 1836 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN130, and died July 08, 1893 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He married SARAH FRANCES MARTIN October 10, 1859 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She was born March 25, 1840 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA, and died March 29, 1926 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for JACOB B. HUBLEY: On March 8, 1859, Jacob Hubley, Jr. appears in the New Castle, NH town records as a voter. The 1880 US Census has a Jacob Hubley living in New Castle, Rockingham, New Hampshire. He was 43 years of age, was an employee for shoe factory. Nova Scotia was the birthplace for him, his father and his mother. In this census Jacob's wife is Sarah F., Age 39 Born in NH as were her Father and Mother. All of their children were born in NH, and they are identified as: Loring E., male, age 19, a fisherman; Annie, Female age 7, at school; Jane L., female, age 5, at school; Mabel, female, age 3, at home. Also living with Jacob and his family was an Olive Martin. She is identified as Mother L, meaning Jacob's mother in law. She was 78 years old, she and her mother were born in NH; however, her father was born in NS.

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Notes for SARAH FRANCES MARTIN: Brenda Maruca's research indicates: Witness to: Alexander Hubley, Naturalized, 31 October 1888, Supreme Court, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH Children of JACOB HUBLEY and SARAH MARTIN are: i. LORING E.

4 HUBLEY, b. 1861, NH, USA. ii. ANNIE HUBLEY, b. 1873, NH, USA. iii. JANE L. HUBLEY, b. 1875, NH, USA. iv. MABEL HUBLEY, b. 1877, NH, USA.

16. JOHN S.



1) was born January 1842 in Halifax Co, NS,

CAN. He married PAULINE K. PRIDHAM June 15, 1865 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She was born April 09, 1845 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA, and died October 18, 1906 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for JOHN S. HUBLEY: Brenda Maruca has found the following: Portsmouth Herald, 24 November 1900: John S. Hubley of this city, one of the Schooner Concord's crew to the Klondike gold fields has just returned from a trip to Kasaan Bay Alaska where he pruchased 13 claims, each one containing 20 acres of land and said to be well-filled with copper. Portsmouth Herald, same issue: John S. Hubley of Atkinson Street is back from Alaska with specimens of copper from his claims. No death record has been found for John. It is not known if he returned to Alaska. His wife Pauline is not listed as a Widow when she dies in 1906. Notes for PAULINE K. PRIDHAM: Portsmouth Herald, 1 May 1906 -Personals: Mrs. Pauline Hubley is seriously ill at her home on Pickering Street. (Researched by Brenda Maruca) Child of JOHN HUBLEY and PAULINE PRIDHAM is: i. CLARENCE H.

4 HUBLEY, b. November 09, 1865, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. before 1880.




1) was born April

11, 1833 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN131, and died September 16, 1870 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married LUCY ANN SMELTZER December 29, 1859 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born October 31, 1841 in Chester, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN, and died February 25, 1896. More about WILLIAM ELIJAH COLLISHAW: Burial: 1870, Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (144)


More about LUCY ANN SMELTZER: Burial: 1896, Pioneer Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of WILLIAM COLLISHAW and LUCY SMELTZER are: i. AGNES

4 COLLISHAW, b. 1861. 84. ii. IDA MAY COLLISHAW, b. August 19, 1862, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 13, 1899,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. LAVILLA COLLISHAW, b. 1865. iv. ELLISON COLLISHAW, b. 1868.

18. JOHN



1) was born April 21, 1835132,

and died September 18, 1908 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY133 December 22, 1859 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, daughter of GEORGE HUBLEY and ELLEN BOUTILIER. She was born November 21, 1836 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN134,135, and died March 14, 1928 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. More about JOHN COLLISHAW: Burial: September 1908, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Burial: 1928, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of JOHN COLLISHAW and MARY HUBLEY are: i. DAVIS

4 COLLISHAW, b. about 1861. ii. CYRUS COLLISHAW, b. August 19, 1863, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN135; d. June 03, 1910, Seabright,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about CYRUS COLLISHAW: Burial: June 1910, Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

85. iii. EUNICE COLLISHAW, b. 1865. 86. iv. JOHN COLLISHAW, b. July 03, 1866, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 22, 1960. 87. v. CHARLES ALBERT COLLISHAW, b. October 28, 1867, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 07, 1911. 88. vi. NAOMI ELIZABETH COLLISHAW, b. April 11, 1868; d. 1934. vii. ELLEN COLLISHAW, b. 1870. 89. viii. EDWIN LYMAN COLLISHAW, b. January 30, 1873, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1963, Exeter,

Rockingham Co, NH, USA. 90. ix. NORMAN AINSLIE COLLISHAW, b. May 01, 1880, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 11, 1913,

Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. x. ELIAS COLLISHAW, b. Unknown. xi. ENOS COLLISHAW, b. Unknown.

19. JANE



1) was born March 01, 1837136,

and died before 1901. She married THOMAS JOHN FREDERICK BOUTILIER September 04, 1858. He was born September 06, 1837, and died March 1902. Children of JANE COLLISHAW and THOMAS BOUTILIER are: i. WILLIAM ALBERT


Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (145)







137 was born about 1840 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN138, and died 1888. He married JANE BOUTILIER139 August 14, 1863 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born August 14, 1849 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died September 19, 1921. Notes for JANE BOUTILIER: Based on dates provided, Jane was 14 when she was married, further research is required. Children of BENJAMIN COLLISHAW and JANE BOUTILIER are: i. WILBERT

4 COLLISHAW, b. November 15, 1869; d. April 1951; m. MARY COLLISHAW. 91. ii. ELLA MAY COLLISHAW, b. April 15, 1870, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1952. iii. HIRAM FRANKLIN COLLISHAW, b. August 25, 1871; m. VIOLET ALLEN. 92. iv. ALBERTHA COLLISHAW, b. January 18, 1873; d. 1955. 93. v. LAURA ANNETTE COLLISHAW, b. December 23, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 22,

1951. vi. GRACE FLORENCE COLLISHAW, b. 1875; d. February 1947; m. JOSEPH WESTHAVER; b. 1863, Seabright,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1943. vii. RAWLINS ROLAND COLLISHAW, b. May 14, 1880, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

Notes for RAWLINS ROLAND COLLISHAW: He was killed in WW I.

94. viii. EFFIE COLLISHAW, b. July 21, 1885, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 22, 1979.




1) was born 1831140, and died March 18,

1876 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN141,142. She married DANIEL HUBLEY January 08, 1852 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN143. He was born May 09, 1818 in St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN144, and died December 07, 1883 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN145. Notes for MARIA HUBLEY: Maria may have had two husbands, and will be thus regarded until contrary evidence is found. She is believed to be the Maria Hubley who married Edward Conrad in 1850 as well as the Maria Hubley who married Daniel Hubley in 1852. (Note; various records indicate her husband's name was David) Halifax Co Death Record, Year 1876 #2 NS Archives MFM 16524: Maria Hubley, F, 44, Married, (B) St Margaret's Bay, (parents) George Hubley, 18 March, 1876, (D) St Margaret’s Bay, Consumption, (Informant) David Hubley Burial: 1876, Pioneer Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN145

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Notes for DANIEL HUBLEY: Daniel Hubley was a Fisherman at French Village. Burial: 1883, Pioneer Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN145 Children of MARIA HUBLEY and DANIEL HUBLEY are: i. LEVI J.

4 HUBLEY, b. October 27, 1853, NS, CAN146,147,148; d. October 25, 1920, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN149. Notes for LEVI J. HUBLEY: Levi Hubley was a Fisherman at French Village in April 1871, and in 1881. He was also enumerated at Mahone Bay as a Farm Labourer with Elijah and Louisa Spidel on about April 1871. In the 1901 census Levi is shown living on his own in French Village. He is listed as single. Burial: 1920, Pioneer Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN149

ii. ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. 1854, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN150; d. September 20, 1875, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN151. Notes for ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Halifax Co death record Year 1875 # 395 NS Archives MFM 16524: Elizabeth Hubley, F, 22, Spinster, (parents) David and Maria, 20 Sept 1875, St Margaret's Bay, Consumption, (Informant) David Hubley

iii. SUSANNAH HUBLEY, b. 1855152; m. JOHN BRIGLEY, December 29, 1877, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN153; b. 1847154. Marriage Notes for SUSANNAH HUBLEY and JOHN BRIGLEY: 1877 P212 # 465 Halifax Co Marriage Register: Black Point, By License, Baptist on Dec 29, 1877 Susannah Hubley, 23, Spinster, Residing and born French Village, daughter of Daniel & Maria, married John Brigley, 30, Bachelor, fisherman, residing Black point, Born SMB, son of George & Mary

iv. GIDEON HUBLEY, b. 1856, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN155. v. DANIEL HUBLEY, b. 1857, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN156; m. LYDIA JANE MORASH, November 29,

1882, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN157; b. September 30, 1863, Dover, Halifax Co, NS, CAN158; d. 1965, Montreal159.

vi. ANGUS HUBLEY, b. 1862, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN160. vii. EMMA HUBLEY, b. 1865, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN161; d. June 30, 1896, Gloucester, MA, USA162.

Notes for EMMA HUBLEY: DEATH NOTICE: Gloucester, Mass, 3 June 1896, Vol. 463, p. 437, #132: Emma Hubley, female, single, 30, TB of lungs d. Gloucester, b. SMB, of Daniel and Maria, parents born: SMB (Note: Emma appeared in a separate Boston Alms House record entering the house 8 months pregnant and single as researched and reported by Brenda Maruca)

95. viii. LINDSAY HUBLEY, b. August 25, 1867, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 31, 1939, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

ix. SAVILLA HUBLEY, b. June 15, 1869, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN163; d. April 26, 1941164; m. STEPHEN DAUPHINEE, December 04, 1890, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN165; b. September 18, 1868, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 03, 1941166.





167 was born November 21, 1836 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN168,169, and died March 14, 1928 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She married JOHN COLLISHAW December 22, 1859 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, son of JOHN COLLISHAW and ANNA HUBLEY. He was born April 21, 1835169, and died September 18, 1908 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

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More about MARY ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Burial: 1928, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about JOHN COLLISHAW: Burial: September 1908, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children are listed above under (18) John Collishaw. 23. ELLEN



1) was born March 03, 1838 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN170,171. She married JOHN HENRY BOUTILIER172 December 24, 1872 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN173. He was born August 24, 1843 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN174, and died January 08, 1924 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN175. Notes for ELLEN HUBLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations: John Boutilier, Bachelor, French Village , son of William & Catherine, Married Ellen Hubley, 32 , Spinster, D. of George & Ellen, Dec 24, 1872, By License, in Church of England. Ellen and husband John Boutilier are shown in the 1891 census living in French Village. Her parents George and Ellen Hubley are living with them. They are also in the 1901 census of French Village. Child of ELLEN HUBLEY and JOHN BOUTILIER is: i. EDWARD CHRISTOPHER

4 BOUTILIER, b. December 14, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN176. Notes for EDWARD CHRISTOPHER BOUTILIER: Brenda Maruca reports: Edward, seemingly, was not a biological son of John and Ellen. He could have been the Edmund Hubley, age 7, living next door in 1881 to John and Ellen in the David Hubley household and adopted by John and Ellen when David and Sarah both died in the 1880's. He calls John Boutilier and Ellen Hubley his parents in his adult Baptism at St. Paul's, French Village, in 1892. Edward is not mentioned in John Boutilier's 1924 obit.




1) was born 1839 probably in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN177, and died after 1891 possibly in Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN. He married EMMA (HUBLEY) about 1878178. She was born October 1858 in NS, CAN179. Notes for THOMAS P. HUBLEY: The parents of Thomas P. Hubley are not known and can only be guessed at the time of this writing. George Bernhard and Ellen Hubley are a logical choice because they had one son born at about the right time. Children of THOMAS HUBLEY and EMMA (HUBLEY) are: i. LEBLANC

4 HUBLEY, b. about October 1879, Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN180. ii. ARTHUR HUBLEY, b. 1881, Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN181. iii. PEARL HUBLEY, b. 1884, Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN182. iv. MYETTE HUBLEY, b. about October 1886, Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN183.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (148)


v. WILLIS HUBLEY, b. 1889, Berwick, Kings Co, NS, CAN184.




1) was born 1841 in French Village,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN185, and died October 31, 1867 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN186. He married HANNAH SMELTZER April 30, 1864 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village , Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born 1844. Notes for BENJAMIN HUBLEY: This child appears in a number of censuses taken in this time period. (The entry in 1861 may be a stray mark because it shows as a widower and is unexplainably omitted from total.) Halifax Co Death Records Year 1867 # 46 P 118: Benjamin Hubley, Male, 26, married, (born) St Margaret’s Bay, (parents) George Hubley, farmer, 31 October, 1867, (Died) St Margaret's Bay, (informant) Hannah Hubley No marriage record has been found for Benjamin; however, the above referenced Hannah could be his wife. Notes for HANNAH SMELTZER: Halifax Co Marriage registrations year 1883 #418: 28 August 1868, French Village, SMB, lic., John Kaizer, 27, b., cooper res. Chester, b. Chester of John and Catherine Kaizer, farmer, to Hannah Hubley, 22, widow, res. French Village, of Philip and Hannah Smelzer fisherman Witnesses: Elijah Smelzer; Abigail Collishaw by John Ambrose, Rector, CE, SMB Child of BENJAMIN HUBLEY and HANNAH SMELTZER is: i. IDA MAY

4 HUBLEY, b. about 1864; m. GEORGE ROBERT LONGARD, November 07, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN187; b. 1861, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1950, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.




1) was born February 17, 1842 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN188,188,189. She married ALVIN HUBLEY190 December 27, 1864 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN191, son of FREDERICK HUBLEY and SOPHIA (HENRITCY). He was born November 17, 1838 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN192. Notes for AMELIA HUBLEY: The marriage registration NS Archives MFM 16532 Yr 1864 #187: Clearly list Alvin's wife as Amelia Hubley d/o George Hubley. Some researchers believe her father was George Boutilier. Notes for ALVIN HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: Alvin Hubley was a Magistrate and a Potter. He was clerk of the Baptist Church from 1873 to 1889 and signed Alvin Hubley. He was dismissed from the Baptist Church for not adhering to Baptist doctrine as he was attending Seventh Day Adventist meetings. Harvey Hubley then became clerk of the church and it was the first appearance of the 'e' in Hubley.

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Research note by Willa Kaiser: Alvin Hubley is believed to have kept the first post office in his house at the boundary of Seabright and French Village. Later it was moved to a more central location in Harvey Hubley's House and was later run by Mrs Weldon Hubley, Mrs. Roy Hubley and others. 1901 Census (French Village, NS, CAN) shows Alvin listed as Aloise (62yrs) with wife Amelia (58 yrs) and son Robie (17 Yrs). In the census the writing is poor and his last name is actually spelt Houbley. In the 1911 census Alvin and Amelia are still living in French Village. Children of AMELIA HUBLEY and ALVIN HUBLEY are: 96. i. HARRIS

4 HUBLEY, b. October 10, 1865; d. 1953, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 97. ii. WILLIS P HUBLEY, b. October 1867, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February 18, 1945, Seabright,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. EVA HUBLEY, b. 1870, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN193; m. STEWART SHANDLE, August 16, 1893,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN194; b. 1864. Marriage Notes for EVA HUBLEY and STEWART SHANDLE: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1893 #279: August 16, 1893 Halifax, By Lic, Baptist, Stewart Shandle, 29 ,B, Residing Hubbards Cove, Born Greenfield, married Eva J Hubley, 23, S, Residing and Born French Village, daughter of Alvin and Amy.

98. iv. ALVIN HUBLEY, b. July 1873, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. possibly in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

v. ROBIE HUBLEY195, b. July 10, 1884195.




1) was born December 22,

1823196, and died August 31, 1898 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married JEAN LAING. She was born August 27, 1825197, and died September 10, 1917 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN197. Children of NORMAN MACDONALD and JEAN LAING are: i. GEORGE

4 MACDONALD, b. August 12, 1851197; d. February 12, 1917, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN197. ii. JEAN MACDONALD, b. April 11, 1853197. iii. NORMAN MACDONALD, b. August 14, 1855197. iv. ROBERT WILKIE MACDONALD, b. March 06, 1861197. 99. v. SARAH MACDONALD, b. August 19, 1870; d. March 31, 1917, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

28. SARAH A.



1) was born 1825198, and

died October 21, 1897 in Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN199. She married JOHN CYRUS BOUTILIER about 1847200. He was born about 1826. Notes for SARAH A. MACDONALD: Family note from Joan Parks: According to family tradition, Sarah (MacDonald) Boutilier was the daughter of Ramsey MacDonald who came over from Scotland. I think there were a Norman and an Allan. Ramsey is supposedly buried at St Margaret’s Bay. Cyrus and Sarah (MacDonald) Boutilier are buried in Saint Andrew's Cemetery at Timberlea, Halifax County. Cyrus donated the land for Saint Andrews and the cemetery. Later the Fraser’s owned the property and also the (lumber) mill. Hazel (Mont) Bobbit told me that when (Sarah's daughter) Alice remarried Joshua Umlah, he changed all

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (150)


of her property over in his name. Then it was sold to the Fraser’s and I imagine that’s when they went to Goodwood. Notes for JOHN CYRUS BOUTILIER: Hubley records give John Boutilier and Sarah MacDonald as the parents of Alice who married Ambose Hubley, while her marriage record in Halifax County shows her parents as Cyrus Boutelier and Sarah A. Both sources are believed reliable. Thus her parents' full names are believed to be John Cyrus Boutlier and Sarah A. MacDonald. Children of SARAH MACDONALD and JOHN BOUTILIER are: i. BEN

4 BOUTILIER, b. about 1848201; m. SARAH MASON, after 1869202; b. between 1848 and 1852. 100. ii. ALICE BOUTILIER, b. 1849; d. 1935, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. iii. FREEMAN BOUTILIER, b. about 1851203; m. ELFREDA MACINTOSH, after 1871204; b. between 1850 and 1855. iv. OLIVE BOUTILIER, b. about 1853205; m. CHARLES DRYSDALE, after 1873205; b. between 1851 and 1858. v. ROBERT BOUTILIER, b. about 1856205; m. ALICE YEADON, after 1873205; b. between 1852 and 1858. vi. EMMA BOUTILIER, b. about 1858205; m. JAMES REDMOND, after 1874205; b. between 1853 and 1867. vii. ALBERT BOUTILIER, b. 1861205; m. MARGARET HARVEY, October 04, 1892, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN205;

b. 1864, Hants Co, NS, CAN206. viii. OMAR BOUTILIER, b. about 1864207; m. ADA PULSIFIER, after 1877207; b. between 1856 and 1864. ix. NORMAN BOUTILIER, b. about 1867207.

Notes for NORMAN BOUTILIER: Norman Boutilier did not marry.




1) was born about 1831, and

died about June 29, 1913 in Central Economy, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN208. He married MRS. JAMES MACDONALD about 1852. She was born about 1831. Notes for JAMES MACDONALD: Family note by Charles Purcell: [James MacDonald was a Deputy Marshall in Halifax.] Children of JAMES MACDONALD and MRS. MACDONALD are: i. ALLAN RAMSEY

4 MACDONALD, b. about 1854209. ii. JEAN MACDONALD

209, b. about 1859; m. G. A. LECK, about 1880; b. about 1859.




1) was born

between 1835 and 1845210, and died July 01, 1893 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN211. She married EBENEZER HUBLEY January 26, 1865 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN212. He was born February 04, 1844 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN213. Notes for MARY CATHERINE MACDONALD: The marriage record for Mary MacDonald clearly identifies her as having been born in 1845 to Catherine Hubley, wife of Allan MacDonald. But this places her birth at seven years beyond her mother's death in 1837-1838! The 1881 Census of Nova Scotia shows age as 45 (not 35?) at French Village. One of these records is wrong, hence suggesting that either she was older than indicated in the marriage record, or her

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mother died later. Children of MARY MACDONALD and EBENEZER HUBLEY are: i. IDA

4 HUBLEY, b. 1865, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN214. ii. MAUDE BLANCHE HUBLEY, b. April 22, 1867, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN215. iii. GRACE MABEL HUBLEY, b. January 10, 1869. iv. STANLEY HUBLEY, b. 1870216. v. SELDON A. HUBLEY, b. December 06, 1872, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN217; m. LALIA A. (HUBLEY);

b. September 30, 1872, NS, CAN218. 101. vi. STEWART P. HUBLEY, b. July 12, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

31. JOHN



1) was born 1828 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN219. He

married ELIZABETH MARGARET (HUBLEY) 1851 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN220. She was born about 1830. Notes for JOHN HUBLEY: The 1861 census of the Black Point area of Nova Scotia includes a Hubley whose given name was not (or could not) be transcribed. The only known possibility for the head of this family is John Hubley, son of Ferdinand of Johannes of Ulrich. Other logical possibilities have been identified in that census as heads of different households. Thus, although no other records have been found to confirm his children, they are assumed to include the five males and three females indicated in that census record. (Note: other researchers indicate the 1861 census for John reflects 6 males and 4 females including Parents) A research note by Willa Kaizer, page 16, indicates that a John Hubley was born 24 Jun 1828. This could be him in that no other John Hubley has been found who was born any time in the 1820's. Willa Kaizer indicates further that he married Elizabeth Mader; but, that is clearly impossible, because that marriage took place in 1839, which was far too soon for this John who was born in 1828. Also, Elizabeth Mader is believed to have married a John Hubley who was born in 1817 to John Jacob. Children of JOHN HUBLEY and ELIZABETH (HUBLEY) are: i. MR.

4 HUBLEY, b. between 1852 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ii. MS. HUBLEY, b. between 1853 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. MR. HUBLEY, b. between 1854 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. MS. HUBLEY, b. between 1855 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. v. MR. HUBLEY, b. between 1856 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vi. MR. HUBLEY, b. between 1858 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vii. MR. HUBLEY, b. between 1859 and 1860, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. viii. MARGARET* HUBLEY, b. 1861, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1948221; m. NAPOLEON D. LAFLUER, about

1882221; b. 1861221; d. 1933221. Notes for MARGARET* HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 16: Margaret [Hubley] - married Napoleon D. LaFluer. This note asserts that Margaret's maiden name was Hubley. However, this has not been confirmed and no birth record has been found for any Margaret Hubley in the 1861 time frame. The only possible father that has been found is a Hubley in Black Point in 1861 whose given name was not readable, but is probably John, who had a family of 6 males and 4 females, including parents. Thus it is possible that Margaret was a newly born infant at that time. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN221

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More about NAPOLEON D. LAFLUER: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN221




1) was born 1830 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN222, and died April 30, 1914 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married JOHN HAWES about 1849223. He was born 1829 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN224, and died November 05, 1893 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN225. Notes for SARAH HUBLEY: Sarah is shown in the 1871 Halifax East census, living with her Husband John and 9 Children. Tangier Parish Fonds: Sarah Hawes, widow of the late John Hawes & formerly for many years a resident in this area, but latterly of Halifax, who died April 30 at her sons residence Tangier, was this day interred Holy Trinity Church Cemetery, Tangier, Age 83 Years, May 2, 1914 Burial: May 02, 1914, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN226 More about JOHN HAWES: Burial: November 06, 1893, Tangier Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of SARAH HUBLEY and JOHN HAWES are: i. ISAIAH

4 HAWES, b. June 11, 1850, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN227; m. ELIZABETH (HAWES), about 1875228; b. about 1850. More about ISAIAH HAWES: Christening: May 11, 1851, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. GEORGE CHRISTOPHER HAWES, b. July 11, 1852, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN229; d. February 03, 1886, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN230.

iii. WILLIAM HENRY HAWES, b. September 09, 1853, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN231. Notes for WILLIAM HENRY HAWES: In the 1871 census for Halifax East William Henry is not listed with his family

iv. EMILY HAWES, b. 1854, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN232. 102. v. JOSEPH ABRAM HAWES, b. April 07, 1855, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 10, 1914, Tangier,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 103. vi. HANNAH ELIZABETH HAWES, b. October 19, 1858, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. vii. CATHERINE JANE HAWES, b. October 19, 1858, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN233; d. before 1871, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN234. viii. JOHN/DAVID HAWES, b. 1863, NS, CAN235; d. December 20, 1888, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN236. ix. GERTRUDE HAWES, b. 1866, NS, CAN237. x. NORMAN HAWES, b. 1868, NS, CAN238. xi. PHEBE HAWES, b. 1870, NS, CAN239; d. August 1885, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN240. xii. EDMOND M. HAWES, b. 1871, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN241; m. MAGGIE MARTIN, August 20, 1896,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN242; b. about 1875.




1) was born March 19, 1833243. She married

JAMES MCKAY 1857244. He was born May 18, 1833245.

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Notes for MARGARET HUBLEY: James McKay might have been Margaret's second husband. The 1901 census has Margaret and her husband James living in Ship Harbour. Both were 68 years old. Children of MARGARET HUBLEY and JAMES MCKAY are: i. MARGARET A.

4 MCKAY246, m. FRANK SCOTT, July 04, 1893.

ii. JANE MCKAY. 104. iii. ALEXANDER MCKAY, b. August 25, 1861; d. 1924, St. Dennis Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 105. iv. JAMES MCKAY, b. February 24, 1862, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1939. v. SARA MCKAY, b. 1868. vi. ANGUS MCKAY, b. December 26, 1871, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN247.





248 was born August 25, 1834 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN249, and died August 27, 1912 in Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN250,251. He married (1) SARAH ELLEN BOUTILIER January 21, 1856 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN252. She was born 1829 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN253, and died October 27, 1891 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN254. He married (2) ELIZA PARKER December 07, 1896 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN255. She was born 1847 in Harrigan Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN256. Notes for CHARLES HUBLEY: There is no clarity on Charles' birth date and birth place. Various records indicate 1834, 1835 and even 1830. The death record in the Tangier Parish fonds indicates he was 82 when he died in 1912. Charles is identified as the head of a household in the 1861 Sheet Harbour census. The 1871 Halifax East census lists dwelling 89, household 108, with Charles age 37 Church of England , German descent, Fisherman, Sarah age 41, Elizabeth age 14, William age 12, Hannah age 10 George age 8, Mary age 5, Joseph age 3. There is a notation for Charles- "Can't read, Can' t write" Also listed as household 107 is Charles' brother William age 37, his wife Catherine age 38, Children Theresa age 12, Moora age 9, Rubin age 7, Nathan age 5, and Ellen age 2. The 1881 Pope's Harbour N.S. census has Charles (age48), Sarah (age49), William (age23), George (age18), A. Mary (age15), Joseph (age13), M. Ida (age10) living in dwelling 126. Charles is listed as a Mariner, as are sons William and George. The 1891 Halifax district 26A- Spry Bay list Charles (age 57) living with his second wife Elizabeth (age58) and son Joseph (age23) in dwelling 5. The 1901 Halifax- Port Dufferin census have Charles (age70) Birth date shown as Aug 25,1830 and 2nd wife Eliza (age 53) birth date shown as Mar 24, 1848, Living in Port Dufferin- family 8 The 1911 census has Charlie and Eliza living in Harrington Cove (Port Dufferin/ Beaver Harbour). His birth date is shown as Aug 1830, age 80. Alt. Birth: 1834, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Burial: August 30, 1912, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN257 Cause of Death: Bright's Disease Census: Halifax Co, NS, CAN; Census: 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911

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Notes for SARAH ELLEN BOUTILIER: Tangier Parish Fonds: Sarah Hubley, wife of Charles Hubley of Spry Bay was this day interred in St James Church Yard, Spry Bay, aged 60 years Oct 29, 1891. Burial: October 29, 1891, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of CHARLES HUBLEY and SARAH BOUTILIER are: 106. i. SARAH ELIZABETH

4 HUBLEY, b. November 16, 1856, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 12, 1923, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

107. ii. WILLIAM HENRY HUBLEY, b. September 28, 1858, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 08, 1917, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

iii. HANNAH ISABEL HUBLEY, b. November 26, 1860, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN258,259; d. before 1881260; m. JAMES LOGAN, August 30, 1879, Farm Hill - Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN261; b. 1848, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN261. More about HANNAH ISABEL HUBLEY: Christening: April 21, 1861262

108. iv. GEORGE ISAAC HUBLEY, b. October 19, 1862, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1941, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

109. v. GEORGE (HURLEY) HUBLEY, b. 1863, NS, CAN; d. 1941, Boston, MA., USA. 110. vi. MARY ANN HUBLEY, b. February 19, 1865, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 111. vii. JOSEPH EDWARD HUBLEY, b. March 10, 1869, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 14, 1956,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 112. viii. IDA MAY HUBLEY, b. July 18, 1871, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.





263,264 was born 1835 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN265, and died April 07, 1891 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN266. He married CATHERINE JANE HAWES267 January 03, 1859 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN268. She was born 1833 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN269, and died June 1890270. Notes for WILLIAM H. HUBLEY: There is no certainty as to William's birth date. Various researchers indicate a birth date of between 1831 and 1836. 1871 census lists William being in dwelling 89 and they are family 108. William is listed as age 37, born in Nova Scotia, being of German origin, belonging to Church of England and employed as a Fisherman. His wife is Catherine age 38, with children Theresa age 12 , Maria age 9, Rubin age 7 , Nathan age 5, Ellen age 2. Family is listed on 1881 census. Shows William age 45, Catherine age 47, Robin(Robie) age 17, Nathan age 15, Ella (Ellen) age 12, Pauline age 9, Seldon age 6. Margaret Teresa is not listed as part of this household. Maria Mona is listed as Miriah Prest married to Isaac Prest, with a daughter Winnifred Age 5. It appears the Hubley's and Prest's lived in the same household. William Henry Hubley of Spry Harbour (Master Mariner) who was found drowned in Halifax was this day interred in St James Church Yard, Spry Bay. Age 54 years, April 11 1891 The Halifax City Death Records reflect the following: William Hubley, male, 54 years, Widower, German (nativity), Spry Bay NS (nativity), Episcopalism

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(religion), Master Mariner (Occupation), Apr 8,1891 (date of death), drowned in Halifax (cause of death), Spry Bay N S (Late Residence), A C Hawkins (attending Physician), Spry Bay N S (where buried). Recorded in the April 1894 Register, line 22 William's estate was settled through probate court. It was case 4104 dated Oct 4, 1892. In it Robie Hubley is named as sole Administrator. William's primary asset was his schooner "British Queen" which was appraised at a value of $300. (Reference: N S Public Archives MFM 22528) Burial: April 11, 1891, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN271 Census: Halifax Co, NS, CAN; Census: 1871 census Halifax East More about CATHERINE JANE HAWES: Burial: June 30, 1890, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN272 Children of WILLIAM HUBLEY and CATHERINE HAWES are: 113. i. TERESA MARGARET

4 HUBLEY, b. October 1858, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 114. ii. MARIAH MONA HUBLEY, b. 1861; d. August 13, 1945, Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 115. iii. ROBIE ALFRED HUBLEY, b. 1863, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 116. iv. NATHAN FRANCIS HUBLEY, b. May 04, 1865, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. v. ANNIE BELLE HUBLEY, b. January 31, 1867, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN273; d. September 23, 1869,

Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN274. vi. ELLA CURTIS HUBLEY, b. September 13, 1868, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN275; m. WILLIAM

MASON, November 25, 1887, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN276; b. about 1865. Notes for ELLA CURTIS HUBLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1887 # 495: Nov. 25, 1887, Halifax, by license, Church of England, Willaim Mason, 29, B, Residing Halifax, Born Tangier, son of William and Mary, married Ella Hubley, 19, S, Residing and Born in Spry Harbour, daughetr of William and Catherine

117. vii. PAULINE STELLA HUBLEY, b. December 21, 1871, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. viii. SELDON CALVIN HUBLEY, b. November 10, 1873, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN277.




1) was born August 23, 1837 in Pope's Harbour,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN278, and died March 01, 1918 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN279. He married NANCY BOUTILIER June 16, 1856 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN280. She was born November 12, 1836 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN281, and died May 29, 1928282. Notes for JAMES HUBLEY: The 1901 census has James and Nancy living in Sheet Harbour, dwelling 201. Son Alfred and his wife Mary lived with them. That census says he was born Aug 23 1827. The 1911 census shows James and his wife living in Sheet Harbour, with his son Alfred and his family. Burial: March 04, 1918, St Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery. Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN283 Notes for NANCY BOUTILIER: Mrs Nancy Hubley of Mushaboom who died of age weakness aged 97 years 7 months this 29 day of May (1928) was buried in St Paul's Cemetery this 31st day of May 1928 Burial: May 31, 1928, St Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery. Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN284

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4 HUBLEY, b. November 15, 1856, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN285. Notes for SARAH JANE HUBLEY: The parentage of Sarah Jane Hubley is not entirely clear. Firstly, her birth date of 15 Nov 1856 conflicts with her brother Joseph Henry Hubley born 28 Jul 1856 (however, his identity is also in question because he is also reported born 15 May 1868, and he may be the same person as Joseph Edward Hubley born 15 May 1868 who has been reported to have had the same wife). Secondly, a Sarah Elizabeth Hubley was born in the same area on 16 Nov 1856 perhaps they are the same person or perhaps they are twin daughters of Charles Hubley and Sara Ellen Boutillier. More or clearer evidence is needed to determine exactly who she was. Christening: July 05, 1857, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. SAMUEL BENJAMIN HUBLEY, b. November 04, 1857, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN286. More about SAMUEL BENJAMIN HUBLEY: Christening: June 27, 1858, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

iii. DAVID HUBLEY, b. May 13, 1859287. More about DAVID HUBLEY: Christening: July 09, 1859287

118. iv. CAROLINE MELISSA HUBLEY, b. October 28, 1860, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 14, 1902. v. MAHALIA HUBLEY, b. June 12, 1864, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. RICHARD MONROE, November

16, 1883, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN288; b. 1858, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN288. Marriage notes for MAHALIA HUBLEY and RICHARD MONROE: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1883 #483: Richard Munroe, 25, Bachelor, residing and born Sober Island, son of John and Louisa married Mahala Hubley, 17, Spinster, residing and born Mushaboom, daughter of James and Nancy, By BANNS, in Church of England, Sober Island, Nov 16, 1883.

vi. LYDIA ANN HUBLEY, b. June 24, 1864, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN289; m. WILLIAM ISAAC HARNISH, May 02, 1883, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1859, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN289. More about LYDIA ANN HUBLEY: Christening: June 18, 1865, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage Notes for LYDIA HUBLEY and WILLIAM HARNISH: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1883 # 172: Isaac Harnish 24, Bachelor, residing Sober Island, Born St Margaret's Bay, son of George and Angeline married Lydia A Hubley, 19, Spinster, residing and born Sheet Harbour Daughter of James and Nancy Hubley, by BANNS, in Presbyterian Church, Halifax, May 2, 1883

vii. JAMES HUBLEY, b. 1866290; m. JANET WAMBOLT, about 1890; b. about 1870. 119. viii. JOSEPH HENRY HUBLEY, b. May 15, 1868, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 29, 1905, Mushaboom,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ix. ALMIRA MARGARET HUBLEY, b. November 07, 1870, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN291.

Notes for ALMIRA MARGARET HUBLEY: Almira Margaret is not listed with the family in the 1881 census.

120. x. ALFRED LEVI HUBLEY, b. June 30, 1872, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1964. xi. MARGARET ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. 1874, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. WILLIAM HENRY JOSEY,

January 01, 1894, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN292; b. 1871, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. xii. EDWARD A. HUBLEY, b. 1878293.

Notes for EDWARD A. HUBLEY: Edward is not listed with the family in the 1881 census.




1) was born November 07, 1839 in Sheet Harbor,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN294, and died September 19, 1912295. He married MARGARET ANN LOGAN June

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07, 1863 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN296. She was born July 15, 1839, and died January 26, 1911297. Notes for PETER HUBLEY: 1901 census has his birth date as 7 Nov. 1836 and Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998, has his birth date as7 Nov. 1839. Notes for MARGARET ANN LOGAN: 1901 census has her listed as Maggie A. Hubley born 15 July 1837 and Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998, has her listed as Margaret Ann Logan (Hubley). Children of PETER HUBLEY and MARGARET LOGAN are: 121. i. OLIVE JANE

4 HUBLEY, b. January 06, 1863, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ii. LAURA ELIZABETH HUBLEY, b. April 15, 1865, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN298.

More about LAURA ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Christening: August 17, 1866, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

122. iii. HANNAH ANN HUBLEY, b. January 23, 1868, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 19, 1911, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

123. iv. ELLA MAY HUBLEY, b. June 04, 1870, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 124. v. EMILY A. HUBLEY, b. November 20, 1873. 125. vi. RHONDA E. HUBLEY, b. 1875, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 126. vii. JOHN F. HUBLEY, b. April 15, 1885. 127. viii. JAMES ROBERT STORMISON HUBLEY, b. April 01, 1886; d. 1936.




1) was born November 17, 1840299. She

married PETER BOUTILIER December 27, 1859 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN300. He was born April 14, 1833 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN301. Notes for MARY JANE HUBLEY: The 1901 census has Mary Jane living with husband Peter, in Sheet Harbour, N.S. With them is son Alfred R., age 21, and grandson Burgess, born 9 Feb 1893. Children of MARY HUBLEY and PETER BOUTILIER are: 128. i. MATTHEW

4 BOUTILIER, b. December 28, 1859. ii. SARAH ELLEN BOUTILIER, b. 1862302; m. CHARLES ANTHONY POWER, about 1883303; b. about 1862. iii. SAMUEL DAVID BOUTILIER, b. December 19, 1863304; m. MARY E. CLATTENBURG, about 1884305; b. about

1863. 129. iv. ELIZA ANN BOUTILIER, b. September 09, 1864; d. 1921. 130. v. MARIA MARGARET BOUTILIER, b. December 26, 1866. vi. HANNAH MATILDA BOUTILIER, b. April 08, 1868306; m. ZACHARIAH BEAVER, July 07, 1894; b. March 02,

1868306; d. 1948. vii. MARY ELIZABETH BOUTILIER, b. August 08, 1869, Mushaboom Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN306; m. EARL

GLAWSON?, about 1890307; b. about 1868. viii. CAROLINE AMELIA BOUTILIER, b. April 08, 1870; m. ALBERT POLAND, about 1891308; b. about 1870. 131. ix. MELISSA JANE BOUTILIER, b. November 29, 1872, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. Portland,

Cumberland Co, ME, USA. x. CHARLOTTE EMMA BOUTILIER, b. February 05, 1874309; m. ELIAS ANDREW/HENRY WAMBOLDT, about

1895310; b. about 1874. xi. ALICE JULIA BOUTILIER, b. December 21, 1876311; m. MATTHEW HERBET BOUTELIER, about 1897312; b.

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about 1876. xii. ALFRED R. BOUTILIER, b. May 13, 1879313; m. NANCY MUNRO, about 1900314; b. about 1879. xiii. HAROLD BOUTILIER, b. 1881315.




1) was born April 08, 1845 in Sheet

Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died August 20, 1890. She married WILLIAM BOUTILIER January 07, 1868316. He was born about 1840 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN317, and died December 15, 1893 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about EMMA CHARLOTTE HUBLEY: Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about WILLIAM BOUTILIER: Burial: December 18, 1893 Children of EMMA HUBLEY and WILLIAM BOUTILIER are: i. ELIAS HENRY

4 BOUTILIER, b. November 09, 1869. ii. ELIZA MARY BOUTILIER, b. 1870317. iii. JERIMIAH BOUTILIER, b. April 30, 1871, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN318; d. September 05, 1943,

Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. HARRIET JANE BOUTILIER, b. May 06, 1872319; d. March 08, 1927, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

More about HARRIET JANE BOUTILIER: Burial: St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. MARY ANN BOUTILIER, b. August 06, 1873320. vi. HANNAH ELIZABETH BOUTILIER, b. May 09, 1875321. vii. WILLIAM EDMUND BOUTILIER, b. October 15, 1876322. viii. CHARLES A. BOUTILIER, b. 1878323; d. February 1886. ix. LYDIA MAY BOUTILIER, b. November 14, 1881324. x. SARAH FRANCIS BOUTILIER, b. April 10, 1885.




1) was

born May 19, 1830 in New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN325, and died 1911 in Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN326. He married JANE FAULDS about 1852 in NS, CAN327. She was born June 07, 1833 in Scotland, UK328, and died April 01, 1921 in Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN328. Children of FREDERICK CARMICHAEL and JANE FAULDS are: 132. i. JOHN GEORGE

4 CARMICHAEL, b. about 1855, NS, CAN; d. February 21, 1891, Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN.

ii. ANGUS F. CARMICHAEL, b. 1856. iii. BARBARA CARMICHAEL, b. February 03, 1859, Minudie, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN; d. June 30, 1891,

Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. iv. ANDREW F. CARMICHAEL, b. about 1860, NS, CAN328; d. February 21, 1891, Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS,

CAN. v. JAMES CARMICHAEL, b. about 1862, Minudie, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN328; d. June 30, 1887, Minudie,

Cumberland Co, NS, CAN328. 133. vi. FREDERICK HUBLEY CARMICHAEL, b. September 05, 1865, NS, CAN; d. August 02, 1937, Springhill,

Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. vii. MARY CARMICHAEL, b. 1867, River Hebert, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. viii. WILLIAM T. CARMICHAEL, b. about 1870, NS, CAN328; d. February 21, 1891, CAN328.

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ix. LAURA CARMICHAEL, b. 1873, Minudie, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. x. BRUNSWICK B. CARMICHAEL, b. March 12, 1875, NS, CAN328; d. September 21, 1875, Springhill, Cumberland

Co, NS, CAN328. xi. GORDON CARMICHAEL, b. 1878, Minudie, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN.





was born July 02, 1835 in NS, CAN, and died March 02, 1927 in Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co, CA, USA329. He married ELLON DILLON September 1867 in NS, CAN330. She was born March 31, 1841 in Merigomish, Pictou Co, NS, CAN331, and died January 04, 1922 in Orrs Springs, CA, USA. Notes for ALEXANDER FRANCIS CARMICHAEL: Research note by Willette Pye Wood: Obituary says born Massachusetts. But I think not! Children of ALEXANDER CARMICHAEL and ELLON DILLON are: 134. i. THOMAS

4 CARMICHAEL, b. August 20, 1868, MA, USA; d. July 17, 1941, Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co, CA, USA.

ii. JAMES CARMICHAEL, b. about 1870, MA, USA332; d. California, USA333. iii. ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL, b. about 1872, MA, USA334; d. California, USA335. iv. LAURA CARMICHAEL, b. about 1874, MA, USA336. v. TILLETHA CARMICHAEL, b. about 1876, Mendocino, Mendocino Co, CA, USA336; d. California, USA337. vi. MATTHEW CARMICHAEL, b. about 1878338.




1) was

born 1840 in NS, CAN, and died June 1907 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN339. He married SUSAN ROBERTS about 1862340. She was born about 1844 in NS, CAN, and died August 25, 1907 in Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN341. Notes for JAMES THOMSON CARMICHAEL: James Thompson Carmichael drowned June 1907 in the Avon River near Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Cause of Death: Drowned Children of JAMES CARMICHAEL and SUSAN ROBERTS are: 135. i. IDA MAY

4 CARMICHAEL, b. May 05, 1863, Parrsboro, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. ii. ELLA FLORENCE CARMICHAEL, b. September 07, 1864, Newport, Halifax Co, NS, CAN342; d. 1882, Medway,

Norfolk Co, MA, USA342. iii. ALEXANDER THOMPSON CARMICHAEL, b. March 08, 1867, Mount Denison, Hants Co, NS, CAN343; d.

Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA344. 136. iv. MARY ALENA CARMICHAEL, b. February 22, 1870, Hantsport, Hants Co, NS, CAN. 137. v. BESSIE MAUDE CARMICHAEL, b. May 15, 1873, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA; d. 1966, Medway, Norfolk

Co, MA, USA. 138. vi. GEORGE EDGAR CARMICHAEL, b. August 22, 1875, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA; d. March 23, 1965,

Wolfeboro, Carroll Co, NH, USA.




1) was born about 1843,

and died in Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA345. She married ROBERT GORDON about 1871. He was born about 1850 in NS, CAN346, and died in MA, USA.

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4 GORDON, b. between 1872 and 1879, MA, USA347. ii. CLARENCE GORDON, b. between 1873 and 1880, MA, USA347. 139. iii. WILLIAM WALLACE GORDON, b. December 30, 1874, Somerville, Suffolk Co, MA., USA; d. 1951, Medford,

Middlesex Co, MA, USA. iv. ROBERT GORDON, b. between 1875 and 1882, MA, USA347. v. ETHEL GORDON, b. between 1876 and 1883, MA, USA347. vi. MABEL GORDON, b. between 1877 and 1884, MA, USA347. vii. EVA GORDON, b. between 1878 and 1885, MA, USA347.




1) was born 1845 in

New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN348, and died September 29, 1937 in Somerville, Middlesex Co, MA, USA. She married THOMAS GORDON 1872 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA349. He was born January 12, 1842 in Pictou, Pictou Co, NS, CAN350, and died July 01, 1940 in West Somerville, Suffolk Co, MA, USA. Children of HANNAH CARMICHAEL and THOMAS GORDON are: i. BESSIE

4 GORDON, b. about 1873351; m. FRANK CROCKETT, about 1894352; b. about 1873. 140. ii. JANE GORDON, b. about 1876. 141. iii. LOTTIE GORDON, b. about 1879. 142. iv. EDNA GORDON, b. about 1882.




1) was born 1847

in NS, CAN353, and died 1894 in Jordan Falls, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. She married THOMAS DELONG HARDY about 1868354. He was born 1847 in Jordan River, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN355, and died 1916 in Jordan Falls, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MARY JANE CARMICHAEL: In the 1881 census Shelburne NS, Mary Jane is living with her Husband and 3 children. Her mother Barbara is living with them. Children of MARY CARMICHAEL and THOMAS HARDY are: 143. i. RUBY ALENA

4 HARDY, b. about 1870, Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. ii. MARGARET MARSHALL HARDY, b. about 1873, Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN356. iii. ARTHUR WARD HARDY, b. about 1876, Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN357; d. May 23, 1916357; m. AGNES

RUSSELL, about 1897358; b. about 1876, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, MA, USA359. 144. iv. STILLMAN ARCHIBALD HARDY, b. 1880, Jordan River, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN; d. Shelburne, Shelburne Co,





1) was born

1850 in New Glasgow, Pictou Co, NS, CAN360, and died April 19, 1910 in Everett, Suffolk Co, MA, USA. He married MARY ELLEN SCARR October 12, 1873 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN361. She was born September 04, 1853 in Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN362, and died April 30, 1923 in Newton, Middlesex Co, MA, USA.

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4 CARMICHAEL, b. May 31, 1875, Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN; d. June 04, 1921, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA.

146. ii. ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL, b. about 1880, NS, CAN; d. possibly California, USA. iii. MINNIE CARMICHAEL, b. about 1883, NS, CAN363; d. January 05, 1902, Everett, Suffolk Co, MA, USA363. 147. iv. REGINALD CARMICHAEL, b. October 22, 1884, Mount Uniacke, Hants Co, NS, CAN. 148. v. GRACE CARMICHAEL, b. 1888, NS, CAN; d. MA, USA. 149. vi. EDITH GERTRUDE CARMICHAEL, b. April 1892, NS, CAN. 150. vii. RUBY STUART CARMICHAEL, b. December 14, 1894, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 20, 1950,

Newton, Middlesex Co, MA, USA.





364 was born about 1834364, and died June 30, 1905365. He married SOPHIA. She was born about 1840, and died September 14, 1914. More about BENJAMIN COVEY: Burial: 1905, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN365 More about SOPHIA: Burial: 1914, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of BENJAMIN COVEY and SOPHIA are: i. EVA J.

4 COVEY365, b. 1868; d. 1941; m. SIMON LITTLE.

More about EVA J. COVEY: Burial: 1941, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN365

ii. ADA J. COVEY365, b. January 15, 1873; d. May 15, 1878.

More about ADA J. COVEY: Burial: 1878, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN365

iii. ELIJAH W. COVEY365, b. 1874; d. January 04, 1903.

More about ELIJAH W. COVEY: Burial: 1903, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN365





366 was born November 17, 1838 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN367. He married AMELIA HUBLEY December 27, 1864 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN368, daughter of GEORGE HUBLEY and ELLEN BOUTILIER. She was born February 17, 1842 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN369,369,370. Notes for ALVIN HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: Alvin Hubley was a Magistrate and a Potter. He was clerk of the Baptist Church from 1873 to 1889 and signed Alvin Hubley. He was dismissed from the Baptist Church for not adhering to Baptist doctrine as he was attending Seventh Day Adventist meetings. Harvey Hubley then became clerk of the church and it was the first appearance of the 'e' in Hubley. Research note by Willa Kaiser: Alvin Hubley is believed to have kept the first post office in his house at the boundary of Seabright and French Village. Later it was moved to a more central location in Harvey Hubley's House and was later

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run by Mrs Weldon Hubley, Mrs. Roy Hubley and others. 1901 Census (French Village, N S, CAN) shows Alvin listed as Aloise (62yrs) with wife Amelia (58 yrs) and son Robie (17 Yrs). In the census the writing is poor; his last name is actually spelt Houbley. In the 1911 census Alvin and Amelia are still living in French Village. Notes for AMELIA HUBLEY: The marriage registration (NS Archives MFM 16532 Yr 1864 #187): Clearly list Alvin's wife as Amelia Hubley d/o George Hubley. Some researchers believe her father was George Boutilier. Children are listed above under (26) Amelia Hubley. 49. AMOS HENRY



1) was born June 15, 1840 in St Margaret’s

Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN371, and died about 1905 in Eldon, PEI, CAN. He married (1) ELIZA MELVINA LLOY January 03, 1867 in Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN372. She was born between 1847 and 1849, and died before 1873373. He married (2) ANNE HEFLER November 11, 1873 in Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN374. She was born between 1850 and 1851 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN375, and died about 1940 in PEI. Notes for AMOS HENRY HUBLEY: Amos Hubley was a Shoemaker at Black Point, Saint Margaret's Bay. In the 1873 Marriage record, Amos Henry married Anne Hefler, records him as a Widower, supporting the belief that he first married Eliza Lloy. In this record he is son of Frederick and Sophia. Amos, his (second) wife Annie, their family and Amos Baxter, his son from his marriage to Eliza, moved to Prince Edward Island some time between late 1885 and mid 1889. The information is determined from an examination of the 1901 PEI census data. Amos does not appear in the 1911 census and his wife is listed as a widow. Amos’ will was proved in PEI on May 9, 1905. With the exception of Amos Baxter all of his other children from his first marriage appear to be living with their grandparents in 1881. Eliza is with her Hubley Grandmother and the rest are in Lawrencetown with the Lloy family. Notes for ANNE HEFLER: Annie's will was proved July 18, 1940. Children of AMOS HUBLEY and ELIZA LLOY are: i. TERESA

4 HUBLEY, b. 1867376. ii. DORA HUBLEY, b. between 1868 and 1869, Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN377; m. ALLEN W. HOLME,

September 17, 1891, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN378; b. 1867, Eastern Passage , Halifax Co, NS, CAN379. iii. THEODOSIA GARNET HUBLEY, b. September 21, 1869380. iv. AMOS BAXTER HUBLEY, b. April 29, 1871, Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN381; d. about 1954, PEI, CAN;

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m. ANNIE RACHEL (HUBLEY); b. March 28, 1864. Notes for AMOS BAXTER HUBLEY: The 1911 Census of PEI shows Baxter A. has married and is employed as a labourer at a lobster factory. Amos Baxter's will was proved Sept. 3, 1954.

151. v. ELIZA MELVINA HUBLEY, b. 1872, Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

Children of AMOS HUBLEY and ANNE HEFLER are: vi. ARTHUR

4 HUBLEY, b. September 11, 1874, possibly in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN381; d. about 1929, Pinette, PEI, CAN. Notes for ARTHUR HUBLEY: Arthur's will proved May 1, 1929.

vii. LAURA M. HUBLEY, b. February 05, 1876, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN381. Notes for LAURA M. HUBLEY: Laura Hubley daughter of Amos may have been the nurse enumerated at Gloucester, Massachusetts in 1900, age 23, born Feb 1877. As daughter of Amos Hubley age 5 years in 1881, she compares closely with Nurse Laura Hubley who would have been age 4 years based on age 23 in 1900. Either of these ages is within typical census errors, and is plausible with respect to birth dates of the other children of Amos Hubley. A less likely possibility for Nurse Laura is the daughter of Robert T. Hubley who was born about 1875.

152. viii. RUPERT H. HUBLEY, b. October 24, 1877, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. about 1958, Pinette, PEI, CAN.

ix. HELEN M HUBLEY, b. October 23, 1879, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN381; m. BURTON GIFFORD SEARS, April 06, 1904, Hyde Park, Suffolk Co, MA, USA382; b. April 25, 1877, North Harwich, Barnstable Co, MA, USA. Marriage notes for HELEN HUBLEY and BURTON SEARS: Marriage, Hyde Park, 6 April 1904, v. #548, p. 52, #24: Burton G. Sears, age 26, 1st married, res: Falmouth, clerk, b. North Harwich, Mass. of Levi L. Sears and Idella B. Chase to Helen M. Hubley, age 24, 1st married, res: Falmouth, waitress, b. NS of Amos H. and Annie Heffler by Charles E. Tulley, clergyman, 61 Oak St, Hyde Park As researched and reported by Brenda Maruca

153. x. EDITH B. HUBLEY, b. June 07, 1883, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. January 26, 1979, Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA, USA.

xi. AVARD E HUBLEY383, b. March 13, 1885384.

xii. ANNABELLE HUBLEY, b. October 16, 1889384. xiii. ALVAH F HUBLEY, b. July 13, 1893384. xiv. RUTH M. HUBLEY, b. May 06, 1895384. xv. FREDERICK F HUBLEY, b. June 13, 1899384.




1) was born June 08, 1842 in St

Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN385, and died May 12, 1915 possibly in Leominster, Worcester Co, MA, USA. He married SOPHIA TILLEY October 10, 1875 in Bonavista, NL, CAN. She was born December 1857 in NFLD, CAN386, and died after 1900 possibly in Leominster, Worcester Co, MA, USA387. Notes for FREDERICK FRANCIS HUBLEY: The family of Frederick Francis Hubley and Sophia Tilley was found in the 1900 census of Massachusetts. The entry included one son Clarence Hubley and a niece Daisy Tilley.

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4 HUBLEY, b. December 11, 1877, NL, CAN388; d. possibly in Leominster, Worcester Co, MA, USA. More about CLARENCE ARTHUR HUBLEY: Baptism: August 07, 1880, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. DAISY TILLEY, b. February 1881, NFLD, CAN389; d. perhaps in Leominster, Worcester Co, MA, USA. Notes for DAISY TILLEY: Daisy Tilley was a niece of Frederick Hubley and Sophia Tilley.




1) was born May 23, 1844 in St Margaret’s

Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN390. She married CHARLES COVEY February 07, 1867 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN391. He was born November 09, 1840 in Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN392,393. Notes for EUNICE ANN HUBLEY: Eunice, her husband Charles, and children still at home are listed in the 1901 census and are living in Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co Notes for CHARLES COVEY: Charles Covey was a Fisherman at Indian Harbour, Halifax Co unty. Children of EUNICE HUBLEY and CHARLES COVEY are: i. SILAS

4 COVEY, b. January 10, 1869394,395. ii. ARTHUR C. COVEY, b. April 22, 1873395. iii. FLORA COVEY, b. January 27, 1878395. iv. JENNIE A. B. COVEY, b. April 05, 1886395.




1) was born February 02, 1846 in St

Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN396, and died in Eldon, PEI, CAN. He married (1) MARY (HUBLEY) about 1867397. She was born about 1845. He married (2) MAHALA NORTHRUP June 11, 1874 in Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN398. She was born between 1843 and 1846 possibly in Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN399. Notes for ELISHA STEVEN HUBLEY: Elisha Hubley was a Mariner at French Village in 1871. He appears to be the same person as E. S. Hubley, father of Grace Marie who died age 7 months on Aug 10, 1869 and was buried at Seabright. This conclusion is tentative based on available information as to name, location and approximate age. But if true, Grace Marie's mother (Mary) must have died soon after, because she doesn't appear with Elisha in the 1871 census. Elisha is living with his parents in the 1871 census of French Village, age 25. In the 1901 census he (E.S.) is shown living with his wife Elizabeth living in Halifax City Ward 2. His birth date is shown as Feb 4, 1844 and hers as Mar. 7, 1848. Further research is needed to determine his whereabouts in the 1881 census and 1891 census.

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4 HUBLEY, b. December 26, 1868; d. August 10, 1869, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN400. More about GRACE MARIE HUBLEY: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN


4 HUBLEY, b. 1875, Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN401; d. March 03, 1876, Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN. More about FREDERICK H. HUBLEY: Cause of Death: Convulsions

iii. SUSAN Z. HUBLEY, b. 1877, Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN402. Notes for SUSAN Z. HUBLEY: MA Vital Statistics show that Susan married in 1902 in Arlington MA. However the image was not available for all the details.

iv. NATHAN C. HUBLEY, b. June 1879, Canning, Kings Co, NS, CAN403; d. possibly in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA; m. MARY W. POND, June 15, 1908, Boston, MA, USA404. Marriage Notes for NATHAN HUBLEY and MARY POND: Boston Marriage: 15 June 1908, vol #581, p. 122, #2789: Nathan C. Hubley, age 28, 1st married, res: 425 Blue Hill Ave, tinsmith, b. Canning, Kings County, NS, f. John E. Hubley, m. Mahala Northrup to Mary W. Pond, age 21, 1st married, res: 46 Humboldt Ave, bookkeeper, b. Cambridge of Frederick E. Pond and Harriet Kendall, clergy: J. P. Chadbourne, 3 Nixon St, Boston (Nathan having been in the US one year in 1900 is found living with his step-brother John Jamerson's household) As researched and reported by Brenda Maruca




1) was born March 02, 1848 in St

Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN405, and died May 06, 1934 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married BARBARA A. HUBLEY March 18, 1874 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN406, daughter of WILLIAM HUBLEY and ELEANOR CORNELIUS. She was born August 17, 1851 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN407,408, and died 1943 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for NATHAN LEVI HUBLEY: Nathan Hubley was a Peddler and a Shoemaker at French Village. He opened a grocery store and ran a shoemaking shop upstairs where he made shoes and boots. 1901 Census has his name as Nathaniel and his birth date as 19 March, no year given. In Robert Crowther's book "Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" his birth date is given as 2 March 1848. His gravestone gives his birth date as 1848 and date of death as 1934. James A. Hubley OBITUARY: Halifax Herald May 7, 1934 NATHAN L. HUBLEY The death occurred at Seabright on Sunday, May 6 of Nathan L. Hubley, well known and highly respected resident of that community. He was 87 years of age and for many years had conducted a grocery business in Seabright. He was a prominent member of Century Lodge I.O.O.F., M.U., and of the Baptist Church. Surviving besides his wife are their daughters, Mrs Enos Publicover, Lahave, Mrs Freeman Conrad, Dartmouth, and Mrs. Fred Godfrey, Wolfville: also five sons Clyde, Whyle, Oliver and Nathan all of

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Seabright and Sanford in the United States. Two Brothers Norman and Anthony also survive. The funeral will be held on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN409 Notes for BARBARA A. HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: Barbara A. Hubley was a daughter of William M. Hubley. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for NATHAN HUBLEY and BARBARA HUBLEY: NS Public Archives MFM # 16533 Year 1874 # 106: Nathan L. Hubley, Age 20, Bachelor, born and living St Margaret’s Bay, son of Fred & Sophia married Barbara HUBLEY, age 23, spinster, living St. Maragaret's Bay, daughter of William & Ellen, by License , in the Baptist Church. Witnesses E. Hubley, Charles Hubley Children of NATHAN HUBLEY and BARBARA HUBLEY are: i. NATHAN A.

4 HUBLEY, b. October 31, 1875, Halifax Co, NS, CAN410,411; d. 1955, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for NATHAN A. HUBLEY: Nathan A. Hubley was buried at the same gravesite as Clyde R. Hubley and his wife. Thus they may have been brothers even though no relationship was indicated. Further information is needed to clarify their relationship. Burial: 1955, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. SANFORD S. HUBLEY, b. September 07, 1878411. 154. iii. OLIVER W. HUBLEY, b. December 03, 1879, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1959. iv. WYLIE SANFORD HUBLEY, b. July 09, 1881412,413; d. 1955, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

More about WYLIE SANFORD HUBLEY: Burial: 1955, Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. GRACE MABEL HUBLEY413, b. March 01, 1884414; d. 1945; m. FREEMAN ALEXANDER CONRAD, December

24, 1906, Seaforth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN415; b. June 03, 1882416; d. 1948. Notes for GRACE MABEL HUBLEY: 1901 Census has her birth date as 1 March 1884. More about GRACE MABEL HUBLEY: Burial: 416

vi. LILLIAN MAY HUBLEY417, b. June 27, 1885, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN418,419; m. FREDERICK WILLIAM

GODFREY, April 28, 1909, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN420; b. 1878, Windsor, Hants Co, NS, CAN. vii. SADIE B. HUBLEY

421, b. January 05, 1889422. Notes for SADIE B. HUBLEY: In the 1901 census Sadie is living with her parents, age 12. Her birth date is shown as Jan 2, 1889

viii. CLYDE RICHARD HUBLEY, b. August 04, 1893, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN423; d. 1953, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN424; m. MARY MAY CORKUM, about 1920; b. April 14, 1901, Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN425; d. 1984, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for CLYDE RICHARD HUBLEY: In the 1901 census he is listed as Richard C. Burial: 1953, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

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More about MARY MAY CORKUM: Burial: 1984, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN




1) was born February 11, 1850 in St

Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN426, and died April 12, 1903. He married EMMELINE A. HUBLEY December 02, 1875 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN427. She was born 1856 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN428, and died September 28, 1928. Notes for JESSE JUDSON HUBLEY: Judson Hubley was a Blacksmith at French Village. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN429 Notes for EMMELINE A. HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: Emeline A. Hubley was a daughter of Isaac Hubley. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN430 Marriage notes for JESSE HUBLEY and EMMELINE HUBLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations N S Archives MFM 16533 Yaer 1875 #553: Judson J. Hubley, age 26, Bachelor, born and living in St Margaret’s Bay, son of Frederick and Sophia, Married Emeline A. Hubley , 19, Spinster, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Dec 2 , 1875 in Black Point, by License, in the Baptist church. Children of JESSE HUBLEY and EMMELINE HUBLEY are: i. LILIAN MABEL

4 HUBLEY, b. November 03, 1877, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 18, 1878431. More about LILIAN MABEL HUBLEY: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

155. ii. WALLACE F. HUBLEY, b. March 22, 1879, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. OSCAR J. HUBLEY, b. October 31, 1882432; d. 1933, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. (1) ELSIE (HUBLEY);

b. 1887; d. 1966; m. (2) ELSIE HUBLEY, September 30, 1908, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN433; b. December 17, 1886434. Notes for OSCAR J. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 12: Oscar, son of Judson, did all the iron work on the carriages in his shop next door to the Carriage Shop. This shop was later converted into a Service Station. The Carriage Shop mentioned above was originally started by Judson Hubley in a building acquired by his brother Anthony. In the 1911 census Oscar J. and his wife Elsie are living in French Village, with no children

iv. FRED HUBLEY, b. June 10, 1889, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN434. v. NELLIE HUBLEY, b. April 02, 1895, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN434.




1) was born February 02, 1854 in St

Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN434, and died 1941. He married (1) ESTHER COX after 1881 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN435. She was born October 25, 1859436, and died October

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06, 1904. He married (2) ANNIE LORENDA SWINEMAR December 23, 1906 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN437. She was born 1887438, and died October 06, 1966. Notes for ANTHONY W. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser: Anthony bought the old Meeting House at Auction in 1893 for $50.00, and it became the Harvey Hubley Carriage Shop, which was originally started by Judson Hubley. Anthony was a Peddler and peddled his wares along Peggy's Cove Road and supplied eggs, butter and poultry to Halifax's two main Hotels, "The Queen" and "The Halifax Hotel." He also served as the local Dentist, and he opened the Seabright Hotel in 1903. The Meeting House mentioned above was located in Seabright. Anthony, Esther and their 5 daughters are in the 1901 French Village census. Also living with them is his mother Sophia. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN439 Notes for ESTHER COX: Esther Cox was a Teacher. Burial: 1904, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN440 More about ANNIE LORENDA SWINEMAR: Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN441 Children of ANTHONY HUBLEY and ESTHER COX are: i. ELSIE

4 HUBLEY, b. December 17, 1886442; m. OSCAR J. HUBLEY, September 30, 1908, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN443; b. October 31, 1882444; d. 1933, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for OSCAR J. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 12: Oscar, son of Judson, did all the iron work on the carriages in his shop next door to the Carriage Shop. This shop was later converted into a Service Station. The Carriage Shop mentioned above was originally started by Judson Hubley in a building acquired by his brother Anthony. In the 1911 census Oscar J. and his wife Elsie are living in French Village, with no children

156. ii. HARRIET AMELIA HUBLEY, b. March 09, 1893; d. January 12, 1990. 157. iii. MINNIE MAY HUBLEY, b. June 27, 1895; d. April 28, 1990, probably in Middle Sackville, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN. iv. BESSIE HUBLEY, b. July 10, 1897445,446.

Notes for BESSIE HUBLEY: Conversation with Alyce Hubley would indicate a birth date about 1884, which is not supported by census records.

v. IRENE HUBLEY, b. July 14, 1899447,448; d. July 09, 1921. More about IRENE HUBLEY: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN449


4 HUBLEY, b. February 28, 1907, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 01, 1978, at

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home, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 159. vii. LESTER E. HUBLEY, b. May 31, 1908, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 160. viii. SYLVIA FAXTON HUBLEY, b. about 1912, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February 07, 2004, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 161. ix. KATHLEEN MARIE HUBLEY, b. about 1914, NS, CAN; d. January 28, 2005, Guelph, ONT, CAN. x. ELSIE HUBLEY, b. about 1914450; d. before 1990450. xi. BESSIE HUBLEY, b. about 1916450; d. before 1990450.




1) was born June 29, 1859 in St Margaret’s

Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN451, and died 1934. He married CATHERINE (HUBLEY) about 1895452. She was born February 21, 1865453, and died 1947. Notes for NORMAN A. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 14: Norman of Frederick also opened a hotel called "The Dundella." Burial: 1934, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about CATHERINE (HUBLEY): Burial: 1947, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Child of NORMAN HUBLEY and CATHERINE (HUBLEY) is: i. OSCAR J.

4 HUBLEY, b. 1883, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1933.





454 was born October 02, 1837 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN455,456, and died January 12, 1910 in New Winsor, IL, USA456. He married MRS. WORDEN HUBLEY September 23, 1869 in Davenport, Scott Co, IA, USA456. She was born September 01, 1843 in NS, CAN456, and died October 03, 1893 in Davenport, Scott Co, IA, USA456. Notes for WORDEN ALBERT BECKWITH HUBLEY: Source: 1880 USA Census from Davenport, Scott Co, IA, USA James Cameron Hubly great grandson of Worden states that Worden changed the spelling back to Hubly without the "e". (James A. Hubley, April 2004). Children of WORDEN HUBLEY and MRS. HUBLEY are: i. JENNIE

4 HUBLEY, b. about 1870, IA, USA. 162. ii. CHARLES CHESTER HUBLEY, b. about 1872, IA, USA; d. August 21, 1930, Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, MI.,

USA. iii. ROBERT HUBLEY, b. about 1873, IA, USA. iv. ELEANOR HUBLEY, b. about 1875, IA, USA.




1) was born May 14, 1839 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN457, and died December 23, 1931 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN458. He married MARY JANE MOSER December 05, 1866 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN459.

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She was born April 24, 1850 in Moser Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN460, and died June 10, 1936 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN461. Notes for EDWIN BYRON HUBLEY: This listing of Edwin's children, grandchildren etc. including birth, marriage and death dates, comes from information collected by Paul Hubley (California) in the 1970's and early 1980's. In this time period he contacted a number of Nova Scotian Hubley’s including my Uncle Kenneth Hubley of Black Point. His research abruptly ended around 1981. From Bob Crowther's book "Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia": is the notation that Edwin's children were born in the French Village area of Nova Scotia. Edwin Byron Hubley was the census enumerator for French Village in 1881. Burial: St Andrews Anglican Cemetery, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for MARY JANE MOSER: OBITUARY: Halifax Herald, 11June 1936 MRS. MARY JANE HUBLEY, well known 86-year-old resident of St Margaret’s Bay Road, passed away suddenly at 14-Mile-House yesterday. She was the widow of the late Edwin B. Hubley, and the daughter of the late Samuel and Deborah Moser. She is survived by one son, Wellesly, four daughters, Pearl and Clara at home; Mrs. J.R. Purcell, Halifax and Mrs. H.S. Grant, Truro and two brothers, Allen and Samuel. The funeral will take place in Timberlea Sunday afternoon. Burial: Sr Andrews Anglican Cemetery, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for EDWIN HUBLEY and MARY MOSER: NS Public Archives MFM # 16532 Year 1866, #64: Edwin Byron Hubley, Age 27, Bachelor, born and living in St Margaret’s Bay, married Mary Jane Mosher, Age 17, Spinster, by license in the Baptist Church. Children of EDWIN HUBLEY and MARY MOSER are: i. CLARA MAY

4 HUBLEY, b. March 18, 1868, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN462; d. September 20, 1958. ii. ARTHUR EMILE HUBLEY, b. October 18, 1869, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 163. iii. JESSIE BECKWITH HUBLEY, b. September 02, 1871, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 03,

1919. 164. iv. MINNIE AVIS HUBLEY, b. October 21, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. November 1943. v. MABEL IRVIN HUBLEY

463, b. July 19, 1877, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN464; d. December 24, 1955; m. JAMES PURCELL

465, August 10, 1904, Halifax, Halifax Co, N.S CAN466; b. 1873. Marriage Notes for MABEL HUBLEY and JAMES PURCELL: Marriage detail - Mabel is shown as 27 years of age and a spinster. James was 31 years and a widower. The witnesses were Wellesley Hubley and Pearl V Hubley

165. vi. WELLESLEY HARRINGTON HUBLEY, b. December 26, 1878, 14 Mile House, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 31, 1939, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

vii. PEARL VICTORIA HUBLEY, b. October 11, 1884; d. April 12, 1976. Notes for PEARL VICTORIA HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Halifax Chronicle Herald, Apr 13, 1976 PEARL VICTORIA HUBLEY BERWICK - Pearl Victoria Hubley, 91, of Berwick and formerly of Fourteen Mile House, Five Island Lake, died

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Monday in Grandview Manor. Born in Fourteen Mile House, she was a daughter of the late Edwin and Mary Jane (Mosher) Hubley. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She was predeceased by four sisters and a brother. The body is in the R.D. Lindsay Funeral Home, Halifax, where funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. Nile Thorne officiating. Burial will be in St. Andrews Cemetery, Timberlea. (Thanks to Gerry Mattinson for this Obituary 28 Feb. 2004 via e-mail)




1) was born February 18,

1846 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN467, and died about 1940468. He married (1) ELIZABETH UMLAH BAYERS469 July 27, 1867 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born about 1846 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (2) MARY E. (HUBLEY) about 1875470. She was born October 1852471. Notes for ALEXANDER MELBOURNE HUBLEY: Alexander Hubley was a Clerk in Halifax. Marriage notes for ALEXANDER HUBLEY and ELIZABETH BAYERS: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1867 # 497: Alexander M. Hubley, 21, Bachelor son of Alex & M J brown married Elizabeth Umlah Baxter, 21, Spinster 27 July, 1867, by License, Epis. Church, Halifax. Children of ALEXANDER HUBLEY and ELIZABETH BAYERS are: i. EDWIN BAYERS

4 HUBLEY472, b. April 1868, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 26, 1876, Halifax, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN473,474. Notes for EDWIN BAYERS HUBLEY: DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 1 Jul 1876 Vol. XXIX No. 27, P.208: Hubley, Edwin Bayers died 26th of Jun of Diphtheria, oldest son of A.M. & E. U. Hubley. Aged 8 Years Halifax Co Death Records Year 1876 #300 (Duplicate Records #433, # 836): Edwin Bayers Hubley, M, 8, (B) Halifax, (parents) A.M. & E.W. Hubley, 26 June 1876, (D) Quinpool Rd., Diphtheria, (Informant) A. M. Hubley

166. ii. GRACE VIOLET HUBLEY, b. about 1869, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. ALEXANDER HUBLEY

475, b. about 1872, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. RUSSELL CRIPPS HUBLEY

475, b. about 1876, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 12, 1901, Sussex, Kings Co, NB, CAN476. Notes for RUSSELL CRIPPS HUBLEY: Russell was in the Boer War and died of a disease he apparently got overseas. Source: Sherman Craig via email May 2005 to James A. Hubley. New Brunswick Provincial Returns of Deaths: 1815-1911: Name: HUBLEY, RUSSELL CRISP Sex: M Date: 1901-09-12 (YYYY-MM-DD) Age: 25 County: KINGS Registration: 2172 Volume: Microfilm: F18706 Reference: C4/1901

v. ELIZABETH HUBLEY477, b. about 1877, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

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Children of ALEXANDER HUBLEY and MARY (HUBLEY) are: 167. vi. JOHN S.

4 HUBLEY, b. 1878, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN. vii. CLARENCE H. HUBLEY, b. October 1880, Bridgewater , Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN478. viii. LILLY HUBLEY, b. about 1882479; m. WILLARD BREWING, about 1900480; b. about 1880.




1) was born November 29,

1847 in Hubley's Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married EDWIN O. CLEVELAND481 April 15, 1873 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA482. He was born May 1849 in Phillipston, Worcester Co, MA, USA, and died 1906 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. Children of ELISABETH HUBLEY and EDWIN CLEVELAND are: i. EMMA A.

4 CLEVELAND483, b. 1873, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA; m. BENJAMIN H NEWHALL

483, December 25, 1898, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA; b. 1868, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.

ii. NELLIE G. CLEVELAND483, b. August 1875; m. FREDERICK D. SEAR

483, June 20, 1900, Lynn, Essex Co , MA, USA483; b. 1869, NH, USA.

iii. LUCY H. CLEVELAND484, b. December 1881.

iv. CHARLES G. CLEVELAND, b. September 1883. v. ARTHUR S. CLEVELAND, b. January 17, 1888, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA; d. February 1969, Lynn, Essex Co,

MA, USA. Notes for ARTHUR S. CLEVELAND: In 1930 is divorced and living with his mother.




1) was born July 29, 1849 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN485, and died after 1900 possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. He married LYDIA ANN MOSER August 21, 1873 in Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN486. She was born August 1854 in NS, CAN487, and died after 1900 possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. Notes for JOHN JOSEPH HUBLEY: John J. Hubley was a Harness Maker. He immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts arriving 15 May 1866, and was naturalized on 2 Nov 1899 at Boston. He resided at 20 Astor Street, Lynn Massachusetts in Essex County. Children of JOHN HUBLEY and LYDIA MOSER are: i. MYRTLE

4 HUBLEY, b. March 1876, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN488; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.

ii. MAY HUBLEY, b. January 1878, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN489; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA; m. GEORGE W. WORCESTER, June 28, 1905, Lynn, MA, USA490; b. 1860, Newburyport, MA, USA. Marriage Notes for MAY HUBLEY and GEORGE WORCESTER: Lynn marriage, 28 June 1905, v. 554, p. 507, #411: George W. Worcestor, age 45, 2nd married (widower), res: 28 Brimblecorn St, occ: winder, b. Newbury son of George W. Worcestor and Eliza M. Turple to Masie or Mazie E. Hubly, age 27, first married, res. 20 Claton St., at home, b. Halifax of John J. and Lydia A. Moser. Clergy: J. S. Braker, Lynn. As researched by Brenda Maruca

168. iii. GRACE E. HUBLEY, b. February 1880, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.

169. iv. EVA ST. CLAIR HUBLEY, b. July 1882, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.

v. INFANT SON HUBLEY, b. December 06, 1888. 170. vi. ELSIE LILLIAN HUBLEY, b. June 01, 1890, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA,

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USA. vii. LOTTIE HUBLEY, b. April 1892, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA491; d. possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.




1) was born November 19, 1851 in

French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN492. She married HENRY S. WARNER September 29, 1880 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA493. He was born 1850 in Derry, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Marriage Notes for ISABELLA HUBLEY and HENRY WARNER: Lynn Marriage, 29 September 1880, Henry S. Warner, res. Lawrence, age 29, clerk, b. Derry, NH of Nathaniel and Harriet, 2nd married to Belle B. Hubley , res. Lynn, age 27, b. Halifax, NS of Alexander and Jane, 1st married. Minister Clark Cartio (sp?) (As researched by Brenda Maruca) Children of ISABELLA HUBLEY and HENRY WARNER are: i. HARRIETT

4 WARNER, b. December 27, 1882, Lawrence, Essex Co, MA, USA494. ii. GRACE H WARNER, b. May 16, 1884, Lawrence, Essex Co, MA, USA494.




1) was born August 10, 1854 in

French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN495, and died April 08, 1892 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married ROBERT T. HUBLEY September 05, 1872 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN496. He was born September 02, 1852 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN497,498. More about JANE CATHERINE HUBLEY: Burial: United Baptist Church, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN499 Notes for ROBERT T. HUBLEY: Robert T. Hubley, Fisherman and son of Isaac at French Village is believed to be the same as Robert Hubley, Labourer who is listed with Ambrose Hubley's family at Hammond's Plains in the 1871 Census. Both listings showed age 18 years at that time. In the 1881 census Robert T. Hubley and his wife Jane "Jennie" Catherine Hubley and four children are living with his father Isaac Hubley who is a widower, his brother Harvey who is single and his sister Jessie who is single. In the 1901 census Robert T. Hubley is living on his own with his second wife Carrie S. Innis who he married on 13 Sept.1889. In the 1901 census his father Isaac is still a widower and his brother Harvey is still single. Robert T. Hubley's daughter from the 1881 census Louisa Hubley is still living with her grandfather Isaac. In addition three new children appear, Addie, Blanche and Belle. All four girls appear as daughters of Isaac, which I believe is a mistake. Their dates of birth make it more likely that they are the children of Robert T. Hubley and his first wife Jane "Jennie " Catherine Hubley. (James A. Hubley, 24 Apr. 2005) 1881 Census: Issac HUBLEY W Male German 61 Nova Scotia Fisherman Baptist Harvey HUBLEY Male German 22 Nova Scotia Fisherman Baptist Jessie HUBLEY Female German 19 Nova Scotia Baptist

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1881 Census: Robert HUBLEY M Male German 28 Nova Scotia Farmer Baptist Jane HUBLEY M Female German 26 Nova Scotia Baptist Winfread HUBLEY Female German 7 Nova Scotia Baptist Lora HUBLEY Female German 5 Nova Scotia Baptist Louisa HUBLEY Female German 4 Nova Scotia Baptist Ethell HUBLEY Female German 2 Nova Scotia Baptist 1901 census: Hubley, Isaac M Head W Mar 2, 1820 Age 81 35 Hubley, Harvey M Son S Jan 20, 1859 Age 42 36 Hubley, Louisa F Daughter S Nov 23, 1877 Age 23 37 Hubley, Addie F Daughter S Jan 27, 1882 Age 19 38 Hubley, Blanche F Daughter S Nov 17, 1884 Age 16 39 Hubley, Belle F Daughter S Aug 28, 1889 Age 11 OBITUARY: Tuesday, January 4, 1938, The Halifax Mail, Halifax, NS. ROBERT HUBLEY There passed away at his home in Halifax Sunday, Robert Hubley, at the age of 87 years. Respected and admired for his kindly manner; he was well-known in Halifax. He was born in St Margaret’s Bay, but moved to the city some years ago. He is survived by three daughters and four sons, his wife having predeceased him by many years. The funeral will take place from Snow's Mortuary Chapel today at 3 p.m. and interment will be made at Camp Hill Cemetery. Children of JANE HUBLEY and ROBERT HUBLEY are: i. WINIFRED

4 HUBLEY, b. April 14, 1873, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN500; d. November 09, 1954, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA, USA; m. ANGUS BAKER, June 01, 1898, Tauton, Bristol Co, MA, USA; b. August 30, 1871, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 11, 1959, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA, USA.

ii. LAURA HUBLEY, b. 1876, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN501. Notes for LAURA HUBLEY: Laura Hubley daughter of Robert may have been, but does not seem likely to have been the Nurse enumerated at Gloucester, Massachusetts in 1900, age 23, born Feb 1877. A much more likely possibility is a daughter of Amos Hubley age 5 years in 1881, she compares closely with Nurse Laura Hubley who would have been age 4 years based on age 23 in 1900. Either of these ages is within typical census errors, and is plausible with respect to birth dates of the other children of Amos Hubley.

171. iii. LOUISA BECKWITH A HUBLEY, b. November 23, 1877, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 25, 1947, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

iv. ETHEL HUBLEY, b. 1879, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN502. v. ADELAIDE ESTANO HUBLEY, b. January 27, 1882, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1973,

Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN; m. HENRY MYRA, December 11, 1911, Concord, Merrimack Co, NH, USA; b. April 17, 1872, Western Head, Queens Co, NS, CAN; d. 1960, Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN. More about ADELAIDE ESTANO HUBLEY: Burial: Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN More about HENRY MYRA: Burial: Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN

172. vi. BLANCHE HUBLEY, b. November 17, 1884, St Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 1966, Ithaca, Tompkins Co, NY, USA.

vii. BELLE ROBERTINE HUBLEY, b. August 28, 1889; d. October 17, 1954, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for BELLE ROBERTINE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 18 October 1954 MISS BELLE HUBLEY

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Miss Belle Robertine Hubley, 65, a resident of Halifax, for many years, died yesterday at the Victoria General Hospital, after a short illness. She was a daughter of the late Robert and Jane Hubley of Seabright. Survivors include four sisters, Winnie (Mrs. Angus Baker); California; Blanche (Mrs. Leonard) New York State; Adelaida, (Mrs. Henry Myra), Liverpool; Miss Lora Hubley; Halifax; and a brother, Sherman Hubley, also of Halifax. The funeral will be held from her late residence, 55 Kane Street, at 2 pm Wednesday with rev. E.D. N. Cochrane officiating. Interment will be at St. John's cemetery. More about BELLE ROBERTINE HUBLEY: Burial: October 20, 1954, St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN




1) was born November 21, 1839503,

and died after 1915504. She married BENJAMIN C. STREET505 December 14, 1870 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN506. He was born 1843506, and died October 27, 1897 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN507. Notes for MARGARET JANE HUBLEY: Margaret Jane married Benjamin C. Street, who died in 1897. At the time they lived in Halifax. In the 1901 census (Halifax Ward 2) Margaret is shown as the head of the household. Her two daughters, both of whom have married are living with her, along with their husbands. They had a live in domestic-- Nellie Carroll. More about BENJAMIN C. STREET: Burial: CampHill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for MARGARET HUBLEY and BENJAMIN STREET: NS Public Archives MFM # 16533 Year 1870 #543: Benjamin G. Street, Age 27, Bachelor, Soldier residing in Halifax, born in England Married Margaret Hubley, Age30 , Spinster, By license, Baptist. Witnesses were T B Hubley and J P Hubley. Children of MARGARET HUBLEY and BENJAMIN STREET are: i. A. E.

4 STREET, b. April 21, 1875508; m. MR. ALEXANDER; b. May 01, 1874508. ii. LILLY BLANCHE STREET, b. July 07, 1880508; m. EDMUND KELLEY PUDDINGTON; b. June 13, 1876508.





509 was born October 02, 1843 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN510, and died January 01, 1914 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN511. He married (1) HARRIET TURNER October 24, 1872 in Portland, Cumberland Co, ME, USA. She died 1897 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA512. He married (2) ELIZABETH A. GLAWSON December 30, 1885 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN513. She was born August 24, 1849 in Pleasant Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN514, and died June 01, 1927515. Notes for JOHN KENNETH HUBLEY: PANS File RG41 Vol 82 #1345: Medical Examiner's report dated Jan 24, 1914 I have enquired into the death of John K. Hubley, aged 70 yrs, at Halifax, NS on Jan 1, 1914 and I have examined the body. It has the appearance of having been in the water for a short time. The deceased man has not been in very good mental state. On Jan 1, 1914 he left his home about 6 am apparently to go to Dartmouth. He was found drowned in the harbour at _____ Shannon Dr. at 7:30am. He was fully

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dressed. I am of the opinion that the deceased came to his death by drowning, but as to whether it was suicidal or accidental I am unable to say. William D. Flinn, Medical Examiner Burial: 1914, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about ELIZABETH A. GLAWSON: Burial: 1927, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of JOHN HUBLEY and HARRIET TURNER are: i. ROBERT VALENTINE

4 HUBLEY, b. February 14, 1873, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA516; m. EMMA MARIE THURSTON, August 06, 1905, Dorchester, Boston , MA, USA; b. 1874, Nantucket, Nantucket Co, MA, USA.

ii. WALTER HUBLEY, b. October 29, 1875, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA516; d. March 19, 1876, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA516.


4 HUBLEY, b. October 13, 1886; d. October 01, 1963, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. ROY GLAWSON HUBLEY, b. March 18, 1888517; d. 1943, Toronto, York Co, ONT, CAN518; m. JEAN

MCDONALD, November 11, 1913, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN518; b. about 1890. More about ROY GLAWSON HUBLEY: Burial: 1943, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

174. v. NINA DASHLER HUBLEY, b. April 07, 1889, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 29, 1959, Woodstock, Carleton Co, NB, CAN.

vi. HAROLD E. HUBLEY, b. May 24, 1892, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN518; d. August 16, 1894, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN518. More about HAROLD E. HUBLEY: Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





519 was born 1845 probably in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN520, and died March 10, 1892 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN521. She married THOMAS ROAST June 06, 1867522. He was born 1841 in Liverpool, Queens Co, NS, CAN523, and died June 22, 1905 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN523. Notes for AMANDA MELVINA HUBLEY: Amanda even though having predeceased her father Benjamin was named in his will, in that her "share" was directed to go to her children. Her death is in the Halifax City Death records March 1892 Line 17. It indicates she was 47 years old at the time, that she died of pneumonia, and had been living at 270 Up Water St Halifax. She of course is not listed in the 1901 census, although her son Clarence is mentioned living in Halifax ward with his Grandfather Benjamin. Burial: CampHill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN523

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Marriage Notes for AMANDA HUBLEY and THOMAS ROAST: NS Public Archives MFM # 16532 Year 1867 #363: Thomas H Roast, Age 23, married Amanda M. Hubley, Age 20, by License, in the Baptist Church Children of AMANDA HUBLEY and THOMAS ROAST are: i. WILLIAM HARRY

4 ROAST524, b. about 1871524.

ii. IDA MAY ROAST524, b. about 1872524.

iii. GODFREY ROAST524, b. about 1874524.

iv. LILLIE R ROAST524, b. about 1877524.

v. MAY B. ROAST524, b. about 1878524.

vi. CLARENCE EDWARD ROAST, b. March 07, 1885, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN525; d. January 13, 1948, Regina, Saskatchewan, CAN. Notes for CLARENCE EDWARD ROAST: In 1901 Census Clarence lived with his grandfather even though his father was still living and had remarried. His Mother had died in 1892. He later moved to Saskatchewan




1) was born about 1849 in St

Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN526, and died December 24, 1899 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN527,528. He married MARY HOLLAND529 November 28, 1878 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN529. She was born September 18, 1847529,530. Notes for HENRY EDWARD HUBLEY: In the 1901 census, Henry's wife Mary (head of household), his daughter Laura, his father Benjamin, and nephew Clarence live in Halifax Ward 6, in a single household. (Clarence was the son of Henry's sister Amanda) Halifax City Death Records Dec 1899 line 62: Henry E. Hubley, Male, 50 Years, Married, French, (Born) St Margaret’s Bay, Baptist, Fish Dealer, (Died) Dec 24, 1899, (cause) Fracture of Skull and Laceration of Bones, Lived at 5 McCullock St , buried St John's Cemetery DEATH NOTICE: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat 30 Dec. 1899 Vol. LII, No.52, Page. 413: Hubley, Henry, fish dealer, died Sunday as a result of having "a fall on the Citadel" Burial: St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for HENRY HUBLEY and MARY HOLLAND: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations (NS Archives MFM 16533) Year 1879 # 479: Henry Hubley, Age 30, Bachelor , seaman, living Halifax, born St Margaret's Bay, son of Benjamin and Sarah married Mary Holland, Age 32, spinster born and living Halifax, By License, in the Baptist Church. Child of HENRY HUBLEY and MARY HOLLAND is: i. LAURA

4 HUBLEY, b. December 14, 1879530.





531 was born May 29, 1852532, and died January 27, 1915 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN533. He married (1) E.M. MARCHANT. He

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married (2) PRISCILLA HOLLAND January 28, 1874 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born July 27, 1856534, and died April 21, 1913 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for JOSEPH STEPHAN HUBLEY: The 1901 census has his birth date as 29 May 1852. The date 29 May might be right but he was 64 when he died on 25 Jan.1915 and that would mean he had to be born in 1851. (James A. Hubley, Jan. 2006) OBITUARY: Halifax Herald, 27 January 1915 JOSEPH STEPHAN HUBLEY HALIFAX, January 25 - Announcement of the death of Joseph S. Hubley, of Halifax, which occurred at Deven, Guysboro Road, after a short illness, will comes as a surprise to very many. Mr. Hubley was one of the best known citizens of the north end, having for a long time been engaged in business at the corner of North and Agricola streets, from which he retired about two years ago. He was largely interested in real estate. He was an adherent of the Baptist church, and belonged to several fraternal societies. Recently he had been engaged in farming on the Guysboro Road. Deceased leaves a wife, two daughters, Mrs. G. H. Morton and Mrs. M.B. Arthur, one son, Louis E., and one step- daughter, Miss Eva Marchant, also five grandchildren, one brother (Andrew), three sisters, Mrs. B.G. Street, Mrs. A. Case and Mrs. Charles Triscott, of Summerville, Mass. His first wife was Miss Holland, of Halifax; his second, Mrs. E. M. Marchant, of Hantsport. The funeral will be from 180 North Street - date to be announced later. Burial: 1915, St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for PRISCILLA HOLLAND: OBITUARY: Halifax Herald, 22 April 1913 MRS. JOSEPH HUBLEY The death occurred yesterday at her home, 145 North Street, of Priscilla, wife of Joseph H. Hubley, of J. S. Hubley and Company, grocers, Agricola Street. This news will be received with great surprize by the many friends of the family, many of whom were unaware that she was ill. She was taken sick only on Wednesday last with what was at first thought to be only a cold. Subsequently, however, pneumonia developed and Sunday it was not thought possible she could survive until night. Towards evening, however, there seemed to be a slight improvement, but unhappily was not maintained, and she past away about two o'clock yesterday morning, to the grief of the household. She is survived by her husband, by two daughters, Mrs. Arthurs and Mrs. Morton, of this city, and a son, Lewis. Mrs. Hubley will be specially mist by the congregation of the Wesley Memorial church, in which she was most active and helpful. This obituary was transcribed as written in the newspaper and any errors remain, such as the middle initial of "H" for Joseph S. Hubley. (James A. Hubley, Jan. 2006) Burial: 1913, St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Child of JOSEPH HUBLEY and E.M. MARCHANT is: i. EVA

4 MARCHANT, Stepchild.


4 HUBLEY, b. January 06, 1878534; m. GEORGE W. MORTON; b. 1878. Notes for LAURA HUBLEY: In the 1911 Canadian census in Yarmouth, Laura Hubley age 24, born Nov. 1886, this has to be a mistake, as her

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first son is born in 1900 which would make her 14 when she had him. She is married to George H. Morton. If you look at the original 1911 census it is very easy to mistake the initial "H" for a "W", which I think happened by the translator. Look at the initial "H" for son George and the "W" for son John and you will see a difference. The "H" for son George looks the same as the initial for the father, but the initial for son John is a clear "W". Another reason I believe this is Laura daughter of Joseph and Priscilla is her daughter is named Laura the same as her sister. (James A. Hubley, Jan. 2006)

iii. BLANCE E. HUBLEY, b. between October and November 1878; d. December 12, 1878, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

175. iv. MABEL HUBLEY, b. June 26, 1881. v. JOSEPH HUBLEY, b. November 22, 1884, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 16, 1908, Halifax, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN. More about JOSEPH HUBLEY: Burial: 1908, St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

176. vi. LOUIS E. HUBLEY, b. April 12, 1888; d. October 10, 1971, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.





535 was born April 10, 1853 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN536, and died after 1915537. She married SAMUEL C. CASE May 18, 1872 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN538. He was born September 07, 1850539. Notes for ANNA LUCINDA HUBLEY: Family appears in 1901 census but none appear in the 1911 census. Marriage notes for ANNA HUBLEY and SAMUEL CASE: NS Public Archives MFM # 16533 Year 1872 #150: Samuel Case, Age 23, bachelor, Residing Halifax, born Placentia Bay NFLD, married Annie Hubley, Age 19, Spinster, Residing Halifax, by license, Wesleyan. Children of ANNA HUBLEY and SAMUEL CASE are: i. WELSFORD

4 CASE, b. June 23, 1887. ii. STANLEY CASE, b. June 11, 1891. iii. EVELYN CASE, b. December 06, 1893.





540 was born July 27, 1854541, and died after 1915542. He married MARGARET E. JAMES543 June 09, 1879544. She was born June 09, 1857545. Children of ANDREW HUBLEY and MARGARET JAMES are: i. ETHEL EVELYN

4 HUBLEY, b. August 27, 1881545; m. HARRY P BLAKLEY, June 09, 1902, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN546.

ii. MINNIE HUBLEY, b. January 02, 1883547; m. JOSEPH W. SWIMEY, February 16, 1916, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Marriage Notes for MINNIE HUBLEY and JOSEPH SWIMEY: PANS MFM 16536 #123: Feb 16, 1916 Halifax, By Lic., Joseph W. Swimey, 28, B, son of John and Hannah, Married Minnie L. Hubley 19, S, daughter of Andrew and Margaret Hubley.

iii. CLIFFORD HUBLEY, b. September 19, 1885547. iv. ROBERT A. HUBLEY, b. March 09, 1893547.

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Notes for ROBERT A. HUBLEY: In his will Benjamin directed "one hundred dollars be paid to my son Andrew Allen Hubley in consideration of his having erected a monument to the memory of my deceased wife and myself." In addition he received an equal share of everything else.





548 was born April 05, 1857 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN549, and died May 25, 1908. He married MARY ANNIE WINTON August 02, 1878 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN550. She was born April 16, 1859 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN551, and died December 11, 1940 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MAYNARD HEBRON HUBLEY: The Halifax City Death Record shows his death from Tuberculosis of the lungs. At the time of his death he was living at 29 Granville St , Halifax. Burial: May 27, 1908, Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN552,553 More about MARY ANNIE WINTON: Burial: December 18, 1940, Camphill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN554 Marriage Notes for MAYNARD HUBLEY and MARY WINTON: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations (N S Archives MFM 16533) Year 1878 #233: Maynard H. Hubley 22 Bachelor, living and born Halifax, son of Bemjamin and Sarah, married Mary A. Winton, Age 19, Spinster, Daughter of William and Maggie, by License , in the Baptist church. Children of MAYNARD HUBLEY and MARY WINTON are: i. THERESA ARTY

4 HUBLEY, b. June 19, 1880, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN555. Notes for THERESA ARTY HUBLEY: Trinity Anglican Church Records indicate another middle name (Hollanda). Christening: May 15, 1906, Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN556

ii. JESSIE D. HUBLEY, b. December 08, 1881557. 177. iii. BENJAMIN BERNARD HUBLEY, b. February 02, 1883; d. October 21, 1950, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. ARTHUR SEYMOUR HUBLEY, b. November 02, 1884557.

More about ARTHUR SEYMOUR HUBLEY: Burial: November 27, 1928, Camphill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN




1) was born July 24, 1843558. She

married WILLIAM ADAMS September 21, 1865 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He was born 1839. Children of ANNIE HUBLEY and WILLIAM ADAMS are: i. WALTER

4 ADAMS, b. 1866559. 178. ii. FLORENCE ADAMS, b. July 04, 1868. iii. MAUD ADAMS, b. 1871; m. DONALD DEAN, 1896, Exeter, NH, USA560. iv. ELLA ADAMS, b. 1873. v. MINNIE ADAMS, b. March 25, 1875561.

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73. EMMA



1) was born 1848 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS,

CAN562, and died after 1911. She married PROSPER MURPHY562 November 15, 1883 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN562. He was born about 1845, and died before 1911. Notes for EMMA HUBLEY: Emma appears in both the 1901 and 1911 census. In 1901 she is living in Chezzetcook, Halifax Co living with her husband and son. In 1911 she is living with her sister Ella Wyatt and her family in Halifax. Emma is listed as a widow in this census and as a cook for the family. Her date of birth varies on every found document, ranging from 1845 to 1850. Notes for PROSPER MURPHY: Prosper's wife is shown as a widow in the 1911 census Marriage notes for EMMA HUBLEY and PROSPER MURPHY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1883, #480: Prosper Murphy married Emma Hubley, spinster, daughter of William and Ellen, In Halifax, By License, In Roman Catholic Church, Halifax, Nov 15, 1883 (The ages of the groom and bride were not recorded) Child of EMMA HUBLEY and PROSPER MURPHY is: i. STANLEY

4 MURPHY, b. July 19, 1886563.




1) was born August 17, 1851 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN564,565, and died 1943 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married NATHAN LEVI HUBLEY March 18, 1874 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN566, son of FREDERICK HUBLEY and SOPHIA (HENRITCY). He was born March 02, 1848 in St Margaret’s Bay - East Side, Halifax Co, NS, CAN567, and died May 06, 1934 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for BARBARA A. HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: Barbara A. Hubley was a daughter of William M. Hubley. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for NATHAN LEVI HUBLEY: Nathan Hubley was a Peddler and a Shoemaker at French Village. He opened a grocery store and ran a Shoemaking Shop upstairs where he made shoes and boots. 1901 Census has his name as Nathaniel and his birth date as 19 March, no year given. In Robert Crowther's book "Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" his birth date is given as 2 March 1848. His gravestone gives his birth year as 1848 and year of death as 1934. James A. Hubley OBITUARY: Halifax Herald, May 7, 1934 NATHAN L. HUBLEY

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The death occurred at Seabright on Sunday, May 6 of Nathan L. Hubley, well known and highly respected resident of that community. He was 87 years of age and for many years had conducted a grocery business in Seabright. He was a prominent member of Century Lodge I.O.O.F., M.U., and of the Baptist Church. Surviving besides his wife are their daughters, Mrs Enos Publicover, Lahave, Mrs Freeman Conrad, Dartmouth, and Mrs. Fred Godfrey, Wolfville, also five sons Clyde, Whyle, Oliver and Nathan all of Seabright and Sanford in the United States. Two Brothers Norman and Anthony also survive. The funeral will be held on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN568 Marriage notes for BARBARA HUBLEY and NATHAN HUBLEY: NS Public Archives MFM # 16533 Year 1874 # 106: Nathan L. Hubley, Age 20, Bachelor, born and living St Margaret’s Bay, son of Fred & Sophia married Barbara HUBLEY, age 23, spinster, living St Maragaret's Bay, Daughter of William & Ellen, by Licence, in the Baptist Church. Witnesses E. Hubley, Charles Hubley Children are listed above under (53) Nathan Levi Hubley. 75. ELLEN (ELLA)



1) was born 1853 in French Village,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN569. She married FREDERICK J. WYATT August 07, 1884 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN570. He was born March 20, 1857. Notes for ELLEN (ELLA) HUBLEY: Marriage, Vol. #231, 3293 Aug 7, 1884, Halifax, Lic, Frederick John Wyatt, 28, cook, res; on the "Northhampton" b. Holbeton, England of John and Emily Wyatt, Builder, to Ella Hubley, 24,spinster, Halifax, b SMB, of William and Ellen Hubley, farmer. Witness Carrie Hubley. Clergy J.F. Avery, Baptist. (As provided by Brenda Maruca) Marriage notes for ELLEN HUBLEY and FREDERICK WYATT: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations year 1884, #293: Aug 7, 1884 Halifax, By Lic, Baptist, Frederick J. Wyatt, 28, B, son of John and Emily, married, Ella Hubley, 24, S, daughter of William and Ellen. Children of ELLEN HUBLEY and FREDERICK WYATT are: i. FREDERICK

4 WYATT, b. August 03, 1885. ii. RICHARD WYATT, b. August 03, 1885. iii. CLYDE WYATT, b. June 1887. iv. EARL WYATT, b. July 1888. v. FRANCIS WYATT, b. July 09, 1888.




1) was born January 1859 in French Village,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN571, and died February 18, 1902 in Framingham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA572. He married LILLIE MCNEILL January 15, 1888 in Waterford, Digby Co, NS, CAN573. She was born December 1863 in Digby Co, NS, CAN574, and died possibly in Framingham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA.

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Notes for WORDEN A. HUBLEY: Bob Hegerich reports that Worden and Lillie moved to Massachusetts after the 1900 census of MA and before the 1901 Census of Canada, as Worden appears in the 1900 City Directory for Framingham. In the 1891 census Worden is listed as a lodge keeper. Marriage notes for WORDEN HUBLEY and LILLIE MCNEILL: Vital Statistics from NB Newspapers, vol #70, #3419, issue 30 January, 1888: Married, Waterford, Digby Neck, Nova Scotia, 15 instant, by Rev. J. C. Morse, Worden Hubley, French Village, Halifax Co to Lillie McNeil, d/o J. C. McNeil and Sophia McNeil, Waterford (As researched by Brenda Maruca) Child of WORDEN HUBLEY and LILLIE MCNEILL is: i. PERLEY

4 HUBLEY, b. November 1888, NS, CAN575; d. possibly Framingham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA; m. EGBERT R. CROCKER, February 16, 1916, Westfield, Kings Co, NB, CAN576; b. about 1888.




1) was born August 12, 1860 in St Margaret’s Bay,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN577, and died after 1911. She married NEIL McDONALD October 30, 1891 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN578. He was born March 23, 1850 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN579, and died after 1911. Notes for LYDIA HUBLEY: Lydia is identified in the 1871 and 1881 census, although she is listed as Matilda in 1881. She appears in the 1901 and 1911 census with her husband Neil and children. Marriage notes for LYDIA HUBLEY and NEIL MCDONALD: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1891, # 406: October 31,1891, Halifax, By License, Baptist, Neil McDonald, 41, B, Residing and Born St Margaret's Bay, son of Archibald and Jane, married Lydia Hubley, 30, S, daughter of William and Ellen. Children of LYDIA HUBLEY and NEIL MCDONALD are: i. BYRON

4 MCDONALD, b. December 08, 1892580. ii. GORDON MCDONALD, b. May 05, 1893581. iii. ELLA M. MCDONALD, b. May 03, 1896582.




1) was born February 12, 1862 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN583,584, and died 1929585. He married JESSE MAE ZWICKER January 22, 1894 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN586. She was born September 13, 1874 in Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN587, and died 1920588. More about WILLIAM M. HUBLEY: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN589

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More about JESSE MAE ZWICKER: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN590 Children of WILLIAM HUBLEY and JESSE ZWICKER are: 179. i. EDGAR

4 HUBLEY, b. May 18, 1894; d. 1946, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. 180. ii. WARREN RUSSELL HUBLEY, b. September 19, 1895; d. November 24, 1961, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. FANNY HUBLEY, b. October 31, 1896591; d. before 1982592. 181. iv. WARDEN RALPH HUBLEY, b. December 28, 1897; d. September 17, 1982. v. GEORGE HUBLEY, b. April 08, 1898593; d. 1962594; m. MILDRED (HUBLEY), about 1933595; b. 1915595; d.

1942595. More about GEORGE HUBLEY: Burial: Lower Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN596 More about MILDRED (HUBLEY): Burial: Lower Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN597

vi. CHARLES HUBLEY598, b. May 14, 1900599,600; d. before 1982601.

vii. ETTA (HENRIETTA) HUBLEY602, b. November 1901603604.

182. viii. THOMAS HUBLEY, b. January 1904; d. March 03, 1992. ix. CARNEY HUBLEY, b. February 1905605,606; d. 1978607; m. EVELYN M. (HUBLEY), about 1928; b. 1909607; d.

1994607. More about CARNEY HUBLEY: Burial: Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN607 More about EVELYN M. (HUBLEY): Burial: Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN607

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Generation No. 4 79. SAMUEL H.




1) was born November

1854 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA, and died 1918 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He married ESTHER JANE PRIDHAM December 17, 1875 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She was born 1858, and died 1926. More about SAMUEL H. RICKER: Burial: 1918, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Child of SAMUEL RICKER and ESTHER PRIDHAM is: i. MADELINE C.5 RICKER608, b. January 1878, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; m. (1) FRANK W.

GREENWOOD608, November 25, 1895, Portland, Cumberland Co, ME, USA; b. May 1874; m. (2) CHARLES STEWART HEARN, 1920; b. June 12, 1884.





1) was born

August 08, 1866 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA, and died May 29, 1945 in Newton, Middlesex Co, MA, USA. She married CHARLES HENRY BECKER May 25, 1884 in New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He was born December 05, 1858, and died March 13, 1940. More about LEONA JOHNSON RICKER: Burial: New Castle Cemetery, Rockingham Co, NH, USA Children of LEONA RICKER and CHARLES BECKER are: i. FORREST L.

5 BECKER, b. 1887, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; m. ANNIE L. MILLER, August 17, 1914, Maine, USA; b. 1892.

ii. EDWIN W. BECKER, b. 1897, New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.





1) was born 1855 in

New Castle, Rockingham Co, NH, USA609. He married MARGARET JANE COSTLEY March 28, 1883 in Popes Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN610,611. She was born about 1855. Marriage notes for THOMAS HUBLEY and MARGARET COSTLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1883, #114: Thomas E. Hubley, 27, Bachelor residing Popes Harbour, son of Alex and Ellen, married Margaret Costley, 16, Spinster, residing Popes Harbour, daughter of Peter and Bridget, in Church of England, Popes Harbour, by License, March 28, 1883 Child of THOMAS HUBLEY and MARGARET COSTLEY is: i. JOHN DELESTON DUNCAN

5 HUBLEY, b. September 14, 1883611. More about JOHN DELESTON DUNCAN HUBLEY: Christening: January 16, 1884, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN611

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1) was born July 1867 in

Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN612. She married SIDNEY SLATER TRUEMAN June 09, 1891. He was born October 01, 1869 in Hubbards Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Children of CELIA HUBLEY and SIDNEY TRUEMAN are: i. JOSEPH

5 TRUEMAN, b. January 08, 1892, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. January 08, 1892, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.

ii. CECILIA FAY TRUEMAN, b. March 12, 1893, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. iii. NINA PEARL TRUEMAN, b. October 29, 1895, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. iv. NORMA CARLENE TRUEMAN, b. February 27, 1898, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. August 18,

1988, Epping, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. v. DORA MAY TRUEMAN, b. March 22, 1904, Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA.





1) was born

between September 18, 1871 and 1872 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died March 27, 1909 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She married WILLIAM CLEVELAND CASWELL about 1893. He was born about 1871. Children of ELLEN HUBLEY and WILLIAM CASWELL are: i. THELMA

5 CASWELL, b. about 1895; m. CHARLES PICKERING, 1919613; b. About 1895. ii. GEORGE H. CASWELL, b. about 1897. iii. ESTHER MARY CASWELL, b. about 1899. iv. HARRIET SOPHIA CASWELL, b. about 1901. v. WILLIAM CLEVELAND CASWELL, b. about 1903.





1) was

born August 19, 1862 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died March 13, 1899 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married DAVID GRAY November 30, 1887 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He was born May 19, 1861 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died May 01, 1897 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Child of IDA COLLISHAW and DAVID GRAY is: i. ROY OLIVER

5 GRAY, b. November 12, 1888, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 14, 1952, Loma Linda, San Bernardino Co, CA, USA.





1) was born 1865.

She married JOHN ALLEN. Children of EUNICE COLLISHAW and JOHN ALLEN are: i. OLIVE

5 ALLEN614.

ii. AINSLEY ALLEN, b. 1888614; d. 1965; m. GLADYS I. RICHARDSON, June 08, 1912, St. Peter's Anglican Church, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1894; d. 1924. More about AINSLEY ALLEN: Burial: St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

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More about GLADYS I. RICHARDSON: Burial: St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

iii. CLYDE ALLEN, b. June 11, 1913614; d. June 1913.

86. JOHN




1) was born July 03,

1866 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN615, and died January 22, 1960. He married MARY ALICE NICKERSON March 26, 1896. She was born September 10, 1876 in Cape Sable Island, Barrington, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. Children of JOHN COLLISHAW and MARY NICKERSON are: i. ANNETTE PEARL

5 COLLISHAW, b. September 15, 1897, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. ii. IVA COLLISHAW, b. June 07, 1900, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. ALFRED HIGGINS. iii. BASIL COLLISHAW, b. May 15, 1901; m. ELVIRA COLLISHAW. iv. DORA COLLISHAW, b. January 07, 1904.





1) was

born October 28, 1867 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN615, and died December 07, 1911. He married LOUISA BECKWITH A. HUBLEY December 07, 1911, daughter of ROBERT HUBLEY and JANE HUBLEY. She was born November 23, 1877 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN616, and died August 25, 1947 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Children of CHARLES COLLISHAW and LOUISA HUBLEY are: i. CHARLES ALBERT

5 COLLISHAW, b. August 23, 1914. ii. DWIGHT LYMAN COLLISHAW, b. May 22, 1916.






617 was born April 11, 1868, and died 1934. She married (1) ISSAC BURTON RICHARDSON617 January 10, 1895. He was born May 01, 1861 in Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died November 08, 1918 in Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married (2) ALBERT JOHNSON after 1918. More about NAOMI ELIZABETH COLLISHAW: Burial: 1934, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about ISSAC BURTON RICHARDSON: Burial: 1918, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of NAOMI COLLISHAW and ISSAC RICHARDSON are: i. ERNEST BURTON

5 RICHARDSON617, b. October 14, 1895, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February

19, 1973; m. (1) MYRNA; m. (2) CLARA ALICE GAETZ, January 17, 1917; b. July 15, 1893; d. October 30, 1955. More about CLARA ALICE GAETZ: Baptism: August 20, 1893, St. Peter's Anglican Church, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. EARLE EDWIN RICHARDSON, b. May 12, 1899, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1900. More about EARLE EDWIN RICHARDSON:

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Burial: 1900, Indian Harbour Baptist Cemetery, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN iii. BASIL LYMAN RICHARDSON, b. August 04, 1902, Indian Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 02, 1977,

Portsmouth, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; m. GENEVIEVE JAASTAD, USA. More about BASIL LYMAN RICHARDSON: Alternative Birthdate: August 04, 1902

iv. JEAN ELIZABETH RICHARDSON, b. November 06, 1903; d. August 12, 1993; m. CLARENCE L. CHUTE, November 18, 1925, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. November 01, 1894, Milford, Hillsborough Co, NH, USA; d. May 30, 1978.

v. MARY [MAMIE] ELLEN RICHARDSON, b. January 26, 1905; d. August 1993, Lexington, Middlesex Co, MA, USA; m. GEORGE ELLIOTT PAGE, October 16, 1929; b. May 21, 1905, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. November 02, 1968.

vi. CARRIE ARAMINA RICHARDSON, b. August 03, 1906; d. March 26, 1990, Randolph, Norfolk Co, MA, USA; m. JOHN WALKER, March 14, 1943, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, MA, USA; b. May 14, 1914, Glasgow, Lanark Co, Scotland; d. April 11, 1982, Randolph, Norfolk Co, MA, USA. More about CARRIE ARAMINA RICHARDSON: Alt. Birth: August 03, 1906





1) was born

January 30, 1873 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died 1963 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He married LORA ALICE PAGE in 1898. She was born April 09, 1878 in Norwick, Windsor Co, VT, USA, and died September 22, 1944 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. More about EDWIN LYMAN COLLISHAW: Burial: 1963 Children of EDWIN COLLISHAW and LORA PAGE are: i. EDWIN LYMAN

5 COLLISHAW, b. May 10, 1899, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. April 19, 1988, Brentwood, NH, USA; m. EDNA FRANCES HUNT; b. May 06, 1903, Saugus, Essex Co, MA, USA.

ii. EDNA LILLIAN COLLISHAW, b. May 11, 1899; d. August 30, 1978; m. CHARLES HADLEY; b. September 15, 1894; d. August 30, 1958.

iii. NORMAN ANSLIE COLLISHAW, b. January 21, 1910, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA; d. March 27, 1995, Franklin, New Hampshire, USA; m. ESTHER HORTENSE SMITH, February 19, 1932; b. September 29, 1908, Andover, Essex Co, Mass., USA.






617 was born May 01, 1880 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died June 11, 1913 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) PHOEBE COLLISHAW. He married (2) MAY VICTORIA DAUPHINEE617 November 30, 1908. More about NORMAN AINSLIE COLLISHAW: Burial: June 1913, Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of NORMAN COLLISHAW and MAY DAUPHINEE are: i. EDWIN L.

5 COLLISHAW, b. 1910; d. June 11, 1913. More about EDWIN L. COLLISHAW: Burial: 1913, Seabright Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. MELDA BERNICE COLLISHAW617, b. September 17, 1911, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 04, 1994,

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Winnipeg, MB, CAN; m. CLYDE AUBREY BOUTILIER617, August 24, 1931; b. September 17, 1911, Tantallon,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 17, 1980, Winnipeg, MB, CAN. iii. HOLLIS ARTHUR COLLISHAW, b. November 04, 1912, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iv. LILA COLLISHAW, b. about 1914.





1) was born

April 15, 1870 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died 1952. She married ALEXANDER H JENNINGS. He was born August 06, 1853, and died May 01, 1921. More about ALEXANDER H JENNINGS: Burial: 1921, St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of ELLA COLLISHAW and ALEXANDER JENNINGS are: i. AUDREY

5 JENNINGS, d. 1932. ii. LAURA JENNINGS, b. March 22, 1892; m. ARTHUR CARD. iii. LLOYD JENNINGS, b. July 25, 1893, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 10, 1975; m. NELLIE

BROWN, November 05, 1917, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. July 13, 1896, England; d. March 10, 1975. iv. RAWLINGS JENNINGS, b. May 09, 1896. v. ELUAH JENNINGS, b. February 02, 1897; d. 1899. vi. VAN? JENNINGS, b. 1908.





1) was born

January 18, 1873, and died 1955. She married SAMUEL VENNER. He was born 1863 in Bermuda, and died 1946. Children of ALBERTHA COLLISHAW and SAMUEL VENNER are: i. GEORGE VICTOR

5 VENNER, b. 1895; d. 1924. ii. MAUDE EMILY VENNER, b. 1897; d. 1973; m. ANDREW HUNTER. iii. ROY VENNER, b. 1898; d. 1905. iv. VIOLET VENNER, b. 1901; d. 1901. v. HARLEY STANLEY VENNER, b. February 24, 1904; d. February 25, 1975; m. KATHERINE PARKER, October

15, 1934. vi. MARJORIE MARGARET VENNER, b. 1908; d. 1986; m. WALTER DOUGLAS BOWLES. vii. SAMUEL GORDON VENNER, b. 1912; d. July 23, 1985; m. MARION ELIZABETH EARLE.






was born December 23, 1874 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died April 22, 1951. She married SAMUEL GEORGE BOUTILIER617 March 27, 1893 in St. George's Anglican, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He was born September 30, 1865 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died December 17, 1948. Children of LAURA COLLISHAW and SAMUEL BOUTILIER are: i. ELIZABETH

5 BOUTILIER617, b. July 01, 1893, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 1983; m. BARRINGTON

SPARROW, May 15, 1919, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN617; b. May 15, 1883, England; d. May 26, 1973. ii. ARNOLD ELIJAH BOUTILIER, b. November 11, 1894, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 10, 1966; m.

ELLNA MYRTLE CRAWFORD, November 1920; b. February 09, 1900; d. 1973. iii. HAGLITT SAMUEL BOUTILIER, b. November 28, 1897, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 22,

1972, Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. EDITH MARY PETTIT, December 06, 1923; b. June 26, 1901,

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Russell, MB, CAN; d. June 30, 1938.





1) was born July

21, 1885 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died September 22, 1979. She married (1) AMOS LEESON. She married (2) FRANK HENRY BRETT February 10, 1905. He was born June 12, 1894 in Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died May 13, 1926 in Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Children of EFFIE COLLISHAW and FRANK BRETT are: i. ALBERT FREDERICK

5 BRETT, b. November 28, 1905, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 13, 1981; m. MARY JANE GAY; b. March 17, 1909, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 26, 1973. More about ALBERT FREDERICK BRETT: Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, Burlington, ON, CAN More about MARY JANE GAY: Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, Burlington, ON, CAN

ii. FRANK HENRY BRETT, b. August 04, 1907, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. 1966; m. ELLEN ELIZABETH NAUGLE, June 18, 1940, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. June 02, 1910, Eastern Passage , Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 22, 1972.

iii. MARY JANE BRETT, b. January 27, 1909, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. WILLIAM ALOYSIUS PETERS, October 14, 1931; b. September 03, 1909, NL, CAN; d. July 06, 1986.





1) was born August 25, 1867

in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN618,619,620, and died October 31, 1939 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN621. He married SARAH A. DAUPHINEE December 04, 1890 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN622. She was born August 20, 1872 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN623,624, and died March 02, 1952 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN625. More about LINDSAY HUBLEY: Burial: 1939, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN625 More about SARAH A. DAUPHINEE: Burial: 1952, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN625 Children of LINDSAY HUBLEY and SARAH DAUPHINEE are: i. GUY STANLEY

5 HUBLEY, b. July 21, 1891, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN626; d. November 29, 1968, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN627; m. HAZEL VIOLA (HUBLEY), October 20, 1920628,629; b. 1901630; d. between February 01 - 05, 1969631. Notes for GUY STANLEY HUBLEY: Guy Stanley Hubley and Hazel had no children. More about GUY STANLEY HUBLEY: Baptism: October 02, 1891, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN632 Burial: 1968, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN633 More about HAZEL VIOLA (HUBLEY): Burial: 1969, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN634

ii. ANGUS A. HUBLEY, b. June 25, 1893, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 06, 1917.

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Notes for ANGUS A. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 20: Angus [Hubley] , - - - [served in] W.W.1, killed in action, - - - Angus Hubley's Regimental Number in the Canadian Expeditionary Force of the First World War was 3180781. More about ANGUS A. HUBLEY: Burial: Saint Paul's old Cemetery, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN635

iii. LINDSAY MORTON HUBLEY, b. December 29, 1894, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 06, 1917, Halifax Explosion, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN636. Notes for LINDSAY MORTON HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 20: Lindsay M. , - - - (served in) W.W.1, killed in action, - - - Lindsay Hubley's Regimental Number in the Canadian Expeditionary Force of the First World War was 3180870. He was killed the same day as his brother Angus presumably in the same battle. More about LINDSAY MORTON HUBLEY: Baptism: June 11, 1895, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN637 Burial: 1917, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

iv. ALLAN RAYMOND HUBLEY, b. November 22, 1896, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN638; d. 1954639. More about ALLAN RAYMOND HUBLEY: Baptism (LDS): July 09, 1897, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN640

v. GEORGE HAROLD HUBLEY, b. June 29, 1898, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN641; d. September 1959; m. GRACE IDA BOUTILIER, between 1919 - 1924642; b. 1905; d. August 16, 1985643. More about GEORGE HAROLD HUBLEY: Baptism: March 31, 1899, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN644 More about GRACE IDA BOUTILIER: Burial: Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

vi. IRENE EDITH HUBLEY, b. January 27, 1900, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 01, 1901645. More about IRENE EDITH HUBLEY: Baptism: July 20, 1900, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN646 Burial: 1901, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

vii. SAMUEL LAWRENCE HUBLEY, b. March 21, 1902, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 12, 1961647; m. FRANCES COVEY, about 1930648; b. April 17, 1910, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN649; d. June 03, 1982, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN650. More about SAMUEL LAWRENCE HUBLEY: Baptism: November 07, 1902, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN651 Burial: March 15, 1961, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about FRANCES COVEY: Burial: French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN652

viii. NORA HUBLEY, b. December 05, 1903, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN653; d. March 28, 1978; m. (1) ROBERT LAWRENCE FRASER, about 1930654; b. March 06, 1902; m. (2) JAMES STUDLEY ZINN, June 03, 1939, St. Peter's Anglican, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655. More about NORA HUBLEY: Christening: September 18, 1904, St. Peter's Anglican, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN655

ix. BEATRICE HUBLEY, b. about 1904656; m. CHARLES HUBLEY657, August 20, 1925657.

x. DAISY M. HUBLEY, b. November 29, 1909, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. February 16, 1919658. More about DAISY M. HUBLEY: Burial: 1919, St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

xi. MARJORIE JANE HUBLEY659, b. August 29, 1911660; m. (1) HAROLD RAYMOND POWER; m. (2) ALBERT

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WAY; m. (3) ELMER SANGSTER. Notes for MARJORIE JANE HUBLEY: Research note by James Wright: [Marjorie Hubley] Living in Ontario in 1995.





1) was born October 10, 1865661,662, and

died 1953 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN663. He married MARGARET JANE MOSHER October 20, 1896 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN664. She was born October 31, 1871 in West Jeddore, Halifax Co, NS, CAN665, and died 1951 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN666. More about HARRIS HUBLEY: Burial: 1953, Adventist Cemetery, Tantallion, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about MARGARET JANE MOSHER: Burial: 1951, Adventist Cemetery, Tantallion, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of HARRIS HUBLEY and MARGARET MOSHER are: i. CARRIE

5 HUBLEY, b. about 1897667; d. before 1998. ii. WINNIE HUBLEY, b. about 1899667; d. before 1998. iii. GRETA HUBLEY, b. about 1901667; d. before 1998. iv. MILFORD HUBLEY, b. about 1903667; d. before 1998667. v. VERNON HUMBERT HUBLEY, b. 1905, Farmington , Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. March 18, 1998, Bridgewater

, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN667; m. AMELIA GOULD667; b. about 1920; d. May 17, 2005, Memramcook, NB, CAN.

Notes for VERNON HUMBERT HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Friday 20 March 1998: VERNON HUMBERT HUBLEY HUBLEY, Vernon Humbert - 93, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, died Wednesday, March 18, 1998, in Bridgewater. Born in Farmington, he was a son of the late Harris and Margaret (Mosher) Hubley. He was a member of Bridgewater Seventh -Day Adventist Church, and a former 40-year member of Bridgewater Fire Department Band. Surviving are his wife, the former Amelia Gould; daughters, Lillian (Mrs. Laurel Conrad), Dartmouth; Verna, Bridgewater; sons, Eldon and wife Lillian, Dartmouth; Alvin and wife Whanita, Saint John, N.B.; sister, Isee Longard, Hamilton, Ont.; five grandchildren. He was predeceased by sisters, Carrie, Winnie, Greta; brother, Milford. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today in R.A. Corkum Funeral Home, Wileville. Funeral will be 3 p.m. Saturday in Bridgewater Seventh Day Adventist Church, Rev. Jack LeBlanc officiating. Burial in Brookside Cemetery, Bridgewater Family flowers only. Donations may be made to Bridgewater Inter Church Food Bank or any charity. More about VERNON HUMBERT HUBLEY: Burial: Brookside Cemetery, Bridgewater, NS, CAN Notes for AMELIA GOULD: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald Limited, Thursday, May 19, 2005 AMELIA L. HUBLEY HUBLEY, Amelia L. - 84, Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, died May17, 2005, in South Shore Regional Hospital, Bridgewater. Born in Memramcook, N.B., she was a daughter of the late Israel and Sophie (Richard) Gould. Surviving are her daughters, Verna, Bridgewater; Lillian Conrad (Laurel), Dartmouth; sons, Eldon (Lillian), Dartmouth; Alvin (Whanita), Bedford; brothers, Richard Gould, Middleton, U.S.A.; Gerald (Ri ta) Gould, Sept-Iles, Que.; Ulyeses (Marie-Paul) Gould, Dieppe, N.B.; sisters, Aurore LeBlanc, Freda Cormier, both of College Bridge, N.B.; Jeannine LeBlanc, Memramcook, N.B. ; grandchildren, Trendal, Christine, Colleen, Adam and Melanie; great-grandchildren, Zoey and Chase; numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by husband, Vernon; brothers, Hector, Arthur, Medè, Roger and Norman. Visitation 7-9 p .m. today in R.A. Corkum Funeral Home, Wileville Funeral service 1:30 p.m. Friday in Seventh Day Adventist Church, Greenwood Street,

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Bridgewater, Ken Corkum officiating Burial in Brookside Cemetery, Bridgewater. Family flowers only. Memorial donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society or any charity. More about AMELIA GOULD: Burial: May 20, 2005, Brookside Cemetery, Bridgewater, NS, CAN

vi. ISEE HUBLEY, b. about 1907667; m. MR. LONGARD, about 1929667; b. about 1907667.





1) was born October 1867 in French

Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN668, and died February 18, 1945 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) ANGELINA DEAL669. She was born 1888, and died 1964. He married (2) MAUDE HUBLEY670 August 18, 1898 in Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN671. She was born December 16, 1879672. Notes for WILLIS P HUBLEY: 1901 Census gives his birth date as 20 July 1868. (James A. Hubley) Willis is also listed as William in the obituary for his son Carl. OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 19 February 1945 WILLIS P HUBLEY Willis Hubley, well-known resident of Seabright, Halifax County, died yesterday at the home of his son Gerald Hubley, in Lower Sackville. He was 77 years of age and died after a lengthy illness. Born in Seabright, he had resided there his entire life. Surviving are; his wife Evangeline, three daughters, Eva, at Seabright; Lila, wife of Edgar Manuel of Halifax; and Margaret; who is Mrs. John Kennedy of Halifax; also five sons, Conn and Milton, Halifax; Gerald, Lower Sackville; Cecil, Tantallon; and Carl of Glen Haven. There will be a short funeral service at the Mattatall Funeral Home, 91 Dresden Row, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock following which the remains will go to the church at Tantallon where Rev. A. Blair will officiate at a funeral service. Interment will be in Tantallon Cemetery. Burial: February 21, 1945, Tantallon Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for WILLIS HUBLEY and MAUDE HUBLEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations: August 18, 1898 at Hubley's Settlement, By Lic, Baptist, Willis P. Hubley 31, B, Blacksmith, Residing and Born French Village, son of Alvin and Amelia, Trader, married Maude B. Hubley, 20, S Born in Halifax, Daughter of Peter and Eliza, trader. Witnesses Robie Hubley, Phoebe Hubley Children of WILLIS HUBLEY and ANGELINA DEAL are: i. EVA

5 HUBLEY673.

ii. LILA HUBLEY673, b. 1922674; d. June 04, 1996; m. EDGAR FRANKLYN MANUEL.

Children of WILLIS HUBLEY and MAUDE HUBLEY are: iii. ASIL

5 HUBLEY675.

Notes for ASIL HUBLEY: 1901 Census gives his birth date as 31 Jan. 1890 and his age as one. Correct date of birth should be 31 Jan. 1900, as his mother was born in 1879 and this would have made her eleven when she had him. James A. Hubley The 1911 census has date of birth Feb 1900.


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vi. CECIL ALLEN HUBLEY, b. about 1900, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. July 26, 1983, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. (1) WINIFRED HEFFERNAN

678; b. 1901; d. 1959; m. (2) ANNIE (HUBLEY); d. 1963; m. (3) SARAH RACHEL MACLEAN

679, before 1959; d. July 29, 1968, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. (4) VIOLA BEATRICE PARKS, after 1959; b. about 1901, Aylesford, Kings Co, NS, CAN; d. July 16, 1982, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for CECIL ALLEN HUBLEY: In his obituary his second name is spelled "Allan" and on his gravestone it is spelled "Allen". (James A. Hubley) OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 27 July 1 983 CECIL ALLAN HUBLEY Cecil Allan Hubley, 83, of Tantallon, died Tuesday in the Victoria General Hospital. Born in Seabright, he was a son of the late Willis and Maude (Hubley) Hubley. He is survived by four sons, Garnet, New London, Conn.; Milton, Stoney Creek, Conn.; Alvin, Windsor, Ont.; Brian, Tantallon; one daughter Beryl (Mrs. Norman Hurshman,) Tantallon; one brother Milton, Armdale; and one sister Margaret, (Mrs. John Kennedy), St. Petersburg, Fla.; and 14 grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife Viola, and two brothers and one grandson. The body is in Walker Funeral Home, Seabright. Funeral will be 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Seventh Day Adventist Church, Tantallon, with burial in the church cemetery. More about CECIL ALLEN HUBLEY: Burial: July 28, 1983, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about WINIFRED HEFFERNAN: Burial: 1959, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for ANNIE (HUBLEY): Annie was married to Gerald and after his death she married his brother Cecil Allen Hubley. Source: Step Son Milton Hubley Nov. 2005. More about ANNIE (HUBLEY): Burial: 1963, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for SARAH RACHEL MACLEAN: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 31 July 1968 SARA RACHEL HUBLEY MRS. SARA RACHEL HUBLEY, Tanatallon, wife of Cecil Allen Hubley, died Monday at Victoria General Hospital. The former Rachel MacLean, she is survived by her husband; two sisters, Mary MacLean and Mamie (Mrs. E. MacDonald), both of Baddeck; two nephews and a niece. The body is at Hubley's funeral home, Seabright. Funeral service will be held 2 pm Friday at Seventh Day Adventist Church, Tantallon. Interment will be at Seventh Day Adventist cemetery, Tantallon. More about SARAH RACHEL MACLEAN: Burial: August 02, 1968, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for VIOLA BEATRICE PARKS: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 19 July, 1982 VIOLA BEATRICE HUBLEY Mrs. Viola Beatrice Hubley, 81, of Tantallon, died Friday in the Victoria General Hospital. Born in Aylesford, Kings County, she was a daughter of the late Loring and Emily (Lister) Parks. Surviving is her husband, Cecil; a daughter , Mrs. Mabel Thomas, Halifax; a stepdaughter, Beryl (Mrs. Norman Hurshman),Tantallon; four stepsons, Alvin, Windsor, Ont., Milton, Stoney Creek, Conn., Garnet, New London, Conn., and Brian, Tantallon; two sisters, Mrs. Edella Landry, Toronto, and Gladys (Mrs. Newton Smith), Bathurst, NB; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her first husband, Freeman Warner; a son, Maurice; two brothers, Walter and Albert; three sisters, Edith, L ouise and Lavina. The body is in J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Seabright. Funeral will be 1:30 pm Tuesday in St . Luke's United Church, Tantallon, Rev. Donald Stewart officiating, assisted by Elder Kenneth Corkum, with burial in Aylesford Community Cemetery In lieu of flowers, donations made to the Nova Scotia Heart Foundation. More About VIOLA BEATRICE PARKS: Burial: Aylesford Community Cemetery, Kings Co, NS, CAN

vii. GERALD H. HUBLEY680, b. January 31, 1900; d. 1947; m. ANNIE (HUBLEY) ?; b. 1905; d. 1963.

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Notes for GERALD H. HUBLEY: 1901 Census gives his birth date as 31 Jan. 1890 and his age as one. Correct date of birth should be 31 Jan. 1900, as his mother was born in 1879 and this would have made her eleven when she had him. James A. Hubley 1911 Census has date of birth as Feb 1900. More about GERALD H. HUBLEY: Burial: 1947, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about ANNIE (HUBLEY) ?: Burial: 1963, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

viii. CARL STRATTON HUBLEY681, b. 1906, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 29, 1978, Victoria General

Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. DOROTHY AILEEN SMITH681,682; b. 1910, Glen Haven, Halifax Co,

NS, CAN683; d. January 04, 2005, Seabright Rest Home, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for CARL STRATTON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 31 Ma y 1978 CARL STRATTON HUBLEY TANTALLON - Carl Stratton Hubley, 72, died Monday in Victor ia General Hospital. Born in Seabright, he was a son of the late William and Maude Hubley. He was a grocer at Glen Haven for many years. Surviving are his wife Dorothy Smith , four daughters, Joyce (Mrs. Eric Boutilier), Tantallon; Beatrice (Mrs. Rudolph Cloutier), Alabama; Jean (Mrs. John Belliveau), Glen Haven; Kathleen (Mrs. Wayne Poirier), Port Couqitlan, B.C.; two brothers, Cecil, Tantallon; Milton, Halifax; a sister, Margaret (Mrs. Kennedy), Florida; 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The body is at the J.Albert Walker Funeral Home, Seabright. Funeral will be at 2 p.m. today in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Rev. David Crook officiating. Burial will be in Seventh Day Adventist cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. More about CARL STRATTON HUBLEY: Burial: May 31, 1978, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for DOROTHY AILEEN SMITH: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 6 Jan. 2005 DOROTHY AILEEN "DOT" HUBLEY HUBLEY, Dorothy Aileen "Dot" - 94, Glen Haven, passed away quietly in her sleep January 4, 2005, in Seabright Rest Home, Seabright. Born in Glen Haven, she was a daughter of the late James and Jenny (Smith) Smith. Dot and her husband, Carl operated the Glen Haven General Store and Post Office for many years before retirement. She is survived by daughter, Joyce (Eric) Boutilier, Tantallon; Jean Belliveau, Glen Haven; brothers, Roland, Glen Haven; Melvin, British Columbia; Malcolm, Seabright; James, Glen Haven; Carl, Ontario ; sisters, Beryl Claus, Ontario: Madeline MacMillian, Halifax; 14 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren; nine great great-grandchildren She was predeceased by her husband, Carl S.; daughters, Beatrice and Kathleen; brother, Arnold; sister, Jean; grandson, Wayne; granddaughter, Barbara. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Ronald A. Walker Funeral Home, Tantallon. Funeral service will be held 2 p .m. Friday in Seventh Day Adventist Church, Tantallon, Pastor David Crook officiating. Burial to follow in the church cemetery In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of choice. On-line condolences to: More about DOROTHY AILEEN SMITH: Burial: January 07, 2005, Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ix. MILTON HUMBERT HUBLEY684, b. June 1908, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 21, 1985, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. LENNIE BELLE MCLENNAN; b. 1912, Hackett's Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MILTON HUMBERT HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, Monday, 23 December 1985 MILTON HUMBERT HUBLEY Milton Humbert Hubley, 77, of 9 Fenwood Road, Halifax, died Saturday at home. Born in Seabright, he was a son of the late Willis and Maude (Hubley) Hubley. He was a retired contractor. He is survived by his wife, the former Lennie Mclennan; three sons, Gilbert and Garry, both of Sackville, Paul, Halifax; a sister, Margaret, Florida; seven grandchildren. He was predeceased by three brothers, Gerald, Cecil and Carl. The body is in Snow's Funeral Home, Halifax, where funeral service will be held today at 2 pm, Pastor Barry Hubley officiating. Burial will be in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Sackville. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Nova Scotia Heart Fund or Seventh Day Adventist Church, Tantallon.

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More about MILTON HUMBERT HUBLEY: Burial: December 23, 1985, Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





1) was born July 1873 in French Village,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN685, and died possibly in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. He married CARRIE (HUBLEY) about 1895686. She was born May 1873 in Canada (English)687, and died possibly in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. Notes for ALVIN HUBLEY: Alvin Hubley's name is spelled the same as his father's in the 1881 census of French Village, Nova Scotia, and it is spelled Alvan T. Hubley in the 1900 census of Exeter, New Hampshire. Child of ALVIN HUBLEY and CARRIE (HUBLEY) is: i. ETHYL M.

5 HUBLEY, b. March 1900, Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA688.





1) was born

August 19, 1870689, and died March 31, 1917 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married GEORGE BOYCE April 11, 1898 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN690. He was born May 06, 1869. Children of SARAH MACDONALD and GEORGE BOYCE are: i. FRANK

5 BOYCE, b. June 29, 1899690; d. April 16, 1900, Malden, Middlesex Co, MA, USA. ii. JEAN LOUISE BOYCE, b. July 08, 1901691. iii. DOROTHY BOYCE, b. July 18, 1902691. iv. GEORGE FREDERICK BOYCE, b. August 27, 1904691. v. JOHN MACDONALD BOYCE, b. January 06, 1909691; m. ROZALIND RITA REDDEN, about 1930691; b. about

1909; d. September 09, 2001, Windsor, Hants Co, NS, CAN691. vi. MARGARET BOYCE, b. June 15, 1910691.

100. ALICE





was born 1849692, and died 1935 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN693. She married (1) AMBROSE HUBLEY August 24, 1870 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN694. He was born about 1830 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN695, and died 1884 in Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN696. She married (2) JOSHUA UMLAH about 1886697. He was born 1837698, and died 1922698. Notes for ALICE BOUTILIER: Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 164, #281: Ambrose Hubley, wheelwright, 40 (s/ Jacob & Catherine) born and living St Margaret’s Bay Notes for AMBROSE HUBLEY: Ambose Hubley was a Wheelwright at Saint Margaret's Bay, Halifax County. The birth of Ambrose Hubley occurred in 1832 per cemetery records, but in 1829-1830 per census records. Thus it appears that he was probably born about 1830 and christened in 1832. The Robert Hubley, labourer with Ambose Hubley's family in 1871 at Hammond's Plains is believed to

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be Robert T. Hubley, son of Isaac. Both listings showed his age to be18 years at that time. Ambrose Hubley owned Hubley's Mill and had an accident at his mill which caused his death three years later. His lung was punctured by a log at the lumber mill. He died at age 54. Alice remarried Joshua Umlah and had two sons, Bert and Neil. According to family tradition, as relayed by Hazel (Mont) Bobbit, when Alice remarried Joshua Umlah, he changed all of her property over in his name, and then sold it to the Frasers. They moved to Goodwood, perhaps at that time. Marriage notes for ALICE BOUTILIER and AMBROSE HUBLEY: Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 164, #281: Ambrose Hubley, wheelwright, 40 (s/ Jacob & Catherine) born and living St Margaret’s Bay Children of ALICE BOUTILIER and AMBROSE HUBLEY are: i. ELINOR/HELENA

5 HUBLEY, b. July 06, 1871, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN699; d. 1947700; m. JOHN R. MONT, October 06, 1897, Northwest Arm, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN701; b. 1872, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN702.

ii. ENETTA HUBLEY, b. February 1873, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN703; d. 1938, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; m. ISAAC YEADON, about 1899704; b. about 1873. Notes for ISAAC YEADON: Family research, in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, states "Nettie Hubley married Isaac Yeadon who at the time was a widower with children, these include: Katy and Bessie - married?" It also state s "They (Enetta and Isaac) had children."

iii. HERBERT ALLEN HUBLEY, b. August 25, 1874, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN705; d. 1927706; m. ELIZABETH ANNE BISHOP, December 28, 1904707; b. about 1880.

iv. ARTHUR HUBLEY, b. 1876, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN708; d. 1877, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN709. v. ENESIMUS HUBLEY, b. 1878, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN710; m. MAY DIXON, about 1899711; b. about

1878; d. about 1910712. vi. AUSTIN HUBLEY, b. May 1880, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN713; m. EDITH JONES, about 1905714; b.

about 1880. vii. FOSTER HUBLEY, b. 1882, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN715; d. 1883, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN716. viii. MYRTLE HUBLEY, b. 1884717; d. 1976, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN718.

Notes for MYRTLE HUBLEY: Myrtle was a spinster.


5 UMLAH, b. 1888719; d. 1973720; m. MINNIE BEAZLEY, about 1909720; b. about 1890. x. BERT UMLAH, b. 1890720; d. 1971720; m. ISABELLA UMLAH, about 1911720; b. about 1890.

Notes for BERT UMLAH: Bert and his wife Isabella have the same birth names. Were they related and how?





JOHANNES1) was born July 12, 1874 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN721. He married ELLEN

MAUDE FRIZZELL about 1896. She was born April 23, 1875722.

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5 HUBLEY, b. May 24, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN722.





1) was born April 07,

1855 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN723, and died December 10, 1914 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN724. He married MARTHA ELLA MASON April 14, 1881 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN725. She was born November 21, 1859 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN726, and died October 23, 1940 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN727. Child of JOSEPH HAWES and MARTHA MASON is: i. GERTRUDE

5 HAWES, b. October 05, 1888, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN728; d. December 02, 1971, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN729; m. EDWIN MASON, January 18, 1905, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN730; b. about 1885.





1) was born

October 19, 1858 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN731. She married (1) SAMUEL WILLIAM CARR April 29, 1877 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN732. He was born about 1855. She married (2) JOSEPH AUGUSTUS MASON April 23, 1883 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN733. He was born about 1855. Children of HANNAH HAWES and SAMUEL CARR are: i. SARAH C.

5 CARR, b. about 1877. ii. ELLEN CARR, b. about 1879.





1) was born August

25, 1861734, and died 1924 in St. Dennis Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) ELLEN DEBAIE September 03, 1883 in St. Peters Catholic Church, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (2) ANGELINA SHELLNUT January 13, 1892 in St. Peters Catholic Church, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (3) EMMA LAWLOR April 09, 1902 in St. Peters Catholic Church, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Children of ALEXANDER MCKAY and ELLEN DEBAIE are: i. SAMUEL FRANCIS

5 MCKAY, b. February 12, 1886, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN734. ii. MARY MCKAY, b. December 07, 1887, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN734. iii. JAMES WILLIAM MCKAY, b. January 18, 1888, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN734. iv. MATHEW MCKAY, b. November 29, 1890734; d. 1960.

More about MATHEW MCKAY: Burial: St. Dennis Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. CLYDE MCKAY, b. March 06, 1892734. vi. MILLIE MCKAY, b. May 13, 1896734. vii. JOSEPH MCKAY, b. October 21, 1898734.

105. JAMES




1) was born February 24,

1862 in Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN734, and died 1939. He married AGNES DEBAIE September 01, 1890 in St. Peters Catholic Church, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born April 20, 1872734.

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More about JAMES MCKAY: Burial: St. Dennis Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about AGNES DEBAIE: Burial: St. Dennis Cemetery, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of JAMES MCKAY and AGNES DEBAIE are: i. WALLACE

5 MCKAY734, b. November 24, 1891.

ii. CLARANCE MCKAY734, b. July 12, 1892.

iii. CHARLES MCKAY734, b. June 22, 1893.

iv. PATRICK MCKAY734, b. August 23, 1899.

v. JOHN MCKAY734, b. September 10, 1900.

vi. ALBERT MCKAY735, b. April 1902.

vii. LEROY MCKAY735, b. February 1904.





1) was born November

16, 1856 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN736, and died June 12, 1923 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN737. She married LEVI WHITMAN December 02, 1880 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN738. He was born October 29, 1850 in Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN739, and died August 16, 1926 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN740. Notes for SARAH ELIZABETH HUBLEY: There is a little marker next to the grave of Levi Whitman's wife which is assumed to be his grave. More about SARAH ELIZABETH HUBLEY: Burial: June 14, 1923, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: April 03, 1857, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for LEVI WHITMAN: Levi Whitman was a Sea Cook (Chief Steward). Burial: August 18, 1926, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of SARAH HUBLEY and LEVI WHITMAN are: i. ELLA MAUDE

5 WHITMAN, b. October 18, 1881, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN741; d. December 18, 1957, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA742. More about ELLA MAUDE WHITMAN: Burial: December 29, 1957, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. STELLA MAE WILSON WHITMAN, b. June 15, 1885, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN743; d. September 28, 1918, New Harbour, Guysborough Co, NS, CAN744; m. JOHN IRA CLIFTON HENDERSON, November 07, 1906, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN745; b. November 20, 1881, New Harbour, Guysborough Co, NS, CAN746; d. March 27, 1971, Providence, Providence Co, RI, USA747. Notes for STELLA MAE WILSON WHITMAN: Research Note by Brian Beazley:

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Occupation: School Teacher. - - - Buried: Sep 30 1918 Riverside Cemetery, New Harbour, NS More about STELLA MAE WILSON WHITMAN: Burial: September 30, 1918, New Harbour, Guysborough Co, NS, CAN748 Notes for JOHN IRA CLIFTON HENDERSON: Research Note by Brian Beazley: Baptized: May 25 1882 (son of Adam Elijah Henderson and Eunice Katherine Nickerson) Occupation: Fisherman. - - - Buried: April 1 1971 Spring Vale Cemetery, Providence, RI (ref. 107). More about JOHN IRA CLIFTON HENDERSON: Burial: April 01, 1971, Providence, Providence Co, RI, USA749

iii. ELMA WINIFRED WHITMAN, b. June 10, 1888, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN750; d. March 06, 1896, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN751. More about ELMA WINIFRED WHITMAN: Burial: March 07, 1896, St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Fact 2: March 07, 1896

iv. KENT ALEXANDER WHITMAN, b. May 16, 1891, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN752; d. March 03, 1896, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN753. More about KENT ALEXANDER WHITMAN: Burial: St James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





1) was born September

28, 1858 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN754, and died July 08, 1917 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN755. He married JANE OLIVIA HAMILTON756 April 30, 1882 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN757. She was born April 26, 1864 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN758, and died January 18, 1943 in Redwood City, San Mateo Co, CA, USA759. Notes for WILLIAM HENRY HUBLEY: In the 1871 census (Halifax East) William is listed as living with his parents and siblings. At the time he was 12 years of age. They lived in dwelling # 89 and they were family 108. The 1881 census (Halifax County-Pope's Harbour) William is listed as living with his parents and siblings in dwelling 126 and as the 128th family surveyed. His future wife Jane Hamilton is also included in this census. The 1901 census lists William, Jane and 9 children in household 60. Children listed in census were: Willie 29 Mar 1883; Mabel 16 Jan 1885; Sarah 3 Nov 1886; Isaac 13 Nov 1888; Thomas 7 Sept 1890; Cecil 4 Nov 1892; Ira 2 Jan 1895; Arthur 12 Jul 1897; Johnnie 31 Dec 1899 There are 2 records for William's birth and baptism recorded in the Tangier Parish Fonds. The data on p11 of the fonds are reflected in the birth date as shown. On p12 of the fonds the dates are exactly 2 years earlier. The 1911 census shows William and Jane still living in Spry Bay. Son William, daughters Mable and Sarah have married and moved out on their own. But the rest of the family still lived with them. As identified in the censuses up to and including the 1911 census, William and his family lived exclusively in Spry Bay, NS. The 1914 directory which included all of Halifax County shows William as head of the household still living in Spry Bay. However by this time several of the children had married and moved and some of the sons had moved to Halifax City. Based on info filed with The Halifax Relief Commission in Dec 1917, Jane stated they had lived in Halifax for 3 or 4 years. William died in Halifax in July 1917. During his years on the Eastern Shore he and his family sustained themselves by fishing.

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At the time of his death in 1917 he worked as a janitor for the Church of the Reformer (earning $1.00 per wk), a job taken over by his wife, Jane. Obituary: The Acadian Recorder (Halifax newspaper), Monday July 9, 1917 WILLIAM HUBLEY "William Hubley, aged 56 years, a fisherman, passed away yesterday at his home, 17 Brunswick St. The remains will be taken to Spry Bay for interment." More about WILLIAM HENRY HUBLEY: Burial: July 10, 1917, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Census: Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; Census: 1901 census Christening: February 13, 1859, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for JANE OLIVIA HAMILTON: Both the 1871 & 1881 census shows Jane residing in Pope's Harbour NS. Jane was age 7. In the 1871 census she is shown living with her parents (William & Matilda) in dwelling # 79. (William Hubley resided in Dwelling 89.) The family belonged to the Church of England. (William Hamilton was 47 years of age and was born in Ireland). (Matilda was 27 years of age and was of English Descent). However in the 1881 census Jane, her Mother Matilda, and her siblings are listed as living with Fred Boutilier and his children in dwelling 67. Presumably Jane's father had died prior to this. The 1911 census identifies Jane's religion as Presbyterian, which is different from previously, where she was identified as Anglican. She had 2 of her sons, who had predeceased her, buried in Presbyterian cemeteries Based on the 1930 U S census Jane immigrated into the U S in 1929. She went to live with William and his family who had moved there a few years earlier. Children of WILLIAM HUBLEY and JANE HAMILTON are: i. WILLIAM HAMILTON

5 HUBLEY760, b. March 29, 1883, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN761,762; d. July 08, 1967,

Redwood City, San Mateo Co, CA, USA763; m. SUSANNAH LOUISA CONNORS764, July 16, 1908, St. James

Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN765,766; b. April 27, 1888, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 23, 1918, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN767. Notes for WILLIAM HAMILTON HUBLEY: The 1901 census shows him living at home with his parents and siblings. In the 1911 Census William, his wife Susie, daughter Dora and son George were living in Spry Bay NS. His occupation is listed as Fisherman. William(Jr.) is identified as head of the household in the 1914 Halifax City Directory, which included all of the county, as being a fisherman living in Spry Bay NS. There is no clarity as to a general timeframe for the family moving to Halifax City. However the rest of his family moved in the 1914-1915 timeframe and his wife Susie died in Halifax in Oct 1918. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1923, probably moving directly to California. His family followed in 1926. This is based on the information contained in the 1930 USA census. It shows that at the time of the census the family was living in a rented home, paying $40/month. He was employed in the plastering business. Son George was employed "shipping meat". The daughters Thelma Seretha and Mabel Marietta were unemployed. There is no mention of Dora May, who by that time may have married and been on her own. His mother Jane had moved to California from Nova Scotia in 1929 and was now living with William and his Family.

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More about WILLIAM HAMILTON HUBLEY: Baptism: February 13, 1859, St James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Census: Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Social Security Number: California, USA Notes for SUSANNAH LOUISA CONNORS: 1901 Census- Halifax County- Spry Bay P5 shows Susannah Connor living with her parents in dwelling 42. (William Hubley resided in dwelling #60 in this survey.) Susan Hubley, beloved wife of Wm Hubley, who died at Halifax, Oct 23rd, 1918 of TBC was this day interred in St James Church Cemetery, Oct 29, 1918. Aged 30 years More about SUSANNAH LOUISA CONNORS: Burial: October 29, 1918, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage Notes for WILLIAM HUBLEY and SUSANNAH CONNORS: As recorded in Tangier Parish Fonds: AD1908 William Hamilton Hubley of Spry Bay (Bachelor) and Susannah Louise Connors of Spry Bay (Spinster) were this day united by one in the banns of Holy Matrimony in St James Church, Spry Bay (under a license dated July13, 1908) on Thursday July 16, 1908. Signed ------ Rector of Tangier Witnesses Isaac Edmund Hubley, Mary Catherine Boutilier

ii. ELLA MABEL HUBLEY768, b. January 12, 1885, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN769; d. December 08, 1975,

Redwood City, San Mateo Co, CA, USA770; m. ROBERT E. MASON771,772, January 02, 1907, Spry Bay, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN; b. May 24, 1883, St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ELLA MABEL HUBLEY: In the 1901 census Mabel was still living at home Mable moved to California after her marriage to Robert E Mason. The exact date is unknown. Brother William also moved to California. Mabel moved to Redwood City California. The 1930 USA census indicates Mabel was living in Hillsborough, San Mateo, California employed as a servant in a private Residence. She lived at the time in her employer's residence. The census indicates she was single at that time and that she had immigrated to the USA in 1910. Some years later she was joined by her brother William and her Mother Jane. She is not known to have ever returned to Nova Scotia; however, she maintained close contact with her sister-in-law Pearl Hubley. In 1967 she wrote about the Hubley descendents living in California and about a planned trip "home". It is not known if her husband Robert went to California with her. There is no indication she had any children herself. The descendents she refers to appear to be the children and grandchildren of her brother William Hamilton. The Halifax City Directories have entries for a Robert E Ma son (Mabel's husband?) starting in 1912. He worked as a Pressman at various printing companies. Robert was on Active Service throughout WWW1. He lived at various addresses in the city. Further research is required to determine if this was Mabel's husband. More about ELLA MABEL HUBLEY: Christening: March 01, 1885, St. James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Social Security Number: California, USA Notes for ROBERT E. MASON: Shown living with his parents Ira and Rosanna Mc Alpines Halifax city directory (1913) has Robert E Mason and presumably Mable living at 21 Russell St. He worked for Richmond printing as a Pressman. The city directories up to 1924 indicate Mable and Robert continued to live in Halifax City. Mable moved to California, probably before 1930. It is not known if her husband Robert ever moved to California. There is no record of Mable and Robert having any children. Letters and other documentation indicate Mable lived near or with her brother William and Mother Jane in California. Marriage Notes for ELLA HUBLEY and ROBERT MASON: WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT: The Presbyterian Witness, Sat. Jan 12, 1907, Vol. LX, No. 2, P.16: Hubley, Ella Mabel, eldest d/of Mr. & Mrs. William Hubley of Spry Bay, Halifax Co, married 2 Jan, 1907 Robert Ensley Mason, of Halifax, by Rev. J.R. MacDonald of Sheet Harbour, at the home of the bride.

iii. SARAH MARIETTE (SADIE) HUBLEY773, b. November 04, 1886, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN774; d. before

1942; m. HARRY WILMONT PREST, March 17, 1908, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN775; b. May 16, 1885, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN776; d. November 08, 1973, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN.

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Notes for SARAH MARIETTE (SADIE) HUBLEY: Sarah (or as she preferred to be called Sadie) had married in Mar 1908 and when the census of 1911 was taken she was living in Spry Harbour with husband Harry, son Thorton, and daughter Laurie. The 1930 US Census lists her son Thornton as head of the household, living with his 2 sisters. At the time they were renting and paying $50.00 per month. Thornton's year of immigration into the U S is shown as 1927, Laurie is shown as 1927; while Gladys is shown as 1926. Thorton is listed as a packer employed by a storage Co, Laurie was employed by a publishing Co in a clerical job. Gladys was not employed. The three are listed as born in Canada. They had a radio. Neither Sarah nor Harold Prest could be found in the 1930 U S census reports. It is not known if Sarah was still living at that time although Harold was. In a letter dated March 1, 1980, Sarah's daughter Gladys wrote from Detroit; "Mom and I never went to church after we moved here. She worked on Sundays." This offers reasonable proof that Sarah had moved to Detroit. Her daughters Laurie and Gladys maintained close contact with family in Nova Scotia, often making the trip. It is not known when Sarah died; however, her husband Harry remarried in 1942. A letter from her sister Mabel written in 1967 refers to her dead sister. One possible record of her death is: Death Record: Sadie Prest Name: Sadie Prest Vol or book/page: 7/150- St Clair Co Mi Source: Index of Deaths 1890-1932 Death date: 1930 Place of Death: St Clair Co MI There is no other supporting evidence that supports this being Sarah Marriette Hubley and therefore needs investigation. See obituary for her husband. More about SARAH MARIETTE (SADIE) HUBLEY: Christening: April 03, 1887, St. James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN777 Notes for HARRY WILMONT PREST: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald Nov 13, 1973 HARRY WILMONT PREST Kentville - Harry W Prest, 88 died in Nova Scotia Sanitorium, Kentville. Born in Spry Harbour, he was the son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Prest. Surviving besides his wife, the former Margaret Christina DeBay Miller, are two daughters, Laurie (Mrs. Robert Cook) and Gladys (Mrs. G Kroepel), both of Detroit. Mich; one niece Evangeline (Mrs. W Matheson), Elmsvale, four steps-sons and four step-daughters He was predeceased by his first wife and two sons. More about HARRY WILMONT PREST: Christening: August 09, 1894, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN778

iv. EDMUND ISAAC HUBLEY779, b. November 13, 1888, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN780; d. May 05, 1914, Spry

Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for EDMUND ISAAC HUBLEY: The 1901 and 1911 censuses reflect Isaac's birth date and the fact he lived at home with his family. In 1911, at the age of 23 he was the oldest child still living with William and Jane. He is listed as being a fisherman. More about EDMUND ISAAC HUBLEY: Baptism: February 03, 1889, St James Anglican Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN781 Burial: St. James Anglican Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. THOMAS CAMPBELL HUBLEY782, b. September 03, 1890, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN783; d. September 12,

1968, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN784; m. CATHERINE HAGERTY785; b. January 27, 1896786.

Notes for THOMAS CAMPBELL HUBLEY: The first indication of Thomas having moved into Halifax City is found in the Halifax City Directory of 1916, where he is listed as a Barber with E Pettipas, and living in a house at 57 Louisbourg. It appears he was living with his brother, Ira Hubley at 117 Upper Water at the time of the Halifax Explosion. Based on records he

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moved in with his mother, 2 brothers, and his sister-in-law Pearl immediately after the disaster. He was a career barber and lived continuously in the south end of Halifax City after moving into the city. The baptismal records of his daughter Greta show Thomas was a barber living at 345 Barrington St & the baptismal record of his daughter Vilma shows him living at 15 Buckingham St Halifax. OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 15 Se pt. 1968 THOMAS CAMPBELL HUBLEY THOMAS CAMPBELL HUBLEY, 77, of 5238 Smith Street, Halifax died Friday. He was born at Spry Bay and was a retired barber. He is survived by his wife Catherine, daughter of the late Captain Edward and Catherine Hagerty; two daughters, Greta (Mrs. Rene Simard), Vilma (Mrs. Irving Woodworth), Windsor, Ont.; one sister, Mrs. Mabel Mason, Redwood City, Calif. The body is at the Halifax Funeral Home, Quinpool Road. Funeral service will be held from there at 11 a.m. Tuesday with Rev. H. B. Wainwright officiating. Interment will be in St. John's Cemetery. More about THOMAS CAMPBELL HUBLEY: Burial: St. John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN787 Christening: December 25, 1890, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN788

vi. WALTER CECIL HUBLEY789, b. November 02, 1893, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN790.

Notes for WALTER CECIL HUBLEY: The 1901 census records Walter Cecil's birth year as 1892, however the Tangier Parish Fonds record his birth year as 1893, with Baptism in 1894. The Halifax city directory of 1915 shows Cecil and his brother Ira working in Halifax at Brookfield Bros. Both lived at 117 Upper Water Street. Sometime around 1919 he moved to 121 Windsor Street and later was employed Scotia Pure Milk. The last found trace of Cecil is 1923 when he lived at 232 Almon. More about WALTER CECIL HUBLEY: Christening: March 05, 1894, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN790

vii. IRA AUSTEN HUBLEY791, b. January 13, 1895, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN792; d. December 06, 1917,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. PEARL ETTA SPEARS793, June 06, 1917, St. Matthew's Presbyterian Church,

Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN794; b. August 13, 1897, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN795; d. January 09, 1992, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN795. Notes for IRA AUSTEN HUBLEY: Halifax Explosion Remembrance Book, A List of Those Who Died: Fatality no.: 217 Ira Hubley of 117 Upper Water St., Halifax, NS. Died: 06 December 1917 Other names: Austin Gender: male Age: 23 Occupation: Stevedore Furness Withy Pier 8 Religion: St Mathew's Presbyterian Found: Pier 8 Identified by: William Hubley Family: Wife Pearl Spears 20, son Ira Austin born Mar. 26, 1918, Jane Hubley Note: Trinity Church HRC Scrap Book 530p11; 501 Robie St. Sources: City Directory 1918, GANS list, HRC Claims 230 5 HRC The first indication Ira had moved to Halifax City from Spry Bay is in the 1915 City Directory where he is listed as living at 117 Upper Water St and being employed at Brookfield Bros. Although he continued to live at 117 Upper Water with his brothers, he went to work as a stevedore with Furness Withy at Pier 8 in Halifax. He was at work at Pier 8 on t he morning of Dec 6, 1917, when , the Mont Blanc and the Imo collided in what has been refer to as The Halifax Explosion. Ira was killed instantly. His Certificate of Registration of Death reads "the cause of death being shock due to injury". Exactly 6 months prior to his death Ira had married Pearl Spears. At the time of his death she was 5 months pregnant. On Dec 21, 1917 Pearl filed a request for assistance with the Halifax Relief Committee, for food clothing and long term assistance. That application indicates Ira and Pearl were living at 501 Robie St but with the disaster she had moved into 9 Brunswick Court, with her Mother-in-Law and three brother-in-laws. It would appear that several members of the family were either forced to seek common shelter because of damages to their

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living premises, or did so voluntarily. Ira's mother, Jane who also filed a claim for food and damages, was living at 124 Cunard St on Dec 6 but abandoned it and moved into 9 Brunswick Court. There are various documents that lead one to believe 9 Brunswick Court was a residence belonging to the Church of Redeemer. Jane's husband William had been the Janitor there prior to his death. His salary is shown as $1.00 weekly. There is a reference to Jane being janitor at the church, which explains how they would have known about the residence and gained access. The Halifax Relief Committee maintained regular contact with Ira's family and recorded all developments. Their notes show the plight of his family during this period: Case: Hubley #2305, 9 Brunswick Court

Jan 12/18: Woman at office expects to remain with her mother-in-law until after confinement, probably June. Only needs emergent relief in clothing and food. Emergent order for clothing sent. Joan Gardiner. Jan 30/18: Visited Mrs. Hubley, who is living with her mother-in-law until after confinement, which will be in March. Mrs Hubley's husband was killed at Pier#8 on the morning of the explosion. So far she has received no compensation money and wants food ticket continued. Husband was a stevedore, with I.C. R. and Furness Withy. Average weekly wage of $30. Her Doctor is Dr. Thomas but she would like a V.O.N. later. Wants baby’s layette Would suggest continuing food. Referred to VON D. M. Murray Weekly cash allowance of $12 has been granted by the Commission Board. Joan Gardner. Mar 28/18: Visited. Woman ill, was confined Tuesday last. Baby a fine healthy boy, weighs about 12 pounds. Mother-in-law in attendance Woman is concerned about her allowance, wants to know how long it will continue. Visitor told woman not to worry, as she would be well looked after. Promised to call again. G.E. Blakeney. Mar 19/18: Claim for clothing and personal effects settled in full, $12. May 11/18: Visited, woman not at home, left message with mother-in-law to have woman call at office and fill revised cash allowance form. Reid, Burns. May 14/18: Woman at office. Claims husband's average wage was $25.00 per week, says he usually made between 25 and 32 dollars. Man left no insurance nor savings of any kind. Claim for personal effects has been settled. Mrs. Hubley intends to move to Cornwallis Street, June 1st. Reid, Burns. May 16th/18: Permanent Widow's Pension amounting to $48.00 per month gone through this date, payment to begin June 1st . See duplicate notification attached. Walker, Fraser. June 20/18: Visited. Saw Mrs. Ira Hubley re house on Commons. Said that present house belonged to the Church of the Redeemer, and was a perquisite of the Janitor. Mrs. Hubley’s Mother-in-law, had held that office, but did so no longer. The present Janitor - now living in Dartmouth - was anxious to get the house. Mrs. Hubley had left her house on Robie St. when her husband was killed, and has gone to live with Mother-in-law. The other rooms were immediately taken, so cannot get them. Still means to live with Mother-in-law. The family consists of four - Mrs. Hubley, Senior - Mrs. Boutilier, the elder Mrs. Hubley's Mother, and Mrs. Ira Hubley, and her sister, and baby. They had seen Mr. Hall, and had put in an application. Visitor interviewed Housing Committee on return, and was told there would be nothing until July, if then. Phoned Mrs. Hubley to that effect. Baby Hubley has whooping cough. House on Cornwallis St. was rented to someone else. Falconer, Printer. July 4/18: Visited Mrs. Hubley. Baby very bad with whooping cough. Mother quite well. Family still anxious to get house. Visitor has again referred this matter to Mr. Hall, Housing Dept. who reports there are no houses to be had at present, but will let visitor know of first vacancy. Blakeney, Printer.

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July 11/18: Mrs. Ternan, Children’s Dept., reports Mr. Legal, Pastor of Church of Redeemer, where she has rooms, states Mrs. Hubley has mother in French Village with whom several of the children used to stay, and where she could go now if she desired. Said, although Mrs. Hubley had three sons who could have taken care of the church and that she had been informed by him family could remain there if they would do the work. They refused to do it, and he himself had been obliged to sweep the church and attend furnace, and so forth. Walker, Rundle. July 8/18: Dr Thomas phoned. He stated that he had this family under his care. Child is very ill with whooping-cough. Family much upset, having received a notice to leave house at once. Dr. Thomas phoned landlord, who had sent reconstruction people in, asking him to hold off work for a day or so, until some arrangements could be made for the family on account of illness of child. Asks if Relief can do anything in this matter. Case referred to district for immediate investigation. S. Haliburton. More about IRA AUSTEN HUBLEY: Burial: December 13, 1917, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN796 Christening: April 28, 1895, St. James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for PEARL ETTA SPEARS: Pearl Etta (Spears) Hubley, a daughter of William and Mae Spears of Beaver Harbour, died 9 January 1992 age 94 years. Survived by her son Ira A. [Hubley] of Halifax. Predeceased by her husband Ira Hubley. Burial at Mount Herman Cemetery in Dartmouth. More about PEARL ETTA SPEARS: Burial: Mount Herman Cemetery, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for IRA HUBLEY and PEARL SPEARS: St Matthews Presbyterian Church, 1917 Marriages by Rev. John A Clark D.D.: June 6, Ira Austin Hubley, bachelor of Halifax to Pearl Etta Spears, spinster, of Halifax in presence of Dora Spears and Arthur B. Hubley on Wednesday, June 6, 1917.

viii. ARTHUR BERTRAM HUBLEY797, b. July 08, 1897, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN798; d. September 1964,

Binghamton, Broome Co, NY, USA; m. MARY HENNIGAN799; b. July 26, 1900, NS, CAN; d. October 1991,

Binghamton, Broome Co, NY, USA. Notes for ARTHUR BERTRAM HUBLEY: The 1930 U.S census lists Arthur and wife Mary living in Binghamton, Broome Co, NY. The survey identifies Arthur's estimated birth year as about 1896, and Mary's as about 1901. The birthplace is identified as Nova Scotia. The 3 daughters were Audrey G. (about 1923), Patricia M. (about 1926), and Lorraine J. (about 1929). The two oldest Daughters were born in Nova Scotia while the youngest is listed as having been born in NY State. The census also shows that at that time Arthur was employed as a lineman for the Telephone Company. They rented a house for $28 per month and they owned a radio. Arthur had moved into Halifax City around 1913. During WW W I he was on Active Service. In 1919 he had gone to work at N S Tram & Power, and in 1920 he went to work with Maritime Telegraph & Telephone. Note: (The census shows the 2nd daughter Patricia born in Nova Scotia, even though her birth date is after the reported immigration date for the parents.) Arthur and his family frequently returned to N S, and maintained close contact with his remaining NS family. More about ARTHUR BERTRAM HUBLEY: Christening: October 1897, St. James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ix. JOHN ALEXANDER (JOHNNIE) HUBLEY799, b. December 31, 1899, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800; d. July

26, 1914800. Notes for JOHN ALEXANDER (JOHNNIE) HUBLEY: Very little is known about Johnnie. He died at the young age of 14. Cause of death is not known. More about JOHN ALEXANDER (JOHNNIE) HUBLEY: Burial: July 28, 1914, Presbyterian Burial Grounds Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800 Christening: May 27, 1900, St. James Church Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN800

x. REUBEN AYLWIN HUBLEY801, b. June 11, 1902, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN802.

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Notes for REUBEN AYLWIN HUBLEY: Presumably Reuben had moved into Halifax City in the 1914 timeframe with his parents and continued to live with them. In 1918 after several members of the family had moved in together at 9 Brunswick Court Reuben is shown in the City Directory as being a salesman with Cragg Bros. (An advertisem*nt in the 1918 directory shows Cragg Bros was a "Hardware, Sporting Goods & Kitchen Furnishings" store). Directories up to 1923 show Reuben continued to live in Halifax/Da rtmouth. No trace of Reuben is found after that date. More about REUBEN AYLWIN HUBLEY: Christening: April 15, 1903, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN802





1) was born October 19,

1862 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN803, and died 1941 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN804. He married FLORENCE MAY CONNORS January 28, 1889 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN805,806. She was born January 28, 1868 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN807, and died 1952808. Notes for GEORGE ISAAC HUBLEY: Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" has him born in 1863 while the 1901 census has his birth date as 19 Oct. 1865. Burial: 1941, St Bee's Cemetery, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN Notes for FLORENCE MAY CONNORS: 1901 census gives her birth date as 27 Jan. 1868 where she is listed as Mrs. Geo Hubley. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF FLORENCE HUBLEY This is the last will and testament of me, FLORENCE HUBLEY, of Westville, in the County of Pictou and province of Nova Scotia, Widow, made the 6th day of September, A.D., 1946. I hereby revoke all former wills and testamentary dispositions at any time heretofore made by me and declare this only to be and contain my last will and testament. I nominate and appoint CATHERINE MURRAY, wife of Goodwill Murray of Stellarton, Nova Scotia, to be the executrix of this my last will and testament. I direct my executrix above named to pay all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses out of my estate as soon as convenient may be after my decease. I give, devise and bequeath unto my daughter, JESSIE MCCULLOCH, wife of Sherman McCulloch of Petitcodiac, New Brunswick, the organ at present in my home in Westville, aforesaid. I give, devise and bequeath unto my daughter, CATHERINE MURRAY, aforesaid all the remainder of my property both real and personal, and of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of September, A.D., 1946. Signed, published and declared by the said FLORENCE HUBLEY, the Testatrix, as and for her Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, both present together at the same time, Sgd. FLORENCE HUBLEY and in her presence, at her request, and in the presence of each other, our have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the "due" to the due execution thereof. Sgd. ELSIE MURRAY

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Sdg. W.A. RICHARDSON Burial: 1952, St Bee's Cemetery, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for GEORGE HUBLEY and FLORENCE CONNORS: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations: January 28, 1889 Spry Bay, By License, Church of England, George I. Hubley 24, B, residing and Born Spry Bay, son of Charles and Sarah, married Florence m. Connors, 21, S, daughter of George A. and Susanna L. Children of GEORGE HUBLEY and FLORENCE CONNORS are: i. CYRIL

5 HUBLEY809.

ii. ROBERT FIRMAN HUBLEY, b. November 29, 1889, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN810; d. October 30, 1918811; m. ADA MAY ? MACDONALD, about 1910812,813; b. about 1890. More about ROBERT FIRMAN HUBLEY: Baptism: February 02, 1890, St James Anglican Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Burial: 1918, St. Sever Cemetery and Extension (Rouen)

iii. ANNA MAUDE HUBLEY, b. December 14, 1890, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN814; d. 1891815. More about ANNA MAUDE HUBLEY: Baptism: 1891816

iv. SARAH CATHERINE HUBLEY817, b. December 13, 1891, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN818; d. 1976819; m.

GOODWILL MURRAY, about 1915820; b. about 1890. More about SARAH CATHERINE HUBLEY: Baptism: March 06, 1892, St James Anglican Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN821

v. GEORGE ISAAC HUBLEY, b. about 1892822; d. 1908823. vi. ALEXANDER RANDOLPH HUBLEY

824, b. August 30, 1893, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN825; d. July 18, 1971, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN; m. EDITH MORGAN, about 1915; b. About 1905, Dominion, Cape Breton Co, NS, CAN; d. July 29, 1972, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN. Notes for ALEXANDER RANDOLPH HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 21 July 1971 ALEXANDER RANDOLPH HUBLEY WESTVILLE - Alexander Randolph Hubley, 78, of College Street, Westville died Sunday at home following a lengthly illness. Born in Spry Bay, Halifax County, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Hubley. He was employed at Maritime Steel for 40 years. Surviving are his wife, Edith; son, Randy, Westville; four daughters, Irwinna (Mrs. Donald Wilson), Greenhill; Jean (Mrs. Gordon Doggett), Salem; Florence (Mrs. Arthur Hooghe) and Frances (Mrs. Alex Procyk), both of Vancouver; 11 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren; two brothers, Roy, Westville and Archie, New Glasgow; three sisters, Mrs. Kate Murray, Stellarton; Mrs. Jessie MacCully, Petitcodiac, N.B.; Mrs. Daisy Langille, Malagash. Three brothers and a sister predeceased him. The body is at Eagles Funeral Home, Westville where funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Heatherdale Memorial Gardens. Baptism: January 07, 1894, St James Anglican Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN825 Burial: July 21, 1971, Heatherdale Memorial Gardens, Pictou Co, NS, CAN Notes for EDITH MORGAN: OBITUARY:, Chronicle Herald 31 July 1972 EDITH HUBLEY WESTVILLE - Mrs. Alex Hubley, 67, College Street, Westville, died Saturday in Aberdeen Hospital. Born in Dominion, Cape Breton, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan. Surviving are four daughters, Irwina (Mrs. Donald Wilson), Jean (Mrs. Gordon Doggett), both of Green Hill; Florence (Mrs. Atthur Hooghe) and Frances (Mrs. Alex Procyk), both of Vancouver; one son, Randy, Westville; 12 grandchildren and two great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Allison Purdy, New Waterford. She was predeceased by her husband one year ago, also by three sisters, one brother and one great-grandson. The body is at Eagles Funeral Home,

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Westville, where funeral will be held today at 2 p.m. Rev. Arthur Storey officiating. Interment will be in Heatherdale Memorial Gardens. Burial: July 31, 1972, Heatherdale Memorial Gardens, Pictou Co, NS, CAN

vii. MARGARET HUBLEY, b. about 1894826. viii. MINA BELLE HUBLEY, b. December 10, 1895, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN827; d. 1971828; m. GEORGE

Mcnu*tT, about 1915; b. about 1890. ix. HAROLD HUBLEY, b. August 06, 1896829; d. before 1991830.

Notes for HAROLD HUBLEY: Harold is stated as being born about 1896 by Robert H. Crowther’s and Brain W. Beazley and the source given is Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul. 1997. Yet he doesn't appear in the 1901 census or for that matter is he in his brother Archibald's obituary. Further research will be needed to confirm this. (James A. HUbley)

x. HOWARD RAEBURN HUBLEY831, b. August 06, 1897; d. 1938832.

xi. ARCHIBALD MERRILL HUBLEY, b. November 13, 1900, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 19, 1979, Riverton Heights, Pictou Co, NS, CAN833; m. (1) ALICE (HUBLEY)

834; m. (2) MARGARET WOOD, about 1921; b. about 1900, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN; d. June 1966835. Notes for ARCHIBALD MERRILL HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald 21 Sept. 19 79 ARCHIE M. HUBLEY RIVERTON HEIGHTS - Archie M. Hubley, 78, of Riverton Heights, formerly of Westville, died Wednesday at home. Born in Spry Bay, he was a son of the late George and Florence (Connors) Hubley. He was an adherent of Sharon St. John United Church, Stellarton. He was a retired employee of the CNR and was a past chancellor of Liberty Lodge No. 22, Knights of Pythias. Surviving are his wife Alice Thorburn; five daughters, Brenda (Mrs. Tom Kearns), Quebec; Lois (Mrs. Steward Bailey), Margaret (Mrs. Robert Armstrong), both of Ontario; Willa (Mrs. Roger Aggett), Dartmouth; Lyla (Mrs. Rod MacIntosh), Stellarton; two sisters, Jessie (Mrs. Sherm McCully), New Brunswick; Daisy (Mrs. Roy Langille), Malagash ; a brother Roy, Westville; 10 grandchildren and five great -grandchildren. He was predeceased by his first wife the former Margaret Wood, two sisters, Kate and Mina, and four brothers, Robert, Alex, Howard and Cyril. The body is at Eagles Funeral Home, Westville, where funeral service will be Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. Ralph Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Heatherdale Memorial Gardens. Burial: September 22, 1979, Heatherdale Memorial Gardens, Pictou Co, NS, CAN Notes for ALICE (HUBLEY): OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 18 October 1999 W. SCOTT HUBLEY HUBLEY, W. Scott - 52, St Margaret’s Bay, passed away peacefully, Saturday, October 16, 1999, in the QEII Health Sciences Centre. He was a son of the late Walter and Aileen (Vincent) Hubley, (Tantallon). He will be sadly missed by his loving companion, Laureen LeBlanc; children, Steven, Amy, Thomas, Jeffrey and Peter; brother Vince, Seabright; sister, Heather Horne, Halifax. Scott was employed with Mic Mac Fire and Safety Limited, Dartmouth. He was educated in the Halifax system and later graduated from Dalhousie University. His passion for life extended to his love for competitive sailing, the outdoors and especially the waters of St Margaret’s Bay. He was a member of the Bedford Basin Yacht Club for many years and a proud new member of the SDA Church. He was a talented and accomplished model boat builder. Scott had given over 90 blood donations. Following organ donations, cremation took place. Visitation will be Tuesday, 2-4, 7-9 pm in Snow's Funeral Home, Windsor Street, Halifax. A celebration of his life will be held Wednesday, October 20, at 2 pm, in Seventh day Adventist Church, Tallallon, St Margaret’s Bay, Pastor Chin officiating. Family flowers only. Donations to Scott Hubley Memorial Trust Fund established for his children at CIBC, Bayer's Road, Halifax. Notes for MARGARET WOOD: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, 21 June 1966 MARGARET HUBLEY WESTVILLE - Funeral service will be held here tomorrow for Mrs. Archie Hubley, Irving Street. She was the former Margaret Wood and was born in Westville. She was a member of St. Paul's United Church, The Miriam U.C.W. Unit, Murry Temple Pythian Sisters and Acadia Sisters LOBA. Surviving are her husband; five daughters, Brenda (Mrs. Thomas Kearns), Clarkson, Ont.; Lois (Mrs. Stewart Baillie), Dartmouth; Willa (Mrs. Roger Aggett), Dartmouth; Lisa (Mrs. Roderick Ma cIntosh), Stellarton; and Margaret, Toronto; eight grandchi ldren; a sister, Mrs. Norma Eagles, Westville. Burial: June 22, 1966

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xii. ROY JAMISON HUBLEY836, b. July 08, 1902, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN837,838; d. February 15, 1991,

Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN839,840; m. MARY ANN ELIZABETH DAKENS841; b. February 23, 1917, Stellarton,

Pictou Co, NS, CAN842. Notes for ROY JAMISON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: 15 Feb. 1991 ROY J. HUBLEY WESTVILLE - Roy J. Hubley, 88 of Spring Garden Road, Westville, died Friday in the Aberdeen Hospital. Born in Spry Bay, Halifax County, he was a son of the late George and Florence May (Connors) Hubley. He was a member of St. Bee's Anglican Church, a veteren of the Second World War, serving with the Nova Scotia Highlanders as a sergeant and was an honorary member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 35, Westville. He had worked in the coal mines, and was a decorator and printer by trade. He had also worked as a janitor for 17 years at the Chelsea School in Westville until his retirement. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Ann Dakens; 10 daughters; Florence (Mrs. Harold Haggerty), Montreal; Jean Smith, Campbell's River, BC; Marie Collins, Spryfield; Karen (Mrs. Francis Smith), New Glasgow; Debbie (Mrs. Arnold Cameron), Hopewell; Kay Skidmore, Nancy (Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie), Carol Ann, Linda, Dagmar, all of Westville ; seven sons, Rober, Kingston, Ont.; Cecil, New Glasgow; George, Sarnia, Ont.; Harold, Medicine Hat, Alta.;Earl, Saskatoon; Scott, Westville; Ken, Union Centre; one sister, Daisy (Mrs. Roy Langille), Malagash; 48 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren. He was predeceased by an infant son, Gordon; three sisters, Kate, Mina, Jessie; five brothers, Robert, Harold, Archie, Alex, and Howard. His remains are resting in Eagles Funeral Home, Westville, with visiting this evening from 7-9 p.m. and Sunday, 2-4, 7-9 p.m. The funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Monday from St. Bee's Anglican Church, Westville. Interment will be in St. Bee's Cemetery. Family flowers only. Donations may be made to St. Bee's Anglican Church building fund or to the Aberdeen Hospital. Burial: 1991, St. Bee's Cemetery, Westville, Pictou Co, NS, CAN

xiii. JESSIE MAY HUBLEY, b. May 1906843; d. 1907844,845; m. GEORGE SHERMAN MCCULLY, about 1930846; b. about 1905.

xiv. DAISY VAUGHN HUBLEY, b. 1908847; m. ROY LANGILLE, about 1929848; b. about 1908. Notes for DAISY VAUGHN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 28: Daisy, lived Malagash in 1991, married Roy Langille.





1) was born 1863 in

NS, CAN, and died 1941 in Boston, MA., USA. He married MARY KATE DURKAN 1919 in Boston, MA., USA. She was born 1891 in Louisburgh (And Tubbercurry), Mayo, Ireland, and died November 1960 in Framingham, MA., USA. Notes for GEORGE (HURLEY) HUBLEY: IMPORTANT NOTE: This George Hubley is in question as to the Hurley relationship. Needs further research to tie him to Charles Hubley family line James A. Hubley Oct. 2004. George [called Eddie by his wife] was a tall, red-headed tool and die maker. His hair never went gray, and he never went bald so he looked incredibly youthful, whatever his age. He invented the zippered bank pouch and the ‘accordion’ bank envelope (with the red circle and string seal) and he participated in inventing the “lamb cake” cake-mold. He became an obsessive union organizer and shop steward when his envelope inventions were stolen from him by his employer. George was also a (very) small time beer bootlegger during prohibition….this was only because he was the only guy in the neighborhood with a front hall closet large enough to store the beer and hide it at the same time. This was the subject of many hilarious family stories about exploding beer, paranoia, and the Boston police. He truly believed that his daughter could become anything that she wanted to be….and demonstrated that

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idea by taking her into many, many places and situations that females rarely ever went in the 1930s and 1940s. He encouraged her leadership skills and insisted that she be involved in public service, which she did for her whole life. Those skills earned her the commission of Lt. Col., USAF in a service review of women during President Carter’s Administration. Unfortunately it took the US Govt. some time to figure out that she had married, etc, so her commission was award one year posthumously. She would have loved it, and so would have George. Source: Ann Patterson, email 2 Nov. 2003 to James A. Hubley Burial: St. Joseph's Cemetery, Roselindale, MA., USA Notes for MARY KATE DURKAN: Mary Kate Durkan Immigrated to Clinton, MA 1909 USS IVENIA She met George in Brookline, MA, USA in1917. m. Boston, MA, USA 1919 one daughter b. 09/30/1922, Boston, MA. d. Framingham, MA, USA; November 1960. Source: Anne Patterson, email 2 Nov. 2003 to James A. Hubley Burial: St. Joseph's Cemetery, Rosilindale, MA., USA Child of GEORGE HUBLEY and MARY DURKAN is: i. MARY ALICE (HURLEY)

5 HUBLEY, b. September 30, 1922, Boston, MA., USA; d. September 11, 1988; m. ALFRED JAMES "PAT" PATTERSON, May 18, 1945; b. April 06, 1920, Boston, MA., USA; d. January 18, 1983. Notes for MARY ALICE (HURLEY) HUBLEY: Physical description: Slightly reddish-haired Brunette, 5' 8", med to large build, freckled, Prussian blue eyes, a quite memorable and remarkable color. Occupations: Military: USO; Quartermaster Professional: pianist and organist; private secretary; extraordinary mother of 4. Source: Ann Patterson, email 3 Nov. 2003 to James A. Hubley Burial: September 15, 1988, Bourne National Cemetery, Bourne, MA., USA Notes for ALFRED JAMES "PAT" PATTERSON: Physical description: 6 ft, med- to slim build; blonde hair as a youth but silver-grey once he saw military service in both Europe and Japan; grey eyes. Occupations: Architectural Landscaper US Navy Bureau of Ships architect Military: Engineer who built pontoon bridges over the Rhine for the invasion of Germany <<MIA 2 years in that effort>> and engineer in the rebuilding of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in the aftermath of the A bomb. <<Malaria and life-long radiation sickness from that effort>> Civil Engineer, Turner Construction Company, [Boston and New York] for 37years. Major projects: Boston, MA: The (first) John Hanco*ck Building (1949), State Street Bank, Prudential Center, Gillette Corporation, Underwood Corporation. Connecticut: G. Fox Co, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft

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New York (Flushing) World's Fair Exhibits for: General Electric Corporation and "It’s a Small World" (both currently at Disneyland CA) Source: Ann Patterson, email 3 Nov. 2003 to James A. Hubley Burial: January 24, 1983, Bourne National Cemetery, Bourne, MA., USA





1) was born February 19, 1865 in

Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN849. She married HENRY EDWARD BARKHOUSE April 11, 1888 in Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN850. He was born 1864 in Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN850. Notes for MARY ANN HUBLEY: This daughter, Mary Ann born Feb 19, 1865 at Spry Bay may have been the Mary Ann Hubley who was enumerated at age 5 with the household of the elder George skan*le in 1871 and age 15 with a younger George Shankle in 1881, both of Conquerall. Children of MARY HUBLEY and HENRY BARKHOUSE are: i. MAY

5 BARKHOUSE851, b. November 14, 1889852.

ii. EVA BARKHOUSE, b. August 09, 1891852. iii. MAUD BARKHOUSE

852, b. April 11, 1892852. iv. WILLIAM CLARENCE BARKHOUSE

853, b. May 30, 1895854. More about WILLIAM CLARENCE BARKHOUSE: Christening: August 04, 1895, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN855

v. CHARLES BARKHOUSE, b. May 08, 1897856. vi. FRANKLIN BARKHOUSE, b. September 04, 1899856. vii. ARTHUR DUNLOP BARKHOUSE

857, b. 1910857; d. 1997, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN857.






858 was born March 10, 1869 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN859, and died March 14, 1956 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married ADA ANN BEAVER860 August 19, 1897 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN861. She was born September 29, 1870 in Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN862,863, and died January 05, 1957 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for JOSEPH EDWARD HUBLEY: Joseph is listed in the 1901 census with his wife Annie and son Charles. They resided in household 57. The 1911 census has Joseph and his family living at 9 McCully St Halifax. At the time of his death he was living at 104 Willow St Halifax. Burial: March 16, 1956, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN864 Census: Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; Census: 1901 Census More about ADA ANN BEAVER: Burial: January 07, 1957, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN865

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Marriage Notes for JOSEPH HUBLEY and ADA BEAVER: Halifax Co Marriage Registration: Aug 19, 1897 By Lic., Ch of England, Hubley, Joseph Edward, 27, B, Seaman, Residing and Born Spry bay, son of Charles and Sarah, married Beaver, Ada Annie, 25, S, Residing Spry bay, born Tangier daughter of Charles and Mary Ann. Children of JOSEPH HUBLEY and ADA BEAVER are: i. CHARLES STILLMAN

5 HUBLEY, b. January 12, 1901866; d. 1951. More about CHARLES STILLMAN HUBLEY: Burial: August 15, 1951, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN867

ii. PERCY WALLACE HUBLEY, b. April 1902868; m. MARJORIE BEATRICE (HUBLEY). More about PERCY WALLACE HUBLEY: Burial: January 09, 1959, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN869

iii. EVA REBECCA HUBLEY, b. May 30, 1905870; d. September 15, 1972871; m. LESTER G. DOOKS, about 1925872; b. about 1905.

112. IDA MAY





873 was born July 18, 1871 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN874,875. She married ANGUS BEAVER876,877 July 14, 1890 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN878. He was born July 09, 1864 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN879. Marriage notes for IDA HUBLEY and ANGUS BEAVER: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1890 # 240: July 14, 1890, Halifax, By License, Presbyterian, Angus Beaver 25, B, Residing and Born Spry Harbour, son of Charles and Mary, Married Ida M. Hubley 19, S, residing and born Spry Harbour, son of Charles and Sarah. Children of IDA HUBLEY and ANGUS BEAVER are: i. LOTTIE

5 BEAVER880, b. November 27, 1891, Port Dufferin, Halifax Co, NS, CAN881.

ii. SAMUEL "ROSS" ROSSBOROUGH BEAVER882, b. February 17, 1894883.

iii. MILDRED "MAY" BEAVER, b. October 27, 1896883. iv. ANNIE IONA BEAVER

884, b. June 26, 1898, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN885. v. EARL TENNYSON BEAVER

886, b. June 10, 1900, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN887; d. in infancy.





1) was born

October 1858 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN888. She married MICHAEL MACDONALD February 02, 1882 in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN889. He was born about 1855. More about TERESA MARGARET HUBLEY: Christening: July 09, 1859 Child of TERESA HUBLEY and MICHAEL MACDONALD is: i. WILLIAM STEWART

5 MACDONALD, b. May 15, 1882, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

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1) was born 1861890, and

died August 13, 1945 in Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married ISAAC MORTIMER PREST January 01, 1884 in NS, CAN891. He was born April 10, 1853 in Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN892, and died March 14, 1934 in Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MARIAH MONA HUBLEY: Some researchers have a birth date of 6 Nov 1854 for Mariah. More about ISAAC MORTIMER PREST: Christening: July 03, 1853, Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN892 Children of MARIAH HUBLEY and ISAAC PREST are: i. WINNIE ESTELLA

5 PREST, b. November 06, 1879, Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 09, 1935; m. CAMPBELL ROBINSON, December 09, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1860, Murray's Corner, NB, CAN.

ii. HAZEL FRANCES "NELLIE" PREST, b. August 07, 1881, Mooseland, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. JOSEPH D. ABRIEL, November 07, 1900, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

iii. KATIE DEMILL PREST, b. August 02, 1883, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN893. More about KATIE DEMILL PREST: Christening: August 03, 1883, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN893

iv. HARRY WILMONT PREST, b. May 16, 1885, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN894; d. November 08, 1973, Kentville, Kings Co, NS, CAN; m. SARAH MARIETTE (SADIE) HUBLEY

895, March 17, 1908, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN896; b. November 04, 1886, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN897; d. before 1942. Notes for HARRY WILMONT PREST: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald Nov 13, 1973 HARRY WILMONT PREST Kentville - Harry W Prest, 88 died in Nova Scotia Sanitorium, Kentville. Born in Spry Harbour, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Prest. Surviving besides his wife, the former Margaret Christina DeBay Miller, are two daughters, Laurie (Mrs. Robert Cook) and Gladys (Mrs. G Kroepel) , both of Detroit Mich; one niece Evangeline (Mrs. W Matheson), Elmsvale, four steps-sons and four step-daughters. He was predeceased by his first wife and two sons. Christening: August 09, 1894, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN898 Notes for SARAH MARIETTE (SADIE) HUBLEY: Sarah (or as she preferred to be called Sadie) had married in Mar 1908 and when the census of 1911 was taken she was living in Spry Harbour with husband Harry, son Thorton, and daughter Laurie. The 1930 U S Census lists her son Thornton as head of the household, living with his 2 sisters. At the time they were renting and paying $50.00 per month. Thornton's year of immigration into the U S is shown as 1927, Laurie is shown as 1927; while Gladys is shown as 1926. Thorton is listed as a packer employed by a storage Co Laurie was employed by a publishing Co in a clerical job. Gladys was not employed. The three are listed as born in Canada. They had a radio. Neither Sarah nor Harold Prest could be found in the 1930 U S census reports. It is not known if Sarah was still living at that time although Harold was. In a letter dated March 1, 1980 Sarah's daughter Gladys wrote from Detroit;"Mom and I never went to church after we moved here. She worked on Sundays." This offers reasonable proof that Sarah had moved to Detroit. Her daughters Laurie and Gladys maintained close contact with family in Nova Scotia, often making the trip. It is not known when Sarah died; however, her husband Harry remarried in 1942. A letter from her sister Mabel written in 1967 refers to her dead sister.

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One possible record of her death is: Death Record: Sadie Prest Name: Sadie Prest Vol or book/page: 7/150- St Clair Co Mi Source: Index of Deaths 1890-1932 Death date: 1930 Place of Death: St Clair Co MI There is no other supporting evidence that supports this being Sarah Marriette Hubley and therefore needs investigation. See obituary for her husband. Christening: April 03, 1887, St. James Church, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN899

v. WHYMAN CHESLEY PREST, b. April 13, 1887, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. CORA REID, May 21, 1914, Middle Musquodoboit, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1897, Middle Musquodoboit, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about WHYMAN CHESLEY PREST: Christening: April 26, 1887, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

vi. ALVIN CURTIS PREST, b. October 15, 1888, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN899. More about ALVIN CURTIS PREST: Christening: July 21, 1889, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN899

vii. EARNEST MAURICE PREST, b. October 09, 1890, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 05, 1923. More about EARNEST MAURICE PREST: Burial: March 08, 1923, St. Thomas Church Yard, Mooseland, Halfax Co, NS, CAN Christening: August 02, 1891, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

viii. ELLA JOY PREST, b. November 26, 1891, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. LORNE M. HAG, October 11, 1916, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. 1889, Tangier, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about ELLA JOY PREST: Christening: October 16, 1899, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ix. MONA THERESA PREST, b. July 14, 1894, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN900; m. FRED ST. CLAIR KAULBACK, December 30, 1919. More about MONA THERESA PREST: Christening: February 07, 1895, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN901

x. AUDREY GLADYS PREST, b. April 24, 1896, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN901. More about AUDREY GLADYS PREST: Christening: June 20, 1897, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN901

xi. SYDNEY GUY PREST, b. May 15, 1898, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. More about SYDNEY GUY PREST: Christening: October 20, 1898, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

xii. EDNA MAY PREST, b. November 23, 1899, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN902. More about EDNA MAY PREST: Christening: June 24, 1900, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN903





1) was born 1863 in

Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN904. He married MARIA WARREN September 30, 1891 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN905. She was born March 05, 1872 in Ingonish, NS, CAN. Notes for ROBIE ALFRED HUBLEY: Robie is named the executor in his fathers will, in 1891. In the 1901 Census Robie and Maria are living in Ingonish, Victoria Co, NS. This was Maria's birth

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place. Children of ROBIE HUBLEY and MARIA WARREN are: i. EARL C.

5 HUBLEY906, b. September 12, 1892.

ii. WILLIAM A. HUBLEY907, b. May 15, 1894.

iii. ALVA F. HUBLEY908, b. April 19, 1899.





1) was born May 04,

1865 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN909. He married GRISELDA CATHERINE STUART May 04, 1887 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN910,911. She was born September 22, 1870 in Newdy Quoddy, Halifax Co, NS, CAN912. Notes for NATHAN FRANCIS HUBLEY: The 1881 census lists Nathan as 15 years of age (born 1865), while the 1901 census states he was born in 1871. Halifax Co Marriage Records 1887 # 141: May 4, 1887 Spry Harbour, By License, Church of Engalnd, Nathan F. Hubley, 22, B, Residing and Born Spry Harbour, son of William and Catherine, married Grisalda C. Stuart, 16, S Born Newdy Quoddy, Daughter of William J. and Mary. Witness Ellie E. Hubley Children of NATHAN HUBLEY and GRISELDA STUART are: i. RAYMOND MELBOURNE

5 HUBLEY, b. October 24, 1887, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN913,914. Notes for RAYMOND MELBOURNE HUBLEY: The Tangier Paris Fonds lists his birth date as 1 Oct 1887 Christening: May 27, 1888, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN915

ii. ANNIE BELLE HUBLEY, b. January 01, 1889, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN916,917. More about ANNIE BELLE HUBLEY: Christening: May 19, 1889, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN917

iii. LAURA VALE HUBLEY, b. October 24, 1890, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN918,919; m. GEORGE MACLEAN

919, January 05, 1922, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co NS, CAN919. More about LAURA VALE HUBLEY: Christening: February 22, 1891, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN919

iv. ALMOND GODFRY HUBLEY, b. December 22, 1892, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN920; m. LAVENIA HAWES

921. Notes for ALMOND GODFRY HUBLEY: See the obituary for his son Ross George Hubley, Chronicle Herald The Tangier Parish Fonds Lists his birth date as 11 Dec 1892. More about ALMOND GODFRY HUBLEY: Christening: August 06, 1893, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN922

v. NINA BLANCHE HUBLEY, b. December 29, 1894, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN923,924; m. FRANK VALENTINE, December 26, 1913925; b. about 1890. More about NINA BLANCHE HUBLEY: Christening: June 16, 1895, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN926

vi. LEAH VAUGHAN HUBLEY, b. October 01, 1896, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN927,928; d. July 24, 1916; m.

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EDWIN ANSELM EISAN, November 03, 1914929; b. about 1890. vii. ETHEL EVELINE HUBLEY, b. June 24, 1898929; d. March 1902.

More about ETHEL EVELINE HUBLEY: Burial: March 19, 1902, St. Andrews Church Cemetery, Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN930

viii. CHESLEY LORNE HUBLEY, b. July 24, 1900931. ix. LORENZO MURRAY HUBLEY, b. November 23, 1901931. x. GERTRUDE FRANCES HUBLEY, b. April 17, 1905931; d. September 25, 1996931; m. (1) JOSEPH EDISON DAYE,

about 1930931; b. about 1900; m. (2) MAURICE EDMUND STODDARD, about 1940931; b. about 1900. xi. LILLIAN LAVINA HUBLEY, b. September 11, 1907931; m. CHARLES FRANK HENRY MCLEOD

932, May 02, 1931932.

xii. CARMELETA CLARE HUBLEY, b. April 15, 1909933; d. October 30, 1909934. Notes for CARMELETA CLARE HUBLEY: Tangier Parish Fonds, Died of unknown causes Burial: October 31, 1909934





1) was born December

21, 1871 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN935. She married PETER WELLINGTON GERRARD June 04, 1893 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co NS, CAN936,937. He was born about 1870. Child of PAULINE HUBLEY and PETER GERRARD is: i. WAYNE DARLINGTON

5 GERRARD, b. April 01, 1891938.





1) was born October 28,

1860 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN939, and died October 14, 1902940. She married EMANUEL URIAH JOSEY September 12, 1883 in Spry Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN941,942. He was born 1861943. Notes for CAROLINE MELISSA HUBLEY: The wife of Emanuel Josey has been reported both as Caroline Hubley and as Kelly Hubley, which is now known to have been a nickname for Caroline. Burial: St Andrew's Cemetery, Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN944 Marriage notes for CAROLINE HUBLEY and EMANUEL JOSEY: Halifax Co Marriage Registrations 1883, #345: Emmanuel U. Josey ,22, Bachelor residing and born in Spry Harbour, son of Emmanuel and Eliza Josey Married Caroline M. Hubley, 20, Spinster residing and born Mushaboom, daughter of James and Nancy, By BANNS in the Church of England, Spry Harbour Sept 12, 1883. Child of CAROLINE HUBLEY and EMANUEL JOSEY is: i. ARILDA

5 JOSEY, b. about 1885; m. GEORGE LAWLOR, about 1906945; b. about 1885. Notes for ARILDA JOSEY: Arilda Josey is believed to be a daughter of Emanuel Uriah Josey and Caroline Melissa Hubley, because of the general agreement with age and location of her daughter's burial at Mushaboom, her mother's birthdate, and her parents marriage at nearby Spry Bay.

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946 was born May 15, 1868 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN947, and died July 29, 1905 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN948. He married HANNAH ANN HUBLEY August 22, 1887 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN949, daughter of PETER HUBLEY and MARGARET LOGAN. She was born January 23, 1868 in Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN950, and died January 19, 1911 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN951. Notes for JOSEPH HENRY HUBLEY: Both Joseph and his wife Hannah died when several of the children were still very young. The 1911 census indicates a few were adopted by families which do not appear to be relatives. The others married or moved out on their own. Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1887 # 296: Aug 22, 1887 Sheet Harbour, By License, Church of England, Joseph Hubley, 20, B, Residing and Born Mushaboom, son of James and Nancy , Married, Hannah E. Hubley, 20, S, Residing and Born Mushaboom, daughter of Peter and Margaret. Burial: July 31, 1905, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: June 11, 1868, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN952 Notes for HANNAH ANN HUBLEY: In the obituary of her daughter Margaret Kathleen Slaunwhite, it appears Hannah went by the name Sadie. Burial: Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: March 25, 1868, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of JOSEPH HUBLEY and HANNAH HUBLEY are: i. DAVID ALLEN

5 HUBLEY, b. August 28, 1887953; d. April 09, 1916, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN954. More about DAVID ALLEN HUBLEY: Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Watts Section, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: January 05, 1888, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN955

ii. LAURELLA MAY HUBLEY, b. February 05, 1889, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN955. Notes for LAURELLA MAY HUBLEY: Laurella May is not listed with the family in the 1901 census Christening: June 05, 1889, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN955

iii. CHRISTINA MILDRED HUBLEY956, b. April 05, 1890, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN957; d. September 08,

1952958; m. ALEXANDER RUSSELL, February 18, 1914958; b. about 1890. Notes for CHRISTINA MILDRED HUBLEY: 1901 census has her name as Christanne. In the 1911 census she is listed as Christie, a servant, in the home of Daniel and Annie Cruickshanks. Living with her is Daniel Hubley, age 11 months. It is assumed this was her son.

iv. JENEVA HUBLEY, b. June 20, 1891, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN959; d. 1919, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN960; m. JOHN W. HARNISH, May 19, 1911960; b. about 1890. Notes for JENEVA HUBLEY: 1901 census has her listed as Jennie Hubley and her birth date as 20 June 1891.

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Christening: October 04, 1891, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN961 v. MYRTLE MAY HUBLEY, b. February 07, 1893, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN961; d. April 24, 1896,

Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MYRTLE MAY HUBLEY: Myrtle Hubley doesn't appear in the 1901 census under Joseph and Hannah Hubley. No record of her death date before 1901 at present. (James A. Hubley, Apr. 2004) Burial: April 26, 1896, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: April 06, 1893, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN961

vi. ROBERT DANIEL HUBLEY, b. May 14, 1894, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN961. More about ROBERT DANIEL HUBLEY: Christening: August 02, 1894, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN961

vii. JOHN SELDON HUBLEY, b. March 17, 1896962; m. EFFIE AMELIA SNYDER. Notes for JOHN SELDON HUBLEY: Saint Pauls Anglican Cemetery in Mushaboom records Sheldon W. Hubley (born 1911) as husband of Effie and father of Carson, instead of John Seldon Hubley (born 17 Mar 1896), who has been reported elsewhere as Effie's husband and father of all five of her children, including Carson. Thus, Sheldon is regarded as Effie's husband to agree with the cemetery record, and because their ages match well (Effie was born in 1918), as opposed to John's much greater age.

viii. PETER SINCLAIR HUBLEY, b. July 15, 1897963. ix. JOSEPH ALEXANDER HUBLEY, b. April 09, 1899964; m. NELLIE* (HUBLEY), about 1920965; b. about 1899965.

Notes for NELLIE (HUBLEY): Nellie is named as mother in the Moser River Old Cemetery record of Thomas A. Hubley, only son of Alex. Thus she is probably the wife of Joseph Alexander Hubley, the only Alex that has been found in that area at the right time to complete the family.

x. SAMUEL FREDERICK HUBLEY, b. March 12, 1901966; d. May 08, 1925, Cole Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN967. Notes for SAMUEL FREDERICK HUBLEY: The record of death in the Port Dufferin Parish Fonds reflects a Fred Hubley. There is no certainty that this is Samuel Frederick Hubley. However, the age is right and the burial location (with several other family members) support this being the same person. Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Watts Section, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

xi. MARGARET KATHLEEN HUBLEY, b. about 1904, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN968; d. December 18, 1990, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. WILLIAM SLAUNWHITE

969. Notes for MARGARET KATHLEEN HUBLEY: OBITUARY: Chronicle Herald, Thursday Dec 20, 1990 MARGARET KATHLEEN HUBLEY Slaunwhite, Margaret Kathleen- 86 of 6573 Bayers Rd. Halifax, died Tuesday at home. Born in Mushaboom, Halifax Co She was a daughter of the late Joseph and Sadie (Hubley) Hubley. She is survived by 2 daughters Lillian (Mrs. Samuel Harnish), Halifax, Margaret rose (Mrs Fred Bird) Hamilton, Ont, four sons George, William, Donald, Robert, all of Halifax, a sister Anna Westhaver, Sheet Harbour, 20 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband William, an infant daughter, several brothers and sisters. The body is in Atlantic Funeral Homes Halifax. Burial in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Lower Sackville (Friday) Burial: December 21, 1990, Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Lower Sackville, Halifax Co NS, CAN970

xii. ANNA MAY LAWTON HUBLEY, b. June 12, 1905971.





1) was born June 30, 1872 in

Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN972, and died 1964973. He married MARY CATHERINE SNYDER July 26, 1898 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN974. She was born 1878 in Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN975, and died 1980976.

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Notes for ALFRED LEVI HUBLEY: The 1911 census lists his wife as Nancy. It is not known if this was a second wife or an error. Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN977 More about MARY CATHERINE SNYDER: Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN978 Marriage notes for ALFRED HUBLEY and MARY SNYDER: Halifax Co Marriage Record: July 26, 1898 Alfred Hubley, 23, B, Fisherman, Residing and Born Mushaboom, son of James and Nancy, fishing, married, By lic, in the Church of England, Mary Snyder, 18, S, Residing and Born Sober Island, daughter of James and Annie. Witness Lydia Boutilier. Children of ALFRED HUBLEY and MARY SNYDER are: i. MELVIN FAULTEEN

5 HUBLEY, b. August 11, 1901; d. 1944; m. STELLA MILDRED LAWLOR, February 23, 1924, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN979; b. 1910, possibly in Spry Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN980; d. 1937980. Notes for MELVIN FAULTEEN HUBLEY: Faulteen M. Hubley and Melvin F. Hubley are believed to be the same person because (1) records show a son Boyd born 1936 for each of those names as father, (2) Mushaboom is a common location for them, (3) the same birth date is recorded for both versions of the name, and (4) he is buried near his father. Thus, his two family records have been combined as one. Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN981 More about STELLA MILDRED LAWLOR: Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN982

ii. FREDA IZETTA HUBLEY, b. August 04, 1905983; m. WILLIAM GORDON POWER984, May 20, 1924984.

iii. LEONA LETITIA HUBLEY, b. December 22, 1907985; d. 1982986; m. CLIVE M. DAYE, about 1930986; b. about 1905.

iv. SHELDON W. HUBLEY, b. 1911987987; m. (1) JANE AMELIA BOUTILIER, about 1928988; b. about 1910; m. (2) EFFIE AMELIA SNYDER, about 1933989; b. 1918989; d. 1996989. Notes for SHELDON W. HUBLEY: Saint Pauls Anglican Cemetery in Mushaboom records Sheldon W. Hubley (born 1911) as husband of Effie and father of Carson, instead of John Seldon Hubley (born 17 Mar 1896), who has been reported elsewhere as Effie's husband and father of all five of her children, who were born during 1934 t o 1944. Sheldon's birth record has not yet been found. He cannot be a brother of John Seldon, because John's father died before Sheldon's birth. Instead, Sheldon can only be a cousin, and John's uncle Alfred Levi Hubley must be his father , because of the good fit age-wise, and because he is buried nearby in the same cemetery. Sheldon is regarded as Effie's husband to agree with the cemetery record, and because their ages match well, as oppose d to John's much greater age. Sheldon W. also appears to be the same person as William Se ldon Hubley (with given names transposed) who had one child by Jane Amelia Boutelier in 1928. This possibility may explain why no birth date has been found for the William Seldon form of the name. Further, it is supported by the fact that another son of Alfred Levi appears in records as both Melvin F. Hubley, and Faulteen M. Hubley, and he is also buried near Sheldon. Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN989 Notes for EFFIE AMELIA SNYDER:

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Effie Snyder has been said to be the wife of John Seldon Hubley. However, she and one of her sons, Carson, are recorded as wife and son of Sheldon W. Hubley at Saint Pauls Anglican Cemetery in Mushaboom. Sheldon W. Hubley is believed to be a brother of John Seldon even though the record of hi s birth has not yet been found. Burial: Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN989





1) was born January 06, 1863 in

Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN990. She married GEORGE ISAAC HARNISH991 December 1882992. He was born December 18, 1859. Notes for OLIVE JANE HUBLEY: 1901 census has her birth date as 30 Dec. 1862 and Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998, has her birth date as 6 Jan. 1863. Children of OLIVE HUBLEY and GEORGE HARNISH are: i. ELLEN F.

5 HARNISH993, b. April 18, 1884.

ii. WALTER HARNISH993, b. March 29, 1886.

iii. HOWARD HARNISH993, b. September 17, 1888.

iv. EDWARD HARNISH993, b. June 18, 1890.

v. ALLEN HARNISH993, b. June 14, 1892.

vi. JENNIE S. HARNISH993, b. July 04, 1894.





1) was born January 23, 1868 in

Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN994, and died January 19, 1911 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN995. She married JOSEPH HENRY HUBLEY996 August 22, 1887 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN997, son of JAMES HUBLEY and NANCY BOUTILIER. He was born May 15, 1868 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN998, and died July 29, 1905 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN999. Notes for HANNAH ANN HUBLEY: In the obituary of her daughter Margaret Kathleen Slaunwhite, it appears Hannah went by the name Sadie. Burial: Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: March 25, 1868, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for JOSEPH HENRY HUBLEY: Both Joseph and his wife Hannah died when several of the children were still very young. The 1911 census indicates a few were adopted by families, which do not appear to relatives. The others married or moved out on their own. Halifax Co Marriage Registrations Year 1887 # 296: Aug 22, 1887 Sheet Harbour, By License, Church of England, Joseph Hubley, 20, B, Residing and Born Mushaboom, son of James and Nancy , Married, Hannah E. Hubley, 20, S, Residing and Born Mushaboom, daughter of Peter and Margaret. Burial: July 31, 1905, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Christening: June 11, 1868, Beaver Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1000

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Children are listed above under (119) Joseph Henry Hubley. 123. ELLA MAY




1) was born June 04, 1870 in Sober

Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1001. She married ADAM WESSELL October 15, 1893 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1002. He was born October 05, 1867 in Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1003. Notes for ADAM WESSELL: 1901 census has his birth date as 15 Oct. 1867 and has his last name spelled with two "L's". Robert H. Crowther’s boo k "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998, has it spelled with only one "L". Children of ELLA HUBLEY and ADAM WESSELL are: i. JENNIE M5 WESSELL, b. April 19, 18921003. ii. MAGGIE WESSELL, b. January 28, 18941003. iii. LAURA L WESSELL, b. January 28, 18961003. iv. JOHN E WESSELL, b. May 16, 18981003. v. ESTHER WESSELL, b. July 04, 19001003.

124. EMILY A.




1) was born November 20,

18731004,1005. She married JOHN PAUL 18941006. He was born about. 1873. Children of EMILY HUBLEY and JOHN PAUL are: i. SUSAN J5 PAUL, b. March 12, 1895. ii. WILLIAM G. PAUL, b. August 04, 1896. iii. JOHN E PAUL, b. April 07, 1900.

125. RHONDA E.




1) was born 1875 in Mushaboom,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN1007. She married JOHN D. PAUL July 03, 1896 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1008. He was born 1871 in Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1009. Child of RHONDA HUBLEY and JOHN PAUL is: i. WILLIAM G.

5 PAUL, b. 18971010; d. March 08, 1994, Indian Brook, Colchester Co, NS, CAN; m. SARAH AGNES NOEL, about 1918; b. about 1897; d. before 19941010. Notes for WILLIAM G. PAUL: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer (page 28 of her notes): William G. Paul, a son of the late John D. and Rhonda (Hubley) Paul, died 8 March 1994 age 97 years at Indian Brook, Colchester Co. His wife, Sarah Agnes (nee Noel) died earlier. He was a carpenter in Nova Scotia; woodsman in New Brunswick for several years and a former band councillor for 2 terms. He was an avid hunter and sports fisherman. Survived by all seven of his children, Rodah (Mrs . Sylliboy) of Truro, Jane Adema (or Mrs. Adema) of Indian Brook, Mary Eveleyn of Indian Brook, Rebecca (Mrs. William Paolini) of Mill Village, Rosalita (Mrs. Robert MacMillan ) of Shubenacadie, Lawrence of Millbrook, and Daniel of Halifax; and, two foster children, Starlene Whysote of Millbrook, and Violet Paul of Indian Brook. Predeceased by two brothers and a sister

126. JOHN F.




1) was born April 15, 18851011. He

married ELIZABETH (HUBLEY)?1012. She was born 18961012.

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Notes for JOHN F. HUBLEY: 1901 census has his birth date as 15 Apr.1885 and Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998, has his birth date as 1879. Notes for ELIZABETH (HUBLEY)?: In 1911 Census Elizabeth is living with Peter and Margaret Hubley. She is listed as their daughter in law. Child of JOHN HUBLEY and ELIZABETH (HUBLEY)? is: i. ROBERT

5 HUBLEY, b. 19101012.





1) was born

April 01, 18861013, and died 19361014. He married MARGARET MELISSA WESTHAVER1015,1016 December 21, 1909 in Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1017. She was born 1896 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1018, and died January 1974 in Sheet Harbor Passage, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1019,1020. Notes for JAMES ROBERT STORMISON HUBLEY: Note: 1909 HALIFAX COUNTY MARRIAGE INDEX Page 39 Line 580 shows him as James Hubley. Burial: 1936, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for MARGARET MELISSA WESTHAVER: Note: 1909 HALIFAX COUNTY MARRIAGE records PANS MFM # 16536 shows her as Elizabeth Westhaver. OBITUARY: The Chronicle-Herald, 18 January 1974 MARGARET M. HUBLEY SHEET HARBOUR PASSAGE - Margaret Melissa Hubley, 77, formerly of Mushaboom, Halifax County, recently of Sheet Harbor Passage was buried in the church cemetery following funeral service at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mushaboom. Born at Mushaboom, she was the daughter of the late James and Sophie Westhaver, Sober Island, N.S. There were five living generations in her family. She is survived by four daughters, Alice (Mrs. William Harnish), Sober Island; Mrs. Mae Kenney and Erma, both of Sheet Harbor Passage; Marion, Halifax; four sons, John, Sheet Harbour Passage; James, Mushaboom, Harlon and Vernon, both of Halifax; two brothers, Thomas and Walter, both of Sheet Harbor Passage; one sister, Theresa (Mrs. Bernard Boutilier), Mushaboom; 57 grandchildren, 77 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. The wife of James Hubley is reported variously by Willa Kaizer. She reports Elizabeth Westhaver on page 26, and as both Elizabeth and Margaret Westhaver on page 27. Burial: January 1974, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of JAMES HUBLEY and MARGARET WESTHAVER are: i. ROBERT STANLEY

5 HUBLEY1021,1022, b. 1910, Silver Island, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN; d. 19701023; m. ELLEN

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IRENE BOUTILIER1024,1025, October 21, 19311025; b. 19121026; d. 1997.

Notes for ROBERT STANLEY HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 29 Dec. 1 970 ROBERT STANLEY HUBLEY ROBERT STANLEY HUBLEY, 60 0f Mushaboom was buried in the church cemetery following funeral service. Born in Silver Island, he was the son of Mrs. Margaret Hubley and the late James Hubley. He was an employee of the pulp mill in Sheet Harbor for 46 years. Besides his mother, he is survived by his wife, Irene; one daughter, Doreen (Mrs. Peter O'Brien), of Dartmouth; six sons, Gerald of Lower Sackville; Clair of Halifax; Binnie of Dartmouth; Glenn of Upper Lawrencetown; Carl of East Dover; Ronald of Mushaboom; four sisters, Alice (Mrs. William Harnish), of Silver Island; Mrs. Mae Kenney of Sheet Harbor Passage; Mrs. Marion Jollimore, of Halifax; Erma of Watt Section; four brothers, James of Mushaboom; John of Sheet Harbor Passage; Vernon of Halifax; Harlen of Sheet Harbor; and 16 grandchildren. He was predeceased by one son, his father, one sister and three brothers. Burial: 1970, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1027 More about ELLEN IRENE BOUTILIER: Burial: 1997, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. JAMES WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. 1912, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 26, 1991, Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1028; m. SARAH MURIEL BEAVER, about 19331028; b. 1911, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 26, 1989, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for JAMES WILLIAM HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 27 August 1991 JAMES WILLIAM HUBLEY HUBLEY, James William - 79, Mushaboom, Halifax County, died Monday in Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital, Sheet Harbour. Born in Mushaboom, he was a son of the late James and Margaret (Westhaver) Hubley. He was employed as a longshoreman for more than 25 years. He was a member and longtime warden of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mushaboom. He is survived by five daughters, Evelyn (Mrs. Harry Monk) Mushaboom ; Jean Sparks, Brighton, Ont.; Christina (Mrs. Harold Meager), Niagara on the Lakes, Ont.; Greta (Mrs. Bruce Braggs) , Fort McMurray, Alta.; Hilda Boutilier, Fairview; two sons , Lloyd, Shelburne; James, Halifax; three sisters. Mae Kenney, Erma Hubley, both of Sheet Harbour Passage; Marion, Halifax; two brothers, Vernon. Halifax; Harlen, Dartmouth; 26 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild. He was predeceased by his wife, Sarah Muriel; two sons, Garvin, Sterling; five brothers, Robert, John, Geroge, Roy, Peter; two sisters. Alice Harnish, Ella Mae in infancy. The body is in Crowell's Funeral Home, Sheet Harbour , visiting 7-9 pm today, 2-4, 7-9 pm Wednesday. Funeral will be 2 pm Thursday in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Rev. Carson Baxter officiating. Burial will be in church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to St. Paul's Church memorial fund. Burial: August 29, 1991, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for SARAH MURIEL BEAVER: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 27 October 1989 SARAH MURIEL HUBLEY HUBLEY, Sarah Muriel - 78, Mushaboom, died Thursday at home. Born in Mushaboom, she was a daughter of the late Zachariah and Hanna (Boutilier) Beaver. She was a life-long resident of Mushaboom and a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. She is survived by her husband, James William; five daughters, Evelyn (Mrs. Harry Monk), Mushaboom; Jean Sparks, Brighton, Ont.; Christina (Mrs. Harold Megher), Niagara-on-the- Lake, Ont.; Greta (Mrs. Bruce Baggs), Fort McMurray, Alta,; Hilda Boutilier, Halifax; three sons, Lloyd, Shelburne; James, Halifax; Gary, at home; 25 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild. She was predeceased by two sons, Garbin, Sterling. The body is in Crowell's Funeral Home, Sheet Harbour, visiting 2-4, 7-9 pm today. Funeral will be 3 pm Saturday in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mushaboom, Rev. Robert Richmond officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Paul's Anglican Church fund. Burial: October 30, 1999, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1029

iii. ELLA MAE HUBLEY1030, b. July 27, 19131031; d. December 20, 19171031.

Notes for ELLA MAE HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 28: Ella Mae Hubley, died in infancy.

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Burial: December 22, 1917, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1031 iv. JOHN EDWARD HUBLEY

1032,1033, b. 1916, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. September 29, 1986, Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital, Sheet Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1034; m. LOTTIE WESTHAVER

1035. Notes for JOHN EDWARD HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 1 October 1986 JOHN EDWARD HUBLEY John Edward Hubley, 70, Sheet Harbour Passage, Halifax County, died Monday in Eastern Shore Memorial Hoapital, Sheet Harbour. Born in Mushaboom, he was a son of the late James and Margaret (Westhaver) Hubley. He is survived by his wife, the former Lottie Westhaver; a daughter, Marie (Mrs. Louis LeBel) Shearwater; three sons, Eugene and Raymond, Sheet Harbour Passage; Hugh, Watt Section; three brothers, Harlon, Spry Bay; Vernon, Halifax; James, Mushaboom; four sisters, Alice (Mrs. William Harnish), Sober Island; Marion Jollimore, Halifax; May Kenney and Erma Hubley, both of Sheet Harbour Passage; eight grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son and a daughter. The body is in Crowell's Funeral Home, Sheet Harbour. Funeral service will be 2:30 pm today, in St. Margaret's Anglican Church, Sober Island, Rev. John Smith officiating. Burial will be in church cemetery. Burial: October 01, 1986, St. Margaret's Anglican Church, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

v. PETER A. HUBLEY1036,1037,1038, b. 1917; d. 19231039.

More about PETER A. HUBLEY: Burial: 1923, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1040

vi. JENNIE ALICE HUBLEY, b. 1919; d. October 06, 1990, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1041; m. WILLIAM HARNISH, about 1940; b. about 1919. Notes for JENNIE ALICE HUBLEY: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer (pages 26, 27 and 28): Jennie Alice (Hubley) Harnish of Sober Island died 6 October 1990 age 71 years. She was a daughter of the late James and Elizabeth [sic, Melissa?] (Westhaver) Hubley. Her husband, William Harnish died earlier. Survived by 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Predeceased by 5 brothers and 1 sister. This obituary identifies Jennie Alice as Alice, daughter of James Hubley and Margaret Melissa Westhaver, who was one of thirteen children including eight sons and five daughters. One of those daughters died young, and three of the brothers are known to have lived beyond 1990. Further identification is provided in the obituary of her brother James William Hubley.

vii. GEORGE HUBLEY1042,1043, b. 19201044; d. 1940.

More about GEORGE HUBLEY: Burial: 1940, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

viii. VERNON LLOYD HUBLEY1045,1046, b. August 11, 1922, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 25,

1996, QEII Health Services Center, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. CHRISTINE MARY DAVID1047, About

19451048; b. about 1922, Port Felix, Guysborough Co, NS, CAN; d. September 15, 2005, QEII Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for VERNON LLOYD HUBLEY: Vernon Lloyd Hubley is listed as Lloyd (Bun) Hubley on the St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery Survey. OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 27 December 1996 VERNON LLOYD (BUN) HUBLEY HUBLEY, Vernon Lloyd (Bun) - 74, Halifax, formerly of Sober Island, Halifax Co, died December 25, 1996, in QEII Health Sciences Centre, VG site. Born on Sober Island, he was a son of the late James and Margaret (Westhaver) Hubley. He was a construction worker for many years; served with the Canadian Armed Forces during the Second World War and was an avid woodsman and he enjoyed nature. Surviving are his wife, the former Christina David; daughters, Margie (Mrs. Steven Snow), Rose, Diane, Halifax, Darlene (Mrs. Craig Kean), Newfoundland; son, Vernon, Halifax; Stepdaughter, Cecilia (Mrs. Andre Tellier), Quebec; stepson, Nelson David, Ottawa; sisters, Marion Jollimore, Halifax; Erma, Mae Kenney, Sheet Harbour Passage; brother, Harlon, Eastern Passage; two grandchildren. He was predeceased by brothers, Robert, Peter, James, John, Roy, George; sisters, Alice, Ella May; stepchildren, Bernie, Lillian. Visitation 2-4, 7-9 pm today, family prayers 7 pm today, both in Crowell's Funeral Home, Sheet Harbour. Funeral 11 am Saturday in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mushaboom, Rev. Tom Kerr officiating. Burial in church cemetery. Family flowers only. Donations to Canadian Cancer Society or the Lung Association. Burial: December 28, 1996, St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

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Notes for CHRISTINE MARY DAVID: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald Limited, Saturday, September 17, 2005 CHRISTINE MARY HUBLEY HUBLEY, Christine Mary - 83, Halifax, passed September 15, 2005, in the New Halifax Infirmary, QEII. Born in Port Felix, Guysborough Co, she was a daughter of the late Martin and Rose (Richard) David. Born in Port Felix, Guysborough Co, she was an avid bingo player, wonderful mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She loved to cook and was a good friend to all. She is survived by daughters, Cecilia (Andrè) Tellier, Quebec; Margaret (Steven) Snow, Halifax ; Darlene (Craig) Hubley-Kean, NL; Rose and Diane, both of Halifax; sons, Nelson (Diane) Cashen, Ottawa; Vernon (Sherry), Halifax; sister, Evangeline Whippie, Dartmouth; grandchildren, Bernie, Jeffrey, Christiana; great-grandchildren, Tyler, Isiah, Leshuan. She was predeceased by her husband, Vernon "Bun"; daughter, Lillian Ann; son, Bernie; sisters , Nellie, Genesta, Elizabeth; brothers, William, Raymond and Fawn. Funeral service 11 a.m. today in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. Cremation to follow the service. Burial at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of your choice. E-mail condolences: [emailprotected]

ix. MARION HUBLEY1049,1050, b. about 1924; d. August 29, 2006, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. MR.

JOLLIMORE, about 19451051; b. about 1924. Notes for MARION HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, Aug 31,2006 MARION ELIMA JOLLIMORE (HUBLEY) JOLLIMORE (Hubley), Marion Elima - 80, Halifax, passed away August 29, 2006, in Glades Nursing Home peacefully with her family at her side. Born in Mushaboom, she was a daughter of the late James and Margaret (Westhaver) Hubley. Marion was a founding member and an employee of Halifax Welfare Rights for many years. Marion was always helping people in need. Mom's hobby was bingo. She is survived by daughters, Pamela Chetwynd (Tim), Lockeport; Cheryl Mullen (Greg), Eastern Passage; Patricia, Halifax; Gail (Calvin), Cole, Harbour; sons, Raymond (Marie), Dartmouth; Garfield (Linda), Dartmouth; Kevin, Halifax; Joseph, Halifax; Patrick (Kim), Eastern Passage; Randall, Halifax; sisters, Mae Kenney and Erma, Sheet Harbour; 25 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; one great great-grandson; many nieces and nephews. Marion was predeceased by son, Gerald; daughter-in-law, Eunice; granddaughter, Nancy-Jean; sisters, Ella May, Alice; brothers, Robert, John, James, George, Peter, Vernon, Roy, and Harlon. Family flowers only. Visiting will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in J.A. Snow Funeral Home, 2666 Windsor St., Halifax, where a memorial service will be held as well at 10 a.m. Friday, September 1, Father John Ferguson officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia, Big Brothers Big Sisters or a charity of your choice. E-mail condolences to: [emailprotected]

x. ERMA HUBLEY1052,1053, b. about 1926.

Notes for ERMA HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 28: Erma Hubley, lived Sheet Harbour Passage in 1991.

xi. MAE HUBLEY1053, b. about 1928; m. MR. KENNEY, about 19501054; b. about 1928.

Notes for MAE HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 27: Mae Hubley, lived Sheet Harbour [in 1991], m[arried] [Mr.] Kenney.

xii. GERALD ROY HUBLEY, b. About 1928; d. 1968; m. EDNA (HUBLEY)?1055.

Notes for GERALD ROY HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, April 6, 1968 GERALD ROY HUBLEY GERALD ROY HUBLEY, 40, Sheet Harbour Passage, Halifax County, was buried in St. Margaret's Church Cemetery, Sober Island, Halifax County, following funeral service. He is survived by his wife, Edna; three sons, Lloyd, Donald, Todd, at home; two daughters, Brenda, at home; Marjorie (Mrs. Keith Boutlilier), Eastern Passage; his mother, Mrs. M. Hubley , Sheet Harbour Passage; four sisters, Alice (Mrs. William Harnish), Sober Island; Mrs. Marion Jollimore, Halifax ; Mae (Mrs. M. Kenney), and Miss Erma Hubley, both of Sheet Harbour Passage; five brothers, Robert and James, both of Mushaboom; John, Sheet Harbour Passage; Vernon and Harlon, both of Halifax. Burial: 1968, St. Margaret's Church Cemetery, Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

xiii. HARLON EUGENE HUBLEY1056, b. about 1930, Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. August 04, 2003,

Dartmouth General Hospital, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. SARAH "MAE" KENNEDY1057.

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Notes for HARLON EUGENE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: HARLON EUGENE HUBLEY HUBLEY, Harlon Eugene - 72, Eastern Passage, passed away August 4, 2003, in Dartmouth General Hospital. Born in Mushaboom, he was a son of the late James and Margaret (Westhaver) Hubley. He was an iron worker and helped construct the iron bridge in Newcastle, N.B. and the Murray McKay Bridge in Halifax. He was later employed at Imperial Oil in Eastern Passage. He was a member of the Labour Union and the Ironworkers Union. Harlon loved the outdoors, particularly hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife, the former Sarah "Mae" Kennedy ; daughters, Veronica (Michael) Young, Sheet Harbour; Elizabeth (John), Dartmouth; grandchildren, Jacqueline, Kyle, John, Michelle and Jerrica; sisters, Mrs. Mae Kenny, Sheet Harbour Passage; Mrs. Marion Jollimore, Halifax; Erma Hubley , Sheet Harbour Passage; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by granddaughter, Jocelyn; sisters, Ella Mae Hubley and Alice Harnish; brothers, Robert, John, James, George, Peter, Vernon and Roy. Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in Atlantic Funeral Home, 771 Main St., Dartmouth. Funeral mass will be held 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Passage, Father Michael Walsh officiating. Burial will take place in Dartmouth Memorial Gardens. Family flowers only. Donations in memory may be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 28: Harlen Hubley, lived in Dartmouth in 1991. Burial: August 2003, Dartmouth Memorial Gardens, Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





1) was born

December 28, 18591058. He married ANN POWER. Children of MATTHEW BOUTILIER and ANN POWER are: i. DAISY






1) was born

September 09, 18641059, and died 19211060. She married (1) JACQUES FRANCIS MYATT about 18851061. He was born about 1864. She married (2) JOHN WILLIAM JAYNE1062 June 22, 1893 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1063. He was born November 05, 1863 in Trevethin, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK1064, and died March 12, 19141065. More about ELIZA ANN BOUTILIER: Burial: Holy Cross Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1066 More about JOHN WILLIAM JAYNE: Burial: Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

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5 JAYNE, b. December 05, 1893, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1067; m. WALTER JAMES HUBLEY, July 14, 1925, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1068; b. December 23, 1889, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1069; d. May 02, 1974, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1070. Notes for WALTER JAMES HUBLEY: Note that Etta H. Jayne was his second wife and stepmother to Eva Louise, whose natural mother was his first wife, Dora Frost.

ii. MARY ALICE JAYNE, b. March 01, 1895, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1071; d. April 16, 1977, Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME, USA1072; m. HENRY WELLESLEY SLAUENWHITE, February 10, 1912, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1073; b. November 09, 1885, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1074,1075; d. April 27, 1972, Isalnd Falls, Aroostook Co, ME, USA1075. Notes for HENRY WELLESLEY SLAUENWHITE: He worked for many years in the Bangor & Aroostook Railway Roundhouse in Oakfield, Me. Christening: September 13, 18891075

iii. MYRTLE LILLIAN JAYNE, b. April 04, 18961076. iv. FLORENCE ELIZABETH JAYNE, b. October 12, 18971077. v. JOHN DAVID JAYNE

1078, b. January 19, 1899, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1079,1080. vi. HARRY EDMOND JAYNE, b. December 05, 1900, Trevethin, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK1081,1082. vii. HELEN JAYNE, b. May 28, 1902, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1082; d. about March 15, 1987, Halifax, Halifax

Co, NS, CAN1082; m. (1) MAYNARD F. ARSENAULT, about 19241083; b. about 1903; m. (2) JOHN RENNER, after 19341084; b. about 1903.

viii. WILLIAM JOHN JAYNE, b. December 07, 1905, Trevethin, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK1085,1086; d. March 12, 1959, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. FLORENCE PATRICIA SHANKS, September 20, 1937, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1087; b. January 27, 1915, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1088; d. May 17, 1985, Toronto, York Co, ON, CAN. More about WILLIAM JOHN JAYNE: Burial: Holy Cross Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1089 More About FLORENCE PATRICIA SHANKS: Burial: Toronto, York Co, ONT, CAN

ix. GEORGE EDWARD JAYNE, b. December 14, 1907, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1090; d. October 04, 1982, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. (1) BERNICE MARY BERANGER, June 16, 19391091,1092; b. August 07, 1909, River Bourgeois, Richmond Co, NS, CAN; d. March 22, 1957, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. (2) ANNIE B GILLIS, August 17, 1960, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1093; b. about 1901; d. August 19, 1989, Digby, Digby Co, NS, CAN. More about GEORGE EDWARD JAYNE: Burial: Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Lower Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1094 More about BERNICE MARY BERANGER: Burial: Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Lower Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about ANNIE B GILLIS: Burial: Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Lower Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





1) was

born December 26, 18661095. She married (1) BENJAMIN THOMAS ROBINSON. He was born 1871. She married (2) HEZEKIAH BURGESS HARNISH about 18871096. He was born February 06, 1862, and died November 07, 1897. Children of MARIA BOUTILIER and HEZEKIAH HARNISH are: i. CHARLES ANGUS

5 HARNISH, b. July 03, 1889. ii. EZEKIEL BURGESS HARNISH, b. February 13, 1893; d. August 15, 1917.

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1) was born

November 29, 1872 in Mushaboom, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1097, and died in Portland, Cumberland Co, ME, USA1097. She married BENJAMIN WESTHAVER July 30, 1888 in Sober Island, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1098,1099. He was born March 11, 1865 in Mill Cove Halifax Co, NS, CAN1099. Children of MELISSA BOUTILIER and BENJAMIN WESTHAVER are: i. WALTER MEDFORD

5 WESTHAVER. ii. MARY ALICE WESTHAVER, b. January 02, 1891, Sheet Harbor, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. SAMUEL LENNOX






JOHANNES1) was born about 1855 in NS, CAN1100, and died February 21, 1891 in Springhill,

Cumberland Co, NS, CAN1100. He married MARY LEADBETTER. Children of JOHN CARMICHAEL and MARY LEADBETTER are: i. WILLIAM G.

5 CARMICHAEL, b. 1880. ii. BESSIE CARMICHAEL, b. 1883; m. GORDON MARSHALL. iii. ROSS CARMICHAEL, b. 1885. iv. JOHN THOMAS CARMICHAEL, b. July 22, 1890.





HUBLEY, JOHANNES1) was born September 05, 1865 in NS, CAN1100, and died August 02, 1937 in

Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN1100. He married EVELYN WOLFE about 18861101. She was born August 06, 1877, and died November 25, 1957 in Springhill, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN. Child of FREDERICK CARMICHAEL and EVELYN WOLFE is: i. ELSIE

5 CARMICHAEL, b. about 1895, CAN1102; d. CAN; m. AVARD CHRISTIE, about 1916, NS, CAN1103; b. about 1895, CAN; d. CAN.





JOHANNES1) was born August 20, 1868 in MA, USA1104, and died July 17, 1941 in Fort Bragg,

Mendocino Co, CA, USA1104. He married SELMA HENDILA about 19041105. She was born July 27, 1883 in Finland1106, and died April 01, 1971 in Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co, CA, USA1106. Children of THOMAS CARMICHAEL and SELMA HENDILA are: i. ELLON

5 CARMICHAEL, b. about 19081107; d. February 02, 1996, California, USA1108. ii. SOPHIA CARMICHAEL, b. about 1912, California, USA1109; d. California, USA1110. iii. DAISY CARMICHAEL, b. about 1916, California, USA1111; d. California, USA1112. iv. ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL, b. about 1920, California, USA1113; d. California, USA1114. v. FRED CARMICHAEL, b. May 29, 1924, California, USA1114; d. California, USA1114. vi. ARCHIE CARMICHAEL, b. May 03, 1926, Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co, CA, USA1114; d. California, USA1114; m.

EVELYN DEPRIEST, about 19471115; b. about 1926; d. , California, USA1116.

135. IDA MAY




JOHANNES1) was born May 05, 1863 in Parrsboro, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN1117. She married JAMES

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HATCH about 18841118. He was born about 1863 in MA, USA1119. Children of IDA CARMICHAEL and JAMES HATCH are: i. ETHEL

5 HATCH, b. about 1886, MA, USA1120. ii. HAROLD DEVERE HATCH, b. about 1889, MA, USA1120; d. MA, USA; m. MRS. HAROLD HATCH, about

19101121; b. about 1889.





JOHANNES1) was born February 22, 1870 in Hantsport, Hants Co, NS, CAN1122. She married JACOB

WIGNOT about 19031123. He was born about 1870 in MA, USA, and died 1938 in Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1124. Children of MARY CARMICHAEL and JACOB WIGNOT are: i. RICHARD GORDON

5 WIGNOT, b. January 30, 1905, Cape Cod, Barnstable Co, MASS, USA1125. ii. ROBERT LAWRENCE WIGNOT, b. August 16, 1915, Gorham, Coos Co, NH, USA1126; m. MAUREEN SMITH,

about 19481127; b. 1926, Oklahoma, USA1128.





JOHANNES1) was born May 15, 1873 in Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1129, and died 1966 in Medway,

Norfolk Co, MA, USA. She married GARDNER SANDERSON about 18941130. He was born about 1873. Children of BESSIE CARMICHAEL and GARDNER SANDERSON are: i. JEAN MARIE

5 SANDERSON, b. about 1896, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1131. ii. EDITH SANDERSON, b. about 1900, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1132; m. GUY FISH, about 19211133; b. about

1900. iii. GRETA SANDERSON, b. about 1902, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1134. iv. LLOYD SANDERSON, b. about 1908, Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1135.





JOHANNES1) was born August 22, 1875 in Medway, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1136, and died March 23,

1965 in Wolfeboro, Carroll Co, NH, USA1136. He married HELEN GERTRUDE FOX December 25, 1912 in MA, USA1137. She was born September 19, 1881 in Greenwich, Fairfield Co, Connecticut, USA1138, and died November 07, 1971 in Rochester, Strafford Co, NH, USA. Children of GEORGE CARMICHAEL and HELEN FOX are: i. MARGARET

5 CARMICHAEL, b. February 25, 1914, Greenwich, Fairfield Co, Connecticut, USA1139; d. between June 1994 - July 1998, Wolfeboro, Carroll Co, NH, USA1139; m. ROBERT BERNARD EMERSON, April 12, 1944, Fresno, Fresno Co, CA, USA1140; b. about July 14, 1914, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1141; d. October 17, 1974, Rochester, Strafford Co, NH, USA1141. Notes for MARGARET CARMICHAEL: Research note by Willette Pye Wood: Margaret Carmichael liv[ing] Wolfeborow [Caroll County, New Hampshire] [in 1998].

ii. DOUGLAS CARMICHAEL, b. July 24, 1923, Greenwich, Fairfield Co, Connecticut, USA1142; m. (1) HELEN SANBORN EDGERLY, 1948, New Hampshire, USA1143; b. about 1923, Hampton Falls, Rockingham Co, NH, USA1144; d. October 27, 1972, Mooers Falls, Clinton Co, NY, USA1144; m. (2) EMMA GRANT, after 19721145; b. about 1923; d. 1999, ME., USA1146.

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Notes for DOUGLAS CARMICHAEL: Research note by Willette Pye Wood: Douglas Carmichael liv[ing] New Hampshire [in 1998]. More about HELEN SANBORN EDGERLY: Cause of Death: Auto Fatality





HUBLEY, JOHANNES1) was born December 30, 1874 in Somerville, Suffolk Co, MA., USA1147, and died

1951 in Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1147. He married FAUSTINE EVALEEN DAVIS May 21, 1901 in Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1148. She was born July 24, 1883 in Saugus, Essex Co, MA, USA1149, and died July 04, 1971 in Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1149. Children of WILLIAM GORDON and FAUSTINE DAVIS are: i. RUSSELL D.

5 GORDON, b. about May 31, 1902, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1150. ii. EVA H. GORDON, b. January 01, 1905, Malden, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1151; d. August 19831151. iii. WILLIAM WALLACE GORDON, b. December 18, 1910, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1152; m. MRS. WILLIAM

GORDON, about 19311153; b. about 1910. iv. WALSWORTH B. GORDON, b. August 31, 1912, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1154; m. MRS. WALSWORTH

GORDON, about 19331155; b. about 1912. v. DOTTY GORDON, b. November 03, 1913, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1156; m. WALTER JOSEPH CHAPMAN,

about 19341157; b. about 1913. vi. ISABEL FAUSTINA GORDON, b. November 27, 1914, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1158; d. about 1990,

Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1158. vii. ETHEL F. GORDON, b. September 30, 1917, Revere, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1159; m. MALCOM SOUTHARD, about

19381160; b. about 1917. viii. ROBERT MARSHALL GORDON, b. October 17, 1924, Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1161; m. MARJORIE

ANN BREWSTER, January 13, 1949, Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1162; b. March 01, 1931, Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1163.

ix. BRUCE S. GORDON, b. October 01, 1929, Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1164.

140. JANE





was born about 18761165. She married HARRY MARSHALL about 18971166. He was born about 1876. Children of JANE GORDON and HARRY MARSHALL are: i. HELEN

5 MARSHALL, b. about 18991167. ii. MARION MARSHALL, b. about 19031167.





JOHANNES1) was born about 18791167. She married HENRY MERRIL about 19001168. He was born

about 1879. Children of LOTTIE GORDON and HENRY MERRIL are: i. MARGARET

5 MERRIL, b. about 19021169. ii. GORDON MERRIL, b. about 19051169. iii. EDWARD MERRIL, b. about 19081169. iv. HERBERT MERRIL, b. about 19111169.

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was born about 18821170. She married EDGAR SEWELL about 19031170. He was born about 1882. Children of EDNA GORDON and EDGAR SEWELL are: i. EDGAR

5 SEWELL, b. about 19051170. ii. BARBARA SEWELL, b. about 19091170.





JOHANNES1) was born about 1870 in Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170. She married FENWICK

FREDERICKS about 18911170. He was born about 1870 in East Jordan, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170. Children of RUBY HARDY and FENWICK FREDERICKS are: i. MARGARET LOUISE

5 FREDERICKS, b. about 18931170. ii. THOMAS HARDY FREDERICKS, b. about 18971170. iii. JOY ABIGAIL FREDERICKS, b. about 19011170.





HUBLEY, JOHANNES1) was born 1880 in Jordan River, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170, and died in

Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) JEANETTE MCKAY about 19011170. She was born about 1880. He married (2) LEANA ELMORE SMITH October 16, 1906 in Jordan River, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170. She was born 1884 in Jordan River, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170, and died in CAN1170. Child of STILLMAN HARDY and LEANA SMITH is: i. MARY CARMICHAEL

5 HARDY, b. about 19081170; m. ERNEST GOODSPEED, about 19291170; b. about 1908.





JOHANNES1) was born May 31, 1875 in Shelburne, Shelburne Co, NS, CAN1170, and died June 04, 1921

in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1170. She married JESSE PYE June 22, 1893 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1170. He was born March 11, 1865 in Cape Saint Charles, Labrador, NL, CAN1170, and died October 30, 1940 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1171. Children of NORA CARMICHAEL and JESSE PYE are: i. ELLEN ELIZABETH

5 PYE, b. April 12, 1894, NS, CAN1172; d. 1954, Beverly, Essex Co, MA, USA1173; m. (1) GEORGE LOVELACE, about 1915, MA, USA1174; b. about 1894; m. (2) ANDREW BROOKS, About 1917, MA, USA1174; b. about 1894, MA, USA1175.

ii. CHARLES GORDON PYE, b. May 01, 1896, Wine Harbor, Guysborough Co, NS, CAN1176; d. March 22, 1964, Winthrop, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1176; m. HELEN MAY JOHNSON, October 27, 1916, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1177; b. May 08, 1898, Winthrop, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1178; d. May 13, 1966, Winthrop, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1178.

iii. JESSE BUDMAN PYE, b. 1897, NS, CAN1179; d. 1898, NS, CAN1179. iv. REGINALD LORNE ROBERT PYE, b. February 03, 1899, NS, CAN1180; d. 1932, Everett, Suffolk Co, MA,

USA1180. v. MINNIE MAE PYE, b. February 28, 1901, Wakefield, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1181; d. October 12, 1968,

Cambridge, Middlesex Co, MASS, USA1181; m. SAMUEL RAINEY, June 30, 1924, MA, USA1182; b. May 20, 1900, Armagh, Northern Ireland1183; d. February 22, 1977, Cambridge, Middlesex Co, MASS, USA1183.

vi. JAMES DOUGLAS PYE, b. 1902, MA, USA1184; d. 1902, MA, USA1184. vii. GLADYS ALVA PYE, b. August 22, 1902, MA, USA1185; d. October 1982, Delaware, USA1185; m. ALEXANDER

GIBSON BRYCE, 19221186; b. about 19021187; d. 1955.

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viii. LESTER EUGENE PYE, b. October 13, 1904, Saugus, Essex Co, MA, USA1188; d. July 1967, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA, USA1188; m. ERMA IRENE MACFARLAND, March 27, 1927, Malden, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1189; b. May 06, 1909, MA, USA1190; d. June 1988, Saugus, Essex Co, MA, USA1190.

ix. GRACE GERTRUDE PYE, b. February 16, 1906, MA, USA1191; d. March 10, 1987, MA, USA1191; m. JOHN EMIL HOLLANDER, about 1938, MA, USA1192; b. September 10, 19051193; d. August 20, 1974, MA, USA1193.

x. JESSE FRANKLIN PYE, b. January 29, 1908, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1194; d. March 20, 1983, Largo, Pinelass Co, FLA, USA1194; m. RUTH EILEEN BRODERICK, About 19301195; b. September 05, 1906, Winthrop, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1196.

xi. CHESTER EBEN PYE, b. November 15, 1909, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1197; d. October 29, 1949, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1197; m. IRENE FRANCIS HOWE, October 16, 1936, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1198; b. June 10, 19181199.

xii. HOLLIS GRANVILLE PYE, b. 1911, MA, USA1200; d. 1911, MA, USA1200. xiii. EDITH CORRINE PYE, b. September 25, 1913, MA, USA1201; d. May 1979, MA, USA1201; m. PAUL WILLIAM

O'BRIEN, about 1936, Weymouth, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1202; b. June 19091203; d. March 1977, Weymouth, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1203.

xiv. CLAYTON BURLEIGH PYE, b. October 24, 1915, East Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1204; d. June 23, 1943, England1204.

xv. DEXTER AMORY PYE, b. September 03, 1917, East Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1205; d. March 1961, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1205.





JOHANNES1) was born about 1880 in NS, CAN1206, and died possibly in California, USA. She married

FRANK JOHNSON about 19011207. He was born about 1880, and died in California, USA1208. Children of ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL and FRANK JOHNSON are: i. FRANK

5 JOHNSON, b. about 19031209. ii. SARAH JOHNSON, b. about 19051209; m. GEORGE GISH, about 19261210; b. about 1905.





JOHANNES1) was born October 22, 1884 in Mount Uniacke, Hants Co, NS, CAN1211. He married

DOROTHY O'DONNELL between 1905 - 19221212. She was born about 18841213, and died in Winthrop, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1213. Child of REGINALD CARMICHAEL and DOROTHY O'DONNELL is: i. DOROTHY

5 CARMICHAEL, b. April 03, 1923, Waterbury, New Haven Co, CT, USA1214; m. ARTHUR DIDHAM, about 19501215; b. September 16, 1922, Chelsea, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1216.

148. GRACE





was born 1888 in NS, CAN1217, and died in MA, USA1217. She married FRANK MOONEY 1907 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1218. He was born about 1888. Children of GRACE CARMICHAEL and FRANK MOONEY are: i. DORIS

5 MOONEY, b. June 14, 19091219; d. 1999, New London, Merrimack Co, NH, USA1219; m. ELLSWORTH HARDING, about 19311220; b. 1910, RI, USA1221; d. April 24, 1992, Sutton, Merrimack Co, NH, USA1221.

ii. FRANK MOONEY, b. about 19121222; m. MRS. FRANK MOONEY, about 19331223; b. about 1912.





JOHANNES1) was born April 1892 in NS, CAN1224. She married EDWARD BALL about 19131225. He

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was born about 1892 in England1226. Children of EDITH CARMICHAEL and EDWARD BALL are: i. EDWARD

5 BALL, b. about 19151227. ii. ARTHUR BALL, b. about 19181227. iii. HELEN BALL, b. about 19211227.





JOHANNES1) was born December 14, 1894 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1228, and died January 20,

1950 in Newton, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1228. She married PHILIP STOKES WOOD June 28, 1920 in Waltham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1229. He was born August 30, 1891 in Waltham, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1230, and died August 23, 1952 in Jefferson, Lincoln Co, Me, USA1230. Children of RUBY CARMICHAEL and PHILIP WOOD are: i. DONALD FRANKLIN

5 WOOD, b. September 02, 1921, MA, USA1231; m. HELEN (WOOD), about 19511232; b. about 1925.

ii. ALDEN STOKES WOOD, b. April 13, 1927, West Medford, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1233; m. (1) RITA MARION

CHARLOTTE KOLODZIEJCZAK, September 06, 1952, Worcester, Worcester Co, MA, USA1234; b. September 22, 1925, Worcester, Worcester Co, MA, USA1235; d. April 14, 1983, Hingham, Plymouth Co, MA, USA1235; m. (2) WILLETTE RUTH PYE, September 23, 1984, Melrose, Middlesex Co, MA, USA1236; b. November 10, 1934, Cambridge, Middlesex Co, MASS, USA1237.





1) was born 1872 in

Lawrencetown, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1238. She married THOMAS E. FRASER June 04, 1891 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1239. He was born 1866 in Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1240. Notes for ELIZA MELVINA HUBLEY: From a forgotten source: Eliza Melvina Hubley may have been baptized in December 1873. In the 1881 census it appears Eliza (Hubly) was living with her grandmother (Sophia Hubley) and her Uncle Anthony Hubley and his family. They were living in French Village. Child of ELIZA HUBLEY and THOMAS FRASER is: i. FREDERICK ARTHUR

5 FRASER, b. October 19, 1900, Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN.

152. RUPERT H.




1) was born October 24,

1877 in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1241, and died about 1958 in Pinette, PEI, CAN. He married LUCY PENNEY. She was born April 18841241, and died about 1972 in Charlottetown, PEI, CAN. Notes for RUPERT H. HUBLEY: In the 1911 census Rupert is shown as married to Lucy. Will proved June 24, 1958 in PEI.

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Notes for LUCY PENNEY: Date of grant for will, June 14, 1972 Children of RUPERT HUBLEY and LUCY PENNEY are: i. AMOS

5 HUBLEY, b. August 19061242; d. about 1974, Summerside, PEI, CAN. ii. RENA HUBLEY, b. September 19081242.

153. EDITH B.




1) was born June 07, 1883 in

Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1243, and died January 26, 1979 in Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA, USA. She married LUTHER H. SEARS February 02, 1910 in Hyde Park, Worcester Co, MA, USA. He was born about 1880. Child of EDITH HUBLEY and LUTHER SEARS is: i. ERNEST F.

5 SEARS, b. about 1912, Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA, USA.

154. OLIVER W.




1) was born December 03,

1879 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1244,1245, and died 1959. He married (1) MARGARET E. SPANKS about 1901. She was born 18891246, and died 1923. He married (2) EMILY JANE BOUTILIER about 19251247. She was born February 12, 1886 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1248, and died December 25, 19881249. Notes for OLIVER W. HUBLEY: In the 1911 census Oliver and Margaret are shown living alone. Three children were born after 1911. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1250 More about MARGARET E. SPANKS: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for EMILY JANE BOUTILIER: The following story about Emily Hubley appeared July 1980 in the Bay News along with her picture and a picture of the old Hubley homestead in Seabright. Mrs. Emily Hubley by Mary Kitley A resident of St Margaret’s Bay for 94 years, Mrs. Oliver Hubley, a cheerful lady with a quick memory, delighted this writer with many stories of her life on the Bay. Mrs. Hubley, presently living in Seabright, was born on February 12th, 1886. She grew up on a farm on Whynaughts Pt. Her father, Lewis Boutilier (also born on Whynaughts Pt.), a cook in a lumber camp, was often away for months at a t ime. 'You had to work hard' Mrs. Hubley remembers. Mrs. Hubley's mother, the former Johanna Conrad of Ingramport, had 11 children. 'I used to make all the childrens' clothes, even their coats. In those days store bought clothes were unheard of. Women wore

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hand-knit stockings, long dresses, with two pettycoats-starched! - and gators over their shoes.' Today you dress for comfort!' As children, the Boutiliers would often pick berries and sell them. Fox berries would net them about 5 cents a quart, while blueberries would go for 2 to 3 cents a quart. A far cry from today! 'We used to have much more snow then, not like today. (We would all climb on to a sled) and coast down over the fields, right over the fences, and down to the Bay.' Mrs. Hubley recalls the pie sales they used to have when she was a young woman. 'All the girls would make fancy pies and trim them with pretty papers, then, the boys would bid on the pies. And sometimes the pie they were bidding on wasn't their girlfriend's!' Emily Hubley married at age 23 and had one adopted son. During this time she lived in Glen Haven and was postmistress for about 7 years. After her husband died she later married Oliver Hubley who was a widower with 6 children.' the oldest was 14, the youngest 6'. Then she had a son, Douglas and a daughter, Myrtle. They all lived in a big white house in Seabright (presently owned by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy). After Oliver died 20 years ago, Mr. Noble Dauphinee built the house where Mrs. Hubley presently lives, just up from her old home and with the same lovely view of the Bay. Fifteen years ago Mrs. Hubley began to make lace tableclothes, truly works of art painstakingly crocheted they are now the treasured possessions of many members of her large family. 'I have made 28 tableclothes and I am just beginning my 29th - but my eyes aren't good.' The largest tablecloth she made measured about 103 inches long and about 80 inches wide. 'I also used to do embroidered tableclothes, and I don't know how many pillowslips!' Mrs. Oliver Hubley, now a grandmother, a great grandmother , and even a great-great-grandmother in a large and growing family, is still an active member of the Lodge (for over 46 years) and attends the Baptist Church regularly. Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of OLIVER HUBLEY and MARGARET SPANKS are: i. LILLIAN CARRIE

5 HUBLEY, b. 1912, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. June 04, 1999, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1251; m. CECIL THOMSON

1252. Notes for LILLIAN CARRIE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald Limited, Monday, June 7, 1999 LILLIAN CARRIE THOMSON (HUBLEY) THOMSON (Hubley), Lillian Carrie - 87, Seabright, Halifax Co, passed away June 4, 1999, at home. Born in Seabright, she was the daughter of the late Oliver and Margaret (Spanks) Hubley. She taught school in Glen Margaret at the age of 16 and enjoyed a career with the Department of National Defense for over 20 years. She was a member of Seabright Baptist Church, Order of the Eastern Star and St. Margarets Bay White Caps. She is survived by her son Barrie and his wife Anne, Seattle, Wash., and their children Stephen and Suzanne, Portland, Oreg. and Donald, San Diego, Calif.; niece, Darlene Pryor and husband Claude, Ottawa, their children Julie and Lisa, Toronto and Craig, Ottawa; great-grandchildren, Blake an d Taylor; sisters, Doris Trefry, Yarmouth; Bernice Dickson , Wallaceburg, Ont.; Myrtle Pineo, Ingramport and brother, Douglas Hubley, Halifax. She was predeceased by her husband, Cecil Thomson; brothers, Lawrence and James; sister, Olive Hall and stepmother, Emily. Cremation and burial will take place under the direction of J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Seabright. A family memorial service will be held at a later date, with burial in the William Black Cemetery, Glen Margaret. Memorial donations may be made to the QEII Foundation Palliative Care , 1278 Tower Rd, Halifax, NS B3H 2Y9. Burial: 1999, William Black Cemetery, Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. LAWRENCE HUBLEY, b. about 1914, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1253; d. before 1999. iii. DORIS HUBLEY, b. 1916, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. April 22, 2003, Soldiers Memorial Hospital,

Middleton, Annapolis Co, NS, CAN1254; m. DOUGLAS TREFRY; d. before 2003. Notes for DORIS HUBLEY: Notes for Doris Helena Hubley: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald, April 25, 2003

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DORIS HELENA TREFRY TREFRY, Doris Helena - 87, Deerfield, died April 22, 2003, in Soldiers Memorial Hospital. Born in Halifax, she was a daughter of the late Oliver W. and Margaret (Spanks) Hubley. She was a member of Zion United Baptist Church. She taught school in Tusket, and operated Diane's Restaurant in Tusket, the switchboard office for MT&T in Tusket, and an antique shop in Deerfield for two years. She was an avid antique collector. She will be greatly missed by her cats , Chloe, Sam and Mrs. Cat. She is survived by daughters, Margaret Murray, Kingston; Meredith (George) Lewandowski, Pittsburg, Penn.; Cheryl Hatfield, Deerfield; son, David (Louise), Deerfield; brother, Doug, Halifax; sisters, Bernice, Ontario; Myrtle, Boutiliers Point; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Douglas; brothers, Lawrence, James; sisters, Olive and Lillian. No visitation by request. Interment at a later date. No flowers by request. Donations to SPCA, Yarmouth. Arrangements entrusted to Sweeny's Funeral Home, Yarmouth.

iv. JAMES HUBLEY, b. 1917, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. October 08, 1983, Onaping Lake, On., CAN; m. ELIZABETH ROBERTSON; b. Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland. Notes for JAMES HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, 12 October 1983 JAMES G. HUBLEY ONAPING LAKE. Ont. - James Glenwright Hubley, 66 of Onaping Lake, and formerly of Seabright, died Saturday. Born in Seabright, he was a son of the late Oliver and Margaret (Sparks) Hubley. He was a member of Seabright Baptist Church, and recently retired from International Nickel Company, Levack, after 35 years service. He served overseas during the Second World War, and was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Levack. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Robertson, Glasgow, Scotland; two sons, Gary, Toronto and Robert, Chelmsford; a granddaughter Jennifer; his stepmother Mrs. Emily Hubley, Seabright; three sisters, Lillian (Mrs. Cecil Thomson), Seabright; Doris (Mrs. J.D. Tr efry) Deerfield; and Bernice (Mrs. Ralph Dickson), Wllaceburg; a brother Lawrence, Halifax; a half-sister Myrtle (Mrs. J.R. Pineo), Ingramport, and a half-brother Douglas, Halifax. He was predeceased by sister Olive. The body is in Lougheed Funeral Home, Sudbury, Ont. Memorial service will be 11 am Thursday in Levack, with cremation to follow.

v. BERNICE HUBLEY, b. about 1918, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1255; m. DICKSON. vi. OLIVE HUBLEY, b. about 1921, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. before 19831256; m. HALL.


5 HUBLEY, b. March 28, 1927, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1257; m. JAMES RUPERT PINEO, About 19481257; b. about 1925.

viii. DOUGLAS HUBLEY, b. June 05, 1929, French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1257. Notes for DOUGLAS HUBLEY: Douglas Hubley was living in Seabright in about the 1980's according to relative Richard Snowdon. He may have been the same person as Douglas Hubley, of Upper Cornwall in 1988 with his wife Virginia, daughter of Guy M. Jodrey and Helen Nauss. Further evidence is needed to determine if this is true.





1) was born March 22,

1879 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1258,1259,1260. He married MARGARET I. MCFADDEN September 18, 1905 in Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1261. Notes for WALLACE F. HUBLEY: There was also a Wallace F. Hubley at Taunton, Massachusett in 1900. He was then 23 years old, born Mar 1977. His birth date is very close to that of 1879 for Wallace, son of Judson J. Hubley of French Village, Nova Scotia. However, these two birth dates cannot be reconciled easily due to conflict with the birth of Wallace's sister on 3 Nov 1 877. Thus it appears that there were two Wallace Hubley's born at approximate times in Nova Scotia. Parentage is known for only one. In the 1901 Canadian Census, Wallace is shown living in a separate Household (#129) next to Judson

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Hubley and his family, who is in household # 128. This census shows Wallace born Mar 1879 and was age 22. Child of WALLACE HUBLEY and MARGARET MCFADDEN is: i. MARGARET EMELINE

5 HUBLEY, b. June 04, 1908, Boston, Suffolk Co, MA, USA1261.





1) was born March

09, 18931262,1263, and died January 12, 1990. She married CLYDE OSWALD BOUTILIER about 1914. He was born November 21, 1891, and died April 22, 1977. More about HARRIET AMELIA HUBLEY: Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for CLYDE OSWALD BOUTILIER: He was reported to have lived in the US for a period of time when "younger" but was in NS in 1941 as he was a pallbearer at his father-in-law's funeral in June of that year. (e-mail from Elizabeth Taylor) Burial: United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Child of HARRIET HUBLEY and CLYDE BOUTILIER is: i. IRENE

5 BOUTILIER, b. About 19161264; m. GORDON COOK, About 19371264; b. about 1916. Notes for IRENE BOUTILIER: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 12: Irene Boutilier lived Seabright, married Gordon Cook.





1) was born June 27,

18951265, and died April 28, 1990 probably in Middle Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1266. She married LAURIE FENERTY about 19071266. He was born about 1886, and died before 1990 in Probably Middle Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for MINNIE MAY HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 12: Minnie Mae Huble y Fenerty lived Middle Sackville. She was a Teacher. Children of MINNIE HUBLEY and LAURIE FENERTY are: i. GERTRUDE

5 FENERTY, b. about 19091266. Notes for GERTRUDE FENERTY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 12: Gertrude Fenerty lived Middle Sackville.

ii. JACK FENERTY, b. about 19121266. Notes for JACK FENERTY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 12: Jack Fenerty lived Middle Sackville.

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iii. JEAN FENERTY, b. about 19151266; d. before 19901266.






1267 was born February 28, 1907 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died October 01, 1978 at home, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) SYLVIA (HUBLEY) about 19281268. She was born about 1907. He married (2) ALYCE MYRTLE ARMSWORTHY July 03, 1935. She was born July 31, 1911 in Canso, Guyborough Co, NS, CAN1269, and died August 12, 2001 in Dartmouth, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1269. Notes for WELDON ANTHONY HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, Oct 02, 1978 WELDON ANTHONY HUBLEY SEABRIGHT- Weldon Anthony Hubley, 71, of Seabright died Sunday at home. Born in Seabright, he was a son of the late Anthony W. and Annie L (Swinimer) Hubley. He owned and operated W. A. Hubley garage in Seabright for over 30 years. He was a member of St. Margaret's Masonic Lodge No. 118 and a member of Seabright Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Alyce M. Armsworthy, of Canso; a son Anthony W. (Tony), Lower Sackville; a brother Lester E., Halifax; two sisters Sylvia (Mrs. Douglas Biship), Seabright; Mrs. Kathleen Montague, Guelp, Ont.; two half-sisters, Mrs. Hattie Boutilier, Seabright; Mrs. Minnie Fenerty, Upper Sackville; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by three half-sisters, Elsie, Bessie and Irene. The body will be at Walker's Funeral Home, Seabright, after 2:30 p.m. today. Funeral will be Wednesday a t 2 p.m. in Seabright Baptist Church, Rev. Philip Allwood officiating. Burial will be in Brookside cemetery, Seabright. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Brookside cemetery fund. St. Margaret's Masonic Lodge will hold a service Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the funeral home. Burial: October 04, 1978, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for ALYCE MYRTLE ARMSWORTHY: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald Limited, Monday August 13, 2001. ALYCE MYRTLE ARMSWORTHY HUBLEY, Alice Myrtle - 90, Dartmouth, formerly of Seabright, died Sunday, August 12, 2001. Born in Canso, she was a daughter of the late Andrew and Charlotte (Ehler) Armsworthy. She was a retired school teacher and the last surviving member of her immediate family. Surviving are her son, Anthony "Tony" and daughter-in-law, Jean, Sackville; grandsons, Steven, Halifax; Dale, Sackville; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Weldon; sisters, Mildred Brannen, Amy Grover; half-sister, Laura Harris; half-brother, Jack Schrader. The body is resting in T.K. Ba rnard Funeral Home, 527 Sackville Dr., with visitation from 7-9 p.m. today. Funeral 11 a.m. Tuesday in the funeral home, Pastor Wade Harvey officiating. Private family burial. Donations to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia. Burial: 2001, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Child of WELDON HUBLEY and ALYCE ARMSWORTHY is: i. ANTHONY WELDON

5 HUBLEY, b. February 02, 1936, NS, CAN1270; m. LOIS SAINT JEAN KANE, July 06, 19571271; b. April 16, 19361271. Notes for ANTHONY WELDON HUBLEY: Residence of Anthony "Tony" and Jean in August 2001, Sackville.

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159. LESTER E.




1) was born May 31, 1908 in

Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1272. He married (1) GERALDINE EDNA MACDONALD about 19281273. She was born 19091274, and died December 06, 1989 in Hammonds Plains, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1275. He married (2) ELEANOR CHRISHOLM after 19401276. She was born about 1910. He married (3) AUDREY DAGLEY after 19501276. She was born About 1910. Notes for LESTER E. HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, pages 12 and 13, from The Nova Scotian, Halifax Herald, Saturday 10 September 1988: Lester set up a Portable Saw Mill in central Seabright in the late 1940's and turned out dock shores and hatch planking for the Halifax Ship Yards. He bought the Seabright Hotel. Later he assembled 1200 acres of land near Shubenacadie and built N.S. Sand and Gravel which he operated from 1954 until the early 1970's, when he lived at Grand Lake. When it was taken over by the L.E. Shaw Co He also operated a Limestone property at Marble Mountain. He later put together 400 acres of land known as Hubley Centre, which includes Haliburton Hills Sub-Division where he now lives. A plaque bearing this wording graces the front of the centre: Lester E. Hubley, 6th generation of John Ulrich Hubley, 1719 -1809, who arrived in Halifax on the Ship 'Pearl' from Palatinate, South Germany, with his wife Margaretta and daughter Maria. He was of Swiss Descent. Note that subsequent research has proven that Ulrich Hubley's first wife was Salome Bieteger, and that Margaretha was her daughter. Salome appears to have died at sea, or at Halifax soon after arrival. Maria was not among Salome's children; she appeared in records after Ulrich's second marriage, to widow Maria Magdelena Dietzel. Also, Lester has been found to be a 5th generation descendant. Ulrich is known to have come to Nova Scotia from the German Palatinate, and his Swiss origin is accepted, but has yet to be co nfirmed. Notes for GERALDINE EDNA MACDONALD: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer, page 17 her notes: Geraldine Edna Hubley, daughter of James and Alfred a (Collins) McDonald late of Halifax, died 6 December 198 9 age 80 years at Hammonds Plains. She had lived previously in Seabright and Toronto. Survived by children David o f Milford in Hants County, Wallace of Seabright, Robert o f Seabright, Charles of Seabright, Joan (Mrs. Bruce Rawlins on) of Toronto, and Bettean (Mrs. Gary Day) of Surrey BC. Predeceased by son Lorne. Burial at Beech Hill Cemeter y in Seabright. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1277 Children of LESTER HUBLEY and GERALDINE MACDONALD are: i. LORNE

5 HUBLEY, b. after 19291278; d. 1931. More about LORNE HUBLEY: Burial: 1931, United Baptist Church Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. JOAN HUBLEY, b. Bet. 1929 - 19391278; m. BRUCE RAWLINSON, between 1950 and 19601279; b. between 1929 and 1939. Notes for JOAN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 18: Joan Hubley lived Toronto in 1989, married Bruce Rawlinson.

iii. BETTEANN HUBLEY, b. between 1931 and 19411280; m. GARY DAY, between 1952 and 19621281; b. between 1931 and 1941.

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Notes for BETTEANN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 18: BetteAnn Hubley lived Surrey, BC. In 1989, she married Gary Day.

iv. DAVID HUBLEY, b. 19331282; m. MRS. DAVID HUBLEY, about 19541283; b. about 1933. Notes for DAVID HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 13: David Hubley lived Milford, Real Estate Developer and Hubley's Rent-All-Business.

v. WALLACE HUBLEY, b. about 19351284; m. FLORENA MARION HOLLETT12851285; b. about 1940, Indian Harbour,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 16, 2005. Notes for FLORENA MARION HOLLETT: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, Monday Dec 19 2005 FLORENA MARION HOLLETT HUBLEY, Florena Marion - 65, Seabright, passed away Friday, December 16, 2005. Born in Indian Harbour, she was a daughter of the late Joseph and Flossie (Richardson) Hollett. Florena was a founding member of the "Seabright Idlers". She is survived by her husband, Wallace, sons, Mark, Sackville; Kevin, Alberta; sister, Kathleen Pottie; brothers, Leonard and Walter, all of Indian Harbour. Cremation has taken place. Respecting Florena's wishes, there be no funeral services

vi. ROBERT HUBLEY, b. about 19371286. vii. CHARLES HUBLEY, b. about 19391286.

Notes for CHARLES HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 18: Charles Hubley lived Seabright in 1989.

Child of LESTER HUBLEY and ELEANOR CHRISHOLM is: viii. Ms5 HUBLEY, b. after 19421287.





1) was born about

1912 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died February 07, 2004 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married DOUGLAS BISHOP about 19351288. He was born about 1910, and died before 2004. Notes for SYLVIA FAXTON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald, Feb. 09, 2004 SYLVIA FAXTON HUBLEY BISHOP, Sylvia Faxon - 92, Seabright, Halifax Co, died peacefully on Saturday, February 7, 2004, in Northwood Centre. Born in Seabright, she was a daughter of the late Anthony and Annie Lorenda (Swinamer) Hubley. A resident of Seabright since 1953, she was an active member of the community. Sylvia was very involved in the activities of Seabright United Baptist Church, where she was organist and Sunday school teacher for 40 years. She is survived by sons, John, Salmo, B.C.; Philip, Seabright; daughter, Elizabeth "Libby" MacKay, Halifax; brother, Lester, Haliburton Hills; sister, Kathleen, Guelph, Ont.; granddaughters, Lesley, Laurie and Sylvia MacKay, Jean Melo, Linda and Patti Bishop; grandsons, Todd, Jeff and Alexander Bishop; great-granddaughter, Megan. She was predeceased by her husband, Doug, and brother, Weldon. Visitation will be 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday in J.A. Snow Funeral Home, 2666 Windsor St. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 11, at 2 p.m. in Seabright United Baptist Church. Burial in Beech Hill Cemetery, Seabright. Special thanks to Sylvia's caregivers on 8 Centre at Northwood. Memorial donations to Northwood Care would be appreciated. Burial: February 11, 2004, Beech Hill Cemetery, Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1289

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1) was born about

1914 in NS, CAN, and died January 28, 2005 in Guelph, ONT, CAN. She married JOHN MONTAGUE about 1935. He was born about 1912. Notes for KATHLEEN MARIE HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Halifax Herald, Feb. 03, 2005 KATHLEEN MARIE HUBLEY MONTAGUE (Hubley), Kathleen Marie - Passed away peacefully at her residence, Friday, January 28, 2005, in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late Jack Montague (1963). Loved mother of David (Mary Lew) Montague, Guelph, Ont.; Ruth (Dave) Chaisson, Nanaimo, B.C.; Alan (Connie) Montague, Guelph , Ont.; loving grandmother to Kelly (Paul) Raftis, Sara Montague, Kimberley Vaughan, Rob (Jodi) Chaisson, Anita Kamann , Sharon Kamann, Andy and John Chaisson, Amy (Chris) Massey and Joe Montague; great Nan of Grace, Jack and Mary Raftis, Danielle, Stephen and Justin Chaisson, Ashley and Amand a Wojcik, Chenae Kamann, Jonathan Kamann-Day and Matthew, Cassidy and Christopher Massey; dear sister of Lester Hubley , Nova Scotia and the late Sylvia Bishop and Weldon Hubley. Friends were received in Wall-Custance Funeral Home & Chapel, 206 Norfolk St., Guelph, Ont., on Sunday (2-4 p.m.). Funeral service was held in Dublin Street United Church, Guelph, Ont., Monday January 31, at 11a.m. Cremation followed by interment in Seabright, Nova Scotia. Memorial contributions to Dublin Street United Church, 68 Suffolk St. West, Guelph, ON N1H 2J2 or a charity of choice would be appreciated. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1289 Children of KATHLEEN HUBLEY and JOHN MONTAGUE are: i. DAVID






JOHANNES1) was born about 1872 in IA, USA1290, and died August 21, 1930 in Battle Creek, MI,

USA1291. He married NELLIE LEOTA DRYDEN HUBLEY1292 July 19, 1905 in Sheriden, IL, USA1293. She was born June 09, 1881 in Aledo, IL, USA1293,1294, and died October 30, 1973 in Clermont, FLA, USA. More about CHARLES CHESTER HUBLEY: Alt. Birth: January 28, 1878, Davenport, IA, USA Child of CHARLES HUBLEY and NELLIE HUBLEY is: i. JOHN D.

5 HUBLEY1295, b. January 17, 1910, Moline, IL., USA1296; d. November 22, 1981, Battle Creek, MI.,

USA; m. ELEANOR MARIE WALKINSHAW1297, about 19321298; b. March 05, 1910, Augusta, MI, USA.

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1) was born

September 02, 1871 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1299, and died December 03, 1919. She married HOWARD PULSIFER June 02, 1896 in St Margaret’s Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1300. He was born 1868 in Hammonds Plains, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1301, and died 1945 in Portage Co, Ohio, USA. Notes for JESSIE BECKWITH HUBLEY: Evidence points to the fact that they and their children were born in Nova Scotia, but the family later relocated to the USA. Source: Bob Hegerich, 1930 Ohio Census. More about HOWARD PULSIFER: Burial: Westlawn Cemetery, Mantua, Ohio, USA Children of JESSIE HUBLEY and HOWARD PULSIFER are: i. HENRY


1302, b. 1901, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. ISABEL. iv. LAURIE PULSIFER, b. March 20, 1903; d. November 1981, Fort Myers, FL, USA. v. NELSON PULSIFER, b. October 01, 1906, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 1967, Mantua, Portage Co, OH,

USA; m. HELEN ISABEL PAYNE; b. April 30, 1911, Mantua, Portage Co, OH, USA; d. August 02, 1941, Autora, Portage Co, OH, USA. More about NELSON PULSIFER: Burial: Westlawn Cemetery, Mantua, OH, USA More about HELEN ISABEL PAYNE: Burial: Westlawn Cemetery, Mantua, OH , USA





1) was born October 21,

1874 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1303, and died November 1943. She married SEYMORE H GRANT1304 August 05, 1896 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1305. He was born 1875. Children of MINNIE HUBLEY and SEYMORE GRANT are: i. IRENE

5 GRANT1306.

ii. RUTH GRANT1306.

iii. DONALD GRANT1306.

iv. HUGH GRANT1306.






1) was

born December 26, 1878 in 14 Mile House, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1307, and died December 31, 1939 in Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1308,1309. He married (1) GRACE HEISLER February 01, 1905 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1310. She was born about 1878. He married (2) REBEKAH GOTABED GRANT after 1907. Notes for WELLESLEY HARRINGTON HUBLEY: The only information I have found about Wellesley is that he was married twice, had two children from

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his first marriage, George and Doris, and the marriage ended in divorce after about two years. (This came from Kay (Moser) Hubley with thanks to Carol E. Moser). OBITUARY: The Halifax Chronicle, Monday, January 1, 1940 WELLESLEY HARRINGTON HUBLEY Mourn Passing Of W.H. Hubley - d. Dec 31, 1939, Halifax, N.S. The death occurred at the Victoria General Hospital of Wellesley H. Hubley, 14 mile House, St Margaret’s Bay road. Mr Hubley who was one of the most widely known residents of the district was taken ill and entered hospital only three weeks ago. He was 61 years of age. Mr Hubley who was postmaster for the district was popular with a host of friends through out the province who will learn with regret of his passing. His home, a landmark on the St Margaret’s Bay road had extended its hospitality to hundreds of visitors to the province as well as residents. He is survived by his wife, five sons, two daughters and four sisters. The funeral will be held from his late home on Tuesday afternoon with service conducted by Rev. Mr Hunt at 2.30. Interment at Timberlea cemetery. Burial: January 1940 Notes for GRACE HEISLER: Maxine Pastirik's research leads her to believe that Grace was adopted (possibly from a Heisler relative) by Georg e and his wife Elizabeth Phillips Morton. The family lived in Winnipeg, MB, CAN Marriage notes for WELLESLEY HUBLEY and GRACE HEISLER: Marriage Details - Wellesley was 26 years old and a Bachelor, while Grace was 21 and a Spinster Children of WELLESLEY HUBLEY and GRACE HEISLER are: i. DORIS

5 HUBLEY, m. JACK M MCCAFFERTY. Notes for DORIS HUBLEY: Doris and her husband lived in Winnipeg Manitoba

ii. GEORGE HUBLEY, b. 19061311; d. July 13, 19871312; m. VIOLET MAY HUBLEY, June 17, 1923, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1313; b. April 22, 1904, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1314; d. March 05, 1977, Markham, York Co, ON, CAN1315. Notes for GEORGE HUBLEY: George lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hiseler, in Black Point from an early age, and may have been born in Black Point. For a long time he lived in the house owned by George J. Hiseler from 1919 to 1935. He met his wife, Violet, while attending the Black Point school. They married shortly before the birth of their son, Leon. Actually Violet was back living with her parents when Leon was born and she never again lived with her husband, although saw him from time to time when Leon was young. George continued to live in Black Point for most of his life, and at one time was part owner of the George Hiseler house along with Margaret Misener from 1935. It is unclear how long he actually remained in this house, but over the years he had one or more common law wives and additional children. He lived in other Black Point houses over the years. It is unclear just what he did for a living. Source: Maxine (Hubley) Pastirik.

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OBITUARY: The Halifax Mail Star, Wednesday, July 15, 1987 GEORGE HUBLEY George Hubley, 81, formerly of Black Point died in Glades Nursing Home, Halifax. Born in Black Point, he was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Welsley Hubley. He is survived by a son, Leon, London Ont., a sister,Doris, Manitoba: three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. He was predeceased by wife, Violet. The body is in Ronald A Walker Funeral Home, Hubbards. Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Thursday in St John's Anglican Church, Queensland, Rev Robert Coote officiating. Burial in Black Point Cemetery. Burial: Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1316 More about VIOLET MAY HUBLEY: Burial: Elmwood Cemetery, Markham, York Co, ONT, CAN1317


5 HUBLEY1318, b. September 06, 1912; m. (1) ELWOOD MCLEOD; m. (2) LORNE SHEPPARD,

February 24, 1937. iv. ARNOLD HARRINGTON HUBLEY, b. December 05, 1913, Fourteen Mile House, Hubley, Halifax Co, NS, CAN;

d. December 29, 1983, Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. DOROTHY O'BRIEN1319.

Notes for ARNOLD HARRINGTON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, Dec. 31, 1983 ARNOLD H. HUBLEY HUBLEYS - Arnold Harrington Hubley, Hubleys Five Island Lake, died Thursday in Halifax Infirmary. Born in Fourteen Mile House, Hubley, he was a son of the late Wellesley and Becky (Grant) Hubley. He was a staging crew leader at Canadian Broadcasting Corp. until his retirement. He was a charter member of St. Margaret's Masonic Lodge, No. 118 and a member of St. Andrew's Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons. He is survived by his wife, the former Dorothy O'Brien; a son, Brian F., Timberlea; a daughter, Susan Dawn, at home; two stepdaughters, Maureen (Mrs. R. Hawthorne), Stirling, Ont .; Shirley Pinto, Ottawa; two stepsons, Robert Lusby, Dartmouth, Donald Lusby, Ottawa; two sisters, Audrey (Mrs. Earle Rayne), Lower Sackville; Mrs. Muriel MacLeod, Sackville , N.B.; two brothers Donald, Halifax; Clarke, Hubley. He was predeceased by two brothers, Edwin and Rupert Symonds. The body is in Snows Funeral Home, Halifax. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Monday in St. Andrew's Church, Timberlea, Rev. Fred Hiltz officiating, with burial in the church cemetery. Donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Society. Burial: January 02, 1984, St. Andrews Anglican Cemetery, Timberlea, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for DOROTHY O'BRIEN: Note: Dorothy was first married to a Lusby who is the father of four of her children. (James A. Hubley)

v. EDWIN BYRON HUBLEY, b. December 09, 1914; d. July 26, 1972; m. PEARL HELENA DAVIES, November 23, 1939.

vi. DONALD CAMERON HUBLEY, b. January 15, 1916, Fourteen Mile House, Hubley, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. May 21, 2000, Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. PAULINE "POLLY" ALICE LINGARD, August 09, 1947, All Saints Cathedral, St. Stephen's Chapel, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. July 23, 1923, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for DONALD CAMERON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, May 24, 2000

DONALD CAMERON HUBLEY HUBLEY, Donald Cameron - Halifax, passed away at the age of 84 years on Sunday, May 21, 2000, in the VG Site, QEII. Mr. Hubley was born in 1916, in Halifax County, Fourteen Mile House at what is now known as Hubley's, Halifax County. He was a son of the late Wellesley Harrington Hubley and Rebekah Gotabed (Grant) Hubley. He moved to Halifax City and at the age of 25 years joined the Halifax Police Department where he served the people of Halifax for almost 35 years. Mr. Hubley was well known and highly respected. His character was exemplary and he was a model citizen. Mr. Hubley married Pauline "Polly" Alice (Lingard) on August 9, 1947, in All Saints Cathedral, St. Stephen's Chapel. They lived on Chebucto Road and moved to 3703 Lynch St., in the north end of Halifax where they raised six children. Mr. Hubley retired from service with the Halifax City Police in 1975, due to health reasons. He continued to live out his life at 3703 Lynch St., before entering Melville Lodge in January o f 1996. He is survived by daughters, Donna Pauline Hubley , Regina, Sask.; Heather Faye Harvey, Hebb's Cross, Bridgewater; Carol Ann Craig, Windsor Junction; Amy Arlene Morris, Fall River; Betty Jean Flynn, Lower Sackville. He is also survived by son, Arthur Joseph Hubley,

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Halifax/Dartmouth ; brother, Clark Foch Hubley, Hubley's, Halifax County; and wonderful grandchildren, Dawn-Marie, Sandy (Alexander), Donald, Julie, Ashley, Brittany, Rachael, Ben, Sarah, Aren , Cody, Johnathan and Cameron. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Pauline "Polly" Alice (Lingard) Hubley, in January of 1987, whom he deeply loved and missed. His sisters , Muriel Alena MacLeod, Audrey Rebekah Rayne; brothers, Arnold Harrington Hubley, Rupert Simon Hubley, Edwin Byron Hubley and twins, Bertram and Joyce in infancy. Visitation in J.A. Snow's Funeral Home, 2666 Windsor St., Halifax today, May 24 and Thursday, May 25, from 2-4, 7-9 p.m. respectively. Funeral service will be held in J.A. Snow's Funeral Home as well on Friday, May 26 at 1 p.m., Rev. Carl Price officiating. Private family burial in Tennecape Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia, 5954 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS B3 H 1Y7 or charity of your choice. Burial: May 26, 2000, Tennecape Cemetery, Hants Co N.S. Can

vii. RUPERT SYMON HUBLEY, b. April 15, 1917, Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 19, 1983, Tantallon, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. IDELLA PAULINE WILNOFF, July 13, 1939; b. March 03, 1917, Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. December 19, 2001, QEII Hospital, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for RUPERT SYMON HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, December 20, 1983 RUBERT SIMONS HUBLEY HUBLEY - Rubert Simons Hubley, 66, Hubley died Monday in Tantallon. Born in Hubley, he was a son of the late Wellesly and Rebecca (Grant) Hubley. He was superintendent of Roy Limited, Halifax for many years. He is survived by his wife, the former Pauline Wilnoff; two sons, Rubert Jr. and Wellesly, both of Hubley; a daughter, Sandra (Mrs. Reynald Smith), Tantallon; three brothers, Clark and Arnold, both of Hubley; Donald, Halifax; two sisters, Mrs. Audrey Rayne, Sackville; Mrs. Murial MacLeod, Sackville, NB; six grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother, Edwin. Funeral will be 2 pm Thursday in J. Albert Walker Funeral Home, Seabright, Rev. Paul Goteze officiating, with burial in William Black Memorial Cemetery, Glen Margaret. Donations may be made to Nova Scotia Heart Foundation The above obituary is as it appeared in the Chronicle Herald. Note the spelling of his name. Researchers spell it Rupert Symon Hubley. This is not uncommon. (James A. Hubley) Burial: December 22, 1983, William Black Memorial Cemetery, Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for IDELLA PAULINE WILNOFF: OBITUARY: IDELLA PAULINE WILNOFF HUBLEY, Idella "Pauline" - 84, Hubley, passed away Wednesda y December 19, 2001, in QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax. Born in Black Point, she was a daughter of the late Emmerson and Leah Mary (Rafuse) Wilnoff. Surviving are her sons , Rupert (Lexina), Hubley; Wellesley (Beverley), Beaver Ban k; brothers, Ross (Myrtle), Queensland; sisters, Jean, Brit ish Columbia; Louis (Keith) Houston, Black Point; Joan Skag gs, Portland, Oreg.; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Rupert S.; her daughter, Sandra. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today. Funera l service 11 a.m. Saturday, both in Ronald A. Walker Funera l Home, Tantallon. Burial to follow in William Black Memori al Cemetery, Glen Margaret. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Victorian Order of Nurses or a charity of cho ice. Condolences may be made on-line at: Burial: 2001, William Black Memorial Cemetery, Glen Margaret, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

viii. CLARK FOCH HUBLEY, b. August 12, 1918; m. KATHLEEN PEARL MOSER, January 17, 1951; b. September 30, 1930.

ix. JOYCE LILLIAN HUBLEY, b. February 04, 1920; d. March 09, 1920. x. BERTRAM CRUICKSHANKS HUBLEY, b. February 04, 1920; d. February 26, 1920. xi. AUDREY REBECCA HUBLEY, b. March 15, 1928, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; m. EARL K RAYNE,

September 25, 1946.






1320 was born about 1869 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She married EDWIN VAIL BUCHANAN September 14, 1902 in Sussex, Kings Co, NB, CAN1321.

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (247)


Notes for GRACE VIOLET HUBLEY: Index to New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1954 BUCHANAN, EDWIN V. Married: HUBLY, GRACE V. Date: 1902-09-04 (YYYY-MM-DD) County: KINGS Parish: ---- Number: 1325 Reference: B4/1902 Microfilm: F15911 Children of GRACE HUBLEY and EDWIN BUCHANAN are: i. LOREN



167. JOHN S.




1) was born 1878

in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN1323. He married JANET HARTMAN about 18991324. She was born about 1878. Children of JOHN HUBLEY and JANET HARTMAN are: i. ANNIE

5 HUBLEY, b. between 1900 and 19101324; d. before 19911324. ii. ELSIE HUBLEY, b. between 1901 and 19111324; d. before 19911324. iii. IDELLA HUBLEY, b. between 1902 and 19121324; d. before 19911324. iv. MS. HUBLEY, b. between 1903 and 19131324; d. between 1904 and 19141324. v. MS. HUBLEY, b. between 1904 and 19141324; d. between 1905 and 19151324. vi. BEATRICE G. HUBLEY, b. 19051324; d. April 19, 19911324.

Notes for BEATRICE G. HUBLEY: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer (her notes, page 7 and 8): Beatrice G. Hubley died on 19 April 1991, age 86 at Chelsea. She was a daughter the late John S. and Janet (nee Hartman) Hubley of Bridgewater. She was predeceased by sisters Annie, Elsie and Idella. Two additional sisters died in infancy. Burial at Brookside Cemetery in Bridgewater. Burial: Bridgewater , Lunenburg Co, NS, CAN

168. GRACE E.




1) was born February 1880 in

Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1325, and died possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. She married JOHN R. MONTIETH October 22, 1908 in Milton, Norfolk Co, MA, USA1326. He was born 1879 in NS, CAN. Children of GRACE HUBLEY and JOHN MONTIETH are: i. ARTHUR IRVING

5 MONTIETH, b. August 15, 1909, Milton, Norfolk Co, MA, USA. ii. RUSSELL MONTIETH, b. 1915, Milton, Norfolk Co, MA, USA.





1) was born July 1882

in Hubley Settlement, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1327, and died possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. She married ROBERT BENTLEY June 28, 1905 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA1328. He was born 1882 in

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (248)


Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. Marriage notes for EVA HUBLEY and ROBERT BENTLEY: Lynn marriage, 28 June 1905: Robert Bentley, 22, 1st, res: 74 Dearborn Ave, occ: gen??, b. Lynn of William N. Bentley and Lucinda Maccam to Eva St. Clair Hubley, age 24, 20 Astor St., at home, b. Nova Scotia of John J. Hubley and Lydia A. Moser. Clergy: JS Braker, Lynn. as researched by Brenda Maruca Child of EVA HUBLEY and ROBERT BENTLEY is: i. WILLIAM R.

5 BENTLEY, b. 1914, Essex Co, MA, USA.





1) was born June 01,

1890 in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA1329, and died possibly in Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA. She married EDMUND E MOSHER October 12, 1910 in Lynn, Essex Co , MA, USA1329. He was born 1886 in South Dartmouth, Bristol Co, MA, USA1330. Child of ELSIE HUBLEY and EDMUND MOSHER is: i. RUTH E.

5 MOSHER, b. 1915, Lynn, Essex Co, MA, USA.





1) was

born November 23, 1877 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1331, and died August 25, 1947 in Exeter, Rockingham Co, NH, USA. She married (1) CHARLES ALBERT COLLISHAW. He was born October 28, 1867. She married (2) CHARLES ALBERT COLLISHAW December 07, 1911, son of JOHN COLLISHAW and MARY HUBLEY. He was born October 28, 1867 in Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1332, and died December 07, 1911. Children are listed above under (87) Charles Albert Collishaw. 172. BLANCHE




1) was born November

17, 1884 in St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died June 1966 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co, NY, USA. She married WILLIAM LEONARD. He was born 1887 in NY, USA. Children of BLANCHE HUBLEY and WILLIAM LEONARD are: i. ROBERT L.

5 LEONARD, b. June 26, 1907, Ithaca, Tompkins Co, NY, USA. ii. MARY E. LEONARD, b. 1909, Ithaca, Tompkins Co, NY, USA; d. 1978, Ithaca, Tompkins Co, NY, USA.





1) was born

October 13, 18861333, and died October 01, 1963 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1334. He married MARGUERITE M. SHEPHERD October 26, 1916 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1335. She was born about 1895, and died July 01, 1971 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1336.

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More about RUSSEL SPURGEON HUBLEY: Burial: Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN More about MARGUERITE M. SHEPHERD: Burial: 1971, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Children of RUSSEL HUBLEY and MARGUERITE SHEPHERD are: i. JOHN WILLIAM

5 HUBLEY, b. December 26, 1927, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1337; m. (1) JANICE (HUBLEY), about 1950, Ann Arbor, Washtenah Co, MI, USA1338; b. about 1930; d. after 1951, Ann Arbor Vicinity, Washtenah Co, MI, USA1338; m. (2) DORIS MARIE CHENAULT, July 19, 1952, Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA1338; b. April 04, 1928, Detroit, Wayne Co, MI, USA1338.

ii. LEONARD DOUGLAS HUBLEY, b. June 02, 1929, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1338; m. MYRTLE ESTELLE THOMPSON, July 29, 1950, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1338; b. September 15, 1928, Amherst, Cumberland Co, NS, CAN1338.

iii. BEVERLY RUTH HUBLEY1339, b. May 17, 1940, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1340; m. ROBERT WHITMAN

BAILLIE, May 04, 1963, West End Baptist Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; b. April 15, 1938, Pictou, Pictou Co, NS, CAN.





1) was born April

07, 1889 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1341, and died October 29, 1959 in Woodstock, Carleton Co, NB, CAN1342. She married HENRY E. ALLABY September 02, 19131342. He was born October 25, 18911343. Children of NINA HUBLEY and HENRY ALLABY are: i. HAROLD ERNEST

5 ALLABY, b. February 11, 19151344. ii. PERRY VERNON ALLABY, b. May 02, 19171344. iii. DOROTHY IRENE ALLABY, b. October 03, 19181344. iv. JAMES KENNETH ALLABY, b. July 30, 19201344. v. NINA RUTH ALLABY, b. September 03, 19221344. vi. HELEN MAY ALLABY, b. May 12, 19281344.

175. MABEL




1) was born June 26,

18811345. She married WILLIAM ARTHUR 1903. He was born January 18811346. Notes for MABEL HUBLEY: The 1911 Canadian Census shows Mabel, her husband and daughter living with her parents. Child of MABEL HUBLEY and WILLIAM ARTHUR is: i. MARJORIE

5 ARTHUR1346, b. August 1904.

176. LOUIS E.




1) was born April 12,

1888, and died October 10, 1971 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (1) BERTHA M. (BERTIE) MACKINTOSH. She was born about 1898 in Clam Harbour, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died November 04, 1980 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married (2) BLANCHE GILKIE May 10, 1910 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1347. She was born December 25, 1891 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS,

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OBITUARY: LOUIS E. HUBLEY Louis E. Hubley, 83, of 2641 Northwood Terrace, died Sunday. He was the last surviving member of the family of the late Joseph S. and Priscilla (Holland) Hubley, Halifax. He is survived by his wife, Bertie, Clam Harbor; by a previous marriage, two sons, Stewart J. and Frederick W., both of Halifax; and one daughter Pearl (Mrs. J. Thompson), Toronto; and five grandchildren. He was predeceased by one son, Gordon, one brother and two sisters. The body is at Cruikshank's Funeral Home, Robie Street, Halifax, where funeral service will be held Wednesday at 11 am, with Rev. George Mallory officiating. Burial will be in Camp Hill cemetery. Burial: October 13, 1971, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Notes for BERTHA M. (BERTIE) MACKINTOSH: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, November 06, 1980 BERTHA M. HUBLEY Bertha Margaret Hubley, 82, of Halifax died Tuesday in Victoria General Hospital. Born in Clam Harbour, she was a daughter of the late James and Annetta (Marks) Mackintosh of Clam Harbour. She was a graduate of Victoria General Hospital School of Nursing in 1922. She is survived by a brother, Robert, Clam Harbour, and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Louis E. and two sisters, Mona and Mabel. The body is in Cruiksank's Funeral Home, Halifax, where service will be 2 pm Thursday, Rev. Randy Leavitt officiating, with burial in Camp Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Gideon Bible Memorial Plan. The second wife of Louis E. Hubley is listed in both obituaries his and her as being from Clam Harbour. In his obituary she is named Bertie which would be a nick name for Bertha. Based on this I believe this is the second wife of Louis E. Hubley. (James A. Hubley, Jan. 2006) Burial: November 06, 1980, CampHill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage Notes for LOUIS HUBLEY and BLANCHE GILKIE: Halifax Co Marriages MFM 16536 Year 1910 #158: May 10, 1910 Louis E. Hubley 22 Bachelor, residing Halifax, Born Halifax s/of Joseph & Prisicilla, Married Blanche L. Gilkie 19 Spinster Residing Halifax, Born Halifax, D/of Stuart & Margaret By License, Church of England (Researched by BG Hubley, Jan. 2006) Children of LOUIS HUBLEY and BLANCHE GILKIE are: i. JOSEPH STEWART

5 HUBLEY, b. January 06, 1911, Halifax , Halifax Co, NS, CAN1348; d. April 28, 1977, Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1349; m. HILDA DRISCOLL

1350. Notes for JOSEPH STEWART HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, April 29, 1977 JOSEPH STEWART HUBLEY Joseph Stewart Hubley, 66, of Halifax died Thursday in the Halifax Infirmary. Born in Halifax, he was the son of the late Louis Hubley and Blanche (Gilkie) Horn. He worked as a pipe fitter at the Halifax shipyards for many years. Surviving are his wife Hilda (Driscoll); a son, Bryan, Dartmouth; a brother, Frederick, Halifax; a sister, Pearl, Toronto; two grandchildren. The body is at Snow's Funeral Home, Halifax, where funeral service will be

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held Saturday at 11:30 am, Rev. Dennis Andrews officiating. Burial will be in Saint John's cemetery. In the 1911 census Stuart is shown as being born in May 1905. In his obituary he is listed as being age 66 when he died in 1977, that would make his birth date about 1911. Also his name in the obituary is "Joseph Stewart". (James A. Hubley, Jan. 2006). However his baptismal record indicates Jan 6 1911 is his birth date. Baptism: July 12, 1911, Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, Can1351 Burial: April 30, 1977, St John's Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN

ii. INFANT CHILD HUBLEY1352, b. March 25, 1912, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 26, 1912, Halifax,

Halifax Co, NS, CAN. iii. FREDERICK WILLIAM HUBLEY, b. November 24, 1915, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN; d. March 28, 1985,

Halifax infirmary, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1353; m. SALLY MCINTYRE1353.

Notes for FREDERICK WILLIAM HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, March 30, 1985 FREDRERICK W. HUBLEY Frederick W. Hubley, 70, Halifax, died Thursday in Halifax Infirmary. Born in Halifax, he was a son of the late Louis and Blanche (Gilkie) Hubley. He was a veteran of the Second World War and served overseas with the Royal Canadian Engineers. Prior to his retirement in 1980, he was a teacher in the Halifax and Dartmouth regional vocational schools for 25 years. He was honored in 1971 for his dedicated service in training of plumbing apprentices. Surviving are his wife, the former Sally McIntyre; three sons, Jerry, London, Ont.; Gord, Nanaimo, BC, Frank, Halifax; a daughter, Cheryl, Halifax; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Clarke, Toronto; six grandchildren. He was predeceased by two brothers, Stuart and Gordon. The body is in Cruickshank's Funeral Home where funeral will be 2 pm Monday in the chapel. Burial will be in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Frederick W. Hubley memorial scholarship fund, Dartmouth Regional Vocational School. Baptism: February 03, 1915, Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1354 Burial: April 01, 1985, Gates Of Heaven Cemetery, Sackville, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1355

iv. DOROTHY PEARL HUBLEY1356, b. August 30, 1916, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1357; m. J THOMPSON.

More about DOROTHY PEARL HUBLEY: Baptism: October 04, 1916, Trinity Anglican Church, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, Can1357

v. GORDON EDWARD HUBLEY1358, b. June 26, 1920, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1359.

More about GORDON EDWARD HUBLEY: Baptism: September 29, 1920, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN





1) was

born February 02, 18831360, and died October 21, 1950 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. He married MAUDE (HUBLEY) 19121361. She was born about 1882. More about BENJAMIN BERNARD HUBLEY: Burial: Camphill Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1362 Child of BENJAMIN HUBLEY and MAUDE (HUBLEY) is: i. THELMA MAUDE

5 HUBLEY, b. 1912; d. July 31, 1992, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1363; m. PETER O'BRIEN, aout 19331364; b. about 1912; d. before 19921364. Notes for THELMA MAUDE HUBLEY: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer, page 29 of her notes: Thelma Maude (Hubley) O'Brien, daughter of Benjamin and Maude Hubley of Halifax, died 31 July 1992 age 80 years at Halifax. Survived by her son John of Halifax. Predeceased by her husband Peter O'Brien.

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1) was born

July 04, 18681365. She married JOHN F. POWER 18961366. He was born 1870, and died January 03, 1900 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Child of FLORENCE ADAMS and JOHN POWER is: i. GLADYS

5 POWER, b. August 16, 18971367.

179. EDGAR




1) was born May 18, 18941368, and

died 1946 in Halifax Co, NS, CAN1369. He married EFFIE MAY BREMNER. She was born 1893 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN, and died May 26, 1974 in French Village, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1370. Notes for EFFIE MAY BREMNER: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, May 27, 1974 EFFIE MAY BREMNER FRENCH VILLAGE - Mrs. Edgar Hubley, 80, died Sunday at home. Born in French Village, she was the former Effie Mae Bre mner, daughter of the late David and Catherine (Burchell) B remner. She is survived by two sons, Roy, Charles, both o f Seabright; Daisy (Mrs. Douglas Hurshman), Halifax; Mrs. Murial Mason, Head of St Margaret’s Bay; a brother, Theo dore, Indian harbor; 14 grandchildren; 15 great-gransdchild ren. She was predeceased by her husband; a daughter, Dorot hy. The body is at Hubley and Walker Funeral Home, Seabright. Funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 pm in St. Paul's Anglican Church, French Village, Rev. John C. Earle will officiate. Burial will be in church cemetery. Children of EDGAR HUBLEY and EFFIE BREMNER are: i. ROY

5 HUBLEY1370.


iii. DOROTHY HUBLEY, d. Bef. 19741370. iv. DAISY HUBLEY







1) was born

September 19, 18951371, and died November 24, 1961 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1372. He married (1) ESTHER MILDRED (HUBLEY). He married (2) LUCY EDNA WOLFE September 05, 1916 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. She was born 1899, and died January 11, 1917 in Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN. Notes for WARREN RUSSELL HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Mail Star, November 25, 1961 WARREN R. HUBLEY Well known veteran longshoreman, Warren Russell Hubley, of 116 Creighton Street, died Friday in Halifax Infirmary. A waterfront worker since 1916, he was 66. He was born at Seabright and is survived by his wife Esther, son Russell and daughter Mary at home; 4 grandchildren; brothers, Tom and Carney of Seabright; Warden of Hubbards; George of Sambro and Charles, Detroit, Mich; sisters, Fanny (Mrs Frank Gates) and Etta (Mrs Seymore Boutilier) Hacketts Cove. The funeral will be from Cruikshanks funeral home, Robie Street, 2 p.m. Monday with interment in Fairview Cemetery.

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Burial: November 27, 1961, Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1373 More about LUCY EDNA WOLFE: Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Halifax Co, NS, CAN Marriage notes for WARREN HUBLEY and LUCY WOLFE: NS Public Archives MFM 16536 1916 # 592: Sept. 5, 1916, Halifax, By License, Warren Hubley 21, B, son of William and Jesse, married Lucy Wolfe, 20, Spinster, daughter of S. and Alice Wolfe. Children of WARREN HUBLEY and ESTHER (HUBLEY) are: i. MARY

5 HUBLEY. ii. RUSSELL FREDERICK HUBLEY, b. December 19, 1922.





1) was born December

28, 18971374, and died September 17, 19821375. He married MABLE MAE LANGILLE about 19281375. She was born December 02, 19081375, and died January 10, 19891375. Notes for WARDEN RALPH HUBLEY: OBITUARY: The Chronicle Herald, September 18, 1982 (provided by James Arthur HUBLEY) WARDEN RALPH HUBLEY HUBLEY, Warden Ralph, 83, of Hubbards, died Friday in Keddy's Nursing Manor, Halifax. Born in Seabright, he was a so n of the late William and Jessie (Zwicker) Hubley. He was a carpenter for most of his life. He served in the First World War. He is survived by his wife, the former Mabel Langille; two daughters, Jean (Mrs. Malcolm Meisner), Betty (Mrs. Douglas Fillmore), both of Black Point, a brother Tom, Seabright; 11 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by five brothers, Warren, Charlie, Carney, Edgar and George and two sisters, Fannie and Henrietta. The body is in Ronald A. Walker Funeral Home, Hubbards after 7 p.m. today. Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Monday in St. Luke's Anglican Church, Hubbards, Rev, Kenneth Vaughn officiating with burial in Pinehill Cemetery, Hubbards. Burial: Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1375 Notes for MABLE MAE LANGILLE: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer (page 25 o f her notes): Mable Mae Hubley (nee Langille) of Bayswater died 10 June 1989 age 80 years. She was a daughter of William and Ella (Boutelier) Langille of Hubbards. Survived by her two daughters Betty (Mrs. Douglas Filmore) of Black Point and Jean (Mrs. Malcolm Meisner) also of Black Point. Predeceased by her Husband Warden Hubley. Burial at Pine Hill Ceme tery, Hubbards. Burial: Hubbards, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1375

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5 HUBLEY, b. about 19301376; m. MALCOM MEISNER, about 1951, possibly in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1377; b. about 1930. Notes for JEAN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 25: Jean Hubley lived Black Point [in 1989], m(arried) Malcolm Meisner.

ii. BETTY HUBLEY, b. about 19331378; m. DOUGLAS FILMORE, about 1954, possibly in Black Point, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1379; b. about 1933. Notes for BETTY HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 25: Betty Hubley lived Black Point [in 1989], m(arried) Douglas Filmore.

iii. SHERRY HUBLEY, b. about 19361380. Notes for SHERRY HUBLEY: Sherry was one of three names given in remembrance at the grave of Warden and Mabel Landgille. But no record has ye t been found that actually named her as a daughter, while the other two, Jean and Betty, are clearly named as daughters in other records.





1) was born January 19041381,1382,

and died March 03, 19921383. He married BLANCHE ZWICKER about 19271384. She was born about 1903, and died about 19781385. Notes for THOMAS HUBLEY: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer, page 15 her notes: Thomas Hubley died 3 March 1992 age 89 years. He was the oldest resident of Seabright at that time. He was a son of the late William and Jesse Mae (Zwicker) Hubley. His wife Blanche nee Zwicker died in about 1978. Survived by: son Earle Thomas, his wife Aline nee Romkey, and hi s stepdaughter Linda; daughter Elsie (Mrs. Ronald Brayley) of Springhill; daughter Marilyn (Mrs. Melbourne Manuel) of Seabright; daughter Doreen (Mrs. Robert Hick) of Tantallon; and, daughter Janet (Mrs. David Stevenson) of Lake Echo. Predeceased by brothers George, Carney, Charles, Warden, Warren, and Edgar; and, sisters Etta and Fanny. Burial a t Beech Hill Cemetery in Seabright. Burial: Seabright, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1386 Children of THOMAS HUBLEY and BLANCHE ZWICKER are: i. EARLE THOMAS

5 HUBLEY, b. 19291387; d. March 29, 1994, Cow Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1387; m. ALINE ROMKEY, about 19501388; b. about 1929. Notes for EARLE THOMAS HUBLEY: Notes from outline of obituary by Willa Kaizer, page 15 he r notes: Earle Thomas Hubley died 29 March 1994 age 65 year sat Cow Bay. He was a son of the late Thomas and Blanche (Zwicker) Hubley. He worked for Eisener Farms in Cole harbour, retiring in 1993 after 32 years of service. Survived by wife Aline nee Romkey, his stepdaughter Linda, and sisters Elsie (Mrs. Ronald Brayley) of Springhill, Marilyn (Mrs. Melbourne Manuel) of Seabright, Doreen (Mrs. Robert Hick) of Tantallon, and Janet (Mrs. David Stevenson) of Lake Ec ho. Burial: Cow Bay, Halifax Co, NS, CAN1389 Notes for ALINE ROMKEY: Research note by Willa Kaiser, page 15: Aline nee [Romkey] [Hubley], lived Cow Bay in 1994.

ii. ELSIE HUBLEY, b. about 19321390; m. RONALD BRAYLEY, about 19551391; b. about 1932.

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Notes for ELSIE HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 15: Elsie lived Springhill in 1994, m(arried) Ronald Brayley.

iii. MARILYN HUBLEY, b. about 19351392; m. MELBOURNE MANUEL, about 19561393; b. about 1935. Notes for MARILYN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 15: Marilyn lived Seabright in 1994, m(arried) Melbourne Manuel.

iv. DOREEN HUBLEY, b. about 19381394; m. ROBERT HICK, about 19591395; b. about 1938. Notes for DOREEN HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 15: Doreen lived Tantallon in 1994, m(arried) Robert Hick.

v. JANET HUBLEY, b. about 19411396; m. DAVID STEVENSON, about 19621397; b. about 1941. Notes for JANET HUBLEY: Research note by Willa Kaizer, page 15: Janet lived Lake Echo in 1994, m(arried) David Stevenson.


Barry G. Hubley

Endnotes 1 Dutch Reformed Church (also recorded at Saint John's Anglican Church), Lunenburg records, John born to Ulrich

Hubley and Barbara, christened 6 Dec 1770 2 Seabright Cemetery #4; John Hubley, Sr. died on 17 Nov 1848 age 80; Mary his wife died 6 Sep 1871 age 98 3 Dutch Reformed Church records, Lunenburg, NS, John Hubley and Anna Mary Kaler married 11 May 1797 4 1871 Census age 98, living with son William 5 Seabright Cemetery #4; John Hubley, Sr. died on 17 Nov 1848 age 80; Mary his wife died 6 Sep 1871 age 98 6 Seabright Cemetery #4; John Hubley, Sr. died on 17 Nov 1848 age 80; Mary his wife died 6 Sep 1871 age 98 7 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, John born 6 Sep 1800 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria Kahler,

christened 18 Oct 1800 8 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Mary Elizabeth Hubley (d/John) died 21 Dec 1807 age 11days 9 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Philip born 10 Dec 1808 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria Kahler,

christened 12 Jan 1809 10 Brenda Maruca research of John Jacob Hubley Family, based on extensive review of Nova Scotia and New Hampshire 11 Dutch Reformed Church records, Lunenburg NS, Jacob born 28 Mar 1798 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria Kahler,

christened 18 Apr 1798 12 Naturalized at Portsmouth, New Hampshire on 3 Mar 1863 - 1871 Census of Nova Scotia, wife widowed age 70 at

LaHave 13 NOT USED 14 Dutch Reformed Church records, Lunenburg NS, Joshua born 31 Dec 1819 to Jacob Hubley and Ann Caroline,

christened 15 Jul 1820 15 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x - As researched by Barry Hubley 16 Brenda Maruca research of John Jacob Hubley Family, based on ext. review of NS and NH records 17 Dutch Reformed Church records, Lunenburg NS, Anna Eliz born 13 May 1799 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria

Kahler, christened 28 May 1799 18 Gail Facini Files 19 Brian W. Beazley’s "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 20 Ekins family tradition, John Collishaw born England, age 17 in 1812 21 James Wright, private communication 17 Oct 1998 citing Ekins family tradition, birth sequence given without dates 22 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, John born 3 Jan 1802 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria Kahler,

christened 19 Jan 1802 23 1881 Census, French Village 24 Brian W. Beasely’s "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 25 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 50-60, 60 & 71 at French Village

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (256)


26 1881 Census, French Village 27 1838 Census of Nova Scotia 28 Thomas Collishaw 11 Mar 1896 age 67 years; Ann 11 Mar 1896 age 61 years, wife of Thomas Collishaw 29 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 15; marriage given without date 30 Seabright Cemetery listed #8 31 Thomas Collishaw 11 Mar 1896 age 67 years; Ann 11 Mar 1896 age 61 years, wife of Thomas Collishaw 32 1838 and 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6-14 & 10-20 at Margaret's Bay and French Village - birth estimated

relative to both census and siblings 33 1851, 1861 & 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10, 10-15, & 23 at French Village 34 Halifax Co Death Records, NS Archives MFM 15853 P317 # 460 35 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10, 10-15, 21 and 31 at French Village 36 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Mary Catherine born 19 Aug 1803 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria

Kahler, christened 11 Sep 1803 37 Seabright Cemetery #5; his wife age 35 on 19 Jan 1838 "our parents" 38 The Christian Messenger (Newspaper) (PANS MFM 13230 - 13231) 39 Diary of Joseph Dimock; married 9 Feb 1823 - Willa Kaizer's Notes page 15; Allen Ramsey McDonald (Seabright

Cemetery, 1794 - 23 Oct 1879 age 85 years 40 Seabright Cemetery #5; age 85 on 23 Oct 1879 "our parents", Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Allan born

9 Oct 1794 41 Seabright Cemetery #5; "our parents" 1794 - 23 Oct 1879 age 85 42 Seabright Cemetery #5; his wife age 35 on 19 Jan 1838 "our parents" 43 Seabright Cemetery #5; "our parents" 1794 - 23 Oct 1879 age 85 44 Charles Purcell private communication 45 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age about 28 based on oldest child at French Village 46 Charles Purcell private communication 47 Mother's obituary indicates nine children 48 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Ferdinand born 7 Oct 1804 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria Kahler,

christened 20 Nov 1804 49 Tangier Parish Fonds 50 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon E. A. Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; Ferdinand Hubley married 1828 to

Hannah Boutilier Jean M. Holder 51 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, LDS film #0928971 listed #6; born 18 Mar 1804, christened 19 Apr 1804 52 Tangier Parish Fonds 53 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996 54 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Elizabeth Barbara born 4 Feb 1806 to Johannes Hubley and Anna Maria

Kahler, christened 5 Apr 1806 Also Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg 55 Willette Pye Wood private communications 20 Jun 1990 and 7 Jul 1998, died 18 Mar 1881 at Shelburne, Jordan River

area James Wright, private comm 56 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon E. A. Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; Thomas Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley (d/John) married 1826 57 Willette Pye Wood private communications 20 Jun 1990 and 7 Jul 1998, Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of

Nova Scotia" 58 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 59 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 60 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 61 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1837 at Nova Scotia 62 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1939 at Nova Scotia, died 1 Sep 1846 at Bridgewater,

Nova Scotia 63 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Elizabeth born 1848 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in Nova Scotia, died in CAN 64 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Barbara born 1849 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in Nova Scotia 65 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Andrew born 1852 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in Nova Scotia 66 Baptist Church, Lunenburg records, Ann Mary born 5 Sep 1810 to John Hubley and Mary 67 Jean M. Holder and Marion D. Oldershaw, Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1763-1864 (April 1994); John Covey and

Mary Hubley bonded 19 Jul 1833 68 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 69 Baptist Church, Lunenburg records, 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 59 at French Village Seabright Cemetery #14;

died 18 Aug 1879 age 66 70 Gravestone photo James A Hubley 71 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990; married about 1837 at Saint Margaret's Bay

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72 1901 Canadian Census 73 Seabright Cemetery #14 74 Gravestone photo James A Hubley 75 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; ages 4-5, 14 and 24 at French Village 76 Seabright Cemetery #14 age 31 on 21 Sep 1887, inscribed as "Nellie" 77 Seabright Cemetery #14; died 25 Sep 1857 age "…" 78 Baptist Church, Lunenburg records, Alexander born 10 Jun 1814 to John Hubley and Mary, 1861 Census of Nova

Scotia; age 40-50 at French Village 79 James C. Hubly, great great grandson of Alexander, private communication 22 Apr 1999, Alexander Hubley died 22

Apr 1861 age 45 The Presbyterian Witness Sat 27 April 1861 Vol XIV No. 17, P. 67 80 The Presbyterian Witness Newspaper- Nova Scotia 81 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Alexander Hubley and Jane

Catherine Comingo married about 1834 82 Dutch Reformed Church, Lunenburg records, Jane Catherine born 22 Aug 1813 to Joseph Bruin Comingo and

Elizabeth, christened 10 Sep 1813 Brian W Beazley 83 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Jane Catherine Comingo born 1818

died 10 Aug 1854 84 Christian Messenger (Nova Scotia Baptist Newspaper) Marriage Index by Ross and Ruth Burgess; Issue of 3 Oct 1855 85 The Presbyterian Witness Newspaper- Nova Scotia 86 The Presbyterian Witness (newspaper) Sat. 4 Jan 1862 Vol IV, No.1, P.3 87 French Village Anglican Church- St. Margaret's Parish/ St Paul's Parish, PANS MFM 11371 88 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Ann Eliza Hubley born 13 May

1841 to Alexander Hubley and Jane Catherine Comingo 89 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 75, #320: Eliza Hubley, 25 (d/Alexander & Jane) living Windsor Road,

married 16 May 1867 90 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Mary Jane Hubley born 26 Sep

1842 to Alexander Hubley and Jane Catherine Comingo 91 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 31, #46: Mary Hubley, 23 92 Saint John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg records, George Benjamin born 23 Mar 1837 to John George Colp & Mary

Eleanor, christened 11 Nov 1837 93 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Alice Maud Hubley born 3 Jul

1844 to Alexander Hubley and Jane Catherine Comingo 94 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 95 Baptist Church records, Lunenburg NS, Benjamin Hubley born 21 Aug 1817 to John Hubley and Mary, 1861 Census of

Nova Scotia; age 40-50 at French Village 96 Jean M. Holder and Marion D. Oldershaw, Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1763-1864 (April 1994); Benjamin

Hubley and Sarah Gerret bonded 6 Dec 1838 97 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; age 40-50 at French Village 98 Halifax Co Marriages, Pans MFM11402 99 1851 and 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10 & 15-20 at French Village 100 The Presbyterian Witness Newspaper- Nova Scotia 101 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 104, #376: Isaac Baxter Hubley, 25 (s/Benjamin & Sarah) born and living

in Halifax, married 25 June 1868 102 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 104, #376: indicates Joanna's age was 21 103 Obituary for Joseph Stephan Hubley 104 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will 105 Baptist Church, Lunenburg records, William born 26 May 1818 to John Hubley and Mary 1871 and 1881 Census of

Nova Scotia; age 53 and 62 at French Village 106 Saint Paul's Anglican Church, French Village records; William Hubley, bachelor, married Ellen Cornelius, spinster, by

licence, November 17, 1842 107 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; French Village ages 45 and 57 108 Seabright Cemetery #2; died 27 Jul 1901age 83 109 Seabright Cemetery #2; died age 83 on 4 Feb 1905 110 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 24 & 35 at French Village 111 Halifax Co Death Records, year 1866 #400 112 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 14 & 24 at French Village 113 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" - 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 & 17 at French

Village 114 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 & 11 at French Village 115 Brenda Maruca research of John Jacob Hubley Family, based on ext. review of NS and NH records, based on extensive

review of Nova Scotia and New Hampshire records 116 Brenda Maruca research of John Jacob Hubley’s Family, based on ext. review of NS and NH records

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (258)


117 Beth Rumson Witham citing the Portsmouth, New Hampshire Death Register; Alexander Hubley died 29 Nov 1902 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

118 Pat Watson's Homepage, and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; marriage of Alexander Hubley and Ellen (Eleanor) Abriel given without date

119 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; age 20-30 at Black Point 120 Eleanor's last child was born 18 Sep 1871-1872 - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; not with family at Pope's Harbour 121 Lunenburg Co Marriages (provincial) 1864-1909 page 54, #57: Lucy Hubley, 20 (d/Alexander & Ellen) born New

Italy, married 3 June 1871, Petite Rivier 122 Lunenburg Co Marriages (provincial) 1864-1909 page 54, #57: Lucy Hubley, 20 (d/Alexander & Ellen) born New

Italy, married 3 June 1871, Petite Rivier 123 Lunenburg Co Marriages (provincial) 1864-1909 page 54, #57: Lucy Hubley, 20 (d/Alexander & Ellen) born New

Italy, married 3 June 1871, Petite Rivier 124 1861 Cen of Nova Scotia; died age 2-3 after 30 Mar 1860 at Black Point - Beth Rumson Witham; Ann Elizabeth born

1858 at Pope's Harbour to Alexander Hubley and Ellen Abriel 125 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 19 at Pope's Harbour - Pat Watson's Homepage; Alexander born Aug 1861 to

Alexander Hubley 126 The Presbyterian Witness Newspaper- Nova Scotia 127 1881 Census of NS; age 16 at Pope's Harbour - Pat Watson's Homepage; William born May 1864 to Alexander Hubley

and Ellen Abriel 128 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 15 at Pope's Harbour 129 Beth Rumson Witham; John born Sep 1869 at Tangier in Halifax County NS to Alexander Hubley and Ellen Abriel 130 1880 US Census 131 James Wright, private communication 17 Oct 1998 citing Ekins family tradition, birth sequence given without dates 132 1901 Canadian Census 133 Gail Facini Files 134 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20 at French Village - birth estimated relative to both census and siblings 135 1901 Canadian Census 136 James Wright, private communication 17 Oct 1998 citing Ekins family tradition, birth sequence given without dates 137 Gail Facini Files 138 James Wright, private communication 17 Oct 1998 citing Ekins family tradition, birth sequence given without dates 139 Betty Locke, email to James A. Hubley, 9 Sept. 2004 140 1838 Census of Nova Scotia, age 6-14 at Margaret's Bay 141 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village; Daniel Hubley died 7 Dec 1883 aged 66, Maria, his

wife, died 19 Mar 1876 aged 45 142 Halifax Co Death Records, Year 1876 Record #2 143 The Christian Messenger (Newspaper) (PANS MFM 13230 - 13231), Feb 6, 1852, #6 144 Dutch Reformed Church records, Lunenburg NS, Daniel born 9 May 1818 to John Hubley and Mary Elizabeth

Boutelier, christened 16 Nov 1818 145 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village; Daniel Hubley died 7 Dec 1883 aged 66, Maria, his

wife, died 19 Mar 1876 aged 45 146 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia, age 17 (or 19?) & 28 at French Village 147 1901 Canadian Census 148 1911 Canadian census 149 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village; listed #13; Levi Hubley died 25 Oct 1920 age 67 150 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 17 at French Village 151 Halifax Co Death Records, Year 1875 Record # 395 152 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 16 at French Village - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; John Bridley age 34 and wife

Susan age 27 both with family of Daniel Hubley at French Village 153 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia", John Brigley and Susan Hubley married 29 Dec 1877, Baptist

Church, Black Point NS 154 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; John Bridley age 34 and wife 155 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 15 at French Village 156 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 13 & 24 at French Village 157 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 158 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 159 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 160 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 9 & 18 at French Village 161 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 & 17 at French Village 162 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 463, p 437, #132 163 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 & 12 at French Village 164 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 165 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1890 #474

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166 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 167 Gail Facini Files 168 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20 at French Village - birth estimated relative to both census and siblings 169 1901 Canadian Census 170 1871 Canadian Census- NS 171 1901 Canadian Census, French Village 172 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 173 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1872 # 635 Page 251 174 1901 Canadian Census, French Village 175 E-Mail, June 2006 176 1901 Canadian Census 177 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20 at French Village - 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 52 at Berwick, Kings Co 178 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; marriage date not given - estimated relative to births of wife and first known child 179 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 32 at Berwick, Kings Co 180 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 11 at Berwick, Kings Co 181 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 9 at Berwick, Kings Co 182 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 at Berwick, Kings Co 183 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 4 at Berwick, Kings Co 184 1891 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 at Berwick, Kings Co 185 1851 and 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20 & 20-30 at French Village - birth estimated relative to both census

and siblings 186 Halifax City Death Records, Year 1867 #46 187 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1883 #463 188 1901 Canadian Census 189 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10 French Village 190 1901 Canadian Census 191 Halifax County Marriage Registrations, 1864 page 9, #187 192 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; Alvan age 10-20, 20-30, 31 & 42 at French Village 193 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 & 11 at French Village 194 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1893 #279 195 1901 Canadian Census 196 Mother's obituary indicates nine children - Charles Purcell private communication 29 Jul 2002; Allan Ramsey

MacDonald and Mary Catherine Hubley had Norman 22 Dec 1823 died 31 Aug 1898 in Halifax 197 Charles Purcell private communication 198 Mother's obituary indicates nine children - Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma

(MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted 8 Oct, 1999 by Joan Parks 199 Charles Purcell private communication 200 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks;

birth & marriage dates not known 201 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks;

birth & marriage dates known 202 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks;

birth & marriage dates not known 203 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks 204 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks;

birth & marriage dates not known 205 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks 206 Charles Purcell private communication 2 Aug 2002; Albert Boutilier married 4 Oct 1892 Maggie I. Harvie in Halifax,

she was born 1864 in Hants County 207 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted by Joan Parks 208 Charles Purcell private communications 209 Charles Purcell private communication 210 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 45 (not 35?) at French Village - Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 211 Mother's obituary indicates nine children - Charles Purcell private communication 29 Jul 2002 212 Halifax County Marriage Registrations MFM 16532 Yr 1865 page 18, #106 213 188 Census of Nova Scotia; age 37 at French Village - Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 18, #106 214 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 (at Chester with John and Hannah Kaizer) &15 at French Village (with

parents) 215 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 14 at French Village 216 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10 at French Village 217 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; Selden Hubley age 8 at French Village - 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward

5, Div 7, Page 18, Entries 1-2

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218 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward 5, Div 7, Page 18, Entries 1-2, Fam. 175 219 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon E. A. Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; John born to Ferdinand Hubley and

Hannah Boutilier - The 1861 Census of Nova Scotia, there is a Hubley household (given name could not be verified), but is probably John at Black Point with 6 males and 4 females, including parents

220 Earle Alexander Hubley citing Canon E. A. Harris' Notes on Lunenburg Families; John born to Ferdinand Hubley and Hannah Boutilier married 1851 to Elizabeth Margaret

221 Seabright Cemetery, listed #12; Napoleon D. LaFluer 1861 - 1933, Margaret his wife 1861 - 1948 222 Pamela Roop Kirkland, Family Group prepared 17 Mar 1996; born 1832 at St Margaret’s Bay 223 Pamela Roop private communication 22 Mar 1996 224 Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; born 1829 at Halifax 225 Halifax Co Death Records, November 1893, line 12 226 Tangier Parish Fonds 227 Ancestral File; born 11 Jun 1850 at Pope's Harbour - IGI; baptized 11 May 1851 at Tangier 228 Ancestral File: marriage date not given - estimated relative to birth 229 Ancestral File; born 11 Jul 1852 at Pope's Harbour - IGI; baptized 5 Sep 1852 at Tangier 230 Ancestral File; died 3 Feb 1886 at Tangier 231 Ancestral File; born 9 Sep 1853 at Pope's Harbour - IGI; baptized 14 Apr 1854 at Tangier 232 Ancestral File; born 1854 at Pope's Harbour 233 Ancestral File; born 19 Oct 1858 at Spry Bay 234 Ancestral File; died before 1871 at Halifax Co 235 Ancestral File; born 1863 at Nova Scotia 236 Ancestral File; died 20 Dec 1888 at Tangier 237 Ancestral File; born 1866 at Nova Scotia 238 Ancestral File; born 1868 at Nova Scotia 239 Ancestral File; born 1870 at Nova Scotia 240 Ancestral File; died Aug 1885 at Tangier 241 Ancestral File; born 1871 at Tangier 242 Ancestral File; married 20 Aug 1896 at Halifax Co 243 1901 Canadian Census 244 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; married 1857 245 1901 Canadian Census 246 Suzanne Hatty Genealogy Files 247 1901 Canadian Census 248 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 249 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 250 Pamela Roop Kirkland private compilations 22 Mar and 27 Apr 1996, died 27 Aug 1912 at Dartmouth, buried at St.

James Cemetery, Spry Bay 251 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, #430 p 90 252 Saint James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin records, Charles Hubley and Sarah Boutelier married 21 Jan 1856 253 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" - born Nov 1830, baptized 21 Nov 1830 - Pat Watson's

Homepage--born 1829 254 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, P 28 Of death Records - Tangier Parish 255 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1896 #503 256 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" - born 1847 at Harrigan Cove.Pat Watson's Homepage 257 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, #430, p 90 258 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 57 - 1861 Census of Nova

Scotia, female age 0-1 at Black Point 259 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, Port Dufferin Parish fonds-church records copied on to microfiche-available at NS Public

Archives -reels #11778x, 11779x, 11780x, 11781x 260 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; died before 1881 261 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 57 262 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 263 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R), Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January

1998 264 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 265 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 45 at Pope's Harbour 266 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, p 26 of death records 267 Barry Hubley

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (261)


268 Jean M. Holder and Marion D. Oldershaw - Nova Scotia Marriage Bond Index 1763-1864; William Hubley and Catherine Hawes bonded 20 Dec 1858

269 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 47 at Pope's Harbour 270 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 271 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, p 26 of death records 272 Tangier Parish Fonds 273 Pat Watson's Homepage 274 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 275 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 12 at Pope's Harbour - Pat Watson's Homepage 276 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1887 # 495 277 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 at Pope's Harbour - Pat Watson's Homepage 278 1901 Canadian Census 279 Tangier Parish Fonds 280 Saint James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin records, James Hubley and Nancy Boutilier 281 1901 Canadian Census 282 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, entry 688 283 Tangier Parish Fonds 284 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, entry 688 285 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" - born 15 Nov 1856 at Mushaboom 286 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 287 Tangier Parish Fonds 288 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 289 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 290 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 1866 291 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 292 Tangier Parish Fonds 293 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 294 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 295 Pat Watson's Homepage 296 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 297 Pat Watson's Homepage; died 26 Jan 1911 298 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 299 1901 Canadian Census 300 Saint James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin records 301 1901 Canadian Census 302 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 1862 303 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Charles Anthony Power and Sarah Ellen Boutelier marriage given

without date 304 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 19 Dec 1863 305 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Samuel David Boutilier and Mary E. Clattenburg marriage given

without date 306 Pat Watson's Homepage 307 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Earl Glawson? and Mary Elizabeth Boutilier marriage given without

date 308 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Albert Poland and Carline Amelia Boutilier given without date 309 Pat Watson's Homepage 310 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Elias Andrew (Henry?) Wamboldt and Charlotte Emma Boutilier

marriage given without date 311 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 21 Dec 1876 312 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Matthew Herbet Boutilier and Alice Julia (aka Julie) Boutilier marriage

given without date 313 Pat Watson's Homepage 314 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Alfred R. Boutilier and Nancy Munroe marriage given without date 315 Pat Watson's Homepage 316 Brian W. Beasely "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 317 1881 Census 318 1901 Canadian Census 319 1881 Census

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320 1901 Canadian Census 321 1881 Census 322 1901 Canadian Census 323 1881 Census 324 1901 Canadian Census 325 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 326 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 327 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 328 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 329 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, died 2 Mar 1927 330 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 - Ancestral File; marriage date not given 331 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 332 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 333 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 334 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 335 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 336 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 337 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 338 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 339 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1840 at Nova Scotia, died Jun 1907 drowned 340 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, James Thomson Carmichael and Susan Roberts married about

1865 (sic, first two children born earlier) 341 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born about 1844 in Nova Scotia, died 25 Aug 1907 in Westville,

Nova Scotia 342 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 7 Sep 1864 at Newport, Nova Scotia, died 1882 in

Medway, Massachusetts 343 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 8 Mar 1867 at Mount Denison, Nova Scotia, died in

Medway, Massachusetts 344 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, died Massachusetts, date not given 345 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 Isobel born about 1843 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in Nova Scotia, died in MA 346 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born about 1850 in Nova Scotia, died in Massachusetts 347 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 348 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Hannah born 1845 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, died 29 Sept 1937 349 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Thomas Gordon and Hannah Carmichael married 1872 in

Boston, Suffolk County, MA 350 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 12 Jan 1842 in Pictou, Nova Scotia, died 1 Jul 1940 in

West Somerville, Suffolk County, MA 351 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 352 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 353 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Mary Jane born 1847 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in Nova Scotia, died 1894 in NS 354 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Thomas DeLong Hardy and Mary Jane Carmichael married,

Jordan River, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia 355 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1847 in Jordan River, Nova Scotia, died 1916 in Shelburne

County (Jordan Falls?), Nova Scotia 356 Willette Pye Wood private communication 357 Willette Pye Wood private communication 358 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 359 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born in Dorchester, MA, date not given 360 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Henry Gordon born 1850 to Thomson Carmichael and Elizabeth

Barbara Hubley in New Glasgow, NS 361 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Henry Gordon Carmichael and Mary Ellen Scarr married 12 Oct

1873 in Halifax, Nova Scotia 362 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 4 Sep 1853 in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, died 30 Apr 1923 in

Newton, MA 363 Willette Pye Wood private communication 364 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 365 Gail Facini Files 366 1901 Canadian Census 367 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; Alvan age 10-20, 20-30, 31 & 42 at French Village

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368 Halifax County Marriage Registrations, 1864 page 9, #187 369 1901 Canadian Census 370 1851 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10 French Village 371 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20, 20-30 at French Village, not found in 1871, then 41 at

Black Point 372 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), NS Archives Mfm16532 Yr 1867 #180 373 Death of first wife inferred by second marriage 374 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), NS Archives Mfm 16533 Yr 1873 #499 375 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 29 at Black Point 376 Pat Watson's Homepage 377 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 378 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1891 #332 379 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 380 Pat Watson's Homepage 381 1901 Canadian Census 382 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 581, p52, #24 383 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 384 1901 Canadian Census 385 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10, 10-15 & 29 at French Village, then 38 at Haggett's Cove

- 1900 Census Of Massachusetts 386 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 35 (sic, 25) at Haggett's Cove, born Newfoundland - 1900 Census of Massachusetts,

Leominster, Worcester Co; age 43 387 1900 Census of Massachusetts, USA, Leominster, Worcester Co; last known residence 388 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 at Haggett's Cove - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Leominster, Worcester Co; age

22, born Dec 1877 at Newfoundland 389 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Leominster, Worcester Co; niece age 19, born Dec 1881 390 1901 Canadian Census 391 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 68, #183: Eunice Ann Hubley, 22 (d/o Frederick & Sophia) born and living

St Margaret’s Bay 392 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 393 1901 Canadian Census 394 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 395 1901 Canadian Census 396 1851, 1861 and 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-10, 15-20 -- Elisha Hubley 25 at French Village 397 Seabright Cemetery #30; Grace Marie, 26 Dec 1868 age 7 months, daughter of E. S. and Mary Hubley 398 Kings County Marriages, 1864-1909 page 74, #34: John E. Hubley, 28, merchant (s/ Fredrick & Sophia) born St

Margaret’s Bay, living in Canning, Kings 399 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 38 at Canning (also recorded as age 28 when married in 1874) 400 Seabright Cemetery #30; died 10 Aug 1869 age 7 months, daughter of E. S. and Mary Hubley 401 Kings County Deaths, 1864-1877, p. 133, #56: Frederick H. Hubley, age 1, b. Canning, father John, mother Mahala, d.

3 March 1876, Canning, of convulsions 402 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 4 at Canning 403 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 at Canning - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Boston, Suffolk Co; age 21, born Jun

1878 (sic, 1879?) at Canada (Eng.) 404 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol581, p122, #2789 405 1851, 1861, and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia at French Village - Seabright Cemetery #32; 1848-1934 406 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 407 Seabright Cemetery #32; 1851-1943 "his wife" 408 1901 Canadian Census 409 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 410 Seabright Cemetery #26; 1875-1955 - Included with Clyde R. Hubley 1893-1953 and his wife born 1901 but no

relatioship indicated - 1881 Census of NS at French Village 411 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 412 Seabright Cemetery #25; 1881-1955 413 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 414 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 415 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), PANS Mfm 16535 Yr 1906 P 200 #628 416 Willa Kaiser's Notes page 12 417 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 418 1901 Canadian Census 419 Kings County Marriages, 1864-1909 page 129, #35: Lilliam May Hubley, 22 (d/Nathan & Barbery) born and living in

Seabright, married 28 Apr 1909, Kentville

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420 Kings County Marriages, 1864-1909 page 129, #35 421 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 422 1901 Canadian Census 423 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 424 Seabright Cemetery #26, 1893-1953 - Included with Nathan A. Hubley, 1875-1955 and his wife but no relatioship

indicated 425 Seabright Cemetery #26; born 1901 "his wife" (death not reported) 426 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5-10, 21 & 31 at French Village 427 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 428 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 4-5, 14 & 25 at French Village 429 Seabright Cemetery #10; died 12 Apr 1903 age 53 years 430 Seabright Cemetery #10; died 28 Sep 1928 age 72 "his wife" 431 Seabright Cemetery #10; died 18 Mar 1878 age 4 months "eldest child" 432 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 433 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), PANS Mfm 16535 Yr 1908 P 271 #432 434 1901 Canadian Census 435 1881 Census of Nova Scotia, age 26 and still with widowed mother and unmarried siblings at French Village 436 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 437 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), PANS Mfm16535 Yr 1906 P 200 #623 438 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990 439 Seabright Cemetery #17; 1854-1941 440 Seabright Cemetery #17; died on 6 Oct 1904 age 44 "his first wife" 441 Seabright Cemetery #17; died 6 Oct 1966 "his 2nd wife" 442 1901 Canadian Census 443 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), PANS Mfm 16535 Yr 1908 P 271 #432 444 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 445 Alyce (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communications 24 Jun 1990 & 28 Jun 1998 446 1901 Canadian Census 447 1911 Canadian Census 448 1901 Canadian Census 449 Seabright Cemetery #17; died on 9 Jul 1921 age 23 "his daughter" 450 Willa Kaiser's Notes page 13 451 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 0-1, 11 & 21 at French Village 452 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 453 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 454 James Cameron Hubly, great grandson of Worden Albert Beckwith Hubly, Apr. 2004 455 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 456 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 457 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 458 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) William’s private communication 27 May 1993; Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1839 - 1931 459 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page p. 63, #64 460 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) William’s private communication 27 May 1993; Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1850 - 1936

"wife" - 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia 461 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) William’s private communication 27 May 1993; Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1850 - 1936

"wife" 462 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 & 13 at French Village 463 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 464 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 at French Village 465 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 466 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1904 #323 467 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Alexander Melborn Hubley born

18 Feb 1846 to Alexander Hubley and Jane 468 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Alexander M. Hubley passed on in

the late 1930's or early 1940's 469 Robert Hegerich's Roots Website 470 Marriage date estimated relative to birth of first known child 471 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 28 at Bridgewater 472 Robert Hegerich's Roots Website 473 Presbyterian Witness newspaper 474 Halifax Co Death Records, Year 1876 Record #300 475 Robert Hegerich's Roots Website 476 Provincial Returns of Deaths: 1815-1911

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477 Robert Hegerich's Roots Website 478 1881 Census of Nova Scotia, age 6/12; born Oct at Bridgewater 479 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records; Lilly Hubley, daughter of

Alexander M. Hubley, married Rev. Willard Brewing 480 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 481 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 482 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, year 1873 vol 253 p 260 483 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 484 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich, by e-mail 485 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co, age 50; born Jul 1849 at Canada, English 486 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 487 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 25 at French Village - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 45, born

Aug 1854 at Canada, English 488 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5 at French Village - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 24, born

Mar 1876 at Canada, English 489 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 at French Village - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 22, born

Jan 1878 at Canada, English 490 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 554, p 507, #411 491 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 8, born Apr 1892 at Massachusetts 492 Saint John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg records, Isabella Bona born Dec (sic, Nov) 1849 to Alexander Hubley and

Elizabeth, christened 18 Feb 1864 493 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 316, p 256, #339 494 Massachusetts Vital Statistics 495 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 496 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 497 1861, 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5-10, 18 & 28 at French Village - Also, 1871 Census; age 18 at

Hammond's Plains, laborer with Ambrose, age 41 and Jacob age 73 498 1901 Canadian Census 499 Seabright Cemetery #19; died 8 Apr 1892 age 38 "wife of Robert Hubley" 500 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 7 at French Village, family residing with Isaac Hubley 501 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5 in French Village, family residing with Isaac Hubley 502 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 2 at French Village, family residing with Isaac Hubley 503 1851 and 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; age 10-20 & 15-20 at French Village 504 Obituary for Joseph Stephan Hubley 505 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will 506 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 507 Halifax City Death Records, NS Archivies (online) 508 1901 Canadian Census 509 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will 510 1901 Canadian Census 511 Halifax City Medical Examiner Report, PANS RG41 Vol 82 #1345 512 Massachusetts Vital Statistics 513 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 514 1901 Canadian Census, Halifax Ward 5 515 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project, 22 Dec 1997; died 1 Jun 1927, age 77 516 Massachusetts Vital Statistics 517 1901 Canadian Census, Halifax Ward 5 518 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 519 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will, researched by Barry Hubley 520 Halifax City Death Records 521 Halifax City Death Records, Mar, 1892 Line17 522 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 523 Halifax City Death Records 524 1881 Census 525 1901 Canadian Census 526 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 527 Halifax City Death Records 528 Presbyterian Witness newspaper 529 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 530 1901 Canadian Census 531 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will, researched by Barry Hubley 532 1901 Canadian Census

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533 Obituary for Joseph Stephan Hubley 534 1901 Canadian Census 535 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will, researched by Barry Hubley 536 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 537 Obituary for Joseph Stephan Hubley 538 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 539 1901 Canadian Census 540 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will, Researched by Barry Hubley 541 1901 Canadian Census 542 Obituary for Joseph Stephan Hubley 543 1901 Canadian Census 544 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1879 #215 NS Archives MFM

16533 545 1901 Canadian Census 546 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), 1902 #201 PANS MFM 16535 547 1901 Canadian Census 548 Benjamin M Hubley (1817) Will 549 1861 Census of Nova Scotia; 5-10 at French Village - 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward 2, Div 7, Page

14 550 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 551 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward 2, Div 7, Page 14, Enties 30-35, Fam. 117 552 Halifax City Death Records 553 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS MFM 11568 554 Trinity Anglican Church Records, Register of Burials 555 1901 Canadian Census 556 Trinity Anglican Church Records, NS Public Archives 557 1901Canadian Census 558 1901 Canadian Census, Part of Power family 559 1881 Census, Nova Scotia, Halifax City 560 Researched by Brenda Maruca 561 1901 Canadian Census 562 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 563 1901 Canadian Census 564 Seabright Cemetery #32; 1851-1943 "his wife" 565 1901 Canadian Census 566 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 567 1851, 1861, and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia at French Village - Seabright Cemetery #32; 1848-1934 568 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 569 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 18 & 27 at French Village 570 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 571 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 12 & 22 at French Village - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Framingham,

Middlesex Co; age 41, born Jan 1859 572 MA Registry of Deaths, Vol 529, Page 459, line 22 573 Digby County Marriages, 1864-1909 page 165, #5 574 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Framingham, Middlesex Co; age 31, born Dec 1868 (sic, 1863?) at Nova Scotia 575 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Framingham, Middlesex Co; age 11, born Nov 1888 at Nova Scotia 576 Researched by Brenda Maruca 577 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 578 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1891 #406 579 1901 Canadian Census 580 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 581 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 582 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co, NS 583 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; ages 8 and 19 at French Village - Seabright Cemetery #11; 1862 - 1929 584 1901 Canadian Census 585 Seabright Cemetery #11; 1862 - 1929 586 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1894 # 42 587 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 588 Seabright Cemetery #11; 1874 - 1920 "his wife" 589 Seabright Cemetery #11; 1862 - 1929 590 Seabright Cemetery #11; 1874 - 1920 "his wife" 591 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS

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592 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley, died before 3 Mar 1992 - Obituary of brother Warden Hubley, died before 17 Sep 1982

593 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 594 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley 595 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 16 596 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley 597 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 16 598 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 599 Obituaries of brothers Warden and Thomas Hubley, birth date estimated from sequence given 600 1901 Canadian Census 601 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley, died before 3 Mar 1992 - Obituary of brother Warden Hubley, died before 17 Sep

1982 602 1911 Canadian census 603 1911 Canadian census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 604 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley. Willa Kaizer's Notes page 16: Longard Road Cemetery, Lower Tantallon; Francis

1848 - 1949 and wife Lavina M. 1860 605 Obituaries of brothers Warden and Thomas Hubley - Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Route 333, Tantallon; Carney

W. Hubley 1904 - 1978, his wife Eve 606 1911 Canadian census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 607 Obituaries of brothers Warden and Thomas Hubley - Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Route 333, Tantallon; Carney

W. Hubley 1904 - 1978, his wife Eve. 608 Brenda Maruca research of John Jacob Hubley Family, based on ext. review of NS and NH records 609 1861, 1871 & 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5-10 & not found at Black Point, then 25 at Pope's Harbour - 1881

census indicates born in US 610 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 611 Tangier Parish Fonds 612 Beth Rumson Witham; Celia born Jul 1867 at Tangier in Halifax County NS to Alexander Hubley and Ellen Abriel -

1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 613 Beth Rumson Witham personal knowledge; Charles Pickering and Thelma Caswell married 1919 and had Geraldine

born 1 Apr 1920, Charles (given without birth date), and Marie Ida Pickering born 17 Jul 1927 in Newington, New Hampshire

614 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 615 1901 Canadian Census 616 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 4 at French Village, family residing with Isaac Hubley 617 Gail Facini Files 618 1871 and 1881Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 & 13 at French Village 619 1901 Canadian Census 620 1911 Canadian census 621 Saint Paul's Anglican old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village #77; Lindsay Hubley 1867 - 1939, Sarah A.,

wife 1872 - 1952 622 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1890 #474 623 Saint Paul's Anglican old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village #77; Lindsay Hubley 1867 - 1939, Sarah A.,

wife 1872 - 1952 624 1901 Canadian Census 625 Saint Paul's Anglican old Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery), French Village #77; Lindsay Hubley 1867 - 1939, Sarah A.,

wife 1872 - 1952 626 Saint Paul's Anglcan Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 - Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 627 Saint Paul's Anglcan Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 628 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 14, reference 5, date of marriage not given 629 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 630 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 - Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia" 631 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 632 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 633 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 - Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia" 634 Saint Paul's Anglcan Cemetery, French Village; listed #9, Guy Stanley Hubley 1891 - 1968, wife Hazel Viola 1901 -

1969 - Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia" 635 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery, French Village #76; Angus born 25 June 1898, killed 6 Dec 1917 (same gravestone as

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parents) 636 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery, French Village #76; Lindsay M. born 29 Dec 1894, killed 6 Dec 1917 (same gravestone as

Parents) 637 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 638 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family Of Nova Scotia" 639 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 640 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 641 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 642 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 643 William Black Memorial United (New) Cemetery, Glen Margaret; Grace Ida Hubley 1905 - 1985, son Donald 644 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 645 Saint Paul's Old Cemetery, French Village #76; Irene E. 27 Jan 1900 - 1 May 1901 (same gravestone as parents and

some siblings) 646 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 647 Saint Pauls's Anglican Cemetery, French Village; listed #28, Samuel Lawrence Hubley 1902 - 1961 648 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 20, reference 5, marriage given without date

- Willa Kaizer's Notes page 18 649 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 20, reference 5 650 Chronicle Herald 5 Jun 1982, died 3 June and buried in Anglican Cemetery, French Village 651 French Village Anglican Church - St. Margaret's Parish / St Paul's Parish, PANS Mfm 11368-369 652 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 653 St. Peter's Church Records, Hacketts Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 654 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia", no reference or marriage date given - estimated relative to

birth. 655 St. Peter's Church Records, Hacketts Cove, Halifax Co, NS, CAN 656 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia", no reference and no birth given, birth estimated relative to

siblings 657 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 658 Saint Paul's old Cemetery, French Village #76; Daisy M. 29 Nov 1909 - 16 Feb 1919 (same gravestone as her parents

and some siblings) 659 Gary G. Meade, from research compilied June 1984 660 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 661 1871 and 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 5 & 15 at French Village - Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Route 333,

Tantallon; Harris Hubley 1865 - 1953 662 1901Canadian Census 663 Gravestone, photo Nov. 2003, James A. Hubley 664 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1896 #424 665 Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Route 333, Tantallon; Harris Hubley 1865 - 1953, (his wife) Margaret 1870 - 1951 666 Gravestone, photo Nov. 2003, James A. Hubley 667 Obituary of Vernon Humbert Hubley 668 1901 Canadian Census 669 E-mail J A Hubley, Jun 11, 2006, Obituary of Willis P hubley 670 Obituary for Cecil Allan Hubley 671 Halifax Co Marriages, Year 1898 #169 672 1901 Canadian Census 673 E-mail J A Hubley , Jun 11, 2006 674 E-Mail, Jun 12 2006 675 1901Canadian Census 676 Obituary for Cecil Allan Hubley 677 E-Mail, Jun 11 2006, From J A Hubley including Obituary of Willis P Hubley 678 Obituary for Cecil Allan Hubley 679 Telcom Milton Hubley with James A. Hubley 22 Nov. 2005 680 1901Canadian Census 681 Gravestone, photo Nov. 2003, James A. Hubley 682 Obituary for Dorothy Aileen "Dot" Hubley, Chronicle Herald 6 Jan. 2005 683 Gravestone, photo Nov. 2003, James A. Hubley 684 Obituary for Cecil Allan Hubley 685 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 7 at French Village 1900 Census of New Hampshire, Exeter, Rockingham Co; age

26, born Jul 1873 at Canada 686 1900 Census of New Hampshire, Exeter, Rockingham Co 687 1900 Census of New Hampshire, Exeter, Rockingham Co; age 27, born May 1873 at Canada, English 688 1900 Census of New Hampshire, Exeter, Rockingham Co; age 3/12, born Mar 1900 at New Hampshire

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689 Charles Purcell private communication 690 Charles Purcell private communication 691 Charles Purcell private communication 692 1871 Census of Nova Scotia; age 21 at Hammond's Plains, also age 22 at French Village; age 31 at French Village in

1881 693 Earle A. Hubley private communication 694 Halifax County Marriages, 1864-1916 page 164, #281: Ambrose Hubley, wheelwright, 40 (s/ Jacob & Catherine) born

and living St Margaret’s Bay 695 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication 27 May 1993; Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1832 - 1884 696 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication 27 May 1993; Timberlea Anglican Cemetery (St. Andrews

Anglican) 1832-1884 697 Earle A. Hubley private communication 27 Jul 1989; marriage date not given - estimated relative to birth dates, and

death of previous husband 698 Earle A. Hubley private communication 27 Jul 1989; 1837-1922 699 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; Elinor age 10 at French Village 700 Joan M. Parks private communication on 8 Oct 1999 citing family information of Alice "Sally" Hubley (Mrs. David

Jacobs) and Thelma MacDonald Hubley (Mrs. Bruce Hubley) 701 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 702 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 18 703 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication - Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1873-1938 "Nettie wife of

Isaac Yeadon" - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 8 at French Village 704 Earle A. Hubley private communication 27 Jul 1989; marriage date not given - estimated relative to birth 705 Earle A. Hubley private comm 27 Jul 1989; born 1874 - died after 1923 & before 1929 - 1881 Census of NS; age 7 at

French Village 706 Joan M. Parks' private communication on 8 Oct 1999 citing family records of Alice "Sally" Hubley and Thelma Hubley 707 Earle A. Hubley private communications 27 Jul 1989 & 14 Aug 1998 708 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication 709 St. Andrews Anglican Cemetery 1876-1877 "son" 710 Earle A. Hubley private communication - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 3 at French Village 711 Earle A. Hubley private communication 712 Family research in possession of Alice (Hubley) Jacobs and Thelma (MacDonald) Hubley, transmitted 8 Oct 1999 by

Joan Parks; May Dixon died at age 32 713 Earle A. Hubley private communication - 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 11/12 born May 1880 at French Village 714 Earle A. Hubley private communication 715 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication 716 Addie (Mrs. Vance E.) Williams' private communication - Timberlea Anglican Cemetery 1882-1883 "son" 717 Earle A. Hubley private communication - Timberlea Cemetery (St. Andrews Anglican) 1884-1976, spinster 718 Earle A. Hubley private communication 27 Jul 1989 - St Andrews Anglican Cemetery 1884-1976 719 Earle A. Hubley private communication 720 Earle A. Hubley private communication 721 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; Stuart Hubley age 6 at French Village - 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward

2, Div 6, Page 14, Entries 11-13 722 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward 2, Div 6, Page 14, Entries 11-13, Fam 133 723 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; born 7 Apr 1855 at Spry Bay 724 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; died 10 Dec 1914 at Tangier 725 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; married 14 Apr 1881 at Halifax 726 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; born 21 Nov 1859 at Halifax 727 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; died 23 Oct 1940 at Tangier 728 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; born 5 Oct 1888 at Tangier 729 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; died 2 Dec 1971 at Tangier 730 Ancestral File and Pamela Roop Kirkland, chart prepared 17 Mar 1996; married 18 Jan 1905 at Halifax 731 Ancestral File; born 19 Oct 1858 at Spry Bay 732 Ancestral File; married 29 Apr 1877 at Tangier 733 Ancestral File 734 1901 Canadian Census 735 1911 Canadian census 736 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 737 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 738 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 16, reference 93 739 Brian W. Beasely "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 16, reference 94 740 Brian W. Beasely "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 16, reference 95; Levi Whitman died 16

Aug 1926 at Port Dufferin, buried 18

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741 Tangier Parish Fonds 742 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 95 743 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 105 744 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 109 745 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 106 746 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 107 747 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 107; John Ira Clifton

Henderson buried at Spring Vale Cemetery in Providence 748 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 109 749 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 21, reference 107 750 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 92 751 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 97 752 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 98 753 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 16, reference 97 754 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 755 Trinity Anglican Church, Trinity Anglican Curch Records - Micofiche 11568x- available at NS Public Archives, R674

Register of Deaths 756 Barry Hubley 757 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 16, reference 100 758 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 16, reference 100 - born 1864 - Pat

Watson's Homepage; born 26 Apr 1864 759 California Death Record 760 Barry Hubley 761 Pat Watson's Homepage 762 Tangier Parish Fonds 763 California Death Record 764 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 765 Tangier Parish Fonds, marriage records Year 1908 # 290Page 262 Microfilm roll 16535 766 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, mfm 11922x p447 767 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x, 11922x 768 Barry Hubley 769 Tangier Parish Fonds 770 California Death Record 771 NS Archives and Records,, Marriage Records year 1907 #5 page 202 Microfilm roll 16535, QUAY 3 772 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 773 Barry Hubley 774 Tangier Parish Fonds 775 NS Archives and Records, Marriage Records Year 1908 #97 Page 249 Microfilm roll 16535 776 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 777 Tangier Parish Fonds 778 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds - Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public

Archives on reel 11922x 779 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 780 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; born 13 Nov 1888 781 Tangier Parish Fonds 782 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 783 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 784 Obituary for Thomas Campbell Hubley 785 Barry Hubley 786 1901 Canadian Census 787 Obituary for Thomas Campbell Hubley 788 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 789 Barry Hubley 790 Tangier Parish Fonds 791 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 792 Tangier Parish Fonds

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793 Barry Hubley 794 St Matthew's Presbyterian Church, Index of Marriages Year 1917 P 112 795 Obituary of Pearl Etta (Spears) Hubley 796 Trinity Anglican Church, Trinity Anglican Curch Records - micofiche 11568x- available at NS Public Archives, R 715 797 Barry Hubley 798 Tangier Parish Fonds 799 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 800 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 801 Barry Hubley 802 Tangier Parish Fonds 803 Pat Watson's Homepage, born 19 Oct 1862 804 Pat Watson's Homepage, died 1941 805 Tangier Parish Fonds 806 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1889 #44 807 Pat Watson's Homepage, born 28 Jan 1868 808 Pat Watson's Homepage, died 1952 809 E-mail J A Hubley , Jun 11, 2006 810 Tangier Parish Fonds 811 Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Robert died before 1991 812 Pat Watson's Homepage, marriage date not give 813 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 814 Tangier Parish Fonds 815 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 816 Tangier Parish Fonds, specific date not given 817 1901 Canadian Census 818 Tangier Parish Fonds 819 Pat Watson's Homepage, Sarah Catherine died 1976 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Kate died before 1991 820 Pat Watson's Homepage, marriage date not given 821 Tangier Parish Fonds 822 Pat Watson's Homepage, birth date not given 823 Pat Watson's Homepage, died 1908 824 1901Canadian Census 825 Tangier Parish Fonds 826 Pat Watson's Homepage, birth date not given 827 Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; birth given without date 828 Pat Watson's Homepage; Mina Belle, wife of George Mcnu*tt, died 1971 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Mina died

before 1991 829 1901 Canadian Census 830 Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Harold died before 1991 831 1901 Canadian Census 832 Pat Watson's Homepage, Howard died 1938 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; birth given without date 833 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 834 Obituary for Archie M Hubley 835 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 836 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" April 2004 837 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; born 1902 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Roy J. Hubley 1903 - 15 Feb 1991 age 88

years Westville 838 From files of Robert Roy Hubley July 2005 839 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; born 1902 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Roy J. Hubley 1903 - 15 Feb 1991 age 88

years Westville 840 From files of Robert Roy Hubley July 2005 841 Willa Kaizer Notes; marriage given without date 842 From files of Robert Roy Hubley July 2005 843 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; born May 1906 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; birth given without date 844 Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; Jessie died before 1991 845 Brian W Beazley Genealogy Files 846 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; Sherman McCully married Jessie M. Hubley, marriage date not given - George L.

McCully private communication 25 847 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; born 1908 - Obituary of Roy J. Hubley; birth given without date 848 Pat Watson's Homepage; marriage given without date 849 1901 Canadian Census

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (272)


850 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 59 851 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 852 1901 Canadian Census 853 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 854 1901 Canadian Census 855 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 856 1901 Canadian Census 857 From files of Robert Roy Hubley July 2005 858 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 859 1901 Canadian Census, Spry Bay District 33 860 Barry Hubley 861 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1897, p 133, #283 862 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" ; page 10, reference 60 863 1901 Canadian Census, Spry Bay district 33 864 Trinity Anglican Church, Trinity Anglican Curch Records - Micofiche 11568x- available at NS Public Archives,

Record 1688 865 Trinity Anglican Church, Trinity Anglican Curch Records - Micofiche 11568x- available at NS Public Archives,

Record 1715 866 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 12 Jan 1901 867 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS Mfm 11569 868 1911 Canadian Census 869 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS Mfm 11568 870 1911 Canadian Census 871 Pat Watson's Homepage -died 15 Sep 1972 872 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; marriage date not given - estimated relative to birth 873 Barry Hubley Legacy file 874 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 61 875 1901 Canadian Census 876 From files of Robert Roy Hubley July 2005 877 Barry Hubley Legacy file 878 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1890, #240 879 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, reference 61 880 Barry Hubley 881 1901 Canadian Census 882 Barry Hubley Legacy file 883 1901 Canadian Census 884 Barry Hubley 885 1901 Canadian Census 886 Barry Hubley 887 1901 Canadian Census 888 Pat Watson's Homepage; Teresa Margaret born Oct 1858 (sic? parents married 3 Jan 1859) to William H. Hubley and

Catherine Hawes 889 Pat Watson's Homepage; marriage date not given - estimated relative to birth 890 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 1861 891 Pat Watson's Homepage, married 1 Jan 1887 (sic, 1 Jan 1884?) 892 St Stephen's Anglican Church Baptism Records for Ship Harbour 893 Tangier Parish Fonds 894 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 895 Barry Hubley 896 NS Archives and Records, Marriage Records Year 1908, #97, Page 249, Microfilm roll 16535 897 Tangier Parish Fonds 898 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 899 Tangier Parish Fonds 900 1901 Canadian Census 901 Tangier Parish Fonds 902 1901 Canadian Census 903 Tangier Parish Fonds 904 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 17 at Pope's Harbour 905 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1891, #355 906 1901 Canadian Census, As researched by Barry Hubley

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907 1901 Canadian Census, As researched by Barry Hubley 908 1901 Canadian Census, As researched by Barry Hubley 909 1881 Census of Nova Scotia age; 15 at Pope's Harbour 910 Tangier Parish Fonds 911 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1887, #141 912 Pat Watson's Homepage; Griselda Catherine born 22 Sep 1870 to William John Stuart and Mary Hartling at Newdy

Quoddy 913 Pat Watson's Homepage 914 1901 Canadian Census 915 Tangier Parish Fonds 916 1901 Canadian Census 917 Tangier Parish Fonds 918 1901 Canadian Census 919 Tangier Parish Fonds 920 1901Canadian Census 921 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" April 2004 922 Tangier Parish Fonds 923 1901 Canadian Census 924 Tangier Parish Fonds 925 Pat Watson's Homepage 926 Tangier Parish Fonds 927 Pat Watson's Homepage; Leah Vaughn born 1 Oct 1896 to Nathan Francis Hubley and Griselda Catherine Stuart, died

24 Jul 1916 928 1901 Canadian Census 929 Pat Watson's Homepage 930 Tangier Parish Fonds 931 Pat Watson's Homepage 932 Tangier Parish Fonds 933 Pat Watson's Homepage 934 Tangier Parish Fonds 935 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 9 at Pope's Harbour 936 Tangier Parish Fonds 937 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1893, #179 938 Pat Watson's Homepage 939 Brian W.Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 940 Pat Watson's Homepage; died 14 Oct 1902 941 Tangier Parish Fonds 942 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 943 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 11, Reference 65 944 Brian W Beazley "The Hubley Family of NS" 945 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Faulteen M. Hubley 1901 - 1944, wife Stella M. 1910 - 1937 946 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 947 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public Archives

on reel 11922x 948 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779), Microfilm 11779 949 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1887, #296 950 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 951 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 952 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records - Copied on to Microfiche - available at NS Public

Archives on reel 11922x 953 1901 Canadian Census 954 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 955 Tangier Parish Fonds 956 1911 Canadian Census 957 1901 Canadian Census 958 Pat Watson's Homepage 959 Tangier Parish Fonds 960 Pat Watson's Homepage 961 Tangier Parish Fonds 962 Pat Watson's Homepage; born 17 Mar 1896 963 Pat Watson's Homepage 964 1901 Canadian Census

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965 Moser River Old Cemetery; Thomas A. Hubley 1921 -1940 only son of Alex & Nellie, private N. F23614 Halifax Rifles, died on active service at Halifax

966 1901 Canadian Census 967 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 968 Obituary for Margaret Kathleen Hubley 969 Obituary for Margaret Kathleen Hubley, Chronicle Herald Dec 20, 1990 970 Obituary for Margaret Kathleen Hubley 971 Pat Watson's Homepage 972 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 973 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, Alfred L. Hubley 1868-1964, wife Mary C. 1878 - 1980, Boyd Lewis

Hubley (grandson) 9 Mar 1936 - 26 Sep 1993 974 Halifax Co Marriages, Year 1898, p 167, # 238 975 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 11, reference 68, born 1880 - Saint Paul's

Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom 976 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, Alfred L. Hubley 1868-1964, wife Mary C. 1878 - 1980, Boyd Lewis

Hubley (grandson) 9 Mar 1936 - 26 Sep 1999 977 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, Alfred L. Hubley 1868-1964, wife Mary C. 1878 - 1980, Boyd Lewis

Hubley (grandson) 9 Mar 1936 - 26 Sep 1993 978 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, Alfred L. Hubley 1868-1964, wife Mary C. 1878 - 1980, Boyd Lewis

Hubley (grandson) 9 Mar 1936 - 26 Sep 1999 979 Tangier Parish Fonds 980 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Faulteen M. Hubley 1901 - 1944, wife Stella M. 1910 - 1937 981 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Faulteen M. Hubley 1901 - 1944, wife Stella M. 1910 - 1937 982 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Faulteen M. Hubley 1901 - 1944, wife Stella M. 1910 - 1937 983 Pat Watson's Homepage; Freda Izetta born 4 Aug 1905 to Alfred Levi Hubley and Mary Catherine Snyder 984 Tangier Parish Fonds 985 Pat Watson's Homepage 986 Pat Watson's Homepage 987 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Sheldon W. Hubley 1911 - wife Effie A. 1918 - 1996 (marriage date not

given), son Carson L. 1944 - 1996 988 Saint James Anglican Church, Port Dufferin records, Wiliiam Seldon Boutilier, illegitimate son of William Seldon

Hubley and , West River, Labourer 989 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery , Mushaboom; Sheldon W. Hubley 1911 - , wife Effie A. 1918 - 1996 (marriage date

not given), son Carson L. 1944 - 1996 990 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 991 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998 992 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; married Dec 1882 993 1901Canadian Census 994 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 995 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779) 996 Barry Hubley, Barry Hubley Legacy file 997 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1887, #296 998 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records - Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public

Archives on reel 11922x 999 Port Dufferin Parish Fonds, (NS Archives and Records Management MFM 11779), micrfilm 11779 1000 Tangier Parish Fonds, Tangier Parish Fonds-Church Records - Copied on to Microfiche- available at NS Public

Archives on reel 11922x 1001 1901 Canadian Census 1002 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1893, #363 1003 1901 Canadian Census 1004 Pat Watson's Homepage 1005 1901 Canadian Census 1006 Pat Watson's Homepage 1007 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1008 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1896, #243 1009 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 10, Reference 14 1010 Obituary of William G. Paul 1011 Pat Watson's Homepage 1012 1911 Canadian Census 1013 Pat Watson's Homepage 1014 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, James R. Hubley 1886-1936, wife Margaret 1015 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998

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1016 St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Survey 1017 1909 HALIFAX COUNTY MARRIAGE INDEX Page 39 Line 580 1018 Pat Watson's Homepage 1019 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom, James R. Hubley 1886-1936, wife Margaret M. 1896-1994 1020 Obituary for Margaret Melissa Hubley, Chronicle- Herald, 18 January 1974 1021 Tangier Parish Fonds 1022 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1023 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom Robert S. Hubley 1910 - 1970 1024 St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Survey 1025 Tangier Parish Fonds 1026 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom; Robert S. Hubley wedded 21 Oct 1931; 1910 - 1970, wife E. Irene 1912

- 1997, son Leslie S. S. Oct 1935 - age27 1027 Saint Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Mushaboom 1028 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; James Hubley birth given without date, 10th (sic, 2nd) child, died before 1996,

married Sadie Beaver, date not given 1029 Pat Watson's Homepage 1030 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley 1031 Tangier Parish Fonds 1032 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998 1033 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley 1034 Obituary of Jennie Alice Hubley 1035 Obituary for Stanley Hubley 1036 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998 1037 St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Survey 1038 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1039 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; Peter Hubley born 1917 - Obituary of James William Hubley, Peter Hubley died

(before 1991) - Saint Paul's 1040 Pat Watson's Homepage; Peter Hubley born 1917 - Obituary of James William Hubley, Peter Hubley died (before

1991) 1041 Obituary of James William Hubley 1042 St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Survey 1043 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1044 Obituary of James William Hubley 1045 St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery Survey 1046 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1047 Obituary for Christine Mary Hubley, Saturday, September 17, 2005, The Halifax Herald Limited 1048 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; marriage given without date 1049 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998 1050 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1051 Pat Watson's Homepage, 9 Jul 1997; marriage given without date 1052 Robert H. Crowther’s book "Descendants of Ulrich Hubley of Nova Scotia" 1998 1053 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1054 Pat Watson's Homepage 1055 Obituary for Gerald Roy Hubley 1056 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley, Aug. 2003 1057 Obituary Harlon Eugene Hubley 1058 Pat Watson's Homepage, born 28 Dec 1859 1059 Pat Watson's Homepage 1060 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Eliza Ann Boutelier, wife of John Jayne, died 1921 1061 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Jaques Francis Myatt and Eliza Ann Boutilier marriage given without

date 1062 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1063 Pat Watson's Homepage 1064 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1065 Pat Watson's Homepage 1066 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1067 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Henrietta born 5 Dec 1893 to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier 1068 James Wright private communication 17 Oct 1998, Walter James Hubley and Etta Jayne married 14 Jul 1925 at Halifax 1069 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 Apr 1996; page 14, reference 5, Walter born 23 Dec 1889 to

John Stevenson Hubley and Louisa Jane Timmins 1070 Chronicle Herald (Halifax), 3 May 1974; Walter James Hubley died 2 May 1974 1071 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Mary Alice born 1 Mar 1895 to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (276)


1072 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Mary Alice Jayne died 16 Apr 1977 1073 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Henry Wellesley Slauenwhite and Mary Alice Jayne marriage given

without date 1074 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Henry Wellesley Slauenwhite 9 Nov 1885 - 27 Apr 1972 1075 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1076 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Myrtle Lillian born 4 Apr 1896 to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier 1077 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Florence Elizabeth born 12 Oct 1897 to John Jayne and Eliza Ann

Boutelier 1078 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1079 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; John Jr born to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier, birth listed wiyhout

date after brother Harry 1080 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1081 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Harry born to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier, birth listed without

date before brother John 1082 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1083 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Maynard F. Arsenault and Helen Jayne marriage given without date 1084 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; John Renner, her 2nd husband and Helen Jayne marriage given without

date 1085 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; William John born 1903 to John Jayne and Eliza Ann Boutelier 1086 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1087 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Florence Patricia Shanks and William John Jayne marriage given

without date - Pat Watson's Homepage 1088 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998 1089 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1090 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998 1091 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 1092 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1093 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; George Edward Jayne and Annie Gillis, 2nd marriage for both given

without date 1094 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1095 Pat Watson's Homepage,born 26 Dec 1866 1096 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Burgess Harnish and Maria Margaret Boutilier marriage given without

date 1097 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1098 David Conrad to Philip Crowther 28 Jul 1998; Benjamin Westhaver and Melissa Jane Boutilier marriage given without

date 1099 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1100 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1101 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1102 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born and died in Canada, dates not given 1103 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1104 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1105 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1106 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1107 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, births given in equence without dates 1108 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1109 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, births given in equence without dates 1110 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1111 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, births given in equence without dates 1112 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1113 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, births given in equence without dates 1114 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1115 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1116 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1117 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 5 May 1863 at Parrsborough, Nova Scotia 1118 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, James Hatch and Ida May Carmichael married, date not given 1119 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born in Massachusetts, date not given 1120 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, birth esquence given without dates, but fairly well defined by

births of parents and of Harold's children 1121 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage implied by births of children 1122 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 22 Feb 1870 at Hantsport, Nova Scotia 1123 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (277)


1124 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, died 1938 Wakefield, Massachusetts 1125 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Richard Gordon born 30 Jan 1905 to Jacob Wignot and Mary

Alena Carmichael, Cape Cod, Massachusetts 1126 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998,Robert Lawrence 16 Aug 1915 to Jacob Wignot and Mary Alena

Carmichael, Gorham, New Hampshire 1127 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1128 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1926, Oklahoma 1129 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 15 May 1873 at Medway, Massachusetts, died 1966 in

Medway, Massachusetts 1130 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1131 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Jean Marie born to Gardner Sanderson and Bessie Maude

Carmichael, Medway, Massachusetts, date not 1132 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Edith born about 1900 to Gardner Sanderson and Bessie Maude

Carmichael, Medway, Massachusetts 1133 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1134 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Greta born about 1902 to Gardner Sanderson and Bessie Maude

Carmichael, Medway, Massachusetts 1135 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Lloyd "Jack" born about 1908 to Gardner Sanderson and Bessie

Maude Carmichael, Medway, Massachusetts 1136 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 22 Aug 1875 at Medway, Massachusetts, died 23 Mar

1965 in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 1137 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, George Edgar Carmichael and Helen Gertrude Fox married 25

Dec 1912 in Massachusetts 1138 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 19 Sep 1881 in Greenwich, CT, died 7 Nov 1971 in

Rochester, NH 1139 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Margaret born 25 Feb 1914 to George Edgar Carmichael and

Helen Gertrude Fox in Greenwich, CT 1140 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Robert Bernard Emerson and Margaret Carmichael married 12

Apr 1944 in Fresno, CA 1141 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Robert Bernard Emerson born 14 Jul (1914?) in Dorchester,

MA, died 17 Oct 1974 in Rochester, NH 1142 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Douglas born 24 Jul 1929 (sic, 1923 per Brian Beazley) to

George Edgar Carmichael and Helen Gertrude Fox 1143 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Douglas Carmichael and Helen Sanborn Edgerly married 1948

in New Hampshire 1144 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born in Hampton Falls, NH, died 27 Oct 1972 (auto accident) in

Mooers Falls, NY 1145 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Douglas Carmichael and (2d wife) Emma Grant (widow

Robinson) married, date not given 1146 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Emma Grant died in Maine, 1999 1147 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, William Wallace born 30 Dec 1874 to Robert Gordon and

Isobel Carmichael, Cambridge or Somerville 1148 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, William Wallace Gordon and Faustine Evaleen Davis married

21 May 1901 in Medford, MA 1149 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 24 Jul 1883 in Saugus, Essex Co, MA, died 4 Jul 1971 in

Medford, MA 1150 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Russell D. born 31 May 1016 (sic, 1902?) to William Wallace

Gordon and Faustine Evaleen Davis 1151 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Eva H. born 1 Jan 1905 to William Wallace Gordon and

Faustine Evaleen Davis, Malden, MA 1152 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, William Wallace Jr. born 18 Dec 1910 to William Wallace

Gordon and Faustine Evaleen Davis, Revere 1153 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage implied without date 1154 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Walsworth B. born 31 Aug 1912 to William Wallace Gordon

and Faustine Evaleen Davis, Revere, SuffolK Co. Ma , USA 1155 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage implied without date 1156 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Dotty born 3 Nov 1913 to William Wallace Gordon and

Faustine Evaleen Davis, Revere, Suffolk County 1157 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1158 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Isabel Faustina born 27 Nov 1914 to William Wallace Gordon

and Faustine Evaleen Davis, Revere, Suffolk Co., Ma, USA 1159 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998,Ethel F. born 30 Sep 1917 to William Wallace Gordon and

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (278)


Faustine Evaleen Davis, Revere, Suffolk Co., MA, USA 1160 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1161 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Robert Marshall born 17 Oct 1924 to William Wallace Gordon

and Faustine Evaleen Davis, Medford, MA 1162 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Robert Marshall Gordon and Marjorie Ann Brewster married 13

Jan 19489 in Medford, MA 1163 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1 March 1931 in Medford, MA 1164 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Bruce S., born 1 Oct 1929 to William Wallace Gordon and

Faustine Evaleen Davis, Medford, MA 1165 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 1166 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1167 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 1168 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1169 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, sequence of births given without dates 1170 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1171 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 17, reference 3 1172 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Ellen Elizabeth born 12 Apr 1894 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Nova Scotia, died 1954 1173 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 16 April 1996; page 17, reference 3 1174 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, married in Massachusetts, date not given 1175 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born in Massachusetts, date not given 1176 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Charles Gordon born 1 May 1896 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Barasois, Wine Harbor, Nova Scotia 1177 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Charles Gordon Pye and Helen May Johnson married 27 Oct

1916 in Chelsea, Suffolk County, MA 1178 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 8 May 1898 in Winthrop, Suffolk County, MA, died 13

May 1966 in Rockport, Essex County, MA 1179 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Jesse Budman born 1897 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Nova Scotia, died 1898 in Nova Scotia 1180 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Reginald Lorne Robert born 3 Feb 1899 to Jessie Pye and Nora

Edith Carmichael, Nova Scotia 1181 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Minnie Mae born 28 Feb 1901 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Wakefield, Middlesex County 1182 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Samuel Rainey and Minnie Mae Pye married 30 Jun 1924 in

Massachusetts 1183 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 20 May 1900 in Armagh, Ireland, died 22 Feb 1977 in

Cambridge, Middlesex County, MA 1184 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, James Douglas born 1902 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Massachusetts 1185 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Gladys Alva born 22 Aug 1902 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Massachusetts 1186 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Alexander Bryce and Gladys Alva Pye married 1922 1187 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, birth not given, died 1955 1188 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Lester Eugene born 13 Oct 1904 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Saugus, Essex County, MA 1189 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Lester Eugene Pye and Erma Irene MacFarland married 27 Mar

1927 in Malden, Middlesex County, MA 1190 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 6 May 1909 in Massachusetts, died Jun 1988 in Saugus,

Essex County, MA 1191 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Grace Gertrude born 16 Feb 1906 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Massachusetts 1192 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage in Massachusetts given without date 1193 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 10 Sep 1905, died 20 Aug 1974 in Massachusetts 1194 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Jesse Franklin born 29 Jan 1908 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Chelsea, Suffolk County 1195 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1196 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 5 Sep 1906 in Winthrop, Suffolk County, MA 1197 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Chester Eben born 15 Nov 1909 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, Boston, Suffolk County, MA 1198 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Chester Eben Pye and Irene Francis Howe married 16 Oct 1936

in Boston, Suffolk County, MA 1199 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 10 Jun 1918

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1200 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Hollis Granville born 1911 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith Carmichael, Massachusetts

1201 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Edith Corrine born 25 Sep 1913 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith Carmichael, Massachusetts

1202 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Paul William O'Brien and Edith Corrine Pye marriage in Weymouth, MA given without date

1203 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born Jun 1909, died Mar 1977 in Weymouth, MA 1204 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Clayton Burleigh born 24 Oct 1915 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, East Boston, Suffolk Co 1205 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Dexter Amory born 3 Sep 1917 to Jessie Pye and Nora Edith

Carmichael, East Boston, Suffolk County 1206 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Elizabeth (Bessie) born about 1880 to Henry Gordon

Carmichael and Mary Ellen Scarr, Nova Scotia 1207 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Frank Johnson and Elizabeth Carmichael marriage in

Massachusetts given without date 1208 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Frank Johnson died in California 1209 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, birth sequence given without dates 1210 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1211 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1212 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1213 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Dorothy O'Donnell born about 1884, died in Winthrop, Suffolk

County, Massachusetts 1214 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1215 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998,marriage given without date 1216 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 16 Sep 1922 in Chelsea, Suffolk County, MA 1217 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Grace born 1888 to Henry Gordon Carmichael and Mary Ellen

Scarr, Nova Scotia, died in Massachusett 1218 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Frank Mooney and Grace Carmichael married 1907 in Boston,

MA 1219 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Doris born 14 Jun 1909 to Frank Mooney and Grace

Carmichael, died 1999 in New London, New Hampshire 1220 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1221 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 1910 in Rhode Island, died 24 Apr 1992 in Sutton, NH 1222 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, birth given without date 1223 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage implied by birth of son 1224 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Edith Gertrude born Apr 1892 to Henry Gordon Carmichael and

Mary Ellen Scarr, Nova Scotia 1225 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Edward Ball and Edith Gertrude Carmichael married in

Massachusetts, date not given 1226 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born in England, date not given 1227 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, births given in sequence without dates 1228 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Ruby Stuart born 14 Dec 1894 to Henry Gordon Carmichael and

Mary Ellen Scarr, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1229 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Philip Stokes Wood and Ruby Stuart Carmichael married 28 Jun

1920 in Waltham, MA 1230 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 30 Aug 1891 in Waltham, MA, died 23 Aug 1952 in

Jefferson, ME 1231 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1232 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, marriage given without date 1233 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 13 Apr 1927 in West Medford, Middlesex County, MA 1234 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1235 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, born 22 Sep 1925 in Worcester, Worcester County, MA, died 14

Apr 1983 in Hingham, Plymouth County 1236 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998 1237 Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998, Willette Ruth born 10 Nov 1934 to Charles Gordon Pye and

Helen May Johnson in Cambridge, Middlesex 1238 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 8 at Black Point 1239 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1891, #176 1240 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1241 1901 Canadian Census 1242 1911 Canadian census 1243 1901 Canadian Census

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1244 1881 Census of Nova Scotia: at French Village 1245 1901 Canadian Census, French Village , Halifax Co, NS 1246 Seabright Cemetery, listed #1; his wife 1889 - 1923 1247 Date of marriage estimated relative to death of prior wife, and to birth of child 1248 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1249 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1250 Seabright Cemetery, listed #1; 1879 - 1959 1251 Obituary for Lillian Carrie (Hubley) Thomson, Monday, June 7, 1999, The Halifax Herald Limited 1252 Obituary for Lillian Carrie (Hubley) Thomson 1253 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1254 Obituary Halifax Herald 1255 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1256 Obituary for James G Hubley 1257 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1258 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 2 at French Village 1259 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1260 1901 Canadian Census 1261 Massachusetts Vital Statistics 1262 Baptist Church, Seabright records, Harriett Amelia Hubley died 12 Jan 1990 age 96 years, buried Beech Hill Cemetery 1263 1901 Canadian Census 1264 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 12 1265 Alyce (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communications 24 Jun 1990 & 28 Jun 1998 1266 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 12 1267 Obituary for Weldon Anthony Hubley 1268 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 12 1269 Alyce (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communications 24 Jun 1990 & 28 Jun 1998; Alyce Myrtle Armsworthy born

31 Jul 1911 - The Halifax Herald Limited 1270 Alyce (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communications 24 Jun 1990 & 28 Jun 1998 1271 Alyce (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communications 24 Jun 1990 & 28 Jun 1998 1272 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990 1273 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990 (also obituary of Geraldine Edna McDonald) 1274 Obituary of Geraldine Edna McDonald 1275 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1276 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990 1277 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1278 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1279 Obituary of Geraldine Edna McDonald, marriage given without date 1280 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1281 Obituary of Geraldine Edna McDonald, marriage given without date 1282 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1283 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 1 1284 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1285 Obituary for Florena Hubley 1286 Obituary of Geraldine Edna MacDonald 1287 Willa Kaizer's Notes page 13; daughter indicated without name or birth date 1288 Alice (Mrs. Weldon A.) Hubley private communication 24 Jun 1990 1289 Obituary Halifax Herald 1290 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 citing original family records 1291 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1292 James Cameron Hubly,great grandson of Worden Albert Beckwith Hubly, Apr. 2004 1293 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 naming his grandfather Charles Chester Hubley 1294 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1295 James Cameron Hubly,great grandson of Worden Albert Beckwith Hubly, Apr. 2004 1296 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 naming his grandfather Charles Chester Hubley 1297 James Cameron Hubly,great grandson of Worden Albert Beckwith Hubly, Apr. 2004 1298 James C. Hubly private communication 22 Apr 1999 naming his grandfather Charles Chester Hubley 1299 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" &1881 Census of Nova Scotia 1300 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1896, #173 1301 Brian W. Beazley "The Hubley Family of Nova Scotia" 1302 Researched and forwarded by Bob Hegerich 1303 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 6 at French Village 1304 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005

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1305 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1896, #286 1306 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1307 1881 Census of Nova Scotia -French Village - Maxine Pastirik private communication 26 Sep 2003; complete name

Wellesly Harrington Hubley 1308 Maxine Pastirik private communication 26 Sep 2003; complete name Wellesly Harrington Hubley 1309 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1310 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1905, #3 1311 Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd Edition," page 36; George born 1906 to Wellesley Hubley

and Grace 1312 Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd Edition," page 36; George Hubley died 13 Jul 1987,

buried Black Point 1313 Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd Edition," page 36; George Hubley and Violet May Hubley

married 17 Jun 1923 at Black Point 1314 Obituary of Kenneth Arthur Hubley, Sr - Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd Edition," page

23 1315 Obituary of Mildred J. (Ruth) Hubley, died before 1991 - Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd

Edition," 1316 Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd Edition," page 36; George Hubley died 13 Jul 1987,

buried Black Point 1317 Obituary of Mildred J. (Ruth) Hubley, died before 1991 - Maxine Pastirik "The Black Point Nova Scotia Hubleys, 2nd

Edition," 1318 J A Hubley Genealogy Project Oct 2005 1319 Obituary for Douglas Charles Hubley, Chronicle Herald 12 Nov. 2002 1320 Robert Hegerich's Roots Website 1321 Index to New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1954 1322 Sherman Craig via email, May 2005 to James A. Hubley 1323 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 2 at Bridgewater 1324 Obituary of Beatrice G. Hubley 1325 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 1 at French Village - 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 20, born

Feb 1880 at Canada, English 1326 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 580 p71 1327 1900 Census of Massachusetts, Lynn, Essex Co; age 18, born Jul 1882 at Canada, English 1328 Massachusetts Vital Statistics, Vol 554, p508, #419 1329 Massachusetts Vital Statistics 1330 Ancestral File; died 22 Mar 1927 at Fort Bragg, California - Willette Pye Wood private communication 7 Jul 1998,

died 2 Mar 1927 1331 1881 Census of Nova Scotia; age 4 at French Village, family residing with Isaac Hubley 1332 1901 Canadian Census 1333 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project, 22 Dec 1997 - 1901 Census of Nova Scotia; Halifax City Ward 5, Div 10, Page 9 1334 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project, - at Halifax, buried Camp Hill Cemetery 1335 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1336 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project, 22 Dec 1997; died 1 Jul 1971 at Halifax 1337 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1338 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1339 Beverley Ruth (Hubley) Baillie 1340 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1341 1901 Canadian Census 1342 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1343 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project, 22 Dec 1997; born 25 Oct 1891 1344 Peter Hubley Genealogy Project 1345 1901 Canadian Census 1346 1911 Canadian Census 1347 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management), Year 1910 1348 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS MFM 11568 1349 Obituary 1350 Obituary for Joseph Stewart Hubley 1351 Trinity Anglican Church Records, NS Public Archives MFM 11568x 1352 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS MFM 11568, as researched by Barry Hubley 1353 Obituary for Frederick W. Hubley 1354 Trinity Anglican Church Records, NS Public Archives MFM 11568x 1355 Obituary 1356 Obituary for Louis E. Hubley

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1357 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS MFM 11568 1358 Obituary for Louis E. Hubley 1359 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS MFM 11568 1360 1901Canadian Census 1361 Obituary of Thelma Maude (Hubley) O'Brien, marriage given wthout date 1362 Trinity Anglican Church Records, Register of Burials #1488 1363 Obituary of Thelma Maude (Hubley) O'Brien 1364 Obituary of Thelma Maude (Hubley) O'Brien 1365 1901 Canadian Census, Halifax City , Ward 4,Div 1, family#84 1366 Halifax Co Marriage Registrations, (NS Archives and Records Management) 1367 1901 Canadian Census 1368 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 1369 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley, died before 3 Mar 1992 - Obituary of brother Warden Hubley, died before 17 Sep

1982 1370 Obituary for Effie May Hubley 1371 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 1372 Obituary of brotherThomas Hubley, died before 3 Mar 1992 - Obituary of brother Warden Hubley, died before 17 Sep

1982 1373 Trinity Anglican Church Records, PANS Mfm 11568 1374 1901 Canadian Census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 1375 Willa Kaiser's Notes 1376 Obituary of Mable Mae (Langille) Hubley, daughters Betty and Jean given in sequence without birth dates - Saint

Lukes Anglican Pine Hill Cemetery 1377 Obituary of Mable Mae (Langille) Hubley, marriage given in without date 1378 Obituary of Mable Mae (Langille) Hubley, daughters Betty and Jean given in sequence without birth dates - Saint

Lukes Anglican Pine Hill Cemetery 1379 Obituary of Mable Mae (Langille) Hubley, marriage given in without date 1380 Obituary of Mable Mae (Langille) Hubley, daughters Betty and Jean given in sequence without birth dates - Saint

Lukes Anglican Pine Hill Cemetery 1381 Beech Hill Cemetery, Seabright, 3 Mar 1992 age 89 years, oldest resident of Seabright 1382 1911 Canadian census, French Village, Halifax Co NS 1383 Beech Hill Cemetery, Seabright, 3 Mar 1992 age 89 years, oldest resident of Seabright 1384 Obituary of Thomas Hubley, marriage given without date 1385 Obituary of husband Thomas Hubley 1386 Beech Hill Cemetery, Seabright, 3 Mar 1992 age 89 years, oldest resident of Seabright 1387 Cow Bay Cemetery, 29 Mar 1994 age 65 years - Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, died 29 March 1994 age 65 years

at Cow Bay 1388 Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, marriage given without date 1389 Cow Bay Cemetery, 29 Mar 1994 age 65 years - Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, died 29 March 1994 age 65 years

at Cow Bay 1390 Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, births given in sequence without dates 1391 Don Shankle private communication 8 Jun 1999 transmitting Willa Kaiser's notes; marriage given without date 1392 Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, births given in sequence without dates 1393 Don Shankle private communication 8 Jun 1999 transmitting Willa Kaiser's notes; marriage given without date 1394 Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, births given in sequence without dates 1395 Don Shankle private communication 8 Jun 1999 transmitting Willa Kaiser's notes; marriage given without date 1396 Obituary of Earle Thomas Hubley, births given in sequence without dates 1397 Don Shankle private communication 8 Jun 1999 transmitting Willa Kaiser's notes; marriage given without date

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Index of Individuals

A Abriel -

Eleanor: 19 Joseph D.: 93

Adams - Ella: 59 Florence: 59 Maud: 59 Minnie: 59 Walter: 59 William: 59

Allaby - Dorothy Irene: 128 Harold Ernest: 128 Helen May: 128 Henry E.: 128 James Kenneth: 128 Nina Ruth: 128 Perry Vernon: 128

Allen - Ainsley: 65 Clyde: 66 John: 65 Olive: 65 Violet: 24

Ansell - Jane: 13

Armsworthy - Alyce Myrtle: 118

Arsenault - Maynard F.: 107

Arthur - Marjorie: 128 William: 128

B Baillie -

Robert Whitman: 128

Baker - Angus: 53

Ball - Arthur: 113 Edward: 112

Edward: 113 Helen: 113

Barkhouse - Arthur Dunlop: 91 Charles: 91 Eva: 91 Franklin: 91 Henry Edward: 91 Maud: 91 May: 91 William Clarence: 91

Bayers - Elizabeth Umlah: 50

Beaver - Ada Ann: 91 Angus: 92 Annie Iona: 92 Earl Tennyson: 92 Lottie: 92 Mildred "May": 92 Samuel "Ross" Rossborough: 92 Sarah Muriel: 103 Zachariah: 36

Beazley - Minnie: 76

Becker - Charles Henry: 64 Edwin W.: 64 Forrest L.: 64

Bentley - Robert: 126 William R.: 127

Beranger - Bernice Mary: 107

Bishop - Douglas: 120 Elizabeth: 120 Elizabeth Anne: 76 John: 121 Phillip: 121

Blakley - Harry P 58

Boutelier - Matthew Herbet: 36

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Boutilier - Albert: 29 Alfred R.: 37 Alice: 29 Alice Julia: 36 Arnold Elijah: 68 Ben: 29 Bernard Kingsley: 106 Bessie: 24 Blanche: 106 Caroline Amelia: 36 Carrie: 106 Charles A.: 37 Charles Robert: 24 Charlotte Emma: 36 Clarence: 106 Clyde Aubrey: 68 Clyde Oswald: 117 Daisy: 106 Edward Christopher: 26 Elias Henry: 37 Eliza Ann: 36 Eliza Mary: 37 Elizabeth: 68 Ellen Ann: 8 Ellen Irene: 103 Emily: 106 Emily Jane: 114 Emma: 29 Frances Emmeline: 24 Freeman: 29 Grace Ida: 70 Haglitt Samuel: 68 Hannah Elizabeth: 10 Hannah Elizabeth: 37 Hannah Matilda: 36 Harold: 37 Harriet Jane: 37 Harry: 106 Hazel: 106 Irene: 117 James: 3 James Archibald: 24 Jane: 24 Jane Amelia: 99 Jerimiah: 37 Jessie Matilda: 24 John Cyrus: 28 John Fred: 8 John Henry: 26

John James 3 John Peter 3 Lydia May: 37 Mae: 106 Maria Margaret: 36 Mary Ann: 37 Mary Elizabeth: 36 Matthew: 36 Maud Book: 24 Melissa Jane: 36 Mini Blanche: 24 Nancy: 34 Norman: 24 Norman: 29 Olive: 29 Omar: 29 Peter: 36 Robert: 29 Robert Ellis: 24 Samuel David: 36 Samuel George: 68 Sarah Ellen: 32 Sarah Ellen: 36 Sarah Francis: 37 Thomas Alfred: 24 Thomas John Frederick: 23 William: 37 William Albert: 23 William Edmund: 37 Winnie: 106

Bowles - Walter Douglas: 68

Boyce - Dorothy: 75 Frank: 75 George: 75 George Frederick: 75 Jean Louise: 75 John Macdonald: 75 Margaret: 75

Brayley - Ronald: 133

Bremner - Effie May: 131

Brett - Albert Frederick: 69 Frank Henry: 69 Frank Henry: 69 Mary Jane: 69

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Brewing - Willard: 51

Brewster - Marjorie Ann: 110

Brigley - John: 25

Broderick - Ruth Eileen: 112

Brooks - Andrew: 111

Brown - Nellie: 68

Bryce - Alexander Gibson: 111

Buchanan - Edwin Vail: 125 Loren: 126 Merlin: 126

C Card -

Arthur: 68

Carmichael - Alexander Francis: 11 Alexander Thompson: 38 Andrew: 12 Andrew F.: 37 Angus F.: 37 Archie: 108 Barbara: 12 Barbara: 37 Bessie: 108 Bessie Maude: 38 Brunswick B.: 38 Charles: 11 Daisy: 108 David: 11 Dorothy: 112 Douglas: 109 Edith Gertrude: 40 Elizabeth: 12 Elizabeth: 38 Elizabeth: 40 Elizabeth: 108 Ella Florence: 38 Ellon: 108 Elsie: 108 Fred: 108

Frederick Hubley: 11 Frederick Hubley: 37 George Edgar: 38 Gordon: 38 Grace: 40 Hannah: 11 Henry Edward: 11 Henry Gordon: 12 Ida May: 38 Isobel: 11 James: 37 James: 38 James Thomson: 11 John George: 11 John George: 37 John Thomas: 108 Laura: 38 Laura: 38 Margaret: 109 Mary: 37 Mary Alena: 38 Mary Jane: 12 Matthew: 38 Minnie: 40 Nora Edith: 40 Reginald: 40 Ross: 108 Ruby Stuart: 40 Sophia: 108 Thomas: 38 Thomson: 11 Tilletha: 38 William: 11 William G.: 108 William T.: 37

Carr - Ellen: 77 Samuel William: 77 Sarah C.: 77

Case - Evelyn: 58 Samuel C.: 58 Stanley: 58 Welsford: 58

Caswell - Esther Mary: 65 George H.: 65 Harriet Sophia: 65 Thelma: 65 William Cleveland: 65

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (286)


William Cleveland: 65

Chapman - Walter Joseph: 110

Chenault - Doris Marie: 128

Chrisholm - Eleanor: 119

Christie - Avard: 108

Chute - Clarence L.: 67

Clattenburg - Mary E.: 36

Cleveland - Arthur S.: 51 Charles g.: 51 Edwin O.: 51 Emma A.: 51 Lucy H.: 51 Nellie G.: 51

Collishaw - Abigail: 8 Agnes: 23 Albertha: 24 Basil: 66 Benjamin: 8 Charles Albert: 23 Charles Albert: 66 Charles Albert: 127 Cyrus: 23 Davis: 23 Dora: 66 Dwight Lyman: 66 Edna Lillian: 67 Edwin L.: 67 Edwin Lyman: 23 Edwin Lyman: 67 Effie: 24 Elias: 23 Ella May: 24 Ellen: 23 Ellison: 23 Elvira: 66 Enos: 23 Eunice: 23 Grace Florence: 24 Hiram Franklin: 24 Hollis Arthur: 68 Ida May: 23

Iva: 66 Jane: 8 John: 7 John: 8 John (aka: John Jr.): 23 Laura Annette: 24 Lavilla: 23 Lila: 68 Martha: 8 Mary: 24 Mary Rebecca: 8 Melda Bernice: 67 Naomi Elizabeth: 23 Norman Ainslie: 23 Norman Anslie: 67 Phoebe: 67 Rawlins Roland: 24 Thomas: 8 Wilbert: 24 William Elijah: 8

Colp - George Benjamin: 15

Comingo - Jane Catherine: 13

Connors - Florence May: 86 Susannah Louisa: 80

Conrad - Freeman Alexander: 45

Cook - Gordon: 117

Corkum - Mary May: 45

Cornelius - Eleanor: 2

Costley - Bridget A.: 19 Margaret Jane: 64

Covey - Ada J.: 40 Ann: 8 Arthur C.: 43 Benjamin: 12 Charles: 43 Elijah W.: 40 Eva J.: 40 Flora: 43 Frances: 70

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Jennie A. B.: 43 John: 12 Norman: 12 Samuel: 12 Silas: 43

Cox - Esther: 46

Crawford - Ellna Myrtle: 68

Crenner - Mr.: 7

Crocker - Egbert R.: 62

Crockett - Frank: 39

Croucher - Mr.: 10

D Dagley -

Audrey: 119

Dakens - Mary Ann Elizabeth: 89

Dauphinee - May Victoria: 67 Sarah A.: 69 Stephen: 25

David - Christine Mary: 104

Davies - Pearl Helena: 124

Davis - Faustine Evaleen: 110

Day - Gary: 119

Daye - Clive M.: 99 Joseph Edison: 96

Deal - Angelina: 72

Dean - Donald: 59

DeBaie - Agnes: 77 Ellen: 77

Depriest - Evelyn: 108

Didham - Arthur: 112

Dillon - Ellon: 38

Dixon - May: 76

Dooks - Lester G.: 92

Driscoll - Hilda: 129

Drysdale - Charles: 29

Durkan - Mary Kate: 89

E Earle -

Marion Elizabeth: 68

Edgerly - Helen Sanborn: 109

Eisan - Edwin Anselm: 96

Emerson - Robert Bernard: 109

Emery - Jotham: 7

F Faulds -

Jane: 37

Fenerty - Gertrude: 117 Jack: 117 Jean: 118 Laurie: 117

Filmore - Douglas: 133

Fish - Guy: 109

Fox - Helen Gertrude: 109

Fraser - Frederick Arthur: 113

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (288)


Robert Lawrence: 70 Thomas E.: 113

Fredericks - Fenwick: 111 Joy Abigail: 111 Margaret Louise: 111 Thomas Hardy: 111

Frizzell - Ellen Maude: 76

G Gaetz -

Clara Alice: 66

Gay - Mary Jane: 69

Gerrard - Peter Wellington: 96 Wayne Darlington: 96

Gerret - Sarah: 15

Gilkie - Blanche: 128

Gillis - Annie B 107

Gish - George: 112

Glawson - Elizabeth A.: 54

Glawson? - Earl: 36

Godfrey - Frederick William: 45

Goodspeed - Ernest: 111

Gordon - Bessie: 39 Bruce S.: 110 Clarence: 39 Dotty: 110 Edna: 39 Ethel: 39 Ethel F.: 110 Eva: 39 Eva H.: 110 Isabel Faustina: 110 Jane: 39

Lottie: 39 Mabel: 39 Robert: 38 Robert: 39 Robert Marshall: 110 Russell D.: 110 Thomas: 39 Thomas: 39 Walsworth B.: 110 William Wallace: 39 William Wallace: 110

Gould - Amelia: 71

Grant - Donald: 122 Emma: 109 Harold: 122 Hugh: 122 Irene: 122 Rebekah Gotabed: 122 Ruth: 122 Seymore H: 122

Gray - David: 65 Roy Oliver: 65

Greenwood - Frank W.: 64

Grezer - William Albert: 15

H Hadley -

Charles: 67

Hag - Lorne M.: 94

Hagerty - Catherine: 82

Hall - Unnamed: 116

Hamilton - Jane Olivia: 79

Harding - Ellsworth: 112

Hardy - Arthur Ward: 39 Margaret Marshall: 39 Mary Carmichael: 111

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Ruby Alena: 39 Stillman Archibald: 39 Thomas Delong: 39

Harnish - Allen: 100 Charles Angus: 107 Edward: 100 Ellen F.: 100 Ezekiel Burgess: 107 George Isaac: 100 Hezekiah Burgess: 107 Howard: 100 Jennie S.: 100 John W.: 97 Walter: 100 William: 104 William Isaac: 35

Hartman - Janet: 126

Harvey - Margaret: 29

Hatch - Ethel: 109 Harold Devere: 109 James: 109 Mrs. Harold: 109

Hawes - Catherine Jane: 33 Catherine Jane: 31 Edmond M.: 31 Emily: 31 George Christopher: 31 Gertrude: 31 Gertrude: 77 Hannah Elizabeth: 31 Isaiah: 31 John: 31 John/David: 31 Joseph Abram: 31 Lavenia: 95 Norman: 31 Phebe: 31 William Henry: 31

Hearn - Charles Stewart: 64

Heffernan - Winifred: 73

Hefler - Anne: 41

Heisler - Grace: 122

Henderson - John Ira Clifton: 78

Hendila - Selma: 108

Hennigan - Mary: 85

Henritci - Sarah: 15

(Henritcy) - Sophia Ritcey: 12

Hick - Robert: 134

Higgins - Alfred: 66

Holland - Mary: 56 Priscilla: 56

Hollander - John Emil: 112

Hollett - Florena Marion: 120

Holme - Allen W.: 41

Howe - Irene Francis: 112

(Hubley)? - Elizabeth: 101

(Hubley) - Alice: 88 Ann Caroline: 5 Annie: 73 Annie Rachel: 42 Carrie: 75 Catherine: 48 Edna: 105 Elizabeth Margaret: 30 Elsie: 46 Emma: 26 Esther Mildred: 131 Evelyn M.: 63 Hazel Viola: 69 Janice: 128 Lalia A.: 30 Marjorie Beatrice: 92 Mary: 43

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Mary E.: 50 Maude: 130 Mildred: 63 Nellie*: 98 Sylvia: 118

Hubley - Adelaide Barbara: 6 Adelaide Estano 53 Alexander: 4 Alexander: 9 Alexander: 20 Alexander: 50 Alexander Melbourne: 15 Alexander Randolph: 87 Alfred Levi: 35 Alice Maud: 15 Allan Raymond: 70 Almira Margaret: 35 Almond Godfry: 95 Alva F.: 95 Alvah F: 42 Alvin: 12 Alvin: 27 Alvin: 28 Amanda Melvina: 17 Ambrose: 75 Amelia: 9 Amos: 11 Amos: 114 Amos Baxter: 41 Amos Henry: 12 Andrew Allen: 17 Angeline Margaret: 6 Angus: 25 Angus A.: 69 Ann Eliza: 15 Ann Mary: 4 Anna: 9 Anna Elizabeth: 4 Anna Elizabeth: 20 Anna Lucinda: 17 Anna Maude: 87 Anna May Lawton: 98 Anna Sophia: 13 Annabelle: 42 Annie: 22 Annie: 126 Annie Belle: 34 Annie Belle: 95 Annie Drucilla: 18

Anthony W.: 12 Anthony Weldon: 118 Archibald Merrill: 88 Armanella: 12 Arnold Harrington: 124 Arthur: 26 Arthur: 42 Arthur: 76 Arthur Bertram: 85 Arthur Emile: 49 Arthur Seymour: 59 Asil: 72 Audrey Rebecca: 125 Austin: 76 Avard E: 42 Barbara A.: 18 Beatrice: 70 Beatrice G.: 126 Belle Robertine: 53 Benjamin: 9 Benjamin Bernard: 59 Benjamin M.: 4 Bernice: 116 Bertram Cruickshanks: 125 Bessie: 47 Bessie: 48 Betteann: 119 Betty: 133 Beverly Ruth: 128 Blance E.: 58 Blanche: 53 Carl Stratton: 74 Carmeleta Clare: 96 Carney: 63 Caroline Melissa: 35 Carrie: 71 Cecil Allen: 72 Celia Ann: 21 Charles: 10 Charles: 63 Charles: 70 Charles: 120 Charles: 131 Charles Chester: 48 Charles Stillman: 92 Chesley Lorne: 96 Christina Mildred: 97 Clara May: 49 Clarence Arthur: 43 Clarence H.: 22 Clarence H.: 51

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (291)


Clark Foch: 125 Clifford: 58 Clyde Richard: 45 Conn: 72 Cyril: 87 Daisy: 131 Daisy M.: 70 Daisy Vaughn: 89 Daniel: 24 Daniel: 25 David: 11 David: 35 David: 120 David Allen: 97 Donald Cameron: 124 Dora: 41 Doreen: 134 Doris: 115 Doris: 123 Dorothy: 131 Dorothy Pearl: 130 Douglas: 116 Earl C.: 95 Earle Thomas: 133 Ebenezer: 29 Edgar: 63 Edith B.: 42 Edmund Isaac: 82 Edward A.: 35 Edwin Bayers: 50 Edwin Byron: 15 Edwin Byron: 124 Eleanor: 48 Elinor/Helena: 76 Elisabeth Reynolds: 15 Elisha Steven: 12 Eliza Melvina: 42 Elizabeth: 25 Elizabeth 50 Elizabeth Barbara: 4 Elizabeth H.: 18 Ella Curtis: 34 Ella Mabel: 81 Ella Mae: 103 Ella May: 36 Ellen: 9 Ellen (Ella): 18 Ellen Margaret: 21 Elsie: 46 Elsie: 47 Elsie: 48

Elsie: 126 Elsie: 133 Elsie Lillian: 51 Emily A.: 36 Emma: 18 Emma: 25 Emma Charlotte: 11 Emmeline A.: 46 Enesimus 76 Enetta 76 Erma: 104 Ethel: 53 Ethel Eveline: 96 Ethel Evelyn: 58 Ethyl M.: 75 Etta (Henrietta): 63 Eunice Ann: 12 Eunice Ann: 18 Eva: 28 Eva: 72 Eva Rebecca: 92 Eva St. Clair: 51 Fanny: 63 Ferdinand: 4 Foster: 76 Fred: 46 Freda Izetta: 99 Frederick: 4 Frederick F: 42 Frederick Francis: 12 Frederick H.: 44 Frederick William: 130 George: 9 George: 63 George: 104 George: 123 George ( Hurley): 33 George Benjamin: 7 George Bernhard: 4 George Harold: 70 George Isaac: 33 George Isaac: 87 Gerald H.: 73 Gerald Roy: 104 Gertrude Frances: 96 Gideon: 25 Gordon Edward: 130 Grace E.: 51 Grace Mabel: 30 Grace Mabel: 45 Grace Marie: 44

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (292)


Grace Violet: 50 Greta: 71 Guy Stanley: 69 Hannah Ann: 36 Hannah Ellen: 7 Hannah Isabel: 33 Harlon Eugene: 105 Harold: 88 Harold E.: 55 Harriet Amelia: 47 Harris: 28 Helen M: 42 Henrietta (Etta): 18 Henry Edward: 17 Herbert Allen: 76 Howard: 18 Howard Raeburn: 88 Ida: 30 Ida May: 27 Ida May: 33 Idella: 126 Ira Austen: 83 Irene: 47 Irene Edith: 70 Isaac Baxter: 17 Isabella Bona: 15 Isee: 72 Jacob B.: 7 James: 11 James: 35 James: 116 James Robert Stormison: 36 James William: 103 Jane Catherine: 15 Jane L.: 22 Janet: 134 Jean: 133 Jeneva: 97 Jennie: 48 Jennie Alice: 104 Jesse Judson: 12 Jessie Beckwith: 49 Jessie D.: 59 Jessie May: 89 Joan: 119 Johannes: 2 John: 2 John: 10 John: 21 John Alexander (Johnnie): 85 John D.: 121

John Deleston Duncan: 64 John Edward: 104 John F.: 36 John Jacob: 4 John Joseph: 15 John Kenneth: 17 John Philip: 4 John S.: 7 John S.: 51 John Seldon: 98 John William: 128 Joseph: 21 Joseph: 58 Joseph Alexander: 98 Joseph Edward: 33 Joseph Henry: 35 Joseph Stephan: 17 Joseph Stewart: 129 Joshua: 6 Joyce Lillian: 125 Kathleen Marie: 48 Laura: 53 Laura: 56 Laura: 57 Laura Elizabeth: 36 Laura M.: 42 Laura Vale: 95 Laurella May: 97 Lawrence: 115 Leah Vaughan: 95 Leblanc: 26 Leona Letitia: 99 Leonard Douglas: 128 Lester E.: 48 Levi J.: 25 Lila: 72 Lilian Mabel: 46 Lillian Carrie: 115 Lillian Lavina: 96 Lillian May: 45 Lilly: 51 Lindsay: 25 Lindsay Morton: 70 Lizette Walfogle: 15 Lorenzo Murray: 96 Loring E.: 22 Lorne: 119 Lottie: 52 Louis E.: 58 Louisa Beckwith A: 53 Lucy: 20

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (293)


Lydia: 18 Lydia Ann: 35 Mabel: 22 Mabel: 58 Mabel Irvin: 49 Mae: 104 Mahalia: 35 Margaret: 10 Margaret: 30 Margaret: 72 Margaret: 88 Margaret Elizabeth: 35 Margaret Emeline: 117 Margaret Jane: 17 Margaret Kathleen: 98 Margaret*: 30 Maria: 9 Mariah Mona: 34 Marilyn: 134 Marion: 105 Marjorie Jane: 70 Mary: 18 Mary: 132 Mary Alice (Hurley): 90 Mary Ann: 6 Mary Ann: 33 Mary Catherine: 4 Mary Elizabeth: 4 Mary Elizabeth: 9 Mary Jane: 11 Mary Jane: 15 Maude: 72 Maude Blanche: 30 May: 51 Maynard Hebron: 17 Melvin Faulteen: 99 Milford: 71 Milton Humbert: 74 Mina Belle: 88 Minnie: 58 Minnie Avis: 49 Minnie May: 47 Muriel: 131 Muriel Alena: 124 Myette: 26 Myrtle: 51 Myrtle: 76 Myrtle Eleanor: 116 Myrtle May: 98 Nancy: 9 Nathan A.: 45

Nathan C.: 44 Nathan Francis: 34 Nathan Levi: 12 Nellie: 46 Nellie Leota Dryden: 121 Nina Blanche: 95 Nina Dashler: 55 Nora: 70 Norman A.: 13 Olive: 116 Olive Jane: 36 Oliver W.: 45 Oscar J.: 46 Oscar J.: 47 Oscar J.: 48 Pauline Stella: 34 Pearl: 26 Pearl Victoria: 49 Percy Wallace: 92 Perley: 62 Peter: 11 Peter A.: 104 Peter Sinclair: 98 Raymond Melbourne: 95 Rena: 114 Reuben Aylwin: 85 Rhonda E.: 36 Robert: 48 Robert: 102 Robert: 120 Robert A.: 58 Robert Daniel: 98 Robert Firman: 87 Robert Stanley: 102 Robert T.: 52 Robert Valentine: 55 Robie: 28 Robie Alfred: 34 Rosanna Araset: 17 Roy: 131 Roy Glawson: 55 Roy Jamison: 89 Rupert H.: 42 Rupert Symon: 125 Russel Spurgeon: 55 Russell: 77 Russell Cripps: 50 Russell Frederick: 132 Ruth M.: 42 Sadie B.: 45 Samuel Benjamin: 35

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (294)


Samuel Frederick: 98 Samuel Lawrence: 70 Sanford S.: 45 Sarah: 10 Sarah Catherine: 87 Sarah Elizabeth: 33 Sarah Jane: 35 Sarah Mariette (Sadie): 81 Savilla: 25 Seldon A.: 30 Seldon Calvin: 34 Sheldon W.: 99 Sherry: 133 Stanley: 30 Stewart P.: 30 Susan Elizabeth: 7 Susan Z.: 44 Susannah: 25 Sylvia Faxton: 48 Teresa: 41 Teresa Margaret: 34 Thelma Maude: 130 Theodosia Garnet: 41 Theresa Arty: 59 Thomas: 63 Thomas Campbell: 82 Thomas Edmund: 20 Thomas P.: 9 Vernon Humbert: 71 Vernon Lloyd: 104 Violet May: 123 Wallace: 120 Wallace F.: 46 Walter: 55 Walter Cecil: 83 Walter James: 107 Warden Ralph: 63 Warren Russell: 63 Weldon Anthony: 47 Wellesley Harrington: 49 William A.: 95 William H.: 11 William H.: 21 William Hamilton: 80 William Henry: 33 William M.: 4 William M.: 18 Willis: 27 Willis P: 28 Winifred: 53 Winnie: 71

Worden A.: 18 Worden Albert Beckwith: 15 Wylie Sanford: 45

Hunt - Edna Frances: 67

Hunter - Andrew: 68

J Jaastad -

Genevieve: 67

James - Margaret E.: 58

Jayne - Florence Elizabeth: 107 George Edward: 107 Harry Edmond: 107 Helen: 107 Henrietta: 107 John David: 107 John William: 106 Mary Alice: 107 Myrtle Lillian: 107 William John: 107

Jennings - Alexander H: 68 Audrey: 68 Eluah: 68 Laura: 68 Lloyd: 68 Rawlings: 68 Van?: 68

Johnson - Albert: 66 Frank: 112 Frank: 112 Helen May: 111 Sarah: 112

Jones - Edith: 76

Josey - Arilda: 96 Emanuel Uriah: 96 William Henry: 35

K Kaler -

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (295)


Anna Mary Catherine: 2

Kane - Lois Saint Jean: 118

Kaulback - Fred St. Clair: 94

Kennedy - John: 72 Sarah "Mae": 105

Kenney - Mr.: 104

Kolodziejczak - Rita Marion Charlotte: 113

Lafluer - Napoleon D.: 30

Laing - Jean: 28

L Langille -

Mable Mae: 132 Roy: 89

Lawlor - Emma: 77 George: 96 Stella Mildred: 99

Leadbetter - Mary: 108

Leck - G. A.: 29

Leeson - Amos: 69

Leonard - Mary E.: 127 Robert L.: 127 William: 127

Lingard - Pauline "Polly" Alice: 124

Little - Simon: 40

Lloy - Eliza Melvina: 41

Logan - James: 33 Margaret Ann: 35

Longard -

George Robert: 27

Lovelace - George: 111

M Macdonald -

Ada May ?: 87 Allan Ramsey: 9 Allan Ramsey: 25 Caroline: 10 George: 28 Geraldine Edna: 119 James: 10 Jean: 28 Jean: 29 Lydia: 10 Mary Catherine: 10 Michael: 92 Norman: 10 Norman: 28 Robert Wilkie: 28 Sarah: 28 Sarah A.: 10 William Stewart: 92

Macfarland - Erma Irene: 112

Macintosh - Elfreda: 29

Mackay - Unnamed: 121

Mackintosh - Bertha M. (Bertie): 128

MacLean - George: 95 Sarah Rachel: 73

Manuel - Edgar Franklyn: 72 Melbourne: 134

Marchant - E.M.: 56 Eva: 57

Marshall - Gordon: 108 Harry: 110 Helen: 110 Marion 110

Martin -

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (296)


Maggie: 31 Sarah Frances: 21

Mason - Edwin: 77 Joseph Augustus: 77 Martha Ella: 77 Robert E.: 81 Sarah: 29 William: 34

McCafferty - Jack M: 123

McCully - George Sherman: 89

McDonald - Allan Ramsey: 2 Byron: 62 Catherine: 2 Ella M.: 62 Gordon: 62 Jean: 55 Neil: 62

McFadden - Margaret I.: 116

McIntyre - Sally: 130

McKay - Albert: 78 Alexander: 32 Angus: 32 Charles: 78 Clarance: 78 Clyde: 77 James: 31 James: 32 James William: 77 Jane: 32 Jeanette: 111 John: 78 Joseph: 77 Leroy: 78 Margaret A.: 32 Mary: 77 Mathew: 77 Millie: 77 Patrick: 77 Samuel Francis: 77 Sara: 32 Wallace: 78

McKenzie -

Joanna: 17

McLennan - Lennie Belle: 74

McLeod - Charles Frank Henry: 96 Elwood: 124

McNeill - Lillie: 61

Mcnu*tt - George: 88

Meisner - Malcom: 133

Merril - Edward: 110 Gordon: 110 Henry: 110 Herbert: 110 Margaret: 110

Miller - Annie L.: 64

Minich - Joshua: 20

Monroe - Richard: 35

Mont - John R.: 76

Montague - Alan: 121 David: 121 John: 121 Ruth: 121

Montieth - Arthur Irving: 126 John R.: 126 Russell: 126

Mooney - Doris: 112 Frank: 112 Frank: 112

Morash - Lydia Jane: 25

Morgan - Edith: 87

Morton - George W.: 57

Moser -

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (297)


Kathleen Pearl: 125 Lydia Ann: 51 Mary Jane: 48

Mosher - Edmund E: 127 Margaret Jane: 71 Ruth E.: 127

Munro - Nancy: 37

Murphy - Prosper: 60 Stanley: 60

Murray - Goodwill: 87

Myatt - Jacques Francis: 106

Myra - Henry: 53

N Naugle -

Ellen Elizabeth: 69

Newhall - Benjamin H: 51

Nickerson - Mary Alice: 66

Noel - Sarah Agnes: 101

Northrup - Mahala: 43

O O'Brien -

Dorothy: 124 Paul William: 112 Peter: 130

O'Donnell - Dorothy: 100

P Page -

George Elliott: 67 Lora Alice: 67

Parker - Eliza: 28

Katherine: 68

Parks - Viola Beatrice: 73

Patterson - Alfred James "Pat": 90

Paul - John: 101 John D.: 101 John E: 101 Susan J: 101 William G.: 101 William G.: 101

Payne - Helen Isabel: 122

Penney - Lucy: 113

Peters - William Aloysius: 69

Pettit - Edith Mary: 68

Pickering - Charles: 65

Pineo - James Rupert: 116

Poland - Albert: 36

Pond - Mary W.: 44

Power - Ann: 106 Charles Anthony: 36 Gladys: 131 Harold Raymond: 70 John F.: 131 William Gordon: 99

Prest - Alvin Curtis: 94 Audrey Gladys: 94 Earnest Maurice: 94 Edna May: 94 Ella Joy: 94 Harry Wilmont: 81 Harry Wilmont: 93 Hazel Frances "Nellie": 93 Isaac Mortimer: 93 Katie Demill: 93 Mona Theresa: 94

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (298)


Sydney Guy: 94 Whyman Chesley: 94 Winnie Estella: 93

Pridham - Esther Jane: 64 Pauline K.: 22

Puddington - Edmund Kelley: 54

Pulsifer - Anne: 122 Henry: 122 Howard: 122 Laurie: 122 Nelson: 122 Roy Arthur: 122

Pulsifier - Ada: 29

Purcell - James: 49

Pye - Charles Gordon: 111 Chester Eben: 112 Clayton Burleigh: 112 Dexter Amory: 112 Edith Corrine: 112 Ellen Elizabeth: 111 Gladys Alva: 111 Grace Gertrude: 112 Hollis Granville: 112 James Douglas: 111 Jesse: 111 Jesse Budman: 111 Jesse Franklin: 112 Lester Eugene: 112 Minnie Mae: 111 Reginald Lorne Robert: 111 Willette Ruth: 113

R Rainey -

Samuel: 111

Randall - Zacheus J.V.: 6

Rawlinson - Bruce: 119

Rayne - Earl K: 125

Redden - Rozalind Rita: 75

Redmond - James: 29

Reid - Cora: 94

Renner - John: 107

Richardson - Basil Lyman: 67 Carrie Aramina: 67 Earle Edwin: 66 Ernest Burton: 66 Gladys I.: 65 Issac Burton: 66 Jean Elizabeth: 67 Mary [Mamie] Ellen: 67 Priscilla: 12

Ricker - John: 19 Leona Johnson: 19 Madeline C.: 64 Samuel H.: 19

Roast - Clarence Edward: 56 Godfrey: 56 Ida May: 56 Lillie R: 56 May B.: 56 Thomas: 55 William Harry: 56

Roberts - Susan: 38

Robertson - Elizabeth: 116

Robinson - Benjamin Thomas: 107 Campbell: 93

Romkey - Aline: 133

Russell - Agnes: 39 Alexander: 97

S Sanderson -

Edith: 109

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (299)


Gardner: 109 Greta: 109 Jean Marie: 109 Lloyd: 109

Sangster - Elmer: 71

Scarr - Mary Ellen: 39

Scott - Frank: 32

Sear - Frederick D.: 51

Sears - Burton Gifford: 42 Ernest F.: 114 Luther H.: 114

Sewell - Barbara: 111 Edgar: 111 Edgar: 111

Shandle - Stewart: 28

Shanks - Florence Patricia: 107

Shellnut - Angelina: 77

Shepherd - Marguerite M.: 127

Sheppard - Lorne: 124

Slauenwhite - Henry Wellesley: 107

Slaunwhite - William: 98

Small - Edward F.: 7

Smeltzer - Hannah: 27 Lucy Ann: 22

Smith - Dorothy Aileen: 74 Esther Hortense: 67 Leana Elmore: 111 Maureen: 109

Snyder - Effie Amelia: 98

Effie Amelia: 99 Mary Catherine: 98

Southard - Malcom: 110

Spanks - Margaret E.: 114

Sparrow - Barrington: 68

Spears - Pearl Etta: 83

Stevenson - David: 134

Stoddard - Maurice Edmund: 96

Strachan - Laura Etta: 18

Street - A.E.: 54 Benjamin C.: 54 Lilly Blanche: 54

Stuart - Griselda Catherine: 95

Swimey - Joseph W.: 58

Swinemar - Annie Lorenda: 47

T Thompson -

J: 130 Myrtle Estelle: 128 Richard: 6

Thomson - Cecil: 115

Thurston - Emma Marie: 55

Tilley - Daisy: 43 Sophia: 42

Trefry - Douglas: 115

Triscott - Charles: 17

Trueman - Cecilia Fay: 65

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (300)


Dora May: 65 Joseph: 65 Nina Pearl: 65 Norma Carlene: 65 Sidney Slater: 65

Turner - Harriet: 54

U Umlah -

Bert: 76 Isabella: 76 Joshua: 75 Neil: 76

V Valentine -

Frank: 95

Venner - George Victor: 68 Harley Stanley: 68 Marjorie Margaret: 68 Maude Emily: 68 Roy: 68 Samuel: 68 Samuel Gordon: 68 Violet: 68

W Walker -

John: 67 Samuel Lennox 108

Walkinshaw - Eleanor Marie: 121

Wamboldt - Elias Andrew/Henry: 36

Wambolt - Janet: 35

Warner - Grace H: 52 Harriett: 52 Henry S.: 52

Warren - Maria: 94

Way - Albert: 70

Wessell - Adam: 101 Esther: 101 Jennie M: 101 John E: 101 Laura L: 101 Maggie: 101

Westhaver - Benjamin: 108 Joseph: 24 Lottie: 104 Margaret Melissa: 102 Mary Alice: 108 Walter Medford: 108

White - George Austin: 6

Whitman - Ella Maude: 78 Elma Winifred: 79 Kent Alexander: 79 Levi: 78 Stella Mae Wilson: 78

Whynought - Mary Susanna Elizabeth: 5

Wignot - Jacob: 109 Richard Gordon: 109 Robert Lawrence: 109

Wilnoff - Idella Pauline: 125

Winton - Mary Annie: 59

Wolfe - Evelyn: 108 Lucy Edna: 131

Wood - Alden Stokes: 113 Donald Franklin: 113 Margaret: 88 Philip Stokes: 113

Worcester - George W.: 51

Wyatt - Clyde: 61 Earl: 61 Francis: 61 Frederick: 61

Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 … Introduction to Chapter 4 Descendants of GEORGE BERNHARD HUBLEY 1769 - 1850/1 - [PDF Document] (301)


Frederick J.: 61 Richard: 61

Y Yeadon -

Alice: 29 Isaac: 76

Z Zinn -

James Studley: 70

Zwicker - Blanche 133 Jesse Mae 62


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